The Red Necklace

By lillyalbela

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It's not any "normal" love story. No, not at all. It's about disloyalty, it's about lying; lying to the who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 38

212 21 27
By lillyalbela

Darn, am I happy!

eeeeeeeeeeee :) :*

I'm so happy today, like really, really happy! but I won't tell you why... trust me you'll be as giddy as I am when you get to the end of this chapter....

Wohoooo :) Finally a second last chapter and InshaAllah this time, it'll stay like this :D

And yes, I want to officially say my apology to one of my reader who's heart I broke last time, but trust me it was a mistake... I hope you'll forgive me and for the bribery, I'm dedicating you the chapter ;) Hehehe , kidding but really I'm sorry and here you go ! Now you have a chapter dedicated to you :* LOVE

Okay then,

Happy reading,


lillyalbela :*


" It'll all be okay. Trust Allah. " Sana said and I nodded slowly.

And trust Allah I did. I excused myself from the event and went in Sana's room and once again prayed 2 raka nawafil, seeking help and strength. Seeking guidance. And seeking what was right and Halal for myself and for my daughter. I cried hard when I made dua'a and I was for once grateful for the noise those ladies were making outside. After I had prayed, I felt like the energy bar had been refilled. Like those in video games that gives you more life and strength to live and fight for.

At 4:00 am finally the ladies retired and made a beeline for the exit. Once everyone had hugged Tanya, Sana and me and had bid their best wishes and regards they left. Non of them excused for their behavior earlier and I understood why. Because it was Jalajit's mahendi. It was a tradition, a strange one though, that the to-be bride is served by the guest itself and can not see her relatives until her hands are filled with henna.

Once all the guests were gone, Bilal bhai , Aqil Bhai and Uncle Kamran came in. I was torn and tired and wanted nothing more than to throw myself on bed and drift into unconsciousness.

We all sat on the sofa and everyone looked ecstatic. Other than me of course. Tanya brought hot chocolate for all of us and passed each of us our cups.

" Neha you should call it a night and go to bed now or else you'll be very tired tomorrow. " Uncle Kamran said and I nodded. I sipped on my hot chocolate and realized it was already my wedding day. Today I was getting married...

Everyone was sitting back and relaxing on the sofa when the door knocked. Bilal Bhai got up and went to the door. I heard him laugh and say something to whoever was at the door and came back in the lounge grinning.

" It's Raza. He wants to see you. " Bilal Bhai said smirking. I blinked and got up. Everyone in the lounge was looking me over from their hot chocolate and giving me a smirk. Like I was going to meet my lover and talk romance with him. All except Sana of course. She had noticed how, once again my face filled with dread on hearing Raza's name. Everyone else in the room thought I was shying. I pretended like I didn't see the huge smirk on their faces and moved towards the door. Raza was standing there rubbing his hands together as if to warm them. When he looked at me he smiled.

" Assalamualikum... " His eyes shifted to my dress and he all of a sudden looked stunned. " You look...beautiful! " Raza said shaking his head slowly.

" Thanks..." I said lowering my eyes.

" Actually... I wanted to talk to you. You think we could just sit somewhere and talk? " Raza asked and I hesitated.

" Umm... Actually I'm not really dressed to go out. " I said looking at my satin's blouse and skirt.

" Or we could just sit in my car and talk? " Raza asked and I shrugged.

" Okay. " I said and Raza nodded. He lead me to my car and opened the door for me. I sat in and Raza closed the door for me like a gentleman. He half walked and half ran to his side and sat in quickly.

Raza threw the heater on full blast and I sighed.

" So, how are you? " Raza asked looking at me.

" I'm good, what about you? " What was this anyways?

Raza gave a small laugh before saying, " Oh Neha, you can never get the hint, can you? "

I frowned and stared at him blankly. " What do... "

" Never mind. Ant to answer your question, I'm perfectly fine. In fact I think I'm ecstatic. " Raza said giving me a million dollar's smile.

Ecstatic. Good, at least one of us was happy for the wedding that was now less than a day away. I stayed quiet and after a while Raza took my hand in his. Just like a reflex action I found myself looking around the corners afraid that Salman would come out from somewhere and beat the crap out of Raza.

" Are you not going to say anything to that Neha? I just told you how I feel about us getting married and all I get from you is silence? " Raza asked looking kind of hurt.

" I'm just tired... " I said trying to ease my hand from his. Raza didn't let go.

" Okay. I came here to give you this. " Raza said as he picked a bag from the back of the car. I looked at it and knew what exactly was in there. The wedding dress Raza had brought for me the day Salman had threatened to take Fatima from me. I had completely forgotten about the dress and not even once thought about what I was going to wear tomorrow. I smiled sheepishly at Raza and took the bag from him.

" I... I'm sorry. It just slipped out of my mind. "

" It's okay. I don't blame you after what Salman did that day. Really. " Raza said nodding and involuntarily I found myself looking at the mark that was turning a yellowish color on Raza's lower chin and jaw.

" And besides, this isn't why I came here. I... I wanted to tell you something. " Raza said and I gulped. So I was not the only one holding secrets... I looked back at Raza and he continued.

" I... once loved someone. " Raza said and looked straight on the road. " She was my childhood friend. We grew up together, promising each other how we'll stay together for the rest of our lives. When I graduated we planned to get married. And just a week before our wedding... she ... had an accident. " Raza said and sighed. He closed his eyes shut and I could tell that it was really difficult for him to talk about this.

" She broke all her promises and left me alone in this world. Since then ... to be honest Neha, I was literally afraid of the word marriage. I was afraid of getting married. But when I met you... I wanted to be happy for once. And when I saw how sad you was, I just wanted to make you happy. And look what have I got myself into now. " Raza looked into my eyes and I saw a flash of sparkle in his eyes. My heart sank in my chest when I realized the sparkle in his eyes were nothing but tears.

" I've fallen in love with you Neha." Raza chuckled lightly and shook his head. " I love you Neha Ji. " I felt my eyes well with tears and I looked away from his expectant eyes.

Oh Allah...

" I don't expect you to say anything on this Neha but I just wanted to tell you everything before we get married. " Raza said giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I shivered and slightly pulled my hand from his hand. He let it go this time.

" I think I should go now, bye. " I said looking in his eyes. He gave me a small closed mouth smile and nodded. I turned around in my seat to open the door. Just when I was about to open the door I heard Raza say,

" Neha, is there something you might wanna tell me? " I didn't turn to look at him.

" Just that... " I turned to look at him in the eye, " I won't break my promise. " I hopped out of the door and closing it walked towards the house.

It was after I had entered the house did I hear Raza burning the engine and driving off.

Everyone was still sitting in the lounge, tweeting when I walked in. They all looked at me and I noticed Tanya raise her eyebrows at me questioningly. Bilal Bhai and Aqil Bhai all smiled at me politely whereas Uncle Kamran was still sipping on his hot chocolate. Sana came out of the kitchen and handed Bilal Bhai a cup of steaming tea. When she looked at me she searched my face for something but I made sure my face showed not a single emotion.

" What are you holding? " Sana said as she took the bag from my hand. She took out the dress and everyone in the room gasped. I looked at everyone and they all looked stunned. Because really, the dress was very beautiful and apparently, breathtaking too.

" It's beautiful!" I heard Aqil bhai say.

" Oh My Allah... It's so cute" Tanya gushed as she came rushing to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and after a while, she pulled away.

" MashaAllah, it's really nice! " Uncle Kamran said nodding.

" Why is it white? " Everyone in the room turned their eyes to Bilal Bhai who was frowning, badly. Except Sana , she was rolling her eyes at Bilal Bhai.

" Bilal it doesn't always have to be red, and besides our Prophet PBUH preferred white. So why not? " Sana asked sitting on the armrest of the sofa Bilal Bhai was sitting.

" Still... " Bilal Bhai said still unsure if it was okay I could wear white on my wedding or not.

" Neha, ignore Bilal and his old school believes and trust me, it's fabulous!" Sana said sincerely and I smiled.

" Thank you everyone. I... I'd like to take my excuse for the night and go to my room. " I said putting the dress back in the bag. Sana nodded and moved to me, " Okay I'll take you there. "

" Fii Amaan Allah Uncle. " I said and Uncle patted me on my forehead. After saying my fares to everyone I went to my room with Sana.

When Sana opened the door, the first thing I noticed was that the roses were still mocking at me. And the second thing was that all the candles were long blown.

I kept the bag on a side and turned to look at Sana, who was looking at me expectantly. But I had nothing to tell her once again. After what Raza had said, I couldn't tell her anymore. I was being weak and I knew that but not anymore. I couldn't do this to Raza. I couldn't do what I did to Shahbaz. I will not allow myself to do that again.

" Will you stay with me for a while Sana? " I asked and Sana blinked. It was visible that she wanted to say something to me but she stayed quiet. After a while, she nodded smiling.

That day I slept on Sana's lap as she brushed fingers in my head, soothingly. I was reminded of my last night at home when I was sick and my mother had slept with me in my bedroom. I felt a tear escape my right eye and I hoped that Sana didn't feel it.

When I woke up, to my horror, It was already 10:00 am. And the Nikkah had been arranged at 5:00 pm, just after everyone had prayed Maghrib. I turned in my bed and realized that Sana was no more with me on the bed. Neither was Fatima. I remembered that Sana had put Fatima to bed in her room. Sighing I once again covered myself in the covers and stared at... well the covers under the covers.

I was getting married in a time span of seven hours. Four hundred and twenty minutes or twenty-five thousand and two hundred seconds. I sighed and closed my eyes. I had to be strong. No matter what, I had to stand by my words. By the decision I had taken. I will not flail. I will not break Uncle Kamran's trust that he had put on me so blindly.

This time, if there was anyone who'd suffer it'd be me. Maybe it'd be enough of a Kafara and finally maybe Allah will forgive me. InshaAllah.

The moment I got out of my bed the mental notes I had made on my bed had no meaning. All my strength drained and I felt like I couldn't go on even for a second, let alone seven hours. I went to the bathroom and splashed some warm water on my face and sighed.

Here goes nothing.

The whole day passed by a blur and I could not slow the time even if I wanted to. Sana had brought some makeup girl who fixed me from head to toe.

For starters, she did my manicure and then pedicure. She then waxed my whole body and message it afterwards with oils that smelled heavenly and expensive at the same time. After giving my face different types of steams and facial with number of herbs she was almost done.

After that she started with my face makeup. Tanya told her to keep the makeup minimal as I was not a very big fan of dolling myself up. The girl, my makeup artist insisted that I was the bride and should look like one so she put heaps of makeup on my face.

Although when I looked myself in the mirror, I had to admit I looked ... beautiful. Really the eye makeup the girl had done stood out and made my eye color stand out. My hair were curled messily and half of them were tied with bobby pins in the middle. And the dress... It hugged me on every right places. It was a modest dress and yet it made me look, might I say, hot. I looked beautiful, really, and after a very, very long time I found myself appreciating my own beauty.

When I looked in the eye of the girl who was staring back at me in the mirror's reflection I saw how broken the girl actually was. I saw a naïve, an innocent girl standing there who was fighting. Fighting her fitnah, fighting between right and wrong and Halal and Haram. A girl who was fighting with herself.

We were in Delicious Delights already and most of the guests had arrived. I was sitting in the VIP lounge, waiting for the Mullah to come and do the Nikkah. Tanya had kept me updated about the guest that had come and had joked about different Aunt's who had shown up with a terrible makeup or the dress' choice. I was doing my best to keep my feelings in control and was chanting ' InnAllaha Ma'asabirin. ' again and again in my head. That was, I suppose, the only thing that was keeping me sane.

I stood and walked towards the window which opened in the main hall. The window covered the whole wall and it was made up of glass. I removed the curtain just a bit and stared at the guests. The view depicted just the typical and traditional wedding with loads of Men and Women with fancy clothes. Kids and young girls were running from here to only Allah knows where, lost in their own world. Instead of peeking a glance at my to-be groom, I found my eyes wandering around the room looking for one person. I looked around the whole room but didn't see him anywhere. Why exactly was I thinking that he'd be here again? I shook my head slightly.

I heard a gentle knock on the door and turned around. It was Tanya.

" Neha, the Mullah will be here soon, honey. " Tanya gushed and then was gone as soon as she had come. I felt my heart beat quicken and my knees wobbled. I sat on the chair I was sitting earlier and closed my eyes. There was a knock on the door.

There is no going back. Run! Run now!

I opened my eyes and a tear rolled down on my cheek. I was sure I was going to faint. The Mullah/Qadi was here. I was getting married. This was wrong. Very, very wrong. Wrong to the core... This couldn't be right. How could it ever be right?

I tried to get up but I couldn't. I didn't even have the energy to get up. I realized I was trembling. Why me? For the first time I found myself asking. Why was it all happening to me?

The door opened and I prepared myself to faint but when I looked at the door I froze. Salman was here... Just like always. He was there, in front of me standing by the door. This time, he hadn't sneaked through the water pipe from my balcony though. I stared at him with huge eyes but still couldn't get up. When Salman's eyes fell on me, he too froze. It was like he was staring at something he couldn't believe.

After a moment he walked towards me and stood just by my chair.

I had to get up.

" Get up. " Salman said. The tears, they were restricting me to see Salman clearly. I blinked rapidly and shook my head.

" I can't. " I was surprised at how stern my voice still sounded when really, I was shattered to the very core inside. Salman brought a hand to me and helped me stand. My knees wobbled and I lost my balance. Salman held me and steadied me.

What was he doing inside? What if someone saw him coming in? The Mullah... he'd be here soon.

" Neha... " My chain of thought broke on hearing my name from Salman. I blinked and looked at him. He stared right back in my eyes.

" I.. I don't know what to say to you anymore. " Salman was saying but all I could think was how him holding me seemed right and Raza's didn't. "You never heard me out. You never asked me why I never came back. Why I didn't fulfill my promise. It might not mean anything to you Neha, but it does to me. I know it'd make no difference now Neha but I have to tell you. I started a restaurant after I left you. I started earning really hard Neha and soon got the result. But auspicious you may call it that Ali and Fahad got arrested and I had to bail them out with the money I had saved. And then... we had to go underground Neha, because the cops had gotten our sketches through some spy. After some time when the news got old we came out but until then you were gone. " Salman was saying but I was hearing nothing. I was just looking at him speak. I just wanted him to stand by me my whole life and keep speaking. I never wanted this moment to end and I never wanted Salman to leave.

" There, now you know that I never ran away after getting you laid Neha. It was all bad luck. The bad luck your Allah brought on both of us. And as funny as it sounds, you are doing all this, thinking that it's some kind of a kafara. What about the Kafara He have to give for bringing this bad luck on us Neha? " Salman asked. I realized he was asking me something but I had heard nothing.

" Salman... "

" No Neha, today, I speak. " Salman said cutting me off.

That'd be great Salman but I'm not listening.

I saw Salman fish out an envelope from his pocket and kept it on my hand. I looked at it and frowned. It was the same envelope I had given Salman yesterday, except it was opened. Why was he giving this back to me?

" In there are my answers. I just wanted to tell you everything before you started your... life. " Salman said and I looked into his eyes and couldn't help but notice what beautiful brown shade were his eyes. " And yeah, your Salman didn't come bare handed to your wedding. I've got a present for you too. " Salman said and I saw him smiling at me for the first time. I stared at his pearls as he fished out a satin's small bag and I frowned. I doubted how much did he keep in his pocket.

" You're getting married and it must be a very big day for you. I didn't know what present to give you that'd be as big as this day. I searched through all my belongings and I came blank because really there's nothing that I could give you that'd be good enough. So I've decided to give you the last thing that I hold of you. The only thing I ever had of yours. When you weren't with me, I'd talk with it and think that I was in fact talking to you. It just made me feel so close to you Neha. There's nothing I hold more dear to me than this. And that too, I came here to give you Neha. Because I couldn't find anything worth giving you on this day." Salman said and kept that bag in my hand as well.

And then he did something that I was not expecting at all. He pulled me towards him and kissed me. I don't know what I was thinking and I even forgot to pull back. It was a small kiss, one which might have lasted for a fraction of a second maybe or maybe longer, but again I couldn't remember.

After the kiss Salman patted me on my head and with two last words he stormed out of the room.

" Stay happy. " I saw he had tears in his eyes when he turned and left. I stared at the envelope and then at his retreating back. Coming out of the trance I had been all along when Salman was here, I opened the envelope.

On the old and crumple paper was the poem I had written for Salman on my way to Jalajit. I frowned. Why did he gave it back to me. Confused, I turned the page over and realized it wasn't blank anymore. Salman had written something on the back.

I read it, one by one and realized he had answered my poem. I sat on the chair and read it again and again with blurred vision. It was true, every word that Salman had written screamed truth.

I looked around in the empty room and wanted nothing more than to run to him and tell him how sorry I was. He was so right, it wasn't only him who had been blind folded. But me too. But how was I blind folded? Wasn't I doing what Allah wanted me to do? What the hell was I doing wrong now?

I kept the paper on the table and picked up the satin bag. What was in it? I untied the ribbon around the satin bag and brought out my wedding present from Salman.

When I first looked at it I thought I was dreaming. This couldn't be... How could he still have this?

I was looking back at the Red Necklace. My Red Necklace. The Red Necklace that had started all this. Salman still had this and he talked with it as if he was talking to me? This was the most precious thing Salman held? I don't know what came into me but I found myself pecking the Red Necklace.

I couldn't do this...

I was crying holding the Red Necklace to me and didn't notice Sana walk in the room. She stood by me but said nothing. She took the letter that was placed on the table and read it. I covered my face with both of my hands as I cried loudly.

This was wrong. I couldn't marry Raza.

Just then I heard Uncle Kamran's voice and I snapped my face up. He was standing on the door and had brought the Mullah/Qadi with him. When he looked at me his smile faded. He excused from the Mullah and closing the door behind him walked in.

" Neha Jan? What is it? " Uncle Kamran's eyes flickered from me to Sana. " Sana, what's wrong? " Uncle Kamran asked and I stood up.

" Nothing Uncle. Everything is fine. " I said in a haste afraid of what he'd think of me if he ever found out I had been cheating on everyone once again. Uncle Kamran seemed like he didn't believe me and looked at Sana for confirmation. Sana was looking at nothing but me, with an unreadable expression on her face. I was trying to give her pleading looks to tell her to not tell Uncle about the letter. To my horror, Sana shook her head and extended the paper towards Uncle Kamran.

" No." I heard myself saying. " Please..." I said as I tried to take the letter from Sana's hand. Sana pulled away and shook her head.

" Sana what's going on? What's this? " Uncle Kamran said as he took the paper from Sana's hand. I realized I was shaking my head slowly. Everything was over. Now, Uncle Kamran would know everything. Oh my Allah, please help me!

Uncle Kamran read either side of the paper and then slowly looked up at me, confusion written all over his face.

" What is this? " He asked looking over the paper in his hands. I looked at Sana pleadingly but she was for the first time, glaring at me.

" I think I've waited enough for you to open up Neha, but now I think we should put a full stop to all this. I think it's time you tell us what exactly is happening. " Sana asked and I knew I had no way of dodging this anymore. It was now or... now.

I wiped my tears and tried not to look at Uncle Kamran's questioning eyes.

" Neha, who gave you this? " Uncle Kamran asked inching towards me. I blinked and looked into his eyes.

" Uncle... Actually... " I tried to tell him but I couldn't. It was too much for me. I respected Uncle Kamran like my father, and it was not at all comfortable for me to talk about my love life in front of him. It would've been so much better if I had told Sana earlier, it would have at least saved me from this embarrassment.

" Neha Jan, please tell me, who gave you this? " Uncle Kamran repeated.

" Salman. " I said not looking at anywhere but at Uncle Kamran tuxedo's button.

There was silence from Uncle Kamran for a moment before I heard him speak.

" How... do you know him? " Uncle Kamran asked very quietly. I looked at him in the eye as the tears spilled on my wedding dress.

" Uncle.. he's Fatima's... father. " I whispered and wondered if Uncle Kamran had heard me. I heard Sana take a sharp breath beside me but I didn't dare look at her.

" Salman? He's ... " Uncle Kamran was visibly at a loss of words. Uncle Kamran took hold of my hand and made me sit on the chair. He sat beside me and motioned Sana to sit as well.

" I need to know everything Neha. And if you have even a pinch of respect for me, I believe that you'd do as you're told. " Uncle Kamran said and I shivered.

I could see that how much Uncle Kmaran was hurt because I didn't put my trust on him earlier. So I told them. Everything. How I fell in love with Salman and how I did the sin that I was still repenting for and giving kafaras for it. I didn't shy, and not looking at any of them helped. I just narrated my past like I was reading from some book, looking at nothing in particular. I told them how Salman promised to come back but then couldn't. I also told them how I ran leaving my own mother shouting for help in the middle of the road. I was scared as hell as to what they'd think of me after hearing everything out, but I held nothing back. I told them everything, about the rape attempt, which Uncle Kamran already knew but Sana didn't, I told them how my Imaan got strong every time I prayed or I made dua'a. I told them my reason for marrying Raza was because I wanted to give my daughter a father's name. But the promise I made, a day before my engagement, to Allah bounded me to my decision and I couldn't say no to Raza's proposal. I told them how this was a Kafara for the wrongs I had ever done in my life.

When I was finished I finally looked up at Uncle Kamran who was looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face. I looked at Sana and she was crying. I looked back down. Uncle Kamran got up from the seat and walked towards the window. He stood there for a minute before finally turning and looking at me.

" You think by marrying Raza you're giving some Kafara, right? " Uncle Kamran said and I knew it wasn't really a question, just a statement. I stood and moved towards him slowly.

There was a knock on the door but Uncle Kamran ignored it.

" And you believe this is the right thing to do Neha? By depriving Fatima from her real father. By cheating on Raza." I shook my head as if to say that I wasn't cheating but Uncle Kamran didn't let me say anything. " Yes Neha, you're cheating on Raza, if you haven't noticed it yet. You still love Salman, and you're marrying Raza just so his heart doesn't break. And what do you think happens when he finds out everything? What happens then Neha? Have you ever thought of that?" Uncle Kamran said and I felt my heart constrict in my chest.

" I was just fulfilling my promise... " I said and realized how lame that sounded.

" You're so naïve Neha, you really are. " Uncle Kamran said and I noticed something flash in his eyes, maybe for a fraction of a second, a look of apprehension. The poem he'd read... Now he was using that against me...

" Tell me something Neha, if a person promises Allah that he'll never pray and never do anything good, do you really think he's bound to fulfill that promise? And if he doesn't comply by the promise he'll be held accountable for it? " Uncle Kamran asked and I blinked. " Of course no Neha, that promise has no meaning. It's plain blasphemy. " Uncle Kamran answered his own question. " I'm sorry Neha, but you were wrong then and you still are. You were cheating then and you still are. You took advantage of the trust your beloved ones put on you then and you're still doing the same. Open your eyes Neha, and look at how wrong you are being. "

I knew it, I knew there was something wrong.

" But Uncle, I didn't wanted to put your name to a shame. You've called me your daughter and I didn't... I didn't wanted you to repent doing that. " I said crying.

" Honey, trusting your elders and telling them the truth is much, much better than staying quiet. If you had trusted your parents and had told them the truth, you wouldn't have gone through all this pain Neha. But I guess this was what Allah had wanted for you. This was the way He wanted you to learn. The hard way. " Uncle Kamran said and patted me on my head. " And now is the time you put everything right. In place with Salman. " Uncle Kamran said and I shook my head.

" What about Raza? His mother and the relatives he have called over from America? What about them Uncle? " Uncle Kamran was about to say something when I saw Raza walk in.

How did he come in? Didn't Uncle Kamran lock the door? I noticed he was holding a key in his hand. Oh, the spare key. How long have he been standing there?

Raza walked towards me and stood just inches away. He looked at me and smiled.

" Neha, remember how I once said that I like you because you're so pure. I couldn't have been more right. Your heart is so clean and so pure. I'm pleasure to have spend some moments with you. Although for a short time, I'm privileged to have my name attached with yours. I don't know what you have been thinking this whole time Neha. Salman and you are meant to be together, this is the only right thing Neha. Everything else has no meaning. Everything else is wrong. And really now, are you going to fret about my relatives who paid some dollars to attend my wedding and not about your daughter's future? Damn, you really are so silly. " Raza said hitting me playfully on my forehead. I tried to laugh but it came out as a sound of a whale dying.

" I'm sorry Raza. I'm so sorry. I just didn't wanted to break your heart. " I said crying.

" You didn't break my heart Neha, in fact you've won it for the rest of my life. When I go back to my old life Neha, I'd remember nothing but that I once met a saint fairy, who changed the definition of love for me, who changed the definition of promises for me. And I'll always love you for that Neha. " Raza said and gave me a one sided hug. I don't know whether I was crying or laughing, I guess I was doing something in between as I hugged Raza back.

Uncle Kamran patted Raza on the shoulder and I heard him say,

" I'm proud of you son, I'm proud of you."

 My eyes flickered to the door and I noticed Tanya, Aqil bhai and Bilal bhai were all standing at the door and they all had tears in their eyes. Aqil bhai was hugging Tanya and was trying to soothe her. Bilal bhai was holding Fatima who was unaware of what was happening around her.

 Sana walked towards me and pulled me in a bear hug. Nor did she and neither did I say anything as we hugged each other. After a moment Tanya joined in the hugged as she said

" Oh Neha, what a splendid girl you are, " repeatedly on my shoulder. When we broke the hug Sana hit me playfully on my face and said,

 " She surely is. " I saw in her eyes that she was actually proud of me. Even after hearing everything out she thought that I was a splendid girl.

Uncle Kamran and Raza walked out of the VIP lounge and came back after a while with the Mullah. I frowned. Uncle Kamran smiled at me and said, " I never said that we'll be dropping the Nikkah ceremony now, did I? " Uncle Kamran was visibly trying to pull a straight face. And then it hit me. I was getting married just as planned, except... except they had changed my groom. My eyes filled with tears and I wanted to do a happy dance. I wanted to run wild and shout on top of my lungs about how happy I was...

I smiled and realized I was crying too.

At exact 5:30 the Mullah started the Nikkah ceremony. He started off by praising Allah.

There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His last messenger. The Qadi was saying. After praising Allah SWT he read some Quranic verses for a full ten minutes. After that he recited a hadith from Muhammad SAW.

' BY Allah! Among all of you I'm the most God-fearing , and among you all, I'm the supermost to save myself from the wrath of Allah , yet my state is that I observe prayer and sleep too. I observe fast and suspend observing them; I marry woman also. And he who turns away from my Sunnah has no relation with me.'

And then, the Qadi confronted me, " I offer you the man under my custody, Salman Javaid Shah son of Javaid Shah, according to Allah's (SWT) law and His Messenger's (peace be upon him) Sunnah, and for the mahr of 5000 bucks on conditions to which we have agreed. Do you accept him as your husband? " The Qadi asked me and I nodded, a little too early and everyone in the room chuckled at my eagerness. I blushed and looked down.

I looked up and noticed Sana and Tanya were both holding their breaths and had put their hands on their chest as if this was giving them a start.

The Qadi repeated the offer and acceptance act three times and I said yes.

Everyone in the room burst out cheering and shouting like kids and I actually laughed at their reaction. Fatima, who was in Uncle Kamran's hands looked around alarmed and started crying. I took her from Uncle Kamran and kissed her on her lips.

I couldn't believe this, I was getting married to Salman. My Salman. Oh Allah ! I love you! I love you so much!

Uncle Kamran took the Qadi outside and Raza, Bilal bhai and Aqil Bhai followed suit. Tanya and Sana also went out saying they didn't wanted to miss anything out. And that they wanted to see Salman's reaction on what was about to happen there.

 Once they were gone I walked towards the window and removed the curtains. My eyes searched one face , that was now my half husband, until he didn't accept me as his bride , in the room. My eyes fell on him, he was sitting in a corner along with Ali and Fahad. They visibly looked like they wanted to put this wedding on fire this very instant. And the only thing that seemed to be stopping them was Salman's presence.

In that moment, I was the one who was ecstatic. I wanted to jump in this room and go crazy. But I knew I had to wait. I had to wait for the Nikkah to be completed until I became wholly his. Legally his. Suddenly I started loving the flowers around me and for once I actually loved the dress I was wearing. This was technically my wedding dress with Salman...

I saw Uncle Kamran walk towards Salman and my heart skipped a beat. When Salman noticed Uncle Kamran he got up, just in curtsy. Ali and Fahad followed suit, reluctantly. Uncle Kamran patted Salman on his shoulder and said something. Now obviously, the voice was on mute and I couldn't hear what they were saying. Salman looked hesitant at first but nodded anyways. Uncle Kamran also nodded and turned to go to the stage. Salman followed him, confused. I saw Ali and Fahad try to stop him and ask him something but he ignored them and went with Uncle Kamran.

Uncle Kamran then made him sit on the sofa with Raza. Salman was as confused as ever and didn't even acknowledge Raza's presence. I wanted to laugh out loud. The Qadi, who visibly looked amused sat in front of Salman and started reading the Quranic verses from the pages he was holding. Salman, every now and then flickered his eyes from the Mullah to Uncle Kamran and wonderd what exactly was going on. When The Quranic verses were over and the Mullah said his name instead of Raza's , Salman's head snapped up in shock.

I smiled.

He was staring at the Mullah and then at Uncle Kamran in shock. Uncle Kamran smiled and keeping a hand on his shoulder said something. Salman looked from Uncle Kamran to Raza and then at the Mullah. Uncle Kamran picked up the Nikkah's paper and showed Salman my signatures. When Salman saw them, his eyes twinkled with the unshed tears. He was crying...

 I'm sorry Salman. I promise I'll never hurt you in my whole life time again. I swear!

I saw Ali and Fahad both rush on the stage and stood beside Bilal Bhai and Aqil bhai. They said something and in reply Bilal bhai said something. And then they were grinning.

" I offer you the woman under my custody, Neha Maqsood Shah, daughter of Maqsood Shah, according to Allah's (SWT) law and His Messenger's (peace be upon him) Sunnah, and for the mahr of 5000 bucks on conditions to which we have agreed. Do you accept her as your wife? "

I noticed Salman wipe his tears as he said, " I accept. "

Alhamdullilah... I heard myself saying.

" I offer you the woman under my custody, Neha Maqsood Shah, daughter of Maqsood Shah, according to Allah's (SWT) law and His Messenger's (peace be upon him) Sunnah, and for the mahr of 5000 bucks on conditions to which we have agreed. Do you accept her as your wife? "

" I accept." Salman said again.


" I offer you the woman under my custody, Neha Maqsood Shah, daughter of Maqsood Shah, according to Allah's (SWT) law and His Messenger's (peace be upon him) Sunnah, and for the mahr of 5000 bucks on conditions to which we have agreed. Do you accept her as your wife? "

" I accept. "

Oh My Allah! Oh My Allah Thank you so much!

I realized I was crying, but this time they were tears of joy. My heart stopped beating for a second when I realized I was married. I was Salman's wife now. Wife... Oh my Allah ! It sounded so good. I kept a hand on my mouth as I cried silently. I saw through the window everyone hug Salman, even Raza and congratulate him. Salman was lost, really, it was like he couldn't believe what was going on around him. He was in a trance. A beautiful one at that.

Uncle Kamran said something to Sana and nodding, she turned towards the VIP lounge.

To take me outside to my husband.

A/N : What exactly are you still waiting for ? Come on now, it's the second last chapter, bring in some readers, spread the word around you and attract some readers for me now ? Will ya? Pretty please ? :* :* >3

Love :D

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