Dream for the Dead (Completed...

By JamTartt

29.1K 1.6K 119

Tabitha and her mother think they have found themselves the perfect place to live: an extremely affordable ma... More

20 - *Halloween Special* (Part One)
21 - *Halloween Special* (Part Two)
22 - *Halloween Special* (Part Three)
23 - *Halloween Special* (Part Four: Final)
44 - The End is Nigh
47 - Darkness
48 - Aftermath
49 - Pushing up...Cyclamen?
50 - *Christmas Special* (Part One)
51 - *Christmas Special* (Part Two)
52 - *Christmas Special* (Part Three)
53 - *Christmas Special* (Part Four)
54 - *Christmas Special* (Part Five)
55 - *Christmas Special* (END)
Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
Fact 6
Kyle's Childhood/History
Fact 7
Fact 8
Fact 9
Fact 10
Fact 11
Fact 12

Alexander's Habit - Short Spin-off

346 12 0
By JamTartt

I looked down at my wedding ring, still not able to believe that it was real. Seth had married me three months ago now, and it didn't feel like it had actually happened. I was cuddling up with Seth on the sofa in the living room, and I observed his ring. His matching ring; the ring that let everybody know that his heart belonged to me, and only me, and vice versa.
"What're you smiling about, baby?" Seth grinned down at me.
"Just...you know."
"Again? You'll have to believe it sometime, Tabs. We've been together for four years now." He pulled me closer to him.
"I know, but..." I sighed. "How do you love me? How am I so lucky?" I kissed him.
"I should be asking you that." He leaned in for another kiss, but he stopped, a look of concern washing over his face. "What's wrong, babe?"
"Oh." I realised that I was looking behind him, and that my smile had disappeared. "I saw something move outside. I was trying to see what it was. That's all."
It wasn't a lie...not exactly. Though, I did know what it was already.
"Probably just a small bird. Don't worry about it; the only living person here is Letta, and she's immortal anyway."
"I don't want someone vandalising the house, though." I stood up, feeling quite cold without Seth's body pressed up against mine. "I'll be right back. Sorry, sweetie, I just really want to check it out."
"I'm coming with you. You may be dead, but you can still get hurt." He stood and stretched, before taking his hoodie off and draping it around my shoulders. He gave me a crooked smile. "You were shivering."
I smiled through gritted teeth. I didn't want to offend him, but I also didn't want him to come outside. He wouldn't want to see what it was out there. Seth walked out of the living room, and I turned back to the window for a second. Though I could no longer see movement, I still gestured for him to leave.

"See, Tabs; nothing's out here. It was probably just a bird." Seth turned back to me and rested his hands on my waist.
"Yeah..." I scanned the surrounding bushes and trees, searching for him. Had he really left?
"I'm gonna make us some snacks, okay?" Seth kissed the top of my head, before walking back inside. I watched him go, before tiptoeing around the front of the house, inspecting the view.
"Tabitha!" Alexander hissed, making me jump.
"You startled me!" I looked up to see him sat in a tree.
"Sorry." He clambered down, falling when he got to the last branch. He stood, brushing himself off, before speaking again.
"I wish I could've been there." His eyes were fixed on my ring finger.
"You've told me that already. Every single Tuesday. That's our movie night, you know, and you're ruining it."
"Is this really how you should speak to your Father-in-law?"
"Should a Father who murdered his son become his stalker, especially when that son doesn't ever want to speak to him again?"
He looked at the ground.
I wrapped Seth's hoodie tighter around me. "If he sees you, you'll really upset him. Please, Alexander, stop being so selfish. I almost felt sorry for you the first time I saw you here, but now-"
"You...you, he?"
I turned to see Seth stood in the doorway, his mouth wide open and his eyes filled with rage.
"He's been watching us, me, and you knew? You knew and you didn't tell me?" Seth hadn't spoken to me this way since our argument when I decided to 'complete' the Saviour's duties.
"Seth, I-"
"Save it. Date night's over. Don't speak to me; either of you." Seth stormed away, back inside.
I span to face Alexander, who began to back away.
"Look what you've done! Did he want to speak to you? No. And now you might've ruined our marriage. Don't you see how much he hates you?" I shook my head and went to head back inside, wiping a few tears away as I did so.
"I understand. I'm sorry, and I won't come back. Not now." He called after me.

"What're you doing?!" I shouted as I found Seth in our bedroom, packing a bag.
"I'm going home." He wouldn't look at me.
"This is home." I squeaked, grabbing his shoulders. "What're you talking about?"
He looked into my eyes for a second before moving away from me. I let my arms drop, and began to sob silently.
In my peripheral vision, I saw him walk past the bedside table, before glancing at me and quickly slipping the crystal tree into his bag.
Terrified to ask, I managed to stage-whisper, "where's your ring?"
He didn't answer for a while. As I was about to turn to see if he was even still there, he said plainly, "on my finger."
I decided not to bother him further. If he wanted to come back, he would. If he wanted to leave me, he would. I had no say in the matter, and that was that. However, I did still sob softly after he left, with my sobs getting harder and harder the longer I cried for.
"What's wrong, baby?" Mum walked in after a while.
"Seth." I looked up at her, and she immediately came to hug me. "He's gone."
I explained the entire situation, and she finally had time to give her input.
"Tabs, it'll be fine. I've seen you two, and this shouldn't ruin your relationship - as long as you go talk to him. Did he take your keys, too?"
I shrugged, and she raised her eyebrows. I leaned over to the bedside table, checking in the drawers for my keys. They were there.
I lifted them out, presenting them to Mum. "Okay, pumpkin. You go talk to him; tell him why you did it. He'll understand, I just know it."

Soon after my chat with Mum, I was off. I walked with a knot in my stomach to our - no, his - house. I was worried to find him there with another girl, in case he wanted to take revenge somehow, or forget about me. I was worried to find him there still furious, and that he wouldn't listen to me. I was worried to find him there upset and broken, because I'd betrayed his trust and because his Father wouldn't leave him alone. When I got to the door, I took three deep breaths, and hesitantly put my key into the lock. I turned it, and I cringed as I heard the click. Would he have heard it? Would he be pressed up against the door now to keep me out? I entered the room, and he wasn't in the little living room. I squeezed my eyes shut for just a moment, thinking he might be in the bedroom with another woman. I pushed the bedroom door open extremely slowly, holding my breath the entire time. Once the door was fully opened, I was relieved that there wasn't any noise. It was dark, though. I made my way slowly towards the bed, and found Seth there, sleeping soundly. I sat on the edge of the bed, and stroked his hair. He looked adorable.
"I'm awake, you know." He mumbled.
I pulled my hand away quickly, almost jumping off the bed.
"What are you doing here?"
"You didn't take my key. I assumed this was still my house, too." I whispered.
"Maybe I just forgot to take them." He opened his eyes.
I sighed. "You can have the keys back. If you listen to me." I caught a glimpse of his left hand, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw that the ring was still in its place.
"I'm listening. You've got a few minutes; I'm probably not gonna forgive you."
"Seth!" I sighed. I explained everything. "Yes, I knew. Yes, I could've told you. But I knew it would hurt you to know he was still around. I don't like talking about him, and I didn't know - and I didn't want to know - what it'd do to you to to know he was stalking you. I didn't want to hurt you, and I thought that I could get rid of him myself."
"How long?" He asked.
"Four weeks." It was quieter than a whisper, but he still heard.
He shot up in bed. "A whole month, Tabitha? Really? You didn't think it would make sense to tell me, if you hadn't managed to get rid of him after four weeks? It must've been bothering you, too."
"It was! But I knew it would bother you more." I sighed. "Whatever. This was pointless." I stood up, throwing the keys onto the bedside table. I looked down at my left hand, and a tear rolled down my cheek as I pulled my ring off.
"I'm sorry. I know that what I've done is unforgivable. But I was only thinking about you." I looked at him, holding the ring out to him. "Because I love you. But that doesn't matter now, does it?"
He took the ring from me, moving it around in his hand. ''Tabitha..."
"Bye, Seth. I really am sorry." I began to leave, when he stopped me.
"Tabitha. It was because you cared about my feelings, right?"
"Yes." I said.
"And you did it out of love, right?"
"Of course!" I turned to him.
He sighed, opening his arms up. I felt a chill throughout my whole body. Was he...?
"Come here. I'm sorry. I've been a dick." He sighed again. "It's just, you know, the way I feel about him...I got angry. But you didn't have to take your ring off." He sounded extremely hurt.
I practically leaped into his arms. "You didn't have to leave the Manor." I muttered.
"I know, I know." He whispered, kissing me on the head. "It won't happen again."
"No, it won't. Because he said he wouldn't be back, after what happened. I really believe him, too."
"I love you, Tabs." He lifted my left hand gently, slipping my ring back on. It took me right back to the happiest moment of my existence.
"Do you... do you wanna go back, and watch some movies?" I asked.
He smiled at me. "Well, we're here now, and we have some privacy... I think I'd rather stay here tonight." He winked at me, leaning in and kissing me deeply and passionately.

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