Kazuki, The Vampire Hunter

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You can't kill them!
I will. You know my beliefs and what I think of the scum!
But why? I'm one of them and- and you love me! So can't you love the rest of them?
Never. Your an exception.
There are others just like me.
I doubt it. Now step aside.
No! I won't let you!
Then I will have to kill you.
W...what. But I thought you...
I love you. But if you want to defend those beasts I will assume you are just like the rest. And I will kill you.
What's your choice?
W-wait. You would kill me?
Don't make me wait.
Kazu please!-
Your. answer. *reaches for hilt of sword*
...Fine. Go. But tell me, why would you kill me?
Love runs deep my dear, but not that far.

He feels as if he has no priority to justify himself other than saying it's because of his hatred of vampires. He holds grudges easily and dislikes vampires because of his ability to hold grudges. His whole family was killed by a vampire and he was the sole survivor. His life goal now is to murder any vampire that tries to fight him. On the other hand, he loves all other people and is willing to do the most radical things to make a person happy. He would give his heart to a child if it would make them live. But, not a vampire child. The child will probably take advantage of the heart according to the hunter. Ironically, he falls in love with a vampire. She wasn't a vampire at first when they fell in love. Right before their marriage she got turned into a vampire. Ever since then he's been trying to get her back to normal while dealing with the struggle that she's been turned into a monster. Overall, he's a caring guy who just can't seem to let go.

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