By tatiann24

780K 30.4K 3.1K

Have you ever wish you can make someone disappear into the thin air without a trace? If your answer is yes th... More

Authors Note


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By tatiann24


Please Vote and Comment, Mama Chocolate will continue to give you all Chocolate delicious goodness to read and to pervert the mind a bit hehehehehehehe :D

Hey my lovelies, the time is nearing for me to stop building and to go visit my family in Boston, I hope its snowing when I get there because I love, love, love the snow, I'm just not to fond of the days that follow a heavy snow storm, I love the cold, but when it dops too much below ZERO I prefer to stay inside, but I know cold or not I will enjoy my time with my family and friends, also I will be updating all my stories and adding new stories for you guys to read and enjoy, hopefully my friend is posting them correctly ^_^

Dmitry's Point of View:

Its been seven days and what he said to me at the restaurant that day still hurts me deeply, the way he said it was so intense and fill with anger that I was speechless for seconds, I just could not wrap my head around him being that way. I know that I am to blame for it, I treated him so badly, I said such terrible things to him that I cannot complain when he answers me politely with insults, now it has all intensified after I blackmailed him.

His anger and hate towards me shows like liquid fire though he hides it quite well from others/

He is not even close to moving into my house, let alone admitting me into his and our daughter's life, in the past seven days I have called him repeatedly yet he refuses to answer my calls, I have even send him emails yet he never responds, its like after the incident in the restaurant he has once again block me out of his life as if I don't exist and it hurts like hell.

I know I deserve every little thing he do to me, I was willing to take it all, but never would I had thought that it was going to be so hard and hurt so much but I know its noway near how much I hurt him, there is no denying that I am in deep shit in regards to him, he is nowhere near considering the possibility of forgiving me much less accepting me.

Back then when I left him five years ago I thought I was doing the right thing, for me leaving him was the perfect solution and the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but now I know that my thinking could have not been more wrong, just by his reactions I know that my 'f*ck up' is way beyond what I thought it would be.

The thing is, I did not expect him to disappear on me, I had plans to leave him alone for only about four to five months while everything got resolved then after I was going to come back to him and explained the whole mess, but things did not work out the way I planned, it all backfired and now I am in this tunnel that seems to have no end or solution to this dilemma I have created for myself. Now I have to grasp at every and anything to get him back, I need him and my daughter to the extend of doing something stupid, I know its me being impatient, but I have to fight hard to control the emotions and actions my mind is telling me to do.

That is why I waited for him even after the agreed five days, but now its seven days have past and I cannot wait any longer, that is why I am outside his house sitting inside my car debating whether to go up to his door or just give him more time, I have been here for the past hour and I know some of the neighbor must have already called 911 about a strange car in their neighborhood but that does not bother me at all, I have to see my family today, the only thing that is holding me back is that I don't know if he has told our little girl about me yet.

The methods of me getting them back are underhanded and the mere idea of hurting either one of them is painful, but I need them in my life to feel complete.

Making up my mind I step out of my car and walk over to the gate of the beautifully painted colonial style house, I stop for a bit to admire its homey inviting presence. After my perusal I open then close the small gate stepping inside the neat landscape of his yard, taking a deep breath I walk up the five stairs, stopping in front of the door, hesitating before pressing the button of the doorbell, first ring, nothing, second ring, nothing as I lift my hand for the third ring the door opens and he is standing in front of me all delicious and ready to be eaten.

I cannot deny I am angry that he has not even deem it fit to answer my calls, call me back or even answer any of my messages, but that is not important right now, what is important is me getting them out of this house and into mine and that may not be important at the moment either because all my mind is fill with are erotic images of me kissing his pouty lips into submission.

Gods. He looks good even with the little sheen of sweat on his face running down his neck, I want so badly to trail after it, down his neck and lap up the pearl of sweat before is disappears under his t-shirt. Even casually dress in an oversize navy t-shirt and some black leggings make my mouth water and my c*ck stand at attention. But what has me speechless is that the oversize t-shirt he is wearing is mine, well it used to be mine five years ago, it was a shirt I gave him to wear one day after I had torn off all his clothes in haste to make love to his sweet body. I had loved the way it fitted him, so much so that I always insisted on him wearing it or one of my other shirt when he was with me.

For him to still be wearing it after all these years has a surge of possessiveness running through me as a blaze of primal lust takes a hold of my body, all I want to do right now is pull him flush against my body, into my arms then drag him off to the nearest bed where I can take him in every and any way possible before I would even allow him to move or rest.

Gods how I want him!!!

He doesn't even know what he is doing to me, my c*ck is so hard right now I can drill holes through concrete and that is not even half of what it can do to get to him. I knew that I was going to want him when I saw him again, but nothing could have prepared me for the smoldering lust running through my being like molten lava, its downright criminal the effect this man has over me, with one snap of his finger he could make me beg if he wanted to, thankfully he doesn't know it, I have no doubt he would use it if he even has an inkling as to what he can make me do.

As he stares up at me with anger he run his small tongue over his plump lower lip unconsciously as he always do when he is angry, but my mind is not on his anger, rather my eyes is on that small organ as it slides over his lip leaving a wet trail in its wake, my mind immediately begins to conjure up all kind and type of erotic images to go along with his action and let me tell you none of what is coming up is rated PG13 rather it was all rated M for mature and rated P for private.

His little action is constant and I nearly groan as he did it again, I swear my c*ck leaked out nearly a gallon of pre-cum when he flick his small pink tongue against his top lip to then begin to bite the corner of his bottom lip. F*ck me!! I want to rip all his clothes off and take him right here on his front porch for all to see, my mouth salivates at the thought of publicly claiming him as mine, I know if I do it he will retaliate violently, but I would definitely be worth it.

I am so deep into my passion induce fantasy that I did not even see his face screw up more in anger, "I thought I made it quite clear when I told you not to come to my home, we do not want or need you here, so don't think for a second that I will hesitate on calling the police if you don't leave, so a cordial warning, leave before I do" he hiss out lowly yet angrily looking over his shoulder as if to see if anyone was there to hear what he was saying, a stab of pain flitters through me pulling me out of my lascivious thoughts.

It really hurts me deeply when he talks to me with so much hate, but I hide it well as I smile at him, "I also thought that I made it clear when I told you that I wanted you and our daughter in my house in five days or else I was going to show up here, today is the seventh day and you still haven shown signs of moving in, you have not answer or return my calls or messages, so now I am here and I am not leaving until both of you are with me, so you decide baby, whether it will be the easy way or the hard way, but either way you and our daughter are leaving with me tonight" his eyes blaze at my words, his hands clenching at his sides, I have a suspicion that he wants to hit me but is desperately holding back.

I want him to lash out, like that I will have an excuse to touch and kiss him into submission, but slowly he seems to be reigning in his desire to do me bodily harm and suddenly he change his stance while smiling up sweetly at me, "If you think that you can make me do anything you want by threatening me? You are sadly mistaken, I do things on my own time and when its pleases me, I have a life and it does not revolve around you, as a matter of fact it excludes you completely, so don't you dare come to my home demanding things to go your way, I will move to your house when I deem it fit, not before" his tongue is like a sharp sword, its blade cutting deep into my body without caring if I bleed.

I never knew he could hate me to this extend, the pain is unbearable, but I ignore it, I will get nothing from him if I show him weakness, this is a battle and if I want to win I have to use everything in my power to get my way, pain or not.

"Your tongue will get you into a lot of trouble with me, it seems that you do not understand your position in our little business deal, so I will refresh your memory on how things are going to be. I want you and our daughter under my roof. And I want you in my bed where I can kiss, touch and fuck every delicious inch of you whenever I want; you know I always get what I want Zion and now will not be an exception, so be a good boy and do as I say" by now our mouths are a whisper apart and all I can think about is kissing him.

"Do I look like a fucking doll to you? Huh? You may be accustom to telling everyone what to do just because you have money but I am not your servant or slave to jump when you say 'go' I am my own person and I will decide what to do with my body, if you think I will jump in your bed every time you croak your finger, you better think again, Zion Baker is not a dog and I will jump for no one, so back the f*ck up off me" I knew when I met him he was not a push over, he just did all those things to please me because he loved me, but now I am experiencing his true nature in all it glory.

And I know it can get even uglier.

Before I can open my mouth to respond to his words I hear a small voice, "Dammy who is at the door? Is it uncle Xavi, uncle Storm and uncle Gray?" the anger immediately leaves his face, a softness and love taking over, the transformation leaves me breathless, his love for our daughter is pushing out through his every pore, reminding me of the time he use to look like that whenever we were together, oh how I want those time to come back as I wish for him to show me those expressions again, but judging from his reaction to me, it will take a long time to even get a simple smile out of him towards me.

Swinging around he face our little girl, "Hey sweety, no its not any of your uncles, its just a man talking with dammy for a few minutes, he will be gone soon so don't worry I will be right in to feed you ok?" the softness in his voice as he talks to our little love is beautiful. He turns back towards me and his eyes are as cold as ice "Leave I will call you when I am..............." his low words are cut of by little hands that wraps around his waist from behind, soon after a thick black curly head of hair and a cute face appears, peeking out from the side at me, I look down into my daughter's beautiful smokey gray eyes, so much like mine and my heart jump with joy at our little beauty.

"You are the mister with eyes like mine. Hi" she waves at me, I smile down at her and she return the smile her face shinning becoming more beautiful than she already is, I fell in love for the second time in my life, my little girl is such a beauty, I know I will be shooting a lot of boys and men when she gets older, her beauty will be like moths to flame with them but they will have to get through and all her uncles, her grandparents and me before getting to her.

"Hi sweety, how are you?" I ask the question lowly and in a gentle voice not wanting to frighten her, can you believe I am nervous about the reaction of my child, but she just continue smiling putting me at ease, he sees the exchange and immediately put his hand around her protectively, looking down "Sienna go back inside baby, I will be right there in a minute" he says this gently but firmly,"Ok dammy, but can the Mister come in too? Please" she looks up at him pleadingly and I can see him relenting under her stare, my heart is overjoy that my daughter likes me.

"Sweety Mr. Zharkov needs to go, he is a busy man, plus he just came over to ask something, let me finish talking with him then I will come to you, maybe next time he will be able to stay over........." the last part was said through clench teeth, but before he could say anymore I interrupts, "I would love to stay over cutie, but your dammy has to decide if its ok" I say this looking at him pleadingly, I really want to spend some time with my daughter, it will mean the world to me if he relents and make me have a little one on one time with her.

"See dammy he wants to stay, I want him to stay too cause I like him, gramma and grampa let him in their house, so it wont be bad if we let him in right?" Her head is tilted to the side as she ask the question, her smokey gray eyes shinning up at him beggingly, he could not resist and his face soon softens, he sigh and nod his head at her, she has him wrap around her little finger just as she already has me.

She is so going to be a little she devil when she grows up.

She smile up at him, "Thank you dammy, love you" she turns and smile up at me then she is gone with a bouncy walk, I could not hold back my smile, she knows how to get what she wants, the Zharkov blood in her can't hide, I cannot help but wonder what my dad will think of her when they meet, I know he will love and spoil her just as much as Zion's father does, I have to get my time with her now, once the family meets her my time with her will be done.

They will all want her, I can already see myself fighting for her attention like the rest of all her male relatives, the battle could get bloody.

"Don't think that you have won just because she likes you, I gave in because its better to get this whole thing over with without her getting hurt, so do come in Mr. Zharkov, I am still packing so please stay out of my way and if you can keep quiet while standing in the corner like a dead flower or a furniture I will really appreciate it" he steps aside gesturing for me to walk inside their home. Once I am fully inside, I see he is telling the truth, there are boxes and home goods everywhere, on one side of the great room everything is in a disarray, while on the other side everything is in complete order already boxed up and seal with instructions written on the side of each box.

He didn't bother to stop or comment on anything, he just continue to walk with me following behind admiring his sexy fat ass, if he only knew what I am thinking right now I am sure he would try to castrate me, but I am enjoying his obliviousness because I can fully enjoy watching his curvy body as I imagine it beneath mine taking all of me into his tight deeps, just the mere thought has my c*ck hardening again as I tremble with years of unfulfilled needs.

I was so into watching him that I did not realize that he had stop so I run right into him, pushing him off balance, he was going down but I immediately grab him from the sides of his waist pulling him flush towards me, he stiffens in my arm and instantly tries to move, but it feel so good to have him in my arms after so many years that I could not stop myself from tightening my grip as I nuzzles the side of his delectable neck.

He gasp lowly as I blow on the sensitive spot behind his neck, gods he smell so good, all I could think about was kissing and making love to him all night, but soon I am jerk out of my fantasy when he stomps down hard on my left foot, pulling away from me like there was nothing wrong, I bite back my cry of pain as he walk off leaving me with a hard d*ck, unfulfilled desires and throbbing toes.

He ignores my stares, going over to the stove opening a pot that is letting out a delicious rich smell and a hunger of another kind fills me, my mouth begins to water at the scrumptious smell and I realize just how hungry I am, basically I haven been eaten well for the past month and after seeing him and not be able to touch and hold him made it worst, now that I am here with him and my daughter my body is on full function and now its begging me for what it has been denied for so long.

I have two unfulfilled hungers, but first I will take care of the one that is easiest, because I will need all the nourishment to be able to get close enough to quench the other.

I look around the beautifully decorated kitchen and find our daughter sitting at the table with a satisfied grin on her face as she looks between Zion and I, I wonder what she is thinking, you really can't tell, all I know is that she looks like she just caught a canary and ate it, she is bouncing up and down in her chair as my baby dish out food into three round semi-deep plates, which he sets on the counter top.

"Sienna baby stop bouncing before you fall of your chair again" he says with his back to us as he continue to fix our plates, she stops bouncing as those words leaves his mouth, but continues to smile as she looks between the two of us, "Mister what is your name?" she ask looking over at me, I smile down at her, "My name is Dmitry, but you can call me D......."

"Sienna go wash your hands baby, food will be on the table when you get back" his strong voice interrupts what I was about to say and when she lefts the room he turns on me, "Her mental state may mean nothing to you but to me its everything, so please think before casually saying things that can hurt her" he hisses at me while looking in the direction our daughter went to, it angers me that he feel that I would intentionally hurt our little girl,

"Zion I know you don't like me right now and I know you do not trust me, but please believe me when I say I will never do anything that will hurt our little girl in any way, she is too precious for me to do something like that, so please rest assure and be at ease............. For your piece of mind I was not going to say what you thought, rather I was going to tell her to call me Dimka, so she wont have to say mister all the time" he glares at me for a moment the looks away and walk back over the stove, then turns around,

"Well if you're expecting me to apologize I suggest you don't hold your breath. One more thing, the next time you put your hands on me that toe stomp will be nothing in comparison, you just want to cross the line because you know I will never do anything violent in front of my daughter, but I can easily let her leave the room when I need to deal with your; just be grateful that I am letting your ass into my home, so don't touch me again or I will gut you like a fish" he threatens, looking between the sharp looking long knives neatly stack up on the wall and myself, somehow I know he wont hesitate to use them if push the situation too much.

My mind knows it, but believe me my body don't give a damn about the danger, I will just have to be cautious when I attack him again- a sneak attack should work, right? One that is not close to sharp objects.

I was so deep into plotting that I did not feel him until he slam the plate down in front of me, to tell the truth I am very surprise that he has decided to feed me, maybe he wants to off me and then bury me out in his backyard, but I will take the risk because I love his food and maybe he wont kill me with our daughter present so I will enjoy every bit of it, just the smell waffing up from the plate has my mouth watering and I can't wait to dig in. I says my thanks but he ignores it as he looks towards the hallway where noises of pitter patter can be heard from our daughter, she comes around the corner in a run then immediate slows down when she sees the look on his face, yet the little minx doesn't loose her smile.

"Don't look at me like that dammy, I stop just for you, I'm a good girl right?" she ask sweetly as she skips towards the table, he smiles widely at her, "Yeah you're a good girl baby...... half the time.......... The other half remains to be seen and are under questioning" she burst out laughing at his words while continuing to the table, his lips are twitching to smile while he tries to show a stern expression but the smile wins out, yet when he sees me staring at him it immediately disappears.

Our little girl must feel the tension in the air because she keeps looking between us with an odd expression on her face.

She gets to the table, climb back into her chair with my help even though she doesn't need it and goes immediately for the food, before eating she bow her head and, "Father thank you for the food and for my dammy, please bless them. Amen" I felt so left out when she said her prayer than I did not realize when my mouth open and words I should not have said spill forth,"I am your daddy too sweety, you should pray for me next time too" those words were not to have been said so loud but somehow my mind and my mouth did not link and they came out loud and clear for all to hear, I hear a gasp and a crash, and my eyes swing towards him, he is ashen, the look on his face is that of a man that has received the worse news possible, he is trembling even as he walks over to where we are, just from the expression on his face I know I have messed beyond anything I have ever done.

This is more than a messed up, this is a catastrophe.

Hey my chocolato babies, I hope you all drop me a line, sharing with me your thoughts on the story so far, Mama Chocolate will really like to know.

Anyway continue to be sexy, love yourselves as you love to read, eats lots of chocolate, fantasize about your hot neighbor with a small cutie or vise versa and be a little evil sometimes hehehehehehehe and don't forget that Mama Chocolate loves you all. Sending chocolate goo and sprinkles your way ^_^

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