Book 1 of the Love series- Lo...

By BookNerd808

25.1K 610 95

Caitlin Williams is an average teenage girl with a huge secret. Nobody knew, nobody would understand, but whe... More

Love Has a Price
Prologue- Caitlin
Chapter 1- Caitlin
Chapter 2- Aaron
Chapter 3- Caitlin
Chapter 4- Aaron
Chapter 5- Caitlin
Chapter 6- Aaron
Chapter 7- Aaron
Chapter 8- Caitlin
Chapter 9- Aaron
Chapter 10- Caitlin
Chapter 11- Aaron
Chapter 12- Caitlin
Chapter 13- Aaron
Chapter 14- Caitlin
Chapter 15- Aaron
Chapter 16- Caitlin
Chapter 17- Caitlin
Chapter 18- Aaron
Chapter 19- Caitlin
Chapter 20- Aaron
Chapter 21- Caitlin
Chapter 22- Aaron
Chapter 23- Caitlin
Chapter 24- Aaron
Chapter 25- Caitlin
Chapter 26- Caitlin
Chapter 27- Aaron
Chapter 28- Caitlin
Chapter 29- Aaron
Chapter 30- Aaron
Chapter 31- Caitlin
Chapter 32- Aaron
Chapter 33- Caitlin
Chapter 34- Aaron
The sequel

Cassie's story

447 8 0
By BookNerd808


So i was talking to my friend who reads all of my stories (she writes some with me so i'll post them later on) and we decided it would be best to write Cassie's story. 

We believe that her motif's behind targeting Aaron and Caitlin we're unclear, so this explains her past and the reasoning behind her attacks, hope you enjoy. 


I was thirteen when my mother died; she had a brain tumour and only survived two months after she was diagnosed. I don’t really remember what happened, only how I felt but I can remember the best way to describe it was hell, pure and utter hell. My mind wasn’t very developed at the age and I’ve never been smart so first of all I was angry, angry because god had killed one of the three people I loved. Then I was sad, because I soon realised that I would never see her again. After that my mind slipped into oblivion and I’m still there now.

            My dad took it worse then either me or my sister, he didn’t except the fact. And due to his demon side, he was only feeling hatred to anyone. My sister found it hardest to let go of dad and everyday was worse then hell for both of us. We were his personal slaves. He turned to drugs, alcohol or any bad substance he could think off. I began to plan escaping; I had it all done but stayed for another two months because my sister didn’t want to leave. She was like mom, found everything good in a person. But I inherited a lot from dad which made me act like a devil.

            Mom was a mermaid and dad, a half demon and yes they were opposites but they did love each other a lot. Mom brought dads best side out and when she wasn’t there anymore he lost the good in him.

            Around three months after mom’s death dad called us downstairs for a meeting. A group of men in white lab coats were there. As soon as they saw us they came closer. The men in white coats were getting so close so I said my prayers because I knew where they were taking me. I also knew that my dad had done it; by the smirk plastered on his face he was also proud of it. He was a sick man and I knew he would die with out us. They forced us to dress in white suits in case we were contagious. The look on my sisters face shot misery threw me, she was only nine, she didn’t deserve this, neither of us did. After, they shoved us into the back of a van and sprayed us with a yellow liquid before we were knocked unconscious.

* * *

When we woke I immediately rushed to my sister who was cowering in the corner. Her eyes were bloodshot from all of the crying she had been doing.

“It’s alright Chloe,” I cooed.

            She cried harder and I let my own tears escape. She gripped the hem of my shirt and balled it up in her fist.

“Do you want some help?”

            My head whipped around to reveal a boy a couple of years older then me. He had short shaggy brown hair and slight stubble. His eyes met mine for a brief second, a bright green, almost yellow before he stood up. He slumped over to help me place Chloe of the bed where I removed my jacket and gave her it as a pillow.

“Go to sleep baby girl,” I cooed.

            She smiled slightly before closing her eyes. My attention turned to the boy who was stood behind me. I caught a better glimpse of his appearance. He was tall and broad, extremely muscular and his face was phenomenal. His jaw was sturdy and he had high cheek bones. His eyes were bright against his tanned skin. I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it.

“Werewolf,” he answered before I could question, “And you’re a mermaid?”

“Mermaid and Demon,” I answered, turning back to my sister.

            I tried to hold it in but I just couldn’t. Once one tear had escaped my already flooded eyes the rest came out with ease. I collapsed onto the floor and he sat next to me and pulled me close. I cried for what seemed forever, longer then I expected to. And he just held me and let me cry.

            Eventually, I stopped and let a huge sigh leave my lips.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Yeah, my mother died a couple of months ago and my dad went nuts and handed us over,” I explained between breaths.

“It’s alright I’ve been here for eight months,” he answered back, “It’s my fault really that I’m here.”

            I nodded slightly and he let go but kept me close. His natural scent hit me in instant and made me smile. He smelt like pine and dirt, exactly what a werewolf should smell like. He shot me a million dollar smile which made me giggle slightly. He stood up before picking me up and placing me on the bed next to Chloe.

“Stay here, I’m going to get us some blankets,” he told me, before leaving.

            I stroked Chloe’s hair as she slept; she had a smile on her face, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that smile. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and her eyes twinkled with tears.

“What happened?” she questioned.

“Dad,” I spat out slightly, venom formed on the word.

            She nodded slightly and snuggled into me, I began to sing her moms song, the song she would sing to us to calm us down. She hummed along to it; like she did when mom sung it and my hand came to rest on the locket she had given me. It was a gold locket which held a picture of the two of us when I was around eleven. This has always been my favourite picture and she put it into a locket and handed it to me for my last birthday. She was in the hospital at the time. I haven’t taken it off since.

“It’s really pretty,” Chloe cooed, taking the locket in her fingers.

“Well, I’m glad I kept it on me because mom gave me one to give to you when you are my age. I’ve always kept it on me in case something like this happened,” I began, pulling a gold chain out of my pocket, “So I’ll pass it to you now because I don’t know what’s going to happen to us.”

            Tears welled in her eyes as I fastened the locket around her neck and I heard our door close and the guy walked in. He shot me a smile and I smiled back.

“I’m Theo,” he explained.

“Cassie and Chloe,” I answered back.

“Pretty names,” he complemented.

            I just smiled. He sat next to me and Chloe drifted back off to sleep. I wrapped a blanket up and slid it under her head as a pillow. I tucked another blanket around her and kissed her head before sitting back on the second bed. Theo sat next to me and wrapped both of us up in a blanket. My head snuggled into his chest and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“You know you’re beautiful,” he whispered in my ear.

“Really?” I questioned, turning to face him.

“Of course, wolf’s honour,” he joked, “There’s something else I know that you don’t?”

“What?” I asked.

“You’re my true love,” his voice tickled my ear as he leant closer.

“And how did you figure that?” I inquired.

“I imprinted,” he said simply.

“Wolf thing?”

“Yep,” he answered, popping the ‘p’.   

            I thought about what he said for a while. What does true love even mean? Mom and dad rarely talked about, they just told me it can mean great things and between the pair they share a lot of power. A long sigh escaped my lips as I became lost in my thoughts. My eyes slowly closed as I felt the effort of today’s events lead me to unconsciousness. Theo laid us down, me still wrapped in his embrace. Just before my mind surrendered I felt his face close to mine. He stroked a piece of hair away from my eyes and pecked my lips. He lingered there for a minute and pulled away. Once again he pulled me close and I felt a smile reach my lips. And after three long months, I was happy.

* * *

“Cassie,” someone shook me gently awake, “You need to wake up.”

            My eyes fluttered open to find I was still in the same room on the same bed. Chloe was sat at the end of my bed, playing with my hair and Theo still lay behind me.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“They want you,” Theo told me, pointing towards the door.

“What are they going to do?”

            I felt panic take over my body and worry filled my eyes. They watered slightly as I thought about the scenarios of what they were going to do fill my mind. And I was dumb enough to believe that this was a dream as I slept and Theo was actually a family friend who visited earlier that day. My dad is one sick creep.

“It will be alright, if you don’t move they’ll restrain you and bring them yourself, just do what they say and it will be okay,” he whispered.

            I nodded my head and stood up. Chloe gave me a quick hug and Theo pecked my lips before walking me to the door. A huge breath left me as I pulled the door open. A man in a white suit turned around to look at me. He gestured for me to leave and close the door so that’s what I did. The man strolled down the hall and told me to go into the lab and lay on the bed. I followed the instructions and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to know what they were doing so I closed my eyes. Though I felt all my clothes being removed and incisions being made. I bit my lips as I tried to contain the scream of pain that was growing. Soon enough I had penetrated the skin of my lips and the copper taste of blood filled my mouth.

“Get dressed and go back and if you try to escaped, you’ll end up dead,” he warned me.

            I nodded quickly and dressed myself, not daring to look down at myself and see what damage him and his tools had made. But I did see a lot of cloth with blood on the table and a searing ache was invading my side. I slowly headed back towards our room and I knew Theo would comfort me. As soon as I stepped into the room both of their eyes shot to me. Chloe let out a sob and Theo stared at me.

“Is it that bad?” my voice cracked slightly from the tears welling up.

            Chloe ran strait over and wrapped her spindly arms around me. I hugged her back and my attention turned to Theo who was slowly starting to appear red. We both pulled away to observe him and steam slowly arose from him. He stood up and a wave of heat came over the both of us. I watched in horror as his bones broke and re-knitted themselves. Pin pricks appeared over his body as fur broke free. He was shifting.

“Chloe get into the corner, I don’t know what he can do,” I ordered.

            She darted to the corner and wrapped up in the blanket. This huge wolf approached me and sniffed me slightly before licking my cheek. I stroked his head and he smiled at me slightly before shifting back.

“Sorry about that, I couldn’t help but be angry after seeing what they’d done to you,” he explained slightly, standing up and brushing any dirt off him.

 “Er Theo,” I began.

            He nodded to show I had his attention.

“Do you fancy putting your clothes on?”

            His cheeks burned red as he spun around and took the shredded shorts in his hands. They were still capable of wearing but he left his top off which I was silently thanking god for. He turned back around and engulfed me in a bone breaking hug.

“Theo, not so tight, I’m fragile,” I warned.

“Sorry,” he muttered pulling away, “And I need to get you out of here.”

“I’m not leaving with out you two,” I answered back, gesturing towards Chloe and himself.

“Then we’ll all escape.”

A day later and we had already devised a plan on how to escape and we were waiting for summer where Theo knew the squad was most vulnerable. We had already been here for two months and both Chloe and I were on edge at the minute with being restricted from swimming.

“If they have a swimming pool why won’t they let us swim?” Chloe moaned.

“All you do is whinge,” I snapped back at her.

“Follow me?” he muttered, heading towards the door.

“Where are we going?” I questioned, moaning slightly on the end of my question.

“Who’s moaning now,” Chloe mumbled to herself.

“I heard that!”

“You were suppose too.”

            I scolded her and she smiled innocently at me. It’s harder for me to control my emotions after all, I am a teenager.

“I’m not aloud in, only water creatures are. Well ever since Billy tried to commit suicide,” on the last part he was talking to himself more then us.

“Have fun and wash all your edginess away,” he told me before walking away.

            We entered into the room and immediately headed towards the water which was waiting for us. Chloe changed first, showing a tail of red and then I followed, showing a tail of a black. Mom told me my tail reflected my personality and because I was a demon and trust me, it shows that my tail would be black. And dad says because I’m part demon, my soul is dead. One of the many nice comments I’ve heard from him. Chloe’s is red because she’s easily capable of loving and trusting.

            We swam for what seems hours before one of the people in white lab coats came to make notes on us. Still, it didn’t bother me and I swam. Chloe did and when were finished, she had a smile bright on her face. Once we arrived back, I found Theo asleep on one of the two beds, lightly snoring and I found myself smiling. Chloe and I sat on the other bed and talked for a while until he grunted, signalling that he was waking up.

“Morning,” I said to him brightly.

“Swim help?” he asked.

            He sat up and stretched a bit. His muscles flexed brilliantly and left me in a trance. I just nodded.

“I never fail to silence you do I?” he joked.

“Since when did you become an egotistical jerk?” I found myself asking.

            He smiled and wrapped my in his embrace.

“When are we going through with operation break free?” Chloe questioned, bouncing up and down on the bed.

“Tomorrow,” he decided.

“Tomorrow,” I narrowed his eyes on the choosing of his date.

“Yeah, some big visitor is coming, they’ll all be distracted, trying to impress him,” he answered.

            I nodded and agreed with his tactic. We spent the rest of the night sleeping, saving our energy for tomorrow. Theo and I were now dating, what did you expect, wolfs take there lovers pretty seriously. He told me all about imprinting and how wolf’s work. It’s amazing the way he explains it. And the way he feels about me even made my demon side want to smile. All of a wolf’s emotion comes from relations with people, as most creatures do whether their human or not.

            Once we woke up, we headed towards the dining hall where they were serving slop like usual. I grabbed a plate and we sat down on our usual table next to the door. As we ate, we talked in hushed voices, avoiding anyone hearing our plans. And once we were finished, we washed our plates like always told and headed back to the room. All in all the treatment here isn’t too bad until they take you into the lab. I’ve only been in there seven times and thankfully, Chloe once. The first time they realised that she was too small to experiment on so focused on me. It was bad for Chloe though because she felt really guilty about them hurting me. I told her that it didn’t hurt when in reality it pained me like hell.

“Cassie I just wanted to say no matter what happens I love you,” he told me.

“I love you too,” I admitted.

“Aw you guys,” Chloe gushed, “Can, I be maid of honour?”

            I rolled my eyes at her comment and continued to hug Theo kissed my head before pulling away and we headed towards the door. We waited patiently around the corner as we already knew this door was heavily guarded. But Theo also knew that they would move for a brief second whilst the bigger guards move to the visitor and the smaller take their places. And that would be our time to escape.

“Cassie?” Chloe hissed in a whisper.

            My head whipped around to face her and show that she had my attention. I had already become like a mother to her, she needs someone to look up to but I also fear that I may not be the best example.

“What happens if we don’t get out together, I don’t want to loose you,” she whispered, unshed tears formed in her eyes as she thought about the consequence of what would happen if she was out and not me or vice versa.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make it,” I told her, a smile filling my face.

            She hugged the side of me, wrapping her arms around me. They fit easily around me but they didn’t before. I already knew I had lost weight, that slop doesn’t have anything good in it. And shockingly, I actually miss eating vegetables. My mother would have laughed if she heard that sentence leave my lips.

“Don’t worry Chloe, you too are my prime priority, you’ll get out if I have anything to do with it,” Theo told her.

“Because you’re my wolfy brother,” she cheered slightly louder but still in a whisper.

            Both Theo and I laughed at her reaction. A door slammed and echoed of the walls. We all looked each other, I was waiting for one of them speak and Theo said two words.

“It’s time.”

Theo slowly peeked around the corner and I saw the corners off his mouth twitch into a small smile. It was definitely time. He walked forward and Chloe followed, sandwiched between the both of us. We reached the door with no hassle but as soon as the door opened an alarm shrieked.

“Quick, move!” Theo urged in an order.

            I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, we reached the edge of a brick wall.

“Climb!” he shouted.

            He was behind us, shifting into Wolf and we were climbing. He was fighting off guards, I could hear the contorted screams as Theo ripped limb after limb off. Once we reached the top, I ushered Chloe to climb back down and just before I left I looked back. Theo was making a run for the wall, he was coming with us.

            I jumped down and easily landed on my two feet. We rushed towards the canopy of green which was the forest. A gun shot sounded and vibrated throughout the area. Who had died? My mind told me it was Theo but my heart wouldn’t believe it. We waited three days under the canopy, it protected us from the rain and wind and when ever the guards would come searching for us and we sunk into the shadows the trees formed. And it had rained for three days solid; there wasn’t a sign of sunshine anywhere I looked.

“Cassie,” Chloe Whispered, “I don’t think he’s coming.”

            A pang of guilt hit me in the gut. And that’s when we saw it, two men in lab coats were approaching a hole and they carried a stretcher. On the stretcher was the one and only Theo. Once they had left we approached it and once my eyes had confirmed it was him, a silent sob left me in grief for him. A spirit floated above the body and turned to me. It spoke in Theo’s voice.

“Cassie. I had to die, it was set when I was born but I fulfilled my job. It was my job to protect you and now you’re safe. Stay safe my sweet and I will see you again.”

            The spirit left and I mourned and I still mourn to this day.

My story is not a pleasant one, but it tells you that life is unfair, things happen and there is nothing we can do to change it. Now you understand my story, you might understand why I did what I did to Caitlin and Aaron. Don’t get me wrong, I do regret it now but I only had one chance and I blew it. All I wanted was to avenge Theo’s deaf and I guess I took it the wrong way. But at least I’m doing what Theo wanted, I’m staying safe. And now, sat in a dark cell, for the first time in a while, a very long while I cried over Theo. I cried a river over him and I always will. 


Please read the next bit, it explains about the sequel.  

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