Before I Met You (DESTIEL HIG...

By _Bianca-Tachibana_

160K 6.7K 3.1K

Ever since Dean Winchester came out as gay to his friend, Meg, and she told everyone, people have constantly... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note
Chapter 45
Authors Note

Chapter 23

3.3K 153 101
By _Bianca-Tachibana_

Cas' POV

It's been two months since I learn what happened that day, and thankfully, its gotten better. My ex-girlfriend, April, has tried to speak to me, but I ignored her. Though its been a while, I'm still upset. She told me she loved me, but she was cheating on me. It just doesn't make sense to me. I've had the urge to confront her and simply ask why, but I can't bring myself to do it. I still have to go see the psychiatrist every week. Soon it'll be every two weeks. Good. I hate going.

Dean and I have hung out a lot. I'm not sure if its out of pity or if he genuinely likes being in my presence. With my paranoia and pessimism, I could never get down to one option and keep it that way. Sometimes I convince myself he actually likes spending time with me, but other times, I tell myself that he just feels bad for me because no one really talks to me. I'm also constantly wondering if my brothers put him up to this, but like the situation with April, I couldn't bring myself to ask.

I haven't really gone to school. Almost everyday, Dean brings me notes and homework, which I complete. I pretty much only go to school for exams. I'm not failing. I'm actually doing pretty damn good, which is great. It makes me happy that my hard work is paying off.

When I'm not with Dean, I'm usually in my room watching anime, reading or listening to music, but its not often that I'm not with Dean.

Thankfully, it was the weekend, and I've finished all my school work, so, to reward myself, I was spending my current time watching anime. Black Butler : Book of Murder. I love it. Although I loved season two because Alois made the show very intriguing, this one was probably my favourite. *SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BOOK OF MURDER* I can't believe Sebastian died. I wouldn't tell anyone, but I may have cried a little. It was just so sad. Seeing Ciel on top of Sebby slapping him yelling, 'I order you not to be dead,' and, 'I thought you would never leave me'. Yup, there were tears. Any person with a heart would cry at that. It is rather suspicious though, considering he's a demon and he was killed by a blow to the head and being stabbed in the abdomen. Could he be faking? Hmm... I guess I'll find out eventually.

I heard a ding from across the room and I knew it was my phone. I groaned because getting it would mean I'd need to get off the bed. I considered ignoring it, but I got up to get it.

From Dean: Hey!

My lips curled into a smile as I typed a reply.

To Dean: Hey :)

From Dean: Whatcha up to?

To Dean: Not much. Watching Black Butler. You?

From Dean: You and your anime ;) Not much. Bobby and Ellen are at work. Sam is out with Gabe, and Jo is at her friends house. Wanna come over and like, watch a movie or something?

To Dean: Ughhh but that means I need to put pants on and go outside and leave my Sebby. Why do you hate meeee?

From Dean: No pants, huh? ;)

To Dean: Oh you cheeky bastard. I'll be over in twenty.

From Dean: Muahaha! The doors unlocked, so you can just walk in.

To Dean: Alright, see you then.

I sighed as I turned off the anime. Its not that I didn't wanna be with Dean right now, I just wanted to see what happened with Sebas-chan and who the murderer is going to be. I hope he knows he's worth it!

I got changed, put my plugs in, put some eyeliner on and went downstairs.

"Where are you going?" A voice called. It was Luci's voice.

"To Dean's." I reply slightly monotone. I didn't have the greatest relationship with Luci. He was very secluded and never initiated conversation. I don't know, he just didn't really seem like he cared much.

"Okay," He said. "I'll tell Michael. Be careful."

"Thank you."

I got into my jet black 1979 Ford F-150. Before starting the car, I put my Europe CD in and started jamming out to it. I loved driving while listening to music. Despite the heavy rock, it was very peaceful. Unless I had intentions of thinking, I basically forget everything that worries me.

In about 10 minutes I was at Dean's house. I turned the music off and got out of the car. I knocked on the door, waiting for him. As I waited, I took it upon myself to examine the door. I'm not sure why, but I really liked it. The patterns were very nice.

The door opened and Dean sighed, gesturing for me to come in. "I told you to just walk in!" He complained.

"Well, I could have been a murderer and just walked into your house and killed you."

"You could have knocked on the door and killed me." He retorted.

"Touché. Meh. I don't like that idea."

Dean shrugged and we walked into his living room. I plopped down on his couch and watched him walk to the TV compartment. "What would you like to watch?" He asked.

"What are the options?" I replied.

"We have Forrest Gump, The Exorcist, IT, The Fast and the Furious, Did Hard, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Breakfast Club." He said, with a laugh following. "Those are just a few I chose. Any you like from there?"

"I've never seen IT... We should watch that one," I said enthusiastically. I have heard about it though. Clowns. Damn good thing clowns don't bother me.

Dean laughed again. "Alright. Want any snacks?"

I thought. What did I want? "Do you have regular chips and iced tea?"

Dean disappeared into his kitchen, and came back a minute later. "Nope, but there's a corner store about 5 minutes from here. Lets go there."

"Awesome!" Even though I didn't want to inconvenience him by going, I really wanted iced tea and regular chips so I wasn't going to argue.

We got back about 20 minutes later. Haha! We got a lot more than chips and juice. We got quite a bit of candy as well. Nerds, Livewires, Nibs and Sweetarts. I'm pretty excited for this.

Dean went up to his room to grab some pillows and blankets saying, "We're going to need them." I wasn't too sure what he meant by that, but I was scared to ask so I didn't. He moved the coffee table closer to the couch so we could stretch our legs onto it. It was a pretty good setup we had going on. Very comfortable, if I do say so myself.

"Ready to begin the movie?" He asked with a smirk.

"Hell yeah. Lets do this!" I exclaimed happily. I'm not too sure why, because Dean took me away from Sebas-chan, but I was in a very good mood! Not that I'm complaining. I don't enjoy being sad.

Finally, the movie began to play.


"Why the hell did you do this to me?!" I hissed from under the blankets. I'm usually pretty good with horror movies, but man did this one get to me.

Dean laughed. "I told you you'd need the blankets. Its a pretty scary movie. I like it though."

"You like to see me suffer? Wow, man. That so nice," I said sarcastically. "You could have warned  me!"

Another laugh. "Yeah, but why would I do that? I enjoy seeing you too petrified to move. It reminds me that even you're afraid of something. Believe me, a lot of people watch this movie and develop fears of clowns. That's what happened to Sam. He won't even be in the house when I watch this. The very sound of the music and the laughing terrifies him."

"It doesn't bother you?"

"No. I mean, sure its scary, but not enough to develop a fear over. I'm afraid of flying. I've been in a plane and to this day, I can still say its honestly been the worst thing I've ever experienced. Now hush and watch the movie."

"Sorry," I whisper. Flying. I suppose it could be scary, but it doesn't bother me at all.

I looked at the screen, and the creepy music began to play. I tensed up waiting for something to happen. Dean must've noticed because he laughed. I rolled my eyes, but just as I do so, the clown pops up on the screen. I almost screamed. Instead, I turn, leaning my forehead on Dean's shoulder.

"Sorry..." I said. I felt pathetic for being this scared. "I'm not exactly sure why this is getting to me as much as it is, but it must being annoying to you, so sorry."

"Hey, don't apologize. I get it. I spent the entire time, on my first plane, crying and hyperventilating. Nothing compared to this."

I looked up at him. I didn't necessarily believe him, but I didn't say anything to indicate that. He doesn't seen like the type of person to loose their cool when they get scared, but then again, I bet if people saw me they wouldn't assume I cry while watching anime, so I guess you can't judge a person by the way they look.

Though the movie continued to play, we continued to look at each other. We were indifferent to the creepy music, the eerie laughing. I haven't really thought about it before, but his eyes were a breathtaking shade of green.

All I could think of that moment was how bad I wanted to kiss him. God I wanted to kiss him. My eyes left his and I looked at his lips. They looked so soft. I felt my heart skip a beat, because I saw his lips curl into a small smile. I looked up at his eyes again, but immediately as they got there, I felt his mouth press against mine.

(A/N Heeeey! Sorry for lack of update, I've just been watching a lot of anime and I hadn't had an idea of what to write in this chapter but HERE YA GO!! I hope you like it, and because I'm feeling super inspired, I might update again this week. As an apology for not updating a while ago. ANYWAAAYS, hope you have a goodnight/good day/good morning. ILY MY MUTANTS BUH BAI)

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