Culturally Biased

By sycam0resauce

152K 7.9K 2.8K

"I feel that African American women are the most...culturally biased, hence the title of this show...." More

"Ooh light skin babies"
Acting like a dark skin?
"It was always hard to tell us apart"
"You know you don't look that black when your hair is straightened"
"I dissmiss you not the bell"
"Speak of the devil...literally."
"You had me at room full of black girls"
"Yay us."
"I'm calm, I'm cool, I'm chill"
"Keyword; reality"
"Why is Kendrick Lamar here?"
"I'll just eat some rice."
"You said my nails were crusty..."
"I like you"
"I am loving this sassy side"
"I guess I can try"
"Annick, you idiot!"
"you never have to say 'free my ninja'"
"Business days?"
"I thought I was good at mashing potatoes."
"I suck."
"Time for you to die."
"Is that a test?"
"Jesus, take the wheel."
"Glow up was for real, huh?"
Author's note
"I think I've said too much."
"Smile Randy."
Please read
"I need to tell you."
"I'm gonna give you five seconds..."
"You're still crying."
"You weren't complaining when I put it there."
*didn't know what to name this chapter*
"Just move wannabe side hoe."
"No more questions."
"I'm white, Annick."
"The walls are really thin."
"You make a terrible me."
"A man can only hope."
You better fluffing read this
"I love New York."
"Wish me good luck."
"You fucking monkey!"
"Where's Mr. Carter?"
"Does it say positive?"
"Imma go pray for Brazil."
"Then come with me."
"I thought I had it on silent."
"...The bed is too basic."
"Guess who eavesdropped?"
"Everything matters!"
"He must really hate Jeffery."
"Troy Watson?"
"Someone's in love."
"You're a bad liar."
"Papi, have you been avoiding me?"
"Must you do this every year?"
"So, you like music huh?"
"Stop, whining."
"Depends on what it is."
"Poor guy."
"Black. I like black."
"We never got to continue this."
"Be safe."
"Enlighten us."
"Nope I'm on."
"What did I do?"
Book 2 trailer

"But your vans are pretty cool."

1.5K 92 17
By sycam0resauce


The next three days came by and like Randy had promised Jeffery, had come up with a place for the double date they would have.

Annick stepped out of the closet and Randy smiled.

She was wearing a peach dress that reached mid-thigh.

She didn't have any black on.

"Shut up." She said, hiding her smile and looking to find some shoes.

"I didn't even say anything." He laughed.

In the past few days, they've gotten much more close than they already were.

Sometimes they'd come up to the room and talk about everything.

Other times they'd just come up and hold each other in comfortable silence.

One thing she knew was that she definitely didn't regret telling him about Derek.

When the two got downstairs, everyone except Daysia hung out in the living room.

"Where's Daysia?" Annick asked.

"Being Daysia." Miciah said.

Annick chuckled, knowing her friend was probably gonna take half an hour before being ready.

"Pricilla, you okay?" She asked her niece.

Pricilla glanced up from her book.

"Oh I'm fine." She said, adjusting her glasses.

She suddenly turned to Randy.

"Can I ask a favor?"

"Yeah." Randy said.

"Can you teach me to play guitar?" She asked.

"Of course I will."

Pricilla smiled, pleased with his answer but turned back to her book.

"Has Julia called you?" She asked.

Annick shook her head.

"Did Karen even try to come and get me?" Pricilla asked.

"I doubt it."

Suddenly Pricilla's face lit up.

"You think maybe now they'll approve the adoption?"

"I can only hope and pray."

"Auntie Annick?" Pricilla asked, scooting closer to where her aunt had sat down.


"You think...well when they do approve the adoption, will I be allowed to call you mom?"

Everyone's head turned over there.

Annick's eyes got glossy.

That was a question she never thought she'd hear Pricilla ask.

"You can call me that anytime you want." She said.

Pricilla grinned finally going back to her book.

"I'm gonna go check on Daysia." Annick said, getting up and walking up the stairs.

When she entered the room, Daysia was putting her timberlands on.

"Hey buddy." Annick said sitting next to her on the bed.

"Hey Annick." Daysia chuckled.

She took a closer look at her friend.

"Annick, why're you crying?"

Annick chuckled through her tears.

"Pricilla she...she asked if she could call me mom."

Daysia's jaw dropped.

"That's amazing."

"Yeah but...what if they never let me adopt her?"

"Annick that's not gonna happen. They'll come around. You'll see."

Annick nodded.


"Randy what is this place?" Annick asked.

"I guess I've never discovered a name for it. This is just a small little town that I found in junior year."

"You found lots of things in high school didn't you?"

"I wish I could've found you." He said to his girlfriend.

"Shut up, Randy." Daysia laughed.

"But anyways, I really just knew the directions and stuff."

He suddenly pointed to a small building not far away.

"I used to go there and buy records and stuff. Sometimes instruments if I didn't already have them."

"How'd you learn to play all those instruments anyway?"

"Well a lot of them, the ones I'm an expert at took years of practice. Then there's others I'm okay at. That took self teaching."

"Damn Daniel." Daysia said.

"My name is Randy." He said, frowning in confusion.

Daysia shrugged.

"But your vans are pretty cool."

"Oh...thank you. As I was saying, this town in a very musical and artistic. People playing in the streets, music stores everywhere, art galleries..."

"Do a lot of people live here?" Jeffery asked.

"Not a lot but I guess that's what makes it special. A pretty good amount. Mostly couples with kids that didn't wanna live in the suburbs."

"This place isn't the suburbs?"

"Far from it. There's not a lot of houses either. Mostly family sized apartments."

"I'd love to live here." Annick said.

"Same." Daysia and Jeffery said in unison glancing at each other then quickly looking away.

The four began walking, listening to Randy point things out about the town that stood out to him, or asking questions if they had any.

The more Annick listened to him go on and on about the town, the more she grew to fall for him.

He could point out a lamppost and make it seem interesting.

Jeffery did make the day interesting by cracking jokes, teasing Randy, or bring a smartass.

No one minded though because jokes were just what they all needed at the time.

It was making Daysia's like for him rise through the roof.


After walking through the town, the sun was beginning to set.

Randy had taken them to his favorite part of the town.

It was a large grass covered hill with many trees at the top.

"Now, Randy. I'd love to walk up there and I bet Annick would too. But with my timberlands and her flats..." Daysia explained.

Randy and Jeffery exchanged smirks before both grabbing their own date and throwing her over their shoulders.

The walk up the hill took quite a while.

After three minutes they were half way up and Annick had asked for Randy to set her down for a second so that her dress could be adjusted.

But the minute her feet touched the ground, she stepped out of her flats and ran her way up the hill giggling.

Randy grinned rolling his eyes and running after her.

"They're cute." Daysia said.

"You think we could ever be them?"

"Well I'm not the kick my shoes off run around all giggly type. But I'm sure we could be something."

"Hey, I'm guessing she wasn't always the run around all giggly type. But then Randy came into her life."

"You're saying you have the capability to turn me into the giggly type?"

He stopped walking for a sec and set her down, grabbing her hands.

"I'm saying I have the capability to make you happy."

That was all it took for Daysia to let her guard down for just a few minutes.



"Kiss me."

He chuckled.

"You don't need to ask me twice."

"You guys are adorable!" Annick screamed from her farther distance, still running from Randy.

They both gave small waves as a way of agreement since neither then wanted to pull away.

Randy had finally caught Annick but it was at bad timing, causing her to fall on top of him.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" She panicked.

He responded by lifting his head and attaching their lips.

She was caught off guard at first but soon gave in.

"Y'all need Jesus." Daysia appeared making the two jump.

Annick sat up on Randy's lap, him doing the same.

"We thought you two were pretty uh...busy." Annick said.

"Yeah but then we were wondering where you guys went. It's not much of a mystery now."

They both blushed.

Jeffery sat on the ground next to the pair and brought Daysia down with him.

Both girls sat in in silence on the boys' laps and Jeffery would play with the curls in her short hair, while Randy would occasionally plant soft kisses on Annick's cheek.

"What would you do if you were falling in love with me?" Annick suddenly asked in a hushed voice.

It took a while for him to answer.

"Exactly what I'm doing right now."

A/n: the same night is gonna continue in the next chapter

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