The Walking Dead

By WillBrennan7

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Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... More

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
Season 3 Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 11
Season 3 Episode 12
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions
4x08 Mid-Season Finale
4x18 Season Finale
Season 5 Episode Titles And Descriptions
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer
5x01 Sneak Peeks
5x08 MID-SEASON FINALE (A Must Read)
Season 6 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 6 Trailer
Season 7 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 7 Trailer
7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE
Season 8 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 8 Trailer
8x01 Sneak Peeks
Update/ New Titles And Descriptions
8x12 Epilogue
Fun Facts #1-5
Final 12 Trailer
New Finale Title
Fun Facts Part 2
Top 5 Anthony Speeches
Top 10 Characters
Top 10 Episodes


135 0 0
By WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 8

Episode 14

Life And Death

Previously On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"I'm pregnant" Rebecca says, as Anthony tells Sam "You know about the baby." "It was just like when Aiden" Heather cries, as Andrew hugs her. "My Dad's alive" Heather says, as she sees her father. "HEATHER" Jacob cries, as he is devoured by the walkers. Molly is shot through the stomach, as William says "My child..." "Remember them, Sam" Heather says as she and Sam kiss. "I'll miss you" Anthony says, as Sam shoots him in the head.

"Dad...Dad...DAD..." Sam stood in front of the door, as he herd the monsters banging against it. "DAD" he shouted, as Anthony ran inside, holding a hatchet. "What is it?" Anthony asked. "Those things are outside." Anthony looked out the window and saw three of them banging against the front door.

Rebecca entered, as she saw the two looking frightened. "Rebecca" Anthony said. "Take Sam into Julia's room." Rebecca nodded, and said "Come on, Sam." The two walked off, as Anthony took a deep breath. He placed his hand on the doorknob, before pulling it opened.

Anthony threw the last walker into the pile, as he began to pour gasoline on them. "Kieran, go get the matches" Anthony said to his friend, who went back inside. "Dad" Sam said, approaching. Anthony looked back, and said "I told you not to come out. I don't want you to see these things." "You have to let me see, Dad" Sam said. "You have to let me know about what these things can do. You have to let me kill them."

Anthony looked down at the walker, before taking a deep breath. He approached Sam and said "You're right." Sam smiled, as Anthony continued. "We don't know how long this thing is gonna last, so you're gonna need to know how to protect yourself, Sam. You're gonna need to know, because you're mom, Kieran, Julia, and I aren't gonna be with you all the time. I want you to stay alive, so I'm gonna teach you how to survive." Sam nodded, as Kieran walked back outside.

"I've got the matches" Kieran said, handing them to Anthony. Anthony went to light one, before he looked down at Sam. "Here" Anthony said, handing him the matches. Sam looked down at the walkers, before lighting the match, and dropping it onto the walkers. They were immediately engulfed in flames, as the three male faces lit up.

Sam looked down at the burnt corpses of some walkers, as one of their eyes opened. The walker growled, but he stabbed it in the eye with his knife. He looked back at Heather, who was still covered in blood. "Let's go" Sam said. He went to walk off, but Heather wouldn't move. "Heather" Sam said. Heather immediately began walking forward, not looking at Sam. She brushed past him, as he took a deep breath, before following behind.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

Hannah sat against a tree, with a gun in her hand. Jason held a machete up, as he stared at his reflection in it. Terry and Vivian sat next to the fire, trying to warm up. Ted held an assault rifle, as he stared down at the ground. Nick sat next to his father, not speaking. Andrew held an assault rifle, as he stood on watch with Jarrod. Hector looked through the group's supplies.

"Okay" he said, standing up. "We've got some painkillers and cough medicine. We've got some morphine too, and oxycodone. We've also got a few other meds, and plenty of bandages. Now, there is ammo, but we are running low, and I don't think, based on the map, that there are any gun stores around. We've got plenty of canned food though, so that'll get us by." He looked around at the others, but none of them seemed to be paying any attention to him.

"Guys" Hector said. "We need to pull ourselves together. We lost a lot of people, and I understand that, but we can't be like this. We should be used to this by now, losing people. We've been doing it for years." He looked down, before saying "I lost one of my closest friends, but I'm not going to let that destroy me. We are strong. We can make it. So, who's with me?" However, no one answered.

"Heads up" Andrew said, raising his gun. Hannah stood up and drew her sword, as a truck pulled up in front of them. "STEP OUT OF YOUR CAR AND DROP YOUR WEAPONS" she shouted at the top of her lungs. Everyone aimed their weapons, as the truck door closed. "Hey" William said, looking at all of them. Suddenly, they all broke into smiles, as Hannah immediately stepped forward and hugged him.

"Welcome back" Jason said, patting William's back. "It's good to be back." He looked at them all, and said "Where are Sam and Heather?" They all looked down, as Terry said "They were split up, along with Jacob." "I saw him" said William. "He was among the dead back there." They all looked down solemnly, as Vivian said "They still could have got out. We thought you were gone, but you made it out of there."

"Yeah" said William. "I wish I was gone, though." They all looked at him, as he said "My life wouldn't suck so much if these walkers hadn't came, but it does suck. I lost everything, and the other day, I lost my wife, and my son. They're dead, and it's 'cause of those undead assholes." Immediately, William walked off.

"He's right" Jason said. "What?" Hannah asked. "This world is not ours" said Jason. "We are all dying off. What Anthony said three years ago, that's true. We've lost so much. We are surrounded by death. There is no more life for us. Everyone dies. We are going to die. We're just biding time." He walked off as well, as the group stayed silent.

Sam picked up a hammer, as he looked back at Heather, who just stood in the middle of the store. He approached, and said "Help me pack up some of these tools. They're really good weapons, and we are very low on ammo. We shouldn't be using our guns anymore. We should start creating weapons, and going in on walkers hand-to-hand." He put the hammer in his pack, as he began grabbing other tools.

"Heather" he said, looking up. "Come on." He grabbed a wrench and some nails, before looking back. "Heather, freaking move, now" he said. She looked up at him, and simply said "Fuck you." Sam looked at her, and felt rage inside. "Heather, I know that you are upset, but I can't be surviving for two people. You need to help me. That's what you're Dad told me to do. He told me, that after he is gone, I have to help you and make sure you survive." "Surviving is too hard" she whispered.

Sam looked at her, and said "I know how you feel." "No, you don't" "YES I DO. MY DAD WAS WITH ME, AND HE KEPT ME ALIVE, BUT HE DIED, AND HE WANTED ME TO FIGHT." He through the nails against the glass window, and it broke. Growls were heard from outside. Tears formed at Sam's eyes, before he wiped them.

"People in my group have been survive for years. For years we have lost so many. My mom, my aunt, my friend John, a man named Peter, a young girl named Quinn. A funny guy I knew named Tyler, Bob, a fantastic man named David. Terry's brother Ian died, and a family I knew named the Melville's were all wiped out. My step-mom and my best friend Gwen, and my dad, Anthony Freed died, too. All of those people I grew close with are now gone. Not to mention all the people I lost when I met you. I've lost so much, and yet, I'm still fighting. Your dad wanted you to fight, and that's what you're gonna do."

Heather looked at him, and said "There are two things we do in this new world. We live, and we die. There are only two options, life and death, and right now, I don't want to do either, but I will do one, just to stop the pain." She then turned and walked out of the store, as Sam took a deep breath.

A gun went off, as a walker fell to the ground. Vivian stood up from her sniping post, as Adam and Nick pulled a gate opened, with their guns raised. They entered a backyard, which had blood and dead walkers everywhere. "It's clear", Adam said, as the rest of the group entered. The back door opened, as Ted and Terry carried two walker bodies out. They threw them on the ground, as Hannah asked "You cleared them all out." Terry nodded, as he took water from Vivian and sipped it. "It looks like we'll be staying here for a few days" Jason said, as William nodded, before they all entered the house.

The group walked around the house, as Hannah entered a pink room, covered in blood. She saw a crib inside, as she felt tears at her eyes. She picked the crib up and placed it in the closet, before turning back. Jason stood there, as Hannah said "I didn't want him to see." He nodded, before raising his arms. She hugged him, as she asked "What you said earlier, is that true? Do you actually believe it?" Jason looked down and said "Yeah, I do." Hannah looked up at him, and said "Then, we need to find more survivors, and set up something that will keep us alive, and the you'll see, that we are meant to live." She immediately turned and walked off, as Jason sighed.

Sam and Heather walked next to a large fence, as they heard many growls. They opened the gate, and saw a football field, with a herd of walkers roaming around. Heather approached the fence, as the walkers began coming over. "Heather, come on" Sam said. The two walked up to a few bleachers, as they saw a high school nearby, and a sign saying Supplies. The two walked over, and saw a few knives, empty boxes of ammo, and a large supply of gasoline. "We can make with what we have" Sam said, as Heather looked around and saw a few stores. "I'm gonna go look around." "Okay" Sam said, as he began gathering the knives ands gasoline together.

Heather approached the stores, and saw two walkers inside of a liquor store. She stared at them with anger, before drawing a knife and entering. The two walkers turned, but she approached and stabbed one in the eye. The other grabbed her arm, but she kicked it away. It knocked into a shelf full of bottles, and both the walker and the shelf fell over. Multiple bottles broke, as Heather grabbed one and stabbed the walker in the head.

She took a few breaths, before approaching multiple other shelves. She picked up a bottle of whiskey, and saw that it was full. She opened it and took a sip, before spitting it out. She took a sip of water, when a walker appeared from behind a shelf. It tackled her, and all of the water fell and spilt. The walker swiped at her, but she grabbed the whiskey and hit the walker over the head with it, and the bottle broke. The glass and whiskey fell all over her, as she sent the bottle into the walker's head. She stood up, and smelt of the drink. She then grabbed a bottle of wine, and began to drink it.

Hannah sat in the dark, as Jason approached her. He sat down and said "Listen, I know that you feel that I was wrong, but" "You're not wrong. We are surrounded by death, Jason. You're right, everyone around us dies. And, we will all die at some point, but I don't want to look towards the future. I want to focus on right now, and well, right now, I want to survive. I want to live with you, Jason, and with the others. I want to find others, and I want to make something bigger happen. I want us to have a life somewhere, with everyone else." Jason looked at her, and simply kissed her. She accepted before pulling away, and resting her head on his chest.

Sam walked down the road, as he looked inside the liquor store. He lit a match, before entering and looking at Heather. "Hey" he said. There was an empty bottle of wine next to her, and a full bottle in her hand. "I was just about to drink this" she said. "You want some." Sam smiled, before saying "What the hell" and taking the bottle, before taking a sip. He sat down, as she said "I almost died a little while ago. There were these walkers, and they almost got me. But, even though I want to die, even though I want this pain to end, I fought them, Sam. I wanted to live past them. What does that mean?"

Sam looked at her, and said "It means that you're hurting, Heather, but you don't want to die. You want to fight those walkers, and you want to live. You feel lost, and alone, but you don't want death, Heather. And, I don't want you dead either. I want you to live with me, and I know you want me with you. We love each other, Heather. This world blows, but we'll fight it, as one. Life and death are it for this world, but you're choosing life, with me."

Heather smiled and said "I'm drunk, right?" "Yes" Sam chuckled. "Yes you are. You're probably not gonna remember this conversation, but, you might." Heather smiled, and said "I love you, Sam." The two went quiet, before Sam said, "You want to do something fun?" Heather looked at him and asked "What?" Sam smiled.

(Cue Up The Wolves By The Mountain Goats Or Video)

Sam and Heather ran to the high school, where they picked up four cartons of gasoline. They ran off towards the stadium, where they looked down at the herd of walkers. Heather shot a gun in the air, as Sam shouted "COME ON, OVER HERE." The walkers jumbled together, before the two began pouring he gasoline onto them. They threw all of the gasoline around, whipping it through the air. They laughed, as it went all over the walkers, and the grassy field.

Walkers began walking towards the bleachers where the two stood, but Sam and Heather stabbed each one that came over. They even began grabbing hem as they approached, and throwing them to the group that was jumbled together at the fence. They laughed, as the walkers fell into the others.

William stood in the pink room, where he saw the baby crib in the closet. Tears were at his eyes, as he fell to the ground, where tears poured out of his eyes. He cried into his hands, before laying on the ground, and sobbing into the carpet.

Terry and Vivian stood on a balcony at the house, where the two kept watch for walkers. They silently walked to each other, before they heard a few gunshots from far away. They stood up, and kept hearing many shots.

Heather fired her gun in the air, as Sam laughed. He threw the empty wine bottle at a walker, which immediately fell. Sam took out the matchbox, before looking at Heather. He approached her, and said "Here." She took the matchbox, before lighting a match, and tossing it onto the walkers. Immediately, the entire herd was set on fire, as well as some of the football field. Sam and Heather laughed, before the two faced each other and kissed. The smoke went all the way into the air, and anyone that as watching could have seen the smoke, like Terry and Vivian. The two kissed and laughed, as their problems seem to disappear, replaced with love and fun.

WillBrennan7 Presents, Scenes From The Next Episode Of The Walking Dead...

White smoke is in the air, as Terry says "Someone was here", as Hannah stabs a charred walker. Sam and Heather walk down a road, as Nick says "Sam and Heather have to be alive" as he and Andrew hold assault rifles. "We need to find them." Andrew and Nick fire rifles, as Terry draws a machete, as the group stands in formation, surrounded by walkers.

Find Out What Happens On Episode 15 Of The Walking Dead.

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