Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabr...

Por Gabriels_Wings

763K 40.5K 101K

Highschool/Soulmates AU The Novak's and Winchester's live in a world where everything is grey, up until you m... Más

1 - How About a Cliché Start?
2 - Dean and Cas are Forgetful Idiots
3 - Charlie Plotting and Rainbow Glitter
4 - The Trickster Gets Pranked
5 - Lying Never Helps
6 - Gabe and Cas Aren't Idiots
7 - Pranks and Totally Not a Date
8 - No Colours and More Colours
9 - From Notes to an Introduction
10 - The Beginning of Relationships
11 - Dean Can't English to Castiel
12 - The Beginning of Feels
13 - Yay for Cliché Carnivals
14 - A Few Feels
15 - Mall of Ships
16 - Pranks and Sabriel
17 - Sam's A Tease...So Is Gabe
18 - I Felt Bad For John
19 - Not Exactly Sleep Walking
20 - Suspicious
21 - Grey?
22 - You Promised You'd Always Be There
23 - Memories
24 - Brothers Will Always Be There
25 - A Single Man Tear
26 - Reenactment
27 - I Miss You
28 - Road to Recovery
29 - Author Feels Awkward
30 - Soulmates
31 - Under the Glow of Fairy Lights
32 - Shipping
33 - School's Out
34 - Snow Day
35 - Goodbye My Innocence
36 - These Unknown Colours
38 - Memory Trip
39 - Once Again With The Fairy Lights
40 - Together
Author's Note

37 - Written in the Stars

14.2K 736 2.8K
Por Gabriels_Wings

The song's for later in the chapter, I just randomly found it and it fit ^_^

1 year later...

"Dean, you're fine," Sam said, looking at his older brother.

"Are you sure do I look completely fine is everything set up is everything—"

"Dean, calm down. Everything is perfect."

It was Dean and Cas's second year at college, and a year since Dean had proposed to Cas. Sam and Gabe were in their final year of high school, and everyone else was doing well.

"Are you sure?" Dean asked.

"Yes," Sam said. He reached out to straighten Dean's tie. "You've spent a lot of time planning this, everything is great."

"Okay," Dean said. Sam smiled down at him.

"Can't leave Cas waiting now can you?"

"Yeah," Dean said, brightening significantly at the mention of Cas.

And now over to Cas.

"Cassie come on, we both know Dean is worrying enough for the both of you."

"Yeah but—"

"Cassie shut up."

Cas glared at Satan.

Cas was with all of his siblings who were all dressed up for the occasion.

The occasion, if you haven't already guessed, is Dean and Castiel's wedding.

(I don't know much about weddings, but I'm going to try)

They weren't getting married at anywhere too fancy, it was a nice field type place with a gazebo and chairs set up for all the guests.

Cas and Dean were currently both in the building nearby having spent ages getting ready. Most of the guests were already sitting, other than the families of the couple.

"You ready?" Sam said, and Dean nodded. He walked out of the room to where John was waiting.

"Cassie you good?" Gabe asked and Cas nodded. He walked out to where...well Chuck wasn't there because Chuck was officiating the wedding because you know, he's god. So Becky was waiting.

And so the parents of the couples walked them out to the start of the isle. And because they're both guys, they decided to walk down together.

They both had black suits on, Cas with a black shirt and black tie, Dean with a white shirt and white tie.

They reached the start of the isle and the parents let their kids go, leaving Dean and Cas to walk to each other and link arms. Dean smiled down at Cas as they waited for just a moment, drinking in the others appearance on this dear occasion.

"You ready angel?" Dean said quietly.

"Never been more ready in my life," Cas replied, smiling up at him.

And so they walked down the isle, everyone else watching them.

Cas nudged Dean slightly as they walked and Dean looked down to see Cas giving him the brightest, happiest smile he'd ever seen. Dean returned the smile, and everyone else was just giving them happy looks, with such adoration for the couple.

They reached the altar and turned to face each other. Sam and Gabe were standing to the sides, being their brothers chosen best man, and Charlie was there anyway because she was annoyed that she couldn't be the maid of honour for anyone.

Dean and Cas linked hands, facing each other as everyone else watched. Their families and friends were all there, as well as all the fans reading this because they were all invited too.

Chuck was officiating the wedding because he's god and he smiled as he looked at his adopted son and his soulmate.

They went through all that reading stuff that goes on for ages, and Dean and Cas both kind of blocked it out, staring into each other's eyes. Their eye colour, the first colour either of them ever saw, the signification that the other was their soulmate.

Because I don't actually know when they get the rings, let's do that now.

Samandriel was the ring bearer, being the youngest out of everyone, and he brought the rings up to the couple on a pillow. They were both silver with a small gem on each. A green gem for Cas's, and a blue one for Dean's. Can you guess why?

Dean put the green one on Cas's finger, Cas put the blue on his. And still they had those smiles of just complete happiness. Dean smiled as he looked at the ring that perfectly matched Cas's eye colour.

Okay, so vows.

(I thought a lot about this, weddings are hard)

"I believe you've written vows," Chuck said. Dean and Cas nodded. They'd written them together, because why not?

"So Cas," Dean started, laughing slightly. "Vows, okay."

"You're an idiot," Cas said lovingly.

"I'm your idiot," Dean replied. "Okay. We got off to a rocky start,"

"And maybe you kinda rejected me," Cas continued.

"But that's in the past and I promise now that I'll always be there for you,"

"And I for you, for better or for worse,"

"Through sickness and health,"

"Through heaven and hell,"

"Through purgatory and the apocalypse,"

"Psychotic families and Satan,"

"Comas and car crashes,"

"And not even death will pull us apart."

"Forever and always," Dean said, leaning forward to press his forehead against Cas's.

"Until the end of the line," Cas said, smiling up at Dean.

"Because my angel, I'll always need you."

"And Dean I couldn't live without you."

"So I promise angel, to love you forever."

"And I promise my soulmate, forever I'll love you."

Everyone aww'd and seriously, Dean and Cas really wanted to kiss each other right now but they're not allowed to do that yet.

Chuck smiled at them.

"Dean," he said. "Do you take Castiel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Dean said.

"Castiel," Chuck said. "Do you take Dean to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Cas said.

"Then I now pronounce you two hella gay and finally married," Chuck said. Cas and Dean laughed. "Now kiss each other, we all know you want to."

And finally, Dean leaned down as Cas leaned up, pressing their lips against each other. And for them, the entire world around them vanished as it just them, the kiss and the rings on their fingers.

They pulled away quicker than they wanted because people were watching, to hear cheers and applause.

"Hey Cas," Dean said.


"We're married."

Cas laughed and kissed Dean softly again.

"You guys should go before we have to see you making out," Gabe said, walking over to them, Sam also walking up to them.

Dean and Cas laughed and Dean held his arm out for Cas, who linked his arm with Dean's. They walked down from the altar to where everyone was waiting to congratulate them. But most people were waiting for the reception later.

(I just had an idea but that's more of a Sabriel thing)

So they went and got into a car set up to take them to the reception, which was in a nice building not far from them. But they were all fancy so they got a limo.

They may have stolen Luci's credit card again.

"Cas," Dean said, looking at his husband with a smile.

"Hey Dean," Cas said, leaning up to kiss Dean as they sat in the limo.

"Hey Castiel Winchester," Dean said with a smirk. They had decided that Cas would take Dean's name since technically Novak was only his adopted name.

"Never thought I'd say this, but I am so glad I got drunk at a party one time," Cas said, leaning against Dean's side while looking up at him.

"Even if you didn't, we would've met anyway," Dean said. "Soulmates, there's no way we could avoid it."

"Maybe we wouldn't have had so much trouble figuring things out," Cas said.

"Yeah, but that's what makes this special," Dean said, putting an arm around Cas. "And I'd never ask for anything different."

"You're going to be all cute and lovey for a while, aren't you?" Cas teased.

"Don't get used to it Winchester," Dean said, smiling. Cas smiled up at him, resting his head on Dean's shoulder.

They arrived at the venue of the reception, walking into the room already set up. Other people were walking around and all looked up as the couple walked in, smiling at the two that were just so obviously in love.

Let's just skip forward a bit for the sake of I don't know what happens right now.

So all the guests were sitting down at tables, while Dean and Cas sat on a table with their closest family. Which meant their parents and one brother. The rest of the Novak's had a table to themselves and they were causing havoc.

And then John called for everyones attention, because hey speeches are a thing, aren't they.

"So," John started. "Yeah that's right, I'm nice John, I get to speak at the damn wedding."

"Not you too," Michael could be heard. "Luce you've got work to do."

"If you can't tell," John said. "These two are soulmates, and I honestly couldn't ask for anyone better for Dean. Castiel, you changed everything for him, and seriously I may act like a child and throw rainbow glitter around, but from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you. Thank you for making Dean the person he is today." Cas smiled at John as Dean wound his fingers through Cas's.

"Now, embarrassing stories because that's what I'm here for," John said. "Dean thought there was a ghost in the house once. He got iron out and put salt everywhere. Literally everywhere. Then thought he saw the ghost and fell down the stairs."

"That was a real ghost dammit," Dean said.

"Or we could talk about the time you were trying to fight fairies," John said. "Or the time you got so drunk that you though a lamp was Sam and spent all night talking to it."

Cas was laughing by now and Dean was blushing.

"Or maybe we could talk about that time you locked yourself in the school after breaking in and Bobby had to get you out before anyone else noticed. Perhaps even that time you had to go to the doctor because Sam glued a beer bottle to your hand."

"Please stop Dad," Dean muttered into a hand, Cas smiling with a comforting hand on his back.

John just smiled. "Here's to the new married couple." He held up his glass and then walked back to his seat.

And then Chuck because why not.

"I'm going to keep this short," Chuck said. "Castiel I adopted you all those years ago, and hey look at you now. You've got a lazy soulmate who doesn't do much." Dean gave Chuck an offended look. "Hey that sounds a little like me. You two though, I'm proud of you, and I'm happy for you. And I couldn't write an entire speech because writing is hard, so." He held up his glass in a toast and then went back to his seat.

Sam and Gabe went next, together because they're inseparable.

"Deano and Cassie," Gabe said. "It's about time."

"You guys could've just gotten married that night," Sam said. "Seriously, no one would've cared."

"Yeah we would've supported it," Gabe said, shrugging.

"Gabe you were the one who pulled me away from Dean in the first place," Cas said.

"Shh Cassie no one needs to know," Gabe said. "Now. We've pranked these idiots."

"We've tried to push them together," Sam said.

"Yeah, but we love them," Gabe said. "I mean, they're our older brothers."

"And we couldn't ask for anyone better for them," Sam said. "If I'm not there to look after Dean then I'm glad Cas is."

"And Deano, I'm glad you're there to let Cas to—" Sam put a hand over Gabriel's mouth.

Dean was giving them a mortified look while Cas was confused.

"Let's drop that shall we," Sam said. "Continuing on." He released Gabe who was just smirking.

"Dean, don't ever go into a coma," Gabe said.

"Cas don't ever look like you're cheating," Sam said.

"Don't lose the colours," Gabe said. "Because without them you're lost."

"Could say the same to you," Dean said. He stood up suddenly. "I know this is my wedding day but here's to soulmates. Because we always have someone by our side, someone who cares for us. Sam has Gabe, I have Cas, many others of you out there have someone. So here's to colours." He held his glass up and everyone toasted to it, clapping.

Dean sat back beside Cas and Cas smiled at him. "There was a time you hated the idea of soulmates."

"Yeah, well look who I have now," Dean said, smiling brightly at Cas and kissing him gently.

"Okay bitches," Charlie said, stealing the microphone. "I speak for the fans. You two are hella gay for each other, we all ship you, you ever do something that ends with more feels and we'll kill you as well as the author. Got it lovebirds?"

"Sure Charlie," Dean said, laughing. "Don't worry, we won't do anything stupid."

"Good," Charlie said. "Don't crash any cars."

"I'm driving," Cas said.

"What? But Baby..."

"Dean, I can look after a car."

"She's not just a car."

"I can look after...our baby."

Dean smiled at Cas and pulled him into a hug. "I love you Cas."

"I love you too Dean," Cas replied.

"Okay, we're running out of room in this chapter," Charlie said. "So hurry up and have your dance."

Dean and Cas laughed and walked out to the dance floor.

(Only going to write out some of the lyrics, but the song is with the chapter...hah I wasn't cliché, I spent ages finding a random song that fit)

Cas put his arms around Dean's neck, Dean put his arms around Cas's waist, and they began to slowly sway as the music started playing.

It was a song they'd found once, Written in the Stars by Westlife, one of those soulmate songs, but they both liked it a lot because of some of the words.

Stay with me

Don't fall asleep too soon

The angels can wait for a moment

Come real close

Forget the world outside

Tonight we're alone

It's finally you and I

Dean smiled down at Cas, leaning his forehead against Cas's again. Cas smiled and bopped his nose against Dean's, to which Dean just laughed.

Don't be afraid

I'll be right by your side

Through the laughter and pain

Together we're bound to fly

Dean looked down at his angel, because the song was definitely right, with Cas he felt like he could fly, and never would he get used to that feeling of such happiness.

I made a few mistakes, yeah

Like sometimes we do

Cas looked up at Dean, remembering the mistake he'd done, what had broken them for the first and only time.

Been through lot of heartache

But I made it back to you

Dean remembered the heartbreak, the coma, yet after all of that he was fine, and he came back to Cas. This song, with four lines could describe their biggest struggles yet with the rest show their happiness at the same time, they could relate to it so much. Which is why they chose it.

When I look at my life

How the pieces fall into place

It just wouldn't rhyme without you

When I see how my path

Seem to end up before your face

The state of my heart

The place where we are

Was written in the stars

"Cas, I love you," Dean said. "More than anything."

"I love you too Dean," Cas replied. "Forever."

The state of my heart

The place where we are

Was written in the stars

And so as the song faded away, the soulmates, the married couple, Dean and Castiel Winchester, kissed each other in the dull lighting of the room. And neither of them could be happier or ask for anything more than the soulmate they had received.


Okay...how'd I do? I don't know much about weddings ^_^ But anyway, I do have an idea for a cute Sabriel proposal sooo....

God this chapter got long, I just looked at the word count. Woah. And this entire book is now as long as my actual novel. Woah. 


Anyway ^_^ *Gives everyone wedding cake and wedding pie because Dean wanted pie*

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