The Walking Dead

Von WillBrennan7

98.5K 182 192

Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... Mehr

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
Season 3 Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 11
Season 3 Episode 12
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions
4x08 Mid-Season Finale
4x18 Season Finale
Season 5 Episode Titles And Descriptions
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer
5x01 Sneak Peeks
5x08 MID-SEASON FINALE (A Must Read)
Season 6 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 6 Trailer
Season 7 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 7 Trailer
7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE
Season 8 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 8 Trailer
8x01 Sneak Peeks
Update/ New Titles And Descriptions
8x12 Epilogue
Fun Facts #1-5
Final 12 Trailer
New Finale Title
Fun Facts Part 2
Top 5 Anthony Speeches
Top 10 Characters
Top 10 Episodes


50 0 0
Von WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 8

Episode 21


Previously On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"My dad, Amy and Ben are the leaders" Max says, as Ben and Amy stand with each other. "I believe you'll be a great leader one day" Amy tells Sam, as he and Heather lie together, smiling. "We need a contingency plan" Hannah says, as the group stands at the hospital. "They need to know how to fight" Hannah says, as the large group fires guns. "Nick?" Sam says, as he sees the arrow in his cousin's neck. "NO" Amy shouts, as Ben is hit with an arrow, and so is Joe. A truck drives through the wall, as walkers start to head towards it, as Sam cries over his cousin's body.

The fire burned in the first section of the town. The smoke reached the blue sky, and black could only be seen above them. There were growls coming down the road, as the walkers headed forward. They went so far, that not all could be seen. Hannah looked horrified, before she jumped up.

Walkers headed towards her, but she sliced into their heads. She stabbed another two, before kicking the next few away. "SOMEONE, HELP" she shouted. She picked up her assault rifle and began taking walkers down, but it was doing nothing.

Vivian ran to the wall, shouted "GO", and began taking the walkers around Hannah out, as Jason ran out of the wall. He sliced two with the machete, before leading Hannah inside, followed by the walkers. "We have to get into one of those towers" Hannah said, as she saw people in them taking the walkers down. "We can't risk opening the other wall." "Got it" said Jason.

Vivian dropped down from the wall and stabbed a walker in the head, as Max ran over. He hit one with his machine gun, before firing a few down. "GET BACK, VIV" he shouted, as he kept firing. "I'm not letting you go down, too" Vivian said, firing at the walkers as well.

Hannah and Jason ran towards a tower, when they turned back, and saw people taking a stand. "We can't leave them" Hannah said, turning back and running forward. Jason looked furious before following and screaming "KEEP 'EM BACK."

The two joined the guards, as they began picking many of the walkers off. However, one grabbed a man's leg, and he was bit on the knee. "JEFF" Max shouted, stabbing the walker, but one grabbed him. Hannah chopped its arms off, before pulling max back. Walkers began to swarm Jeff, as Hannah said, "Turn back, now."

The group ran back towards a tower, as the walkers followed them. Hannah pulled the door opened, as the group headed in. Hannah sliced off two more heads, before joining them inside. Max looked out the window, as he saw the walker's banging on the door, but the rest that began to roam around the place. "What're we gonna do?" he asked, looking towards Hannah. She looked out, and didn't seem to have an answer.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

William stabbed a walker in the head, as he heard the cries of Andrew a few feet away. He turned back, and saw the teenage boy crying over his lost love. Adam was shaking, as the tears streamed down his face. Sam had dried tears on his face, but he wasn't crying. He looked enraged.

Adam bent over his son, as drool came pouring from his mouth. "Ni...Nick...Ni" was all he could say, before placing a kiss on his son's head. William had tears in his eyes as he watched the transaction, before he stabbed another walker in the face.

Heather looked out at the walkers that were surrounding the hospital, and that were eating the bodies of the dead nearby. Ted approached her, as Heather asked "Did you see where they were?" Ted sighed, and said "I saw Will and Adam run out there, but that was it. They were probably going for Sam and Nick." Heather looked out, as Ted placed a hand on her shoulder and said "Don't worry. They'll be back. If they're not back in ten minutes, we'll go for them." Heather looked at him, and nodded.

Terry sat on his bed, looking down at his bare feet. He just stared down, still to afraid to leave the room. Suddenly, he heard gunshots and screams, before there was a knock on the downstairs door. He looked out of his room, and heard the banging on the door from the floor below him. He looked around the hallway, looking fore anyone that could go and get it. He sighed, before walking down the steps.

He pulled the door opened and saw a few members of the town standing before him. "Terry" said Bobby, with a worried expression on his face. "We have to get to the wall now?" "What happened?" Terry asked, looking out towards the wall. "There's a herd" Bobby said. "They broke through the wall. The guards are trapped in a tower, but the walkers saw some of us in here. They're pushing in." Terry looked at him, before saying "You all need to get weapons. Meet me there." They all nodded before running off.

He ran up the steps to his room and tossed a black t-shirt on, before he walked to the window. He looked out and saw the smoke, as well as walkers piling in. He put on his belt with his gun, before grabbing his machete and running out.

Adam held his son in his arms, as Andrew still had tears running down his face. Sam just looked out into the trees, still furious. Adam cried onto his son's body, as Sam said "We need to go now." William stabbed an oncoming walker, as Adam did not move. "Sam" Andrew said, his voice shaking. "Not yet." "No" said Sam, standing up. "We need to regroup with the others and head back home We don't know if they could've been attacked. We need to go, now." William looked back at Sam, and then down at Adam. "Sam" he said. "He just lost his son. We need to let him grieve."

Sam looked at William said "I just lost my cousin, and I'm still grieving, but we need to grieve later. We can't just wait here and let the others die. We need to make a plan." "Sam" Andrew said, still with tears coming down his face. "We're not ready. He's not ready" and he jerked his head towards Adam.

Sam looked at his uncle, before approaching, and getting onto his knees. "Uncle Adam" Sam said. "You have no idea how sorry I am. We all just lost someone very close to us." Adam still looked down at Nick, whose eyes were opened, staring up at Adam. Sam got closer and said "Nick was a fighter, and a survivor, but Sebastian took that away from him. Right now, we have to go and kill them." Adam still stared at Nick. "Uncle Adam, Nick would want you to keep going. He'd want you, with us, to kill Sebastian and that group, and then to mourn him later. He wouldn't want you sitting here, waiting to die."

Adam stared down at his son, before picking his head up sand looking at Andrew. "He loved you" Adam said. "He really did." Andrew looked at Adam, and simply nodded. Adam looked next to him at Sam and said "We're taking him with us." Sam looked at his uncle, and nodded. Adam looked back at his son's eyes, before closing them with his fingers.

Vivian stood at the top of the tower, with her rifle in hand. She turned back, as she saw Hannah climbing up the ladder. The two women stood up there, before Vivian asked "How're we gonna get them out of here?" Hannah looked down at the herd and said "When the others get back, they'll see the herd, and they'll lead them away with the cars. That's the best course of action we can take." Vivian looked over at Hannah and said "We don't know if they weren't attacked, too." Hannah looked at Vivian and said "Yeah, we don't."

Amy leaned against the back of the seat in the car, as Jarrod climbed in. "Hey" he said, reaching a bottle of water out to her. "You need to drink something." Amy looked over at him, and said "I just lost my husband and son. I don't have time to drink anything. Let me grieve." Jarrod looked at her, and said "You deserve to grieve, but Bella wants you to have something. She needs to know you're not broken. Let her know you're not. She just lost her dad and brother. Don't let her lose her mom, too." He placed the water on the floor, before stepping out. Amy looked down at the water, before picking it up, and taking a sip.

Ted walked back to Jarrod, Hector, and Bella, as Hector asked "Did you see anyone out there?" Ted shook his head, as Jarrod said "Where could they be?" "Oh my god" they heard Heather say. They turned back, and saw the Sa and the others approaching, covered in blood. Adam held his son in his arms, as Ted placed his hands on his head, as tears began to fall from Heather's eyes. She approached Sam, and asked "What happened?" "He went down" Sam said, as they looked at Andrew. "Andy" heather said, grabbing his hand. He looked at her, as she saw the pain in his eyes.

Sam looked back at everyone, who were all sad and worried. He climbed onto a car and said "Listen up." They all looked over at him, as he said "Now, I know that you all lost someone today. But, we can't stop now. The group that attacked us, they probably hit home. We need to be prepared for when we head back. We could have lost people, or worse. We don't want worse. I know you're all sad and grieving, but we can't give up now. We have to go back and end this." They all looked at him and nodded. "Let's go" he called, and they all broke apart. Amy sat in the car, as a small grin crept on her face.

Max and Jason looked out the windows, as they saw the walkers that surrounded the place. "Should we just wait for an opening?" Max asked. "No" said Jason. "There's way to many, we can't risk it. We just have to wait 'til the others get back." Suddenly, a man behind them knocked over a tray of metal tools, and a loud clang was heard. "Oh shit" Max said, as the walkers banged against the door and windows. One banged against the glass, and it broke. A woman next to it screamed, as the walker grabbed her and bit her neck. She screamed, as the door began to crack. "GET UP THE LADDER" Jason shouted, as he sent his machete into the woman's head.

Everyone began climbing the ladder, as the door broke opened. Jason sliced into a walker's head, as Max pushed a few back. "GO, MAX" Jason shouted, shooting the walkers down. Max climbed up the ladder, as Jason pushed them back. He went to climb the ladder as well, and he got up a few rungs, but the walkers grabbed his feet. He kicked them back, but their grip was still on him.

Max drew a pistol, turned back, shouted "MOVE", and as Jason did, Max shot at a few walkers. Jason kicked a few away, before he began climbing the ladder again. They all reached the top, as Hannah hugged him, and Jason said "I'm okay. Don't worry about me." She smiled, as the walkers below growled.

Adam looked down at the tarp that covered his son's body. He saw the blood stains on it, and felt sickened. Sam looked at him, and felt terrible. "He was happy" Adam said. Sam looked at his uncle's red eyes. Adam stared at Sam, and said "I was so happy that he was happy. He was gonna have a life here with Andrew. He was working on construction. He wanted to make a difference. He can't now. He's gone." Sam looked at his uncle and said "He's only gone if you forget about him." Adam looked at Sam, and nodded his head once, before grabbing his son's cold hand. Sam felt the tears swimming at his eyes, but he held them back.

Andrew stared out the window, with tears at his eyes. "Andy" Heather said. He looked at her, as she said "Nick is still here with you, okay? He'll always be here, and I know, he doesn't want you to feel this way. He wants you to live on without him." "But" Andrew said. "I don't want to." Heather looked at his red eyes and said "Nobody wants to live without their love, but if their love is gone, and that love truly loved them, they'd want them to live on." Andrew looked at her, as she said "I know Nick truly loved you." Andrew simply nodded, as Heather too his hand, and wrapped her arm around him.

William sat in the drivers seat, driving the van down the road. "You don't think we'll face anything bad, right?" Ted asked. "What do you mean?" William asked, looking over at him. Ted sighed and said "You don't think we lost anyone?" William looked down, before looking out the windshield. "OH SHIT" he shouted, slamming on the brake. There was a large herd in front of them, and the walkers turned and began to o towards them.

Ted looked out the window and shouted "GO BACK" to the other car, but they didn't here. The walkers began to surround the four cars, and they had nowhere to go. Sam jumped to the front of the car, and asked "Is there an opening?" "No" said William, as they looked at the herd banging against them. "Shit" William said, smacking the wheel.

Vivian aimed her rifle down towards the herd, as she saw the one's in the back surrounding something. "Oh no" she said. "What is it?" Hannah asked, aiming her rifle. She saw it too, and said "That's got to be the others." "What's happening?" Jason asked, when they heard a voice shout "OVER HERE." They turned back, and saw Terry on the wall with a few others, all holding assault rifles.

Terry began shooting down at the walkers, and shouted "THIS IS THE BEST KINDA TARGET PRACTICE, GUYS." The others aimed down their rifles and began firing, even though they were terrible shots. "AIM FOR THE HEAD" Terry screamed over his rifle, as more and more walkers came piling over. They followed his advice, and the walkers began going down faster.

A man ran out of ammo in his clip, and said "Terry, I'm out." "THERE'S AMMO IN MY BAG" he shouted, shooting the walkers. The man reached into Terry's bag and began taking a clip. He turned back, and his gun knocked into Terry's head. He fell back, and went right over the wall and into the herd.

He sat up, as he saw the walkers coming towards him. He pushed many back, as the people on the wall looked frightened. "TERRY" Vivian screamed at the top of her lungs from the outpost. She began shooting at the walkers that got close to him, but she ran out. Everyone else did, too. "TERRY, NO" she shouted, as Terry reached for his assault rifle, but it was covered by walkers.

He drew his machete and began hacking at the walkers, as Vivian screamed. He leaned back against the wall, as the walkers came forward. He ducked down, as they drew closer and closer. "NO" Vivian shouted, when the people on the wall began firing at the walkers. They fired all of their guns, and soon, more people from the town joined them.

They dropped down and joined him in the herd, as Terry said "We've got to fight them off. The others are trapped. This is the only way." He looked up at Vivian, and shouted "WE COULD USE SOME HELP DOWN HERE." She nodded.

Amy looked out the window and saw all of the walkers banging against the car. Soon, they all heard the shots. Sam looked out towards the dark shy, and saw people in the tower shooting down. "They're fighting them off" said Sam. "Yeah" said William, looking at Sam. Sam looked back at him, before he took a hatchet from a bag.

He walked to the back of the van, as Heather asked "Sam, what're you doing?" He turned back, and said "I'm taking a stand. I'm not letting anyone else die today." He pushed the door of the van opened and began hacking at every walker in sight. He pushed a few back, before running into them all, fighting. "I'm not letting that guy have all the fun" said William, pulling the door opened. He kicked a few walkers away and began hacking them with a machete. Ted followed behind and stabbed a few walkers with his hook. Andrew looked out, before he grabbed his machete and followed. Heather drew her knife and followed her friend, as Adam and Amy sat alone in the van.

Amy sat up and looked at the group fighting the walkers, as a smile formed on her face. She grabbed a knife from a bag, and said to Adam "I don't know how to fight, but I'm going out there, because you're nephew inspired me. You do know how to fight, so young man I expect you to come out with me." Adam looked up at her, before he grabbed a shotgun and hammer. The two stood up and jumped out the back, before joining the carnage.

Toby looked out the window and saw everyone fighting the walkers. He grabbed a machete and jumped out, followed by the rest of the construction crew. Bella saw them, and grabbed a knife. "I'm going out with them" she said. "I am, too" said Hector. "No" said Bella. "You stay." "There's no way I'm clocking out today" said Hector. "I want to kill those undead bastards." "So do I" said Frances. "Put me on the roof. I can provide cover." Bella looked at the two, and nodded.

The three jumped out, followed by the rest of the medical team. Hector sliced into a walkers head, as he helped Frances onto the roof of the car, and she began firing down at the walkers. Bella stabbed a walker in the head, as Hector pushed a few away from her. "Thanks" Bella said, stabbing another.

Terry threw a walker over his shoulder and sliced into its brain, as Bobby sent a knife into a walker's eye. Terry drew his pistol and began taking walker out, as a woman shot a few that were coming behind Terry.

Max looked out towards the cars, and said "Sam is taking a stand with the others." Jason looked out and said "They're fighting them off." "Then so do we" said Hannah, as she began climbing down the ladder. She jumped onto the roof of the post, and saw Terry and the others fighting back. She dropped down to them and began slicing walkers heads off. Jason jumped down and sliced across a walkers face, as Vivian stabbed a walker that approached Max. The other guards followed, as they all fought through the walkers.

Sam pulled his hatchet out of a walker's head, as heather stabbed a walker that went to attack him. William stomped on a walker's head, as Ted smashed one against a tree. Amy stabbed a walker in the head, when two tackled her. Adam stabbed one walker in the head, as Andrew stabbed the other. The two helped Amy to her feet, as Andrew asked "Are you okay?" "I've never felt better" Amy said, stabbing another walker.

Hannah stabbed another walker in the head, as the group pushed out of the walls. Terry and the others began taking the walkers that were following behind them out, as the guards pushed through and fought the approaching ones. Max pulled his knife out of a walker's head, as Jason sliced into another walker.

William stabbed a walker in the face, as he sliced two heads off. He pushed several back, as Sam and Adam began taking more out. William pulled a walker forward and stabbed it in the head, as he saw Hannah standing in front of him. He smiled and nodded, as they continued the fight.

The entire group fought through the herd, slicing and shooting all the walkers down. Soon, they all stood together in front of the first wall, as there were still several walkers coming forward. "It's good to see you all again" Sam said, as they all took several breaths. They were all drenched in blood, as Sam looked down at his bloody hatchet. "Okay everyone" he finally said, as the walkers drew closer. "Break times over." He stepped forward and swung his hatchet, as the others followed.

The sun was shining brightly in the air. The entire group stood or sat in the road, which was now painted red, covered in the bodies of walkers. Vivian and Terry reunited with one another, as the others smiled and laughed, as they stood among the piles and piles of walker bodies. Sam looked at them all, covered in blood. They were all tired, bloody, and sweaty, but he knew they were fighters, and he knew they could take Sebastian out.

WillBrennan7 Presents, Scenes From The Next Episode Of The Walking Dead...

"This could be the end for us" Sam says, as William and Ted throw bodies into a fire. "A few of us have already gone" Sam says, as Adam tosses dirt into a hole. "We could die" Sam finally says. Jason and Adam stand in the woods, a fire burns, Amy stares out a window, as Sam looks down, and his voice says "This is the end."

There Are Only 2 Episodes Left Until The Series Finale.

Find Out What Happens On Episode 22 Of The Walking Dead.


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