Troglodytic (Yaoi BoyXBoy)

By Akikou

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WARNING BOYXBOY EXPLICIT CONTENT! Takahiro has always been that rebellious teen that people would hang out wi... More

Part 1: Routine「Takahiro」
Part 2: Company「Takahiro」
Part 3: Bratty「Takahiro」
Part 4: Hope「Yuki」
Part 5: Professor「Yuki」
Part 6: Milk「Takahiro」
Part 7: Distant「Takahiro」
Part 8: Affection「Yuki」
Part 9: Relationship「Yuki」
Part 10: Knives「Yuki」
Part 11: Lost「Takahiro」
Part 12: Friend「Takahiro」
Part 13: Job「Yuki」
Part 14: Roommates「Yuki」
Part 15: Caring「Takahiro」
Part 16: Gift「Yuki」
Part 17: School「Takahiro」
Part 18: Rumors「 Takahiro」
Part 19: Feelings「Yuki」
Part 20: Confession「Takahiro」
Part 21: Death「Takahiro」
Part 22: Kazuo「Yuki」
Part 23: Rain「Takahiro」
Part 24: Release「Takahiro」
Part 25: Vanish「Takahiro」
Part 26: Koji「Yuki」
Part 27: Christmas「Takahiro」
Part 28: Guilt「Takahiro」
Part 29: Angry「Yuki」
Part 30: Threats「Takahiro」
Part 31: Hidden「Yuki」
Part 32: Ink「Takahiro」
Part 33: Stealth「Takahiro」
Part 35: Conclude「Takahiro」
Part 36: Betrayal「Yuki」
Part 37: Reveals「Yuki」
Part 38: Trip「Takahiro」
Part 39: Flash「Yuki」
Part 40: Dust 「Takahiro」
「Author's Note」

Part 34: Last「Yuki」

877 69 58
By Akikou

Part 34: Last

"Yuki, do you want to see the ballet with me? It's for an art class I'm taking. They gave me two tickets, and I figured you would be my best choice since you are my best friend." She smiles.

"Really?" She called me a best friend. I felt so happy. I've never had such compassion. Not even with Takahiro. I realized that spending time with Chisa is a lot more fun than with Takahiro. She always compliments me, and makes me feel wanted. Takahiro hardly ever showed affection, and he seems ashamed of me half the time.

"Yes Yuki. I enjoy spending time with you." Her head was low, and her face was pink. Did she like me? It would of been a shocked, but then it wouldn't have. I've been spending large amounts of time with her lately. A part of me has grown attached to her as well.

"I would love to go." I smiled.

She giggles. "I love when you smile. You've been doing it a lot more lately. I hope it's because of me."

My heart sunk a bit. I only smiled because of Takahiro. He was the one that triggered it. I simply nodded, and she smiled at me.

"I will see you Friday for the ballet? Meet me at my house." She hugs me.

"Okay, I will."

I left her house. It was pitch dark at night with some street lights here, and there. I normally hate when I walk alone at night. I felt a creeping aura around me.

"Yuki..." I knew instantly it was Koji's voice. I turned around to see his wrecked up self. I looked particularly at his hand that was overly patched up.

"What do you want?" I tried to remain as calm as I can.

"You want me don't you? I know deep down you do." He grins as he approaches me.

I stayed silent as he moves closer. I could smell his body. It was a strong scent. I looked up at him.

"You don't like that new boy toy of yours enough. I don't even see you laying a finger on him." He touches my cheek.

"I don't want to." I looked down, and to the side.

"But I'm offering you all of me. Just dump him, and you can have whatever your heart desires."

"I'm fine." I pushed his hand off.

"You want me don't you?" He runs his messed up hand in my face. The bandages were rubbing off. I could see he was missing his pinky finger. I quickly backed away.

"Stop it. Your finger.." I pointed to his missing limb.

"I must of not wrapped it tightly." He chuckles.

"I got to go." I quickly began to run.

"I will come for you Yuki!" He calls out.

I wanted to get away from him. He creeps me out, but at the same time draws me closer, and closer to my demise.


I got home in one peace. Takahiro was sitting on the couch eating ramen. He looks at me. "Yo."


"Where were you?" He asked.

"Out with Chisa."

Takahiro got up, and went over to me. "Do you like her?" He asked.

"Not in that way." I looked down. His height often frightened me.

"How about we have an open relationship? You can see others, and I can see others."

I looked up in disbelief. I slapped him across his face, and he stood still. "How dare you ask that of me! I have stayed loyal to you!"

"Ah..." He touched his face.

"You just want to fuck around with other girls! If that is the case then why don't you just date them, and leave me!" I could feel my heartbeat racing. I was beyond angry at this point.

"It isn't like that. You aren't happy with me."

"You don't do shit! Every now, and then you would take me out. Then you would have second thoughts when your friends are here. You would treat me like I'm an embarrassment! I'm sick of it! I want to feel like I am your partner, but I just feel like I'm one of those little brats you could care less for! You don't even love me do you?!"

Takahiro was silent, and that was all the answer I needed.

"Do you just want to break up? You piece of shit!" I yelled.

"Yeah." He said without second thought.

I didn't know what to say anymore. I just quickly went upstairs to the bathroom. I locked myself inside. Tears were dripping down my face. I love Takahiro deeply even when he didn't give a shit about me. We are living together. Now I have to witness him bringing girls home. What is so good about girls anyway? They have nothing compared to me. I can do anything they can do, and more.

I could feel the heat rising to my face. I clenched my fist tightly. I hate girls. I hate anyone that took Takahiro away from me. Who is this new bitch? Reika was out of the picture. I made sure of it.

These horrid thoughts of eliminating everyone invested my mind. Maybe I am delusion, and crazy. If anything, I blamed my father for it all. He was the lunatic that harmed my mom in the end.


"Dad, where did mom go?" I asked my dad. I was four years old so I didn't know what was going on. My parents treated me like I was an outsider.

My dad glares at me. His long hair hits me as he turns my way. My father was a very traditional man. He always wore a kimono unless he was at work, and his long hair would drape down his back in a ponytail. He looked like a samurai to me.

"Yuki, your mom is a bitch. She abandoned you." He chuckles.

"What is that.....?" I didn't know all the words he used at the time. He was a very unsuited father.

"A bad person. Fuck her. Go clean the kitchen." He demanded.

"But I just cleaned it yesterday."

"I said go!" He slaps me hard across my face.

My father had mental issues. He was abusive, and ten times worse than my mother. He was sent to a mental facility soon when I turned seventeen. Since then, I haven't seen him. I only visited him once.

We sat across each other on a table in the lunch room with all the other patients. His hair was messy, but still in a ponytail. He looks at me in disgust.

"Why the hell do you visit me? I don't want to see your face."

"I feel I should because I'm your son."

"You remind me of him. I hate him!" He screams.

My father always told me I reminded him of his former friend that was a betrayer. He told me as a child he was locked up by some family, and that their son used him for sexual purposes. I didn't believe him since my dad tends to lie a lot, and was delusional half the time.

"I don't know him. I'm sorry." I said.

"Stop visiting me like I'm some prisoner. I am a prisoner again! I hate it. If you visit me, at least get me out." He cries.

"I can't."

"You are just like that bastard! He tries to sneak me out, but fails. As a son, you need to try!" He grabs my arms. I was terrified whenever he touched me.

"I can't I'm sorry." I shoved him off. I was slapped roughly by him. Guards came to assist me, and held him back.

"Keep your hands to yourself." One of the guards hollered at my dad.

"He's a worthless son of a bitch! He just wants me to rot away in this hell hole!" My dad's eyes were filled with fury, and hatred. I felt scared, and sad.

My dad is a handsome man. Many girls liked him. He just couldn't maintain a relationship for long. When his mental illness kicked in, he became a lot more reckless with his appearance. His cheeks were hollow, his skin was dry, and he overall just looked like a person that has been starving for years. I felt bad for him, but at the same time I didn't care. He deserved this pain for what he has done to me. I could of loved him like a father, but he chose to be a beast with me. I hated him. I hoped he died in this hell hole, but at the same time I wanted him to live. If he lives, he suffers more.


I woke up from passing out in the bathroom. What a weird dream. I often dreamed of my father. Aside from his crazy behavior, he cooked the finest cuisines that made my childhood bearable. That was something I had admired in him.

I got up from the floor, and went to unlock the door. I looked at the wall clock. It was three in the morning. I passed out for a while. I heard Takahiro sleeping already. What an asshole. He didn't even try to comfort or talk things out with me. He will surely get my wrath. I formed a fist. I hate Takahiro. This anger won't subside with a simple sorry this time. I will watch his moves carefully. I will.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. I looked at the knife block, and took a relatively large knife from the block.

My dad's face flashed before my eyes. Salvia drew down the corners of his mouth, and his eyes lustful. I clenched the knife tightly, and quietly made my way upstairs.

I walked into Takahiro's bedroom. He was in deep sleep. I could tell by the heavy breathing he was producing. I walked slowly to the bedside where he slept. I pulled out gloves from my pocket, and a bag of blood out from my pocket. I dipped the knife into the blood. I took out a cloth, and wiped the handle clean of my prints, and slowly slipped the blade on to Takahiro's palm. I made sure his prints touched the handle. I glared at the sleeping man. He is starting to make me angry.

I went downstairs, and pulled out an identical knife. I stabbed my upper arm. It hurts like a bitch, but I was used to the pain that I didn't react. I quickly took the knife, cleaned it, and decided to hide it outside in a sewer.

I pulled out my cellphone, and called for the police. Sorry Takahiro. You drew your last line. I'm tired of you, and the way your horny self functions.

"911, what is your emergency?" The woman on the phone said.

"My roommate stabbed me. He is asleep now because I made him drink sleeping medicine.  Please help." I pleaded, trying to make it sound believable.

"Okay, we will be there shortly. Please stay put sir."

I clicked off the phone, and grinned. Maybe I will end up getting caught, but what was the point in living a dull life?

To Be Continued

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