Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

Par StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


330 15 9
Par StarlightShaymin

I bet you guys must "love" my uploading schedule. Well good news for you! This will probably occur more than once! 

In all seriousness, I am sorry for the late update. There isn't any good reason as to why I didn't update. The only reason that I can use to defend myself with is the crazy semester I have. I had a plan to balance out my schoolwork and writing, but that obviously didn't work out too well. 

My new studying schedule should give me more time to write, but I will apologize in advance if the updates are very late again. I'll try my best to write as much as I can. 

Oh and before you read any further I would highly suggest going back and refreshing your memory on what happened. It'll help settle you back into the story. 

Other than that enjoy and thank you so much for tolerating me and my wonderful updates XD


It was unusually peaceful on the trip back to the village, it seemed like all the Nasods have disappeared into thin air. We decided to let our guard down as the one hour mark hit. 

Raven woke up at some point and insisted he could walk by himself. Aisha was clearly upset by his request and insisted someone to help him walk. After much debate Raven gave in and allowed Elsword to help him walk. 

We were nearly back at the village when the sun began to set, filling the island with a hue of amber light. The air cooled around us as the sun inched closer to the horizon, surrendering the sky to the moon and the stars. 

Although we were still walking blindly through enemy territory, I was at peace. The evening breeze cooled the heated tension looming over us. For a moment I forgot about the possible Nasod war, the injuries Raven sustained, and the stolen El Shard. Everything seemed alright. 

"Sorry," Raven whispered softly; almost too softly for us to hear. "I know I've been acting suspicious, and it's my fault--"  

"Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened back there." Aisha cut him off. "It was our fault for distrusting you."

"It was partially your fault for acting so weird." Chung added. 

Aisha raised her hand, threatening to hit Chung. 

"Wow just hear me out," he backed away from her with raised hands. "Yes, it was our fault for distrusting him and hurting him, but he was acting really strange."

"I-I guess," she lowered her hand. "But that still doesn't--"

"Chung's right," Raven interrupted. "I shouldn't have acted so strange."

"Why did you?" I asked. If he was always on our side, why would he behave so strangely around us? 

"It's a long story," he chuckled humorlessly. "You don't wanna hear it." 

"Oh come on, we have the time to listen." Elsword piped in. "Don't think of it as a story, think of it as a chance for us to know you better." 

I wrapped my arms around myself as a cold breeze brushed past us. 

"I would like to listen as well." Eve said, with her eyes locked on the path ahead. "I am curious to know more about the human who shares the same sins as me."

I glanced back at Raven. He had his head bowed down and his arm wrapped around Elsword for support. He took a deep breath in before lifting his head up----his eyes were blood shot.

"You guys know part of my past, but I'll quickly go over it since Ara hasn't heard it yet." He wiped his with his sleeve. "I was once part of the Velder Knights. I had a good life in Velder. My job was getting food to the table every night, I had a roof over my head, and I even had a fiancée--"

"Loud mouth here already spilled the beans to Ara." Chung interrupted. I wanted to kick him for saying that. 

"Oh really?" I could imagine Rave glaring daggers at Elsword. 

"C-chill, dude." Elsword stammered. "I thought Ara deserved the right to know."

"And I should have the right to tell my own story." He snapped. 

"Sorry, I thought I was doing you a favour." Elsword laughed uneasily. "Are we still cool?"

Rave sighed," whatever, I guess I can just jump to the point." 

There was a pause. For a couple of seconds no one said a single word, only the sound of birds chirping could fill in the silence.

"You guys already know I committed terrible crimes." He began in a low tone. "But that wasn't the worst of it. All the people and Ponggos I killed in the past were out of my own will."

 I wanted to block my ears and preserve the image I had of Raven, but I knew I had to listen through the entire story; we all had to.

"At first it was hard to kill the Ponggos, I felt guilty for killing them." He sniffed. "But the more I killed the easier it became. Soon I was able to slaughter a whole group of them without a care."

"Raven--" Aisha began.

"When the ship was finished I had wanted to go to Velder and destroy every last person in it." He went on. "But the Nasods suggested we go to Elder and test it out. The city is large but its defence isn't as heavy as Velder's"

A couple of birds fluttered over us. I watched as they hurried into the amber horizon.

"Along the way we spotted some..." Raven took a sharp breath in. "W-we saw some travellers. I-I didn't know them, but I wanted to hurt them so badly."

I felt my stomach twisting into knots. 

"So I captured them and kept them prisoners on the ship." He added hastily. 

A part of me wanted to know more about his story while another part wanted to hurt him for what he did to those innocent people. I bit my tongue, hoping it'll keep me from blurting out anything rude, and continued to listen. 

"W-what happened to those people?" Aisha's voice cracked. "What did you do to them?"

"This is where you'll start to hate me." Raven chuckled; I couldn't tell if he was laughing at himself or at our predictable reaction. "Don't feel bad if you do end up hatin' me. I feel the same way."

"Raven." Elsword sighed. "Stop beating yourself up. We'll understand, we're your friends--

"So you guys are cool with me killing the kids' parents?" He snapped.

 Even without looking back I knew Raven had his eyes locked on us, waiting for someone to speak up. 

"Look I really don't care if ya' hate me." He added. "People like me don't deserve your forgiveness to begin with."

"Stop saying things like that," Aisha said, wiping her sleeve across her eyes. "We know the person you've become. We know you--"

"Allow him to finish." Eve interrupted. "Please, Aisha, land judgement after his story."

Aisha opened her mouth to protest but quickly retreated into silence before she could voice her thought. Raven took this chance to continue talking. 

"The people I captured...became my defenceless prisoners." His breath began to quicken. "I-I tortured them. I made sure they suffered through their final hours."

This is a very sick man. Eun growled, I could feel some of its anger pumping through my body. 

I held my breath and dug my nails into my palms. As much as I wanted to attack him for hurting those innocent people, I knew it would only cause more harm. At a time like this Raven needs to know his friends accept him, regardless of the ugliness in the past.  

"How long did you usually keep them alive?" Elsword asked. 

"It was usually for a day or two," he answered. "But I made sure their stay felt like weeks have passed."

Elsword cursed to himself. 

 "A-as you all knew, my ship didn't arrive directly to Elder." He went on. "We took some detours for some extra preparations. During that time I captured numerous travellers, demons---basically anything that could move.

 I-I really didn't care about murdering until I saw how your guys fought. It reminded me of the person I used to be. I saw how I turned out and felt disgusted."

"So then you decided to fight against your own allies." Elsword blurted; I could see Aisha's shoulders stiffening in response to his interruption. 

"I had second thoughts though. I wasn't sure if fighting with the Red Knights was worth it anymore."

"You were right, dude." Chung laughed grimly. "You're making it really hard to not hate you." 

As much as I wanted to play good cop and defend Raven, I knew I couldn't let myself lie to my friends.

"I-I don't know if I should kill you or forgive you." Aisha cried, as she bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Raven."

"Aisha..." Elsword sighed. "I-I...I don't know, man. I'm sorry." 

"Yeah, I'm sorry as well." I spoke through clenched teeth; I could feel Eun threatening to surface.

Raven chuckled again," I knew you guys would react this way. I don't blame ya'."

"I can understand how the humans feel," Eve piped in coolly---it was a bit astonishing to hear her address him in such a calm tone, especially after hearing his story. 

"I will admit that I am feeling something strange," she went on nonchalantly. "I have such a strong urge to order Oberon to attack you. In fact, I do not even wish to talk to you. The more I speak calmly to you the more I want to end your existence." 

She came to a sudden halt and glanced back at him, smiling," despite your sins, despite your inhumane actions, and despite your well deserved punishment I will choose to forgive you."

At this point we had stopped in our tracks and had our eyes glued on Eve.

 I was both disgusted (at the fact that Eve could forgive him) and shocked at her willingness to voice her feelings. Eve was the last person I would expect to shower Raven in kindness. 

I glanced over at Raven, his face had drained of all colour and his jaw was dropped. It was almost hard to tell if he was just shocked or ready to pass out again. 

Raven shook his head," y-you're joking." He laughed stiffly. "I-I never knew you--"

"I am a failure of a Queen," she cut him off. "And you are a failure of a knight. We both have failed to protect the things we cherished and we both have abandoned what we have sworn to fight for."

"It isn't the same." He muttered, bowing his head. "You didn't kill and torture, but I did."

"I a--" she paused. "I was a Queen." 

She hastily wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. 

"A Queen is sworn to protect her kingdom and those in it with her life." Eve continued. "You may think of a Queen as a mother, a figure who is given the responsibility to nurture and care for her children. When a Queen abandons her kingdom, she is allowing everyone in it to perish at the hands of her enemy. She is responsible for the lives lost, regardless of her presence on the throne." 

She began her way towards Raven, her movements were both slow but elegant, like a princess learning how to walk properly," I understand your...guilt. I know it is difficult to allow yourself to accept that burden, but I know you can overcome it." 

Raven turned his head away once she had reached him," Raven," she spoke softly. "Look me in the eyes." 

Raven's jaw tightened. 

"Please, do it for your friend."  

He sighed and turned to face Eve, his shoulders stiffened almost instantly as he locked eyes with her," I forgive you and I know you can do better now." She placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "We both know you can do a little better now."

"T-thank you," Raven smiled---it was a smile we hadn't seen for what felt like months. 

He let go of Elsword and wrapped his arms around Eve. The abrupt hug made Eve stiffen but she quickly relaxed once she was able to determine it wasn't a threat. 

"Give the others some time," she whispered in a tone only Raven and I could make out. "They'll forgive you, I promise."

"I'm sorry," he cried, pulling Eve closer to him. "I'm so sorry." 

Eve raised her arms up and reluctantly wrapped them around him," it's okay now." She whispered, gently rubbing his back. "We will always be here to help you stay on the right path. You do not have to do this alone anymore." 

I pried my eyes away from them and focused my attention on the path ahead. The plains were submerged in an amber light from the setting sun. Besides us, only birds could be seen roaming the land. 

"Peaceful isn't it?" Chung positioned himself beside me. "This island is pretty nice."

"It'd be better if the Nasods made peace with the villagers." I pointed bitterly.

This island could have been home to a nice quiet town if the Nasods agreed to live peacefully with the Ponggos. The only reason the island is in such a turmoil is because those Nasods refused to share the land with the villagers. 

"Can't just blame the Nasods on everything," Chung replied. "They've been suppressed for quite some time by humans."

"I guess, but it doesn't give them the right to harm the Ponggos." I protested. 

"I know," he said, resting his arm on my shoulder. "Just try not to put the full blame on them." 

A cold wind brushed in between us, causing the shivers to run slither down my back. 

"So now that we're no longer surrounded by man-slaughtering robots, why don't you tell me how you've been doing?" Chung rested his weight on me, as if he's trying to keep me from running away. 

"Aside from being attacked from Nasods, I've been great." I attempted to brush his arm off, but he refused to let me go. 

"Oh really?" His voice dripped with sarcasm. "I guess I have nothing to worry about. I'm sure glad you're honest with me."

I can't believe he's going to play with game with me. 

"And I'm glad you've grown more nosy." I said with a snort. 

"What are friends for?" He replied coolly. 

I wonder if this is his way of making me feel guilty for being so secretive----he's doing a pretty good job if it is. 

He sighed and lifted his arm off," look, I know we had a rocky start, but think of you as a friend now." 

I wanted to say something to throw him off track, but I couldn't seem to bring myself to interrupt. 

"I wanna make sure you're okay." I could feel his gaze on me, waiting for me to give a response. "If the others knew I bet they'd want to know." 

"I-I know." I replied, hiding my clutched fists in my sleeves. "Thanks for caring but I'm fine."

Chung groaned with frustration," why do you have to be so stubborn?" 

I held my breath and turned to face him, it felt like the world around me stopped as I locked eyes on him for the first time during our conversation," I'm just tired from all the fighting." I spoke sternly to him. "There's nothing you need to worry about, I promise."

He tightened his lips together at my response," whatever floats your boat." He shurgged. "Just know you can talk to us about anything." 

I felt my chest warming at his reassurance," thanks." I smiled. 

I have a funny feeling this won't be the last time he confronts me about this topic. I should probably start thinking of a time to tell him, and everyone else, about my past and family. 

The thought of revealing the past made me feel sick to my stomach, but the information will have to come out sooner or later. I just hope it won't be soon. 

"It's getting dark now." Chung said, changing the subject. "I think we should start walking again."

I glanced back at Eve and Raven, they were still in the comfort of each others arms. I could just barely make out the whispered conversation between them," I'd hate to ruin the moment." I pointed toward him. 

"We'll be stuck out here for another hour if they won't get over that hug." He stated bluntly. "I don't plan on sleeping outside tonight, but you can stay all you want if that's your thing." 

I sighed and turned my back on them again," I guess you're right." 

"I'll be the bad guy and break them up." He offered with a yawn. "Then we can finally get back and sleep." 

I didn't offer any extra words as he went back to ruin their perfect moment together. I was too drained to reply anyways. 

The walk back to the village was painfully quiet, but everyone was too tired to say anything. So much had happened during the mission today, and there's so much we still need to process. The missing Nasods, Raven's true nature, and the rising Nasod King was all starting to pile up on one another. The weight was starting to grow hard to bare---all I wanted now was to return and sleep on those thoughts. 

I should've known better than to think we had a chance to return that night. The faint scent of smoke should've been a warning sign for us to hurry. 

If I had taken that as an indication for danger we would've taken action sooner---despite losing more of our energy. If I wasn't so concerned about my own comfort we wouldn't have returned to the sight of a burning village. 


When the entrance to the village was in sight we knew something wasn't right. The entrance to the village was destroyed, leaving behind a gaping hole. A strong stench of burning wood emitted from the inside. Several villagers were seen outside, crying and holding onto their loved ones.

Elsword cursed loudly, catching the attention of some of the villagers.

"T-they're back," one of them cried. "F-finally they're back."

Before we had a chance to ask the few villagers what had happened, they bombarded us with pleads. They all spoke at once, some revealing information about the Nasods' attack while others begged us to save the remaining lives trapped inside.

I can't speak for the others, but I was completely frozen by their requests. Although they were asking us to help fix the problem, to be the heroes, I couldn't help but feel guilty. 

We had sworn to protect them and yet we allowed this invasion to occur. Leaving behind Yang may have been better than leaving no defence behind, but she should've known better than to only have one team member on guard duty. 

"Okay, I need everyone to calm down and listen to me," Elsword yelled over the hysteric crowd, some of the villagers stopped talking while others continued to plead for help. "W-we will do our best to evacuate the village. I'll send my team down there--"

"Please don't leave us alone up here," one of the Ponggos cried. "W-we're sorry for being s-so rude to your team. Please just protect us a-and save us. We'll repay you with anything just please help us."

It was hard to keep my emotions under control when the Ponggo fell to her knees, crying and begging Elsword to protect them. Some of the villagers mimicked her actions, while others offered us valuable belongings on the spot.

I had to force myself to look away. It's our responsibility as Red Knights to protect innocent lives, it's something we all have a desire to do. With that in mind, it's heartbreaking to know that the people we're committed to protect view themselves as a burden---like we only do this for the benefits.

It's hard to understand when you aren't standing in our shoes.

"M-ma'am, we will help you," Elsword stammered. "I-I promise we will."

"Elsword, we need to move now." Aisha whispered.

Elsword nodded with eyes glued on the crowd," I-I'm going to leave some of my team behind to guard everyone. Does that sound okay to you guys?" 

The Ponggos bobbed their heads almost instantly at the suggestion, some of the Ponggos even bowed to us out of gratitude.

"Raven, Chung, and Aisha, I want you three to stay behind and guard the Ponggos." Elsword ordered as he drew out his swords. "Ara, Eve, and I will head in to get the villagers out."

He didn't need to say another word  as we sprung into action. Aisha and her group called on the Ponggos to step away from the entrance while my group stormed inside the heated village

When we entered the village I knew there was no way we could repair the damage done. A wild fire was burning through the village's buildings, eating away what was left of the Ponggo society. The crackling of the fire made it hard to hear the Nasods at work and the desperate screams for help.

"Here's the plan," Elsword said as he quickly scanned over the burning village. "Look through the village for any survivors and guide them out. Try not to focus too much on the Nasods."

"How long should we search for?" Eve asked.

"It doesn't look like there's much survivors down here," Elsword answered. Eve and I exchanged worried glances in response. "You should know when to stop."

"Good luck, guys," I said as Eun's aura erupted around me. 

"And don't stay down here for too long," Elsword added hastily. "I-I don't want to lose anymore lives tonight."

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