Always With Me |Sakura Haruno...

By _Crimson_Moon_

14.7K 676 98

Go read the re-write of this Story! Its 'The blossoms curse' More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A/N Gomen!
Made up decision! A/N
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Note!!! Please read
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Help ;-;

Chapter 10

403 19 3
By _Crimson_Moon_

"Sakura get up!"

"No, I refuse to move!"

"Get up!"









"Yes- Agh! I hate you some times Sakura! Though I also love you!" Whise whined. I rolled over on my side and grumbled a few curse words under my breath. "Sakura you have to go to that old hag and get the book! You need to learn simple magic and as soon as you learn that, you will be able to do anything and tame any demon, monster, angel, or other things! And after you master this you will create new spells and more demons that are unrecognized!" He yelled in my ear.

I turned over, extremely close to his face. Not unless you carry me...I'm to tired to go!" I glared, he pouted and leaned closer. "Please~!" He whined again. "I thought she said the magic shop doesn't appear very much."

"She's lying!" He inched closer again and as soon an ahe was about to touch my lips, I put my hand up and pushed him off the bed. "I'll go tomorrow, I don't want to!" Next thing you know I'm being carried.

~Time Skip~

And now here I am....Locked in my room reading 5 different spell books. And these are just the basic's! I luckily missed Gaara, I didn't want to make him feel as if I'm stalking him, but I made it to her shop and she just handed me that books and pushed me away! Old hag.

I sighed at looking same the sentence, but no matter what, after reading it the same time, I never understood what it meant. Maybe its just because I can't focus. Yeah...I can't seem to focus lately. Maybe I need to talk to Mia, but she live beside Shina.

Shina....I trusted him....I'm so stupid!

I shook my head and lied back. I need some air. Standing up I thought about going out the window, but there's a seal there. Damn. I don't think he put one on the door though...I can just break it...Yeah...I'll do that. 


'And it's down!' I exclaimed. Haha! Take that Whise and strange demon man that now lives with me! I giggled softly and escaped  out of the apartment. 

I took a deep breath and looked around. 'What a nice day...' I thought to myself. 'Wonder what my team is up to?' I walked down the busy road, where civilians did their daily life stuff. Maybe I should go bother them...But their probably with their...Family's...

My face saddened at the word 'family'. I wish my family was still alive...Must be nice...I shook my head and continued walking. I wonder...Should I meet their family's? Nah...Naruto's dad is Hokage and Sasuke's father is the head of the clan...And me? Nothing...

I sighed. There's Kaka- Never mind. I don't want to spend the day with that pervert. Maybe I can try out some spells, I think I grabbed one book. I felt some pockets and pulled out a small book that suddenly turned big.

I walked to a training ground and stood in the middle. Man...If I wanna try something I need a bigger selection. "I wish I had all of my books here," A bright light and smoke appeared. I wailed my arms around and coughed. 

After the smoke went away, all my books that I studied at my apartment appeared in front of me. "Cool!" I yelled and I fell to the ground and opened the books to look at the options. Love. Nah. Time travel...Yeah....Wait I could die if a beginner does this...Pass...Bring something from the past...Yeah that looks easy! I'll try it.

I stood up and pointed my finger to the open.

"Bring the lost from the past

And make sure it last's

To my presence

For my essence." I chanted the spell out. Nothing happened though. Then a puff off smoke and bright lights flashed around. After wailing my arms and coughing, the smoke disappeared to reveal...























MORE FREAKIN' BOOK! Ugh! But....They were more spell books....I never owned any magic books...But I think there my parents...Knew about the whole magic thing and...Never told me...How could they? 

I pushed the thought away and looked through all the books. "Spell books, spell, books, spell books, spell book, family/clan secrets and history, more spell books- Wait what?! Family/Clan secret and history book?" I said to myself. 

"I'll look through it later...Maybe if I could just send all of these home...If I remember it you want to   teleport things you just say the name of the place and poof its gone and now I'm talking to myself...Yay me!" I said to myself again. Jeez...I'm really lonely.

I pointed to the books and stared at it intensely. 

"Alright...Here I go! Tel-"

"Sakura-chan what are you doing here?" I heard a cheery/kinda emo voice behind me. I turned around to see Naruto, Sasuke, and their family...Or more like mothers, brother, friends, and cousin... 

"Uh um... just reading some books...?" I took off my cape and threw it over the giant pile of giant books. "Do you need help dear?" Sasuke's mother asked. 

"Uh nope I can carry it." I picked them up and wobbled while walking away. "You sure dead?" She seemed worry...Like my real mom...I nodded my head, the FREAKIN' TRIPPED ON AIR! Hold the applause please!

The almighty Saskue Uchiha scoffed and Naruto snickered. "Oh shut it mamma's boy's!" I sat up and stacked my books again. "Maybe this'll work," I mumbled to myself. I wrapped the books with my cape and tried to pick them up again, but no matter what, even with chakra, I can't pick it up.

My only option is magic...But there are people here...Watching me...Ah screw it there wasn't any rules about mortals. I stood up, grabbed one light book, and then started twirling my finger.

"Go home!" I pointed my finger at them and lightning came from my finger, meaning it sent them home. "Good! It worked this time!" I exclaimed. 

~3rd POV~

Everyone looked at the small pinkette in Awe. "Mom...I didn't know Chakra could do that!" The blonde idiot said. "I-it doesn't.." Kushina stuttered. "Then what was it?" Mikoto asked the red headed mother.

"Magic..." Kusina answered. "Magic isn't real...right?" Shisui questioned to no one. 

"Its totally real!" Sakura squeaked happily. "Though it's a lot of trouble because you have to study a lot of spells and now since I have to keep this world balanced I have to create things after I have mastered all magic...Meaning before I do that I have to contact spirits that are in control of magic. Anyway I'm telling you this because the rule book," I held my hand out and a book appeared in it, "never said I couldn't tell mortals!" She snapped her fingers and the book disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"So your a...Witch...?" Saskue asked. "Sort of...I'm a witch, but since none exist anymore, I am called a creator." Sakura...Sort of answered his question. "But I new to it so I can't do much...Yet...Please please PLEASE don't tell the Hokage about my magic...I scared he will tell the elders and I will get punished..." She had fear in her eyes while eyeing Kushina and Naruto the most since they are related to him.

"O-of course not Sakura-chan..." Naruto stuttered. Sakura nodded and disappeared in a whirl of cherry blossoms. 

"I have to tell him..."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Drop a vote and comment what you think!

Bye Bye!  - Crim-chan~

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