Never Let you Go <3 A Justin...

By EimearXx

143K 1K 505

Alice doesnt want to go camping, but her mom forces her to go. she brings her friend 'Ciara' along But what h... More

Never Let you Go <3 A Justin Bieber Lovestory
Chapter 2 - Mystery Man
Chapter 3 - Bad Break Up.
Chapter 4 - Black Out
Chapter 6 - AHHH RAPIST!
Chapter 7 - Awkward...
Chapter 8 - What happend to 'Bro's over Hoe's?'
Chapter 10 The Sleepover
Chapter 11 - Wakey, Wakey!
Chapter 12 - The Phone Call
Chapter 14 - If you don't tell them, I will.
Chapter 15 - The Mistake.
Chapter 16 - Horrible Sister's and Scary Note's.
Chapter 17 - Spoiled Brat's and one HUGE Mistake.
Chapter 18 - Old Friends?
Chapter 19 - Physcho Bitche's...He call's fan's.
Chapter 20 - Top Trending Topic's.
Chapter 21 - Fake What?
Chapter 22 - It's ALL You're fault!
Chapter 23 - Tied together...
Chapter 24 - Why are you apologising?
Chapter 25 - VICTORY!
Chapter 26 - I'm having a nervous breakdown.
Chapter 27 - I'm free.
Chapter 28 - The Plan.
Chapter 30 - Oh, God no.
Chapter 31 - It as so....Alice-ish.
Chapter 32 - Do you think they know?
Chapter 33 - ALICE!
Chapter 34 - I am not confusing my baby.
Chapter 35 - The picture.
Chapter 36 - Meeting the Family
Chapter 37 - Your Moodswings are giving me Whiplash...
Chapter 38 - Shopping with the Beadles

Chapter 13 - The Ugly Truth.

3.6K 38 15
By EimearXx

I want 5 votes again...If i can get it!

It's grand if I can't.

I'm not gonna upload again tonight, 'cause I went to bed a 7am last night and I'm REALLY tired. Hope you guys understand! I'll upload Tomorrow tho..Kay?

Thanks! N Sorry!:(


"So, Who gave it to you?" She asked.

"No one." I muttered.

"Alice!" She sighed frustrated.

"I did." Justin chuckled.

"No Chris did." I argued.

"Not this again." Justin muttered.

"Okay, can we just forget about this?" I asked.

"Sure." Cait muttered.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*End of Recap*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter 13.

Alice's P.O.V

"Cait, wanna take a stroll?" I asked.

"Sure." She smiled.

We were walking by the woods I blacked out in, So I decided to tell her the story.

"OH" We should get some Firewood! So we can have a fire 'cause...we never did last time 'cause...Well yano." I muttered the last part. She nodded.

I was chatting to Cait when her eyes widened. "Cait, What's wrong?" I asked. she pointed behind me. I turned around.

"What you want Tyler?" I snapped.

"You." he said while slamming be into a tree. Tyler's friend 'Nick' was holding Caitlyn back, So she couldn't help me. I spat in Tyler's face.

"Sorry, But I don't want you." I said coldly. He wiped my spit off his face.

"DON'T SPIT ON ME." he shouted.

"I CAN SPIT ON YOU IF I WANT, ASSHOLE" I screamed back at him. He smacked my across to the face and I fell to the ground.

"Douche." I muttered. He picked my up off the ground.

"What'd you call me slut?" He said angrily.

"I called you a douche, What? you gone deaf now?" I said in the same tone, with a hint of sarcasm . He dropped me to the ground and kicked my in the stomach. I groaned.

"Stand up." He ordered.

""Why don't you make me, Asshole?" I snapped. He picked my up and shoved me into a tree.

"Call me Asshole one more time." He threatened.

"Asshole." I whispered. He stood there, a few minuted thinking of what he should do. Then a evil smirk came to his face. He pulled my shorts down to the ground, Revealing my thong. So what if I'm 13. I can wear what I want. It's not like anyone's gonna see it. Well or so I thought.

My eyes widened. "W-what are you d-d-doing?" I stuttered.

"Not so tough, Are you Alice?" He asked while unzipping his fly.

I glanced at Caitlyn, She was squirming. She knew just as well as I did, What he was going to do to me. And she had to watch.

Every time I pleaded for him to stop or didn't 'Moan' his name when he wanted me to, He would hit me, Punch me or kick me. Caitlyn was doing her best to get out of Nick's grip, But it was no use. They MADE her watch.

" I always knew you'd be good in bed Alice." Tyler whispered in my ear when he was finished with me. I was laying on the forest floor bleeding. Once they left Caitlyn rushed over to me. She was sobbing.

"A-A-Alice, A-Are you o-okay? I-I'm s-so s-sorry." She sobbed.

"It's okay, It's not you're fault." I whispered, unable to find my voice.

"Lemmie call the guys." She mumbled.

"NO!" I screamed. There it is. "I'm fine, Okay? We don't need to tell anyone." I told her.

"W-w-what?" She stuttered.

"Cait, Promise me you won't tell anyone." I told her.

"What!? We have to!" She exclaimed.

"Promise me." She said in a dead voice.

"Fine. I promise." She grumbled.

" Kay, Let's get back." I fake-smiled, but she saw through it. I put one arm over her shoulder and limped.

"See, I'm fine." I said. She raised her eyebrows. Everyone we past stared at me. Way to make me feel better. Jeez, I was just raped for gods sake. Gimmie a break!

Once we reached the campsite i pulled my hood up, so no one could see the cuts on my face.

"It'll be okay, Alice." Cait assured me. She was still teary eyed, Her eyes were Red and puffy. I can Imagine mine were too.

We reached our tent and the guys looked my up and down. "What happened? Are you okay? Why are you both crying?" They all asked.

Tyler was staring at me from his tent.

"I-I f-f-fell." I stuttered. I glanced at Caitlyn for help.

"Uh..Yeah. She fell, down a hill." She added. Justin was looking at me suspiciously.

Tyler started walking over, My eyes widened and I whimpered behind Caitlyn. Tyler smirked. Probably because i was afraid of him. But C'mon he beat AND Raped me, You would too.

"Hey Alice." He smirked. I looked at Caitlyn. She was glaring at him.

"H-h-hi" I stuttered. He stepped Towards me, and I stumbled backwards. Caitlyn steadied me.

"Are you okay? Looks like you were crying." he said in a fake worried tone. I could tell Justin AND Ciara would piece it together Eventually, Since I always stood up to Tyler...But Ryan and Chris never saw me with him before, So they don't know how I act with him.

"Like you don't know."Cait mumbled. He glared at her. Justin raised an eyebrow. I ignored them both.

"Y-yeah, I-I-I f-f-fell." I mumbled while stuttering. Cait looked like she was gonna rip his head off. I tugged on her arm and her expression softened.

"Well, You better get going Tyler." Cait told him.

"Right.  Bye, See you soon Alice. I Promise." He winked and walked away. A tear escaped my eye.

I looked at Caitlyn with a worried expression. I don't wanna 'See him later'. And she knew that. She pulled me into a hug. " I won't let him near you again Alice. I promise." She mumbled.

"Okay, What the hell is going on?" Justin demanded. I forgot they were here...

"N-nothing." I stuttered.

"Why are you stuttering?" Chris asked.

"I-I'm c-cold." I mumbled.

"Like we haven't heard that before." Ryan chuckled. I would have laughed at that if e and cait hadn't gone to the woods, And Tyler Hadn't of...Well you know.

"Guys, she's cold leave her alone." Cait snapped. I gave her a thankful smile.

I glanced at the guys. Justin looked deep in though, Ciara too.

"How did you know his name Cait?" Justin asked. Oh shit. They never met before 'The incident'. Which was like less than an hour ago.

"W-what?" she stuttered. She knew that we got caught out.

"You never met him before, So you wouldn't know his name." Ciara said this time.

"Uhm...i didn't say his name. What is his name Alice?" She asked me.

"Uh...T-Tyler." I said quietly.

"Oh, That's a nice name." I shuddered.

"Yeah, you did Cait. When you said he should leave, you said his name." Chris explained.

"Uh..." was all she said >.<

" I told her..I had a crush on him...So I told her his name." I shuddered. That was harder to say than I thought.

"Oh." Chris mumbled.

"How can you liek him?" Justin and Ciara said at the same time. I looked at Caitlyn to tell it was her turn to speak.

"Uh...SHE Doesn't like him. I do...So I asked what his name was." Cait explained. I breathed out a sigh. Phew, that was a close one. "Well..C'mon Alice." She grabbed my hand and toed me to our tent, and into my bedroom.

I started sobbing into her shoulder.

"It must have been horrible." I whispered.

"Horrible to what?" She asked.

"Horrible to watch." I sobbed. A tear escaped from the corner of her eye.

Ciara's P.O.V

I still couldn't figure it out, Tyler left and Alice ran into..Caitlyn's arms? I thought I was her best friend. Once they left, I followed behind the quietly. The hopped into Alice's bedroom. then Alice started..sobbing?

Why is she sobbing? I was about to go in and comfort her bit I stopped myself.

"It must have been horrible." She whispered to Caitlyn.

"Horrible to what?" Caitlyn asked quietly.

"Horrible to watch." Then she started sobbing again.

I stood up and went back outside to join the guys.

"She's sobbing." I mumbled.

"She is?" Whoa, did i say that out load? I nodded anyways.

" She told Caitlyn that 'It must have been horrible to watch' " I quoted.

"Horrible to watch what?" Chris asked. I shook my head.

"I don't know. It has something to do with Tyler tho, Like C'mon did you see the way Alice acted when he was here? She's terrified of him. Then she kept stuttering too? Like whats going on?" I asked them. They nodded in agreement and shook their heads.

"Why would she tell Caitlyn though? She only met her yesterday? You're her best friend." Ryan said quietly. I shrugged.

"Whatever happened, Caitlyn was there." Justin spoke for the first time.

Maybe she...No Ciara, Don't assume things. It'll just make it worse.

Justin's P.O.V

It doesn't make sense, Earlier she was screaming her head off at him then she stutters when he says 'Hey?'

Somethings defiantly up. I'll get it out of her OR Caitlyn. Or Ciara could get it out of her...Like she IS her Best friend....

Caitlyn's P.O.V

I felt so sorry for her. Maybe I should tell someone. It's wrong not to...but I promised her i wouldn't...

We're VERY alike. If I was in her position I'd tell her the same thing, To not tell anyone. It would be embarrassing kinda...

I guess I'll just respect her decision. I can't believe he actually did that tho! AND they made me watch! SOMETHING is seriously wrong in BOTH their heads. He claims that he 'love' her then He goes an rapes her? Funny way of showing it. It's sick really.

One thing I know for sure, The deal is off between me and Christian. i actually LIKE this girl, And not only because of what happened, Because we're alike. :)


How was that for a chapter!?

I was SHAKING while writing it. don't know why.

Poor Alice, Right?

Is Caitlyn gonna tell anyone?

What Ciara think happened?

All for you to find out! >.<


Don't Forget to...



N Comment:)


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