The day it all changed... * j...

By kshae10

171K 4.1K 1.2K

Her dad got a job offer and had to move to Stewartstown, Pennsylvania. When she moves will things go as plann... More

Moving day!
The Invite
Marks house.
The fight...
The break-in
The sleepover...☄
The sleepover Part 2
The Flatline...
Drunk beating
The Kiss
Shots fired
Back to school
The park
Truth or dare
Tell meeeee
New kid
I miss you
"Wanna come over?"
Never have I ever
Our Spot
Why me?
"I love you"
The dance
The Dance pt. 2
Dance pt.3
Moving... Again
The dance
Jacob's "friend"
Mall day!
Fair day
"When will you be ok again?"
Its not what you think...
No update
Thank you Jacob!
I miss these
Oh... My....Gosh
Whats going on?
I cant let this happen
Im gonna miss you...
That one girl.
Next door
Please read
I missed you!
Hes with Loren....
Do I?
Should I?
Is this where it ends?

"The man made me..."

3.1K 74 6
By kshae10

Jacob's POV

Lexi, Weston and I woke up to Krysta not being there. We were all freaking out. We were running around and I kept calling Krysta. She finally picked up. Q
K- Hello?
J- Where are you?!?!?
K- I went to the store.
J- Oh my god we were all so worried.
K- Didn't you see the note I put on the fridge?
J- No. What note?
K- I wrote a note that told you that we needed some food and stuff so I went to the store.
J- Oh thank god your ok!
K- I'm gonna finish my shopping now ok babe?
J- Ok make sure you text me when you are on your way back.
K- ok bye, I love you!
J- I love you too!

-call ended-
Now we know she's ok so we don't have to worry. Weston and I went live for a little bit. They were all hating on Lexi though because she was hanging out with Weston. So Weston started yelling that Lexi shouldn't be hated on and if you hate on her you are a fake fan. So almost every one stopped hating. The ones who did we blocked. Krysta finally got home but she was a little startled. She came over and sat on my lap and hugged me. I asked what's wrong but she didn't answer. I totally forgot we were on broadcast but I kissed her cheek. Everyone was freaking out in the comments. I quickly ended the broadcast because my supporters didn't know yet. Anyways I picked her up and carried her to the bed. She didn't talk for a long time. I slid in the bed with her and she buried her head in my chest. All I could do was hug her. A few hours later all she said was " This man... H-he made me...." And she cried. I hugged her so tight I didn't know if she could breathe. Lexi came up and said that supper was ready. I told her that she would have to bring it up to us. She brought two plates of shepherds pie upstairs. Krysta didn't want to eat and it kinda scared me because she always eats😂 I told her that she needs to eat something but she wouldn't get up. We were al really worried about what this man made her do. After everyone was sleeping, I stayed awake to see if Krysta was going to get up. I dazed off and ended up falling asleep. I woke up from something being dropped in the kitchen. I grabbed a baseball bat and slowly walked down the stairs. It was just Krysta. I hid the bat under the staircase and walked out to see what she was doing. She was trying to throw up. I walked over and held her back. She pulled away, ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and continued to try and throw up. I was banging on the door screaming for her to let me in. Weston woke up but Lexi was still asleep. Weston came out and said, " Why don't you just pick the lock with a Bobby pin." I ran to Krysta's room grabbed on and picked the lock. I ran in and saw that she had thrown up.... There were pills in the sink where she had thrown up. " Like I said the man made me do it," she said.

Lexi's POV

I woke up to the sound of Krysta talking. I got up and decided to go see what was going on. I went out and saw that they were all talking in the bathroom. I was so confused. It was like 7 in the morning so we all decided to go out and eat breakfast. We sat on the couch and they explained everything. Krysta was back to normal. We go back to school tomorrow and I hear there are two new girls. I told Weston, Jacob, and Krysta about them. They were sisters and they just moved here from Florida. Their names were Hannah and Maddy. I wonder of they are drama queens or just like us.

Hmmm two new girls? I wonder what they will be like. Message me what you think should happen. I'm sorry I haven't been updating recently but I didn't know what to right about. Anyway comment and say what you think they will be like.
Stay reading😘~Krysta

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