Degrassi: Bitter Love

By Chrissi_B

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Original Television Production of Season 12 of Degrassi. Drama like you've never seen it before! More

Promo 1
Promo 2
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Final Episode: Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Final Episode: Episode 24

133 0 0
By Chrissi_B


              There was no mistaking the somber spirits as Darcy walked Ty slowly down the hall with her arm wrapped around his shoulder.

"So you don't really know if he's going to be OK? " Ty asked desperately as they entered the room.

"I really don't know. It's hard to tell."

"Is there anything we could do?"

"Pray," she responded with a faint smile that would have been brighter had it not been for the dire situation. 

"Well obviously that doesn't work," bellowed a voice from the corner of the room beside Jake's bed. The little boy was engulfed with tubes and monitors that made him appear even smaller than he already was. 

Darcy and Ty were alarmed to find that Yen was accompanied by two other boys, one who Darcy remembered from the dinner on the day she arrived home; one she remembered being told was Jake's father.

[Theme Song]

              K.C. could not have been happier that practice was over. He wiped his forehead and dashed towards the dressing room while the other guys laid in a tired slump in the corner. It was usual for him to join them but his euphoria was more than enough to give him an extra boost. 

He changed quickly and added extra cologne, he even ruffled through his sweaty hair to make it seem presentable. Upon exiting, he found Terrence dragging himself towards the lockers, his face drenched in sweat.

"Big date," smiled Terrence curiously but with a linger of mischief.

"I really hope so," K.C. responded excitedly leaving Terrence quite confused. 

He soared through the hallways like a trained athlete. He was so fast he had to double back to catch up to Alli who he had noticed on his way out the doors. 

'Hey, Alli," K.C. greeted, "Why you're still here? But it's good that you are." His breathing was erratic and he fought effortlessly to hide it from her.

"It is," she responded shocked but his attention was quickly interrupted by Clare's presence. 

K.C.'s eager smile was the perfect opposite to Clare's worried frown.

"I thought Jenna told you," Clare started breaking K.C.'s joy. 

"Told me what?" he asked concerned.

"About Jake?" Alli interjected.

"What's wrong?"

"He's sick. He came down with a high fever yesterday. His heart's failing him and...," Clare's voice trailed off. "I can't bear seeing him like that. He was great and all of sudden -"

"I'm sorry," K.C. hugged her. 

"I can't stand to go home either. My Mom suggested I stay with Alli for a while," Clare informed.

"My Dad finishes work late. We thought watching Jenna's cheerleading practice would be a good distraction," Alli continued.

"I doubt it was," K.C. said out loud what they were thinking. 

At that moment Terrence walked up to them. He was on his way out of the school when he noticed Alli. Alli could not help feeling guilt as the two stared intently into each other's eyes. 

"You should talk to him," Clare urged as Terrence broke away from the trance and made his way through the doors.

"But," Alli quickly refused the idea.

"I'll be find, K.C.'s here now. I'll wait with him until Jenna's changed." 

K.C. assured Alli with a slight nod. She turned towards the exit and sighed heavily. She looked back at her best friend with big, pleading eyes but she knew it was time to confront him on her own. She had been working around the clock avoiding him as best she could but having finally opened up about her secret to Emma and Clare, there was no reason why she couldn't do the same with him.


              The hour had finally come when they all had to be in the same room. Sav was twitching nervously but his burrowed brow emphasised his determined attitude. He kept his focus on his father's irate countenance. There was no turning back; a part of him was sinking but a larger part of him couldn't be any happier which caused him to bear a heavy ball of guilt in the pit of his stomach.

"I swear I never meant to hurt anybody but I still couldn't give up on Holly J. I love her Dad."

"Do you remember what happened to your sister?" his father asked aggressively.

They were seated in the confines of his home. The house was much smaller than his parents but just as inviting thanks to Farrah's charm. It was a wedding present to Sav as well as free funding from his father for his tuition. Ironically, the Bhandaris was the place for all of them to meet and greet which found them spending many nights over.

"Of course I do," Sav said off-handedly not understanding what was the importance of his sister to his situation.

"My daughter has had a very hard year. And I feel greatly responsible for that," he said with stiffened regret. He outreached a hand to Sav, "Your mother and I thought we were doing the right thing by sending her to the private school." 

Sav could not believe his eyes when his father's taut frown relaxed into an apologetic smile. He patted his son on the shoulder, "What has happened with Alli has woken me up to the truth. And dare say, so has your mother." He looked over at his wife who sat beside him on the sofa. She smiled graciously and touched his arm. 

"I must say I don't appreciate taking my money and running off to America to spend time with your girlfriend," his father became serious again reawakening his guilt. "That's why -"

Sav waited with baited breath, not sure how he was sitting there and not speaking up to defend himself. It was a huge challenge to open up to his father especially since it was him who had always objected the idea of his children dating.

"I want to see to it of a proper wedding. Farrah's parents are great friends of mine and can get you a divorce. Religion might want us to live our lives with rigidity and monotone but it is God who inspires us to live. You have my blessing, son." 

Sav leapt into his father's arms and hugged him with all his might. His father in turn clapped him on the arms several times to declare his approval. He didn't know what to say, afraid that whatever he did might ruin the dream. He quickly understood though why his father was so willing to accept him. His mother had already done the majority of the talking and she beamed with pride towards him.

"I couldn't be more proud of you. Go get her, son, why you're here wasting time with us?" His father encouraged. The first step was to have his parents understand the situation this time around and following his mother's advice, he knew he couldn't live a double life any longer. The choice was obvious, he loved Holly J. and one way or the other he was going to win her back.


               There was no denying that outside was cold and as Terrence took up his seat atop the bench he took off his jacket and slipped it over Alli. 

"Thanks," she responded meekly. She decided that standing was best for her; if she needed, she could always make a run for it.

"It's been a while," Terrence motioned her to come closer and he helped her onto the bench next to him. She suddenly realised that she couldn't run anywhere now.

"Yeah," she agreed.

"So - are you - OK?" he asked concerned. 

"I'm a lot better, thanks." she started, "I talked to my parents about it - it was tough but it was the right thing to do. I wouldn't have done it without Emma's help."

"Emma?" he asked curiously.

"The principal's daughter. She's been great. She's been like a best friend to me - she even wants to be there when I get the surgery tomorrow."

"Surgery? But I thought you said you were OK," the quick tempo of his words signalled he was frantic and worried about the prospect.

"To remove my scars," Alli could not control her laughter as she explained the situation to him.

"Oh, right, right," he responded in a far-off tone which Alli suspected was embarrassment. He tucked his hands into his pocket and then with a relieved smile he continued calmly, "So you're going to be OK then?"

"I've been living with these scars for a while now. It'll be great not seeing them but I think I need a little more time before I'm going to be OK." She nodded her head as though making it aware that it was alright revealing what she was going to say next, "You see the girl who did this to me was a family friend and my parents aren't backing off. I'm not sure if I want to see her be punished as much as I thought I did."

"You know what I think?" the question was rhetorical, "I think she should be behind bars, not walking around like she never this to you."

"It wasn't just her. Her friends used to pounce on me for what felt like everyday. That school was a nightmare to me. I had hoped to try to live with the scars for the rest of my life without anyone knowing but then you found out about them and it became harder to cope with."

"Sorry," he apologized quickly; hiding his sorrow by cowering his head.

"Don't be," Alli rested her hand on his which made him look up, "If it wasn't for you, I'll still be walking around with all this baggage. Dealing with it became so intense that I realised, though not intentionally, that I couldn't do this on my own. I'm sorry for making you feel as though you were somewhat the fault of all this."

"Well, yeah, you've been avoiding me for a little too long now," the hurt in his voice was undeniable. 

"And I'm sorry for that," Alli tried her best not to let her guilt take the best of her.

"You think maybe we could start over?" he asked with a grin which came as appreciated as sunshine after a flood.

"I'll like that," Alli snuggled closer to him.

"I'm the one that should be cold though," he joked and the conversation that followed flourished a new friendship.


             K.C. and Clare had taken up refuge in hallway seats. Both were silent not sure what to say or how to say to it or even if they should say it. Eventually, K.C. broke the ice.

"If I know Jenna, she's probably taking her time curling her hair right about now." 

His joke, he quickly realised did not go over so well, "Yeah, probably." Clare responded dryly. 

"I'm just trying to get your mind somewhere else, that's all," he apologised.

"I know," Clare sighed. She leant back against the wall, her head facing towards the ceiling.

"If you want to talk about it, just let me know," he reassured her that he was there for her.

"I just want to get over by Alli's and pretend that I'm a normal teenager for once," she wailed, turning her head to face K.C. who now had to crane his neck to face her. 

"I'm sure he's going to be OK."

"The doctor says his chances of surviving are limited. You should have seen the way he was crying and fussing," she started crying, "It was such a long day, coming home from work to find my mom and my sister doing what they could to calm him down. We had no choice but to rush him to the hospital." 

K.C. leant against the wall, now parallel with her, he could see that Clare hadn't being sleeping well for the last couple of days. He stroked a hand through her hair, "There was a time when Trix had to go to the hospital. She had came down with the flu. I know it's nothing like this but to me, I was scared. I just didn't know what to do and nothing anyone seemed to say wasn't making things any better. I understand why you would need a break from the whole mess. I get it."

Clare smiled despite the tears slithering down her cheeks, "That's why I'm glad to have you back in my life. You understand."

"Always," he looked longingly into her eyes and she returned the sentiment. 

"Y'know, I kinda broke up with Marisol," he blurted but he was glad to see that Clare responded with a friendly voice, especially since that now clearly was not the time to switch the subject.

"Wouldn't Jenna be happy?" she joked, wiping away her tears. 

"Yeah, well. It's not really, well, it's nothing to do with Jenna," he was fumbling with his words.

"Oh, so there's some other girl in your life then?" Clare asked teasingly.

"Actually, yeah, I think so," he admitted more seriously than Clare anticipated.

"Oh," was all she could muster to say. She knew that Jenna still had feelings for K.C. and she suspected that just for a moment that he did too especially since the incident where Jenna reacted bitterly to their newfound friendship out of jealousy. "Well, I mean, she's got Kyle now, so..."

"Who's Kyle?" 

"A guy she met at the skating rink," Clare confessed, sitting up.

"Well," he started with a heavy sigh, sitting up as well, "this girl, I met her on my first day here." 

Clare's eyes opened wide, she knew immediately who he was talking about. 

"But, K.C.," she shook her head in disbelief but she was interrupted as she felt his lips against hers. 

Caught up in the moment, the two of them would have never noticed the heart broken expression on Jenna's face when she noticed them. She headed straight for the door in a flurry of tears.

"So Jenna had every right to think something was going on between us?" Clare had pushed K.C. away. She looked neither upset nor harassed by his actions but K.C. realised immediately that he probably should not have kissed her anyway.

"Not any more," he response was filled with dejection.

"I'm in love with Eli," she informed him, her words were spoken with conviction and honesty.

K.C. nodded, trying to get the message through his head, "Should've figured that much."

"I'm sorry." It was her turn to apologise but she couldn't help admitting one little truth to soften the heavy blow, "The kiss was great though." She giggled. "You sure know how to take my mind off of things."

"Well, I'm glad I could help," he looked up at her with hopelessness that they couldn't be together but glad that they were still friends, "Maybe I'll just ask Connor on tips on how to get over the most amazing girl ever."

Clare's laughter ignited his.

"Well, let's just pretend that this never happened."

"I won't tell a soul, I swear," Clare giggled. She meant what she had said when she told him that she was glad that he was in her life. Without him, she would probably forget what great friends she had who were willing to be there for her. In K.C.'s case, he was looking more to be with her but had it not for that moment she would never had admitted out loud or even to herself that she was indeed in love with Eli.


              Sav found himself in an online chat with Declan of all people. 

"Hey, man, that's the whole story, I swear. Now do you know where I could find her?" Sav was determined to find Holly J. 

"So the photos and the double Facerange account?" Declan showed his frustration, "Damn it. I knew I should've told Holly J. what I had seen but I didn't want to hurt her. So what do you expect me to do now?"

It was more of a threat than a question.

"I just thought if you knew that she had returned to America but y'know, you're right, I deserve to do this the hard way." 

"To hell you do. I sent Holly J. over there to get her heart ripped out," Declan could not hold back his anger and disgust.

"How the hell did you do that?" Sav asked confused.

"I gave her access to my private plane. As far I know she could be anywhere by now if she wanted to but I haven't seen sight of her since."

"Alright, man. Thanks."


Declan turned off the video chat window and closed the lid of his laptop. He took up his champagne bottle and went over to Holly J. who was in the other section of the plane. She was wearing a simple black dress and she too was drinking a glass of champagne but her focus appeared to be on what was outside. 

"Oh, Holly," he said shaking his head. 

"What?" she asked with curious eyes. It was apparent that she had been crying.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this," he started grimly.

"Tell me what?" she asked confused.

"I'm going to ask our pilot to fly us somewhere. Somewhere that we need to be. It's for the best, I promise." 

"Declan. What about school? What about classes? I can't afford to miss out any longer," her determined and fiesty spirit was kicking into gear, "I've only called you over here because I - I - I needed a drop back to the dorms."

"There's more important things than school right now, I promise. Do you trust me?"

"Alright. I trust you." she said in a small voice. 

Declan smiled daintily, "Well, here's to a brighter future." The two cheered.


             "You'll be great, Al," Clare's sympathy was just as heartfelt even via telephone.

"I wish you were here with me though," Alli confessed. "And my brother but he's pretty much preoccupied anyways."

"I told you, I can't. I've got to talk to Eli and I miss Jake so much - I took one day from him and it feels like ages but I still dread seeing him in that hospital bed but it's something I need to do."

"Going down and give Eli a tongue-lashing," quirked Alli.

"Very much the opposite, actually," Clare admitted, "Something happened yesterday with K.C. that made me realise that Eli means a lot to me. I just wish I felt this way before I pushed him away."

"You were doing what you felt was best for Jake at the time," Alli reassured.

"Yeah, well, now looking back, I think I was doing what was right for me. He's decided to skip school to spend the entire day with his son." Her pride faltered because her mind was numb just thinking about seeing Jake again, lying helplessly in the hospital bed. 

"Well when I get out of surgery I'll call and check in on you."

"I should be checking up on you," Clare emphasised. Even though there was no way for Alli to see her smile, the two shared a moment of laughter.

"Bye, Al."

"Bye, Clare."

Clare put down the phone and sighed loudly. She had been clutching her cell tightly to which she now stared at the message on it fondly. It was a text message from Eli saying that he was staying at the hospital all day. She figured that now was as good a time as any to make up with him. After all, she wasn't sure how limited Jake's time was.


                "Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all," Gracie held tightly onto her brother stopping them just before they opened the door to the classroom. Her red crop complemented her grey and black floral blouse and dark blue jeans. Her red flats were a far cry from the stellar, six inch heels she had been donning for the last month but nevertheless she was as beautiful. Her makeup was light and effortless.

 "Trust me. It is," he nodded hoping to keep her spirits alive.

"Are you sure?" she asked nervously, "I don't think people are going to get over my sudden change so quickly. And besides, I don't have such a good rep. Half those girls in there hate me and half the guys." 

"Why - why were you so keen on stealing other people's boyfriends by the way?" It was a question he was dying to ask and now was as good a time as any.

Gracie smiled earnestly, "I liked the attention. And to be honest, they were coming to me. All my life I wished for attention like that, I didn't see the sense in passing it up."

Drew stood there and stared, "Why you'd never come to me? Help me understand what you were going through?"

"By shouting at me and ratting me out to Mom and Dad?" she scoffed.

"Yeah, well," he smiled earnestly, "Tough love."

Gracie returned the smile, "Thanks. For everything."

"You mean that?" he asked shocked.

"Of course. Your tough love was tough enough for me to face up to my demons. And now you're here with me by my side to help me through my day back. For what it's worth, I don't care if the whole school brushes me off, I've got you."

"Alright, then," Drew motioned her towards the door.

She opened it with a heavy heart, anticipating the worst yet hoping for the best. She couldn't have been more surprised to be greeted with pleasant smiles especially from her teacher. 

"You're late, Ms. Torres," her teacher addressed rather sternly.

"Sorry," she apologised and she turned to face the class and noticed quite a few students treated her as though she was the average teenager and not Ms. Popular who was adored nor Adam who was completely ignored which she was glad to see. As she made her way to her seat, she couldn't help but notice that quite a few guys were giving her the mean eye, many of which she had been with. 

There was one in particular who had caught her eye but she looked away and pulled out her books. She noticed Drew was encouraging her to turn around but she wasn't so sure if she was ready to take on anyone just yet. 

She looked behind her again and couldn't help feel the guilt and regret she believed she deserved. She stared with sorry eyes at Lander, lost in the memory of what she had been just a few days ago. A part of her felt as though that this was the end to the attention she was receiving from guys but she half-wished that at least she could get Lander to forgive her. So caught up with her silent pleading, she had not notice that her cell had vibrated until Lander motioned her to look down. She eased the phone out of her pocket, careful not for the teacher to see her. She almost cried when she read the text. 

She smiled back at him and nodded her head. He had asked her if it would be Ok if they could be an exclusive couple this time around.


               "Looks like we did good after all," Drew smiled broadly as he entered the cafeteria noticing a brunette sitting alone.

Bianca turned around with an expression that could kill but it didn't effect him in any way. 

"What do you want?" she asked bitterly.

"To ask for your forgiveness," his smile faded away and he became sincere. 

"Let me guess...for throwing all the blame on me or for breaking my heart?" she asked coldly.

"Both," he admitted.

"Really now," she scoffed and returned to her soda. 

"Would you stop being so full of yourself just once and see that I'm here begging you to be with me," he bent on his knees causing quite a stir in heads from the surrounding students, "In front of everyone, I'm making a fool out of myself to let you know I love you." 

Bianca was beside herself and she couldn't hide her glee and despite her best efforts a smile lit up her face, "You're so dumb." The two kissed to many applauses and laughter from the crowd but they didn't care; they had finally reunited.


                Sav had called Holly J.'s number for what felt like the billionth time. He could have kicked himself every time he didn't get a response and once again he left a message. "Look Holly J. As I said in the last message, my parents are going to work out something for us. I just wish that they were an us. I love you Holly J. And I can't help saying how sorry I am for putting you through this."

He slumped down in the sofa and groaned. Finally he could be with the woman he loved and it seemed that she turned out not to love him any more. He cursed bitterly when his frustrations were interrupted by the doorbell. 

"Who the hell could that be now?" he had lost his temper. 

"Hi, Sav."

Sav could not believe his eyes when he saw Farrah. Another bout of anger was seeping through him.

"This is your home as much as it is mine," he directed her to come sit with him but she refused.

"I just want to apologise for my behaviour, when I found out about her," started Farrah.

"Holly J," Sav filled in realising that she did not know who "her" was.

Farrah nodded, "They told me that you were imprisoning yourself in here. Why haven't you gone off to find her, Sav?"

"More than likely she's probably back in America or anywhere really. I called her, I've texted her, I emailed, left her messages on her wall, I even contacted the ex who's still in love with her. I wouldn't be too surprised if he was putting the move on her all right now."

"I am not here to hear you whine and complain. I felt betrayed and hurt but I wasn't exactly being entirely honest either. I've explained our situation to him and he's proposed and because of you and your belief in love I can be with the man I love."

"I guess we both were burning our candles on both ends," Sav laughed dryly.

"I know first hand how hard it is to let go and I'm sorry I had to let you know now after everything but if things hadn't worked out like this maybe we both could have continued our affairs for years and never be satisfied. "

"Yeah, I'm glad someone understands what it was I've been going through."

"You were a great husband to me," Farrah touched his cheek, "And we shared some great times and a part of me will always belong with you."

"Same here," Sav agreed.

"I have someone here for you to meet. He says that he's a good friend of yours and can help." Farrah led Sav outside where he was shocked to find Declan standing just outside of a taxi.

"Hey, man, let's get a move on," he waved him over.

"How you'd get here?" Sav asked confused.

"Well I tracked down the lovely Farrah and she directed me as to where you could be and now we're here," Declan gave the details with a toothy grin.

"Where's Holly J.?"

"That I don't know but I do know that you should come with me. There's somewhere important I need to fly to."

Sav who had settled in the taxi felt suddenly trapped.

"You're taking me out on your private jet?" 

"Of course, I am. That's what friends are for. Holly J. loves you. And I realise now that you really are the better man for her."

"How is taking a trip going to help me win her back?"

"You'll see." He directed the driver to take them to the airport with Farrah waving them off. 


                "Hey, Eli." Clare noticed him caressing their son in his bed. She glanced over and noticed that Joe was there. 

"Hey," he waved nervously at her, his eyes darting between Eli and her obviously expecting some sort of drama to unfold right before his eyes.

"Can I - have a word with Eli - alone?" she asked him. 

"Will do." Joe moved so quickly it was though he was glad that he didn't had to witness her wrath after all. 

"I'm not leaving," Eli said finally. His voice was grim and low with sorrow.

"You don't have to." 

He looked behind him and saw a very composed demeanour of the girl who he swore would have torn him to pieces because he had seen their son without her permission.

"I was wrong not to let you see him but then it seemed Gracie was more important to you than either of us."

"And now?" 

"And now..." She clasped her hand into his and looked down at her son but she looked away, "I know that you're an amazing father and I want you to be his life. In both our lives."

Eli caught on to her last sentence and looked at her and smiled, "You mean that." 

Clare nodded. 

"I just wish I could hear that when things weren't like this," Eli's voice indicated that he had once again gone back into a depressed state. 

"Me too," Clare admitted with tears, "I've been praying for him all day and night..."

She was about to continue but Eli snapped at her, "Praying? Clare...praying doesn't do anything. It's a waste of time. He's still going to die no matter what we do."

Clare looked away, hurt by his words. It was hard for her to let go but she knew it was for the best when her fingers slipped away from his. "And even if he does die...I have someone to thank for bringing him into my life in the first place. What will you have then?" 

It was not her intention for the conversation to go so far south but she had to admit that despite everything she and Eli had been through together thus far, there was always going to be that major roadblock in their way. Eli could never fathom that there was a higher power and rejected the idea bitterly especially in times of crisis which was when Clare drew nearer to God. The scowl on Eli's face when the door closed behind her had she seen it would have not only proved her worries but doubled them.


               Sav was both nervous and confused as he stepped away from the crowd in the airport and towards the gateways. He wasn't sure why Declan was being so generous as to give him a free trip in his expensive plane but if it was to win Holly J. back and he was determined to go along with it.

"Up you go," Declan ordered him up.

He made his way up the landing with Declan in close pursuit. He was led into one of the sections of the plane and noticed none other than...

"Holly J?" his surprise couldn't have been any greater than hers. 

"Sav?" she stood up immediately. 

"I'll admit," intervened Declan, "I took her for a little romantic rendezvous to Paris yesterday and then it hit me. It was my last hurrah with her before I finally let her go."

"Romantic?" Sav asked concerned.

"He toured me around Paris, I swear that's all," Holly J. replied defiantly trying to defend herself, "He said I needed to clear my mind. Get away from it all."

"After we spoke, " he was referring to Sav, "I realised that you must really love her. I was angry but I knew what I had to do."

"I thought we were in Berlin," a sarcastic smile crept unto Holly J.'s face.

"Of course not. I'll leave you guys to it then."

The minute Declan stepped through the door, the two of them started up with excuses and apologies. Finally Sav broke the confusion by stating clearly that he loved her.

"You know I love you Sav," she responded and the two embraced and kissed.

"My dad gives us his blessing for a proper wedding, with all our friends and family," he informed.

"He did?" she was shocked.

"But it will take a while to plan though," Sav could not help himself grinning, "You know after all the legal issues get smoothed out."

"So what about Farrah?" she asked curiously.

"She gives us her blessing as well. In fact, just a few moments ago she clued me in that now she can be with her own Prince Charming."

Holly J. lit up, "It's like the universe wants us to be together."

"Love conquers all things, Holly J.," and Sav pulled her close, "I thought maybe you had given up on me or was back in Declan's arms."

"I thought for a moment I did too."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't."

"I am too." They kissed passionately looking forward to a lifetime together.


              It was Monday and Clare couldn't have been more sorry to start off the week. She had made it just in time as the bell rang to start off the first lesson. On her way there though she heard something that stopped her in her tracks.

"She's a bright girl with a bright future. How could she gave up her life like that?"

"Dating him is one thing, having his baby!!"

Two teachers passed her on their way in the opposite direction casting her a furtive glance. She immediately realised that she was in the middle of her greatest fear. 

"So it wasn't your little brother after all," Marisol had brushed past her. And just like that she felt consumed by a flurry of gossip all entailing her, Eli and Jake. 

She started to cry not sure where to turn and then she noticed a familiar face coming towards her.

"Oh, Clare." It was Gracie.

Clare stood there staring at her not because she had looked so different than the last time she saw her but she wasn't sure if she could trust her. 

"I don't know who told your secret," Gracie was in tears herself and she hugged Clare.

"How would they know? Who would...?" Clare blubbered.

"Ms. Edwards," it was the stern voice of Principal Simpson, "Come with me."

Clare felt like her world was crashing in on her.

"I'll go with go," Gracie offered and the two walked gingerly towards the principal's office.

Just outside the office they saw Jenna sitting there daring not to catch either of their eyes. 

"You told them, didn't you?" Clare was enraged, "How could you?"

Principal Simpson stepped back and dragged Clare into his office. Gracie was visibly upset but she tried her best to cover it especially in front of the principal.

"I'm hurt that you didn't come to me," Mr. Simpson started grimly, "Ms. Oh explained everything to me but only after the entire school found out, that is. The reason I called you in here isn't to chastise you. I couldn't possibly understand what you've been through...what you're going through."

Clare looked at Gracie who looked at her. They didn't know what to expect.

"The hospital just called here. They couldn't reach you at your home number and your mother gave them this number thinking that I had known all along about your son."

"I'm - I'm staying at Alli's."

"Clare, they want you to get over to the hospital as soon as possible to sign some papers for Jake to get surgery."

"What?" Clare could not control her tears.

"Come with me. I'll drive you up there now."

As Gracie slid through the door, Mr. Simpson stopped Clare and hugged her, "He'll be alright, Clare, I just know it."

"Thanks." she said meekly not sure if she was believing it herself.


                A small group had huddled together in support of Jake. Clare's parents, Ty and Yen and Darcy and Eli's parents and Joe. 

"I need some fresh air," she said out loud breaking the silence. Gracie caught her eye and followed her.

"Clare." She caught up to her and the two walked somberly down the hospital aisle. 

"Why are you going to his room?" Gracie asked.

"I know he's gone off to surgery but I just need to - I don't know really. Maybe I figured it's better to mope around alone."

"I understand." Gracie touched her hand and upon opening the door they heard someone talking. It was Eli who was praying fervently, "Don't let my son die, please. I'll make it up to you for the rest of my life, just please, don't let him die."

"Eli?" Clare couldn't be more surprised.

"Clare?" Eli turned towards them, his face drenched in tears. The two girls drew closer to him and embraced each other. Clare and he clasped hands tightly this time there was no letting go. 


              Drew walked up to Clare who was standing just outside of a thick window. He had only then heard the news and rushed over to comfort her.

"I came as soon as I heard." he greeted.

He looked into the room and noticed the baby boy sleeping peacefully though surrounded by heavy machinery and tubes.

"Is he going to be OK?" he asked.

Clare nodded with tears, "My son's alive. He'll be alright."

Drew smiled graciously but then became serious again, "So you think that maybe you'll be OK back at school?"

Clare responds, "My secret meant the world to me but all of this helped me to realise that there are more important things." She smiled at Jake and then over at Eli who was sitting in a nearby seat, "I'll be OK."

Music for this episode: Jesus Take the Wheel - Carrie Underwood

Thanks for watching Degrassi: Bitter Love. If you've made it this far I would love to have some feedback. (And a special thank you for the follows, reading lists adds and votes :D It means a lot.) I hope you had as much fun reading as I had writing it. 

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