L. Jergz (Camren)

By imkeysaf

289K 6.8K 1.8K

Lauren Jauregui, also known as L. Jergz, was about to start her first world tour and a new guitarist was adde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Guess who's back?

Chapter 38

7K 143 107
By imkeysaf

"Finally..." Camila sighed after throwing herself on the hotel room's bed. "I hate long flights! Plus, I had trouble sleeping all night!"

The flight had taken all night and they had to spend the night on the plane. It was already 12 p.m. when they arrived to the hotel.

"Are you tired already?" Ally asked Camila who giggled before mumbling she really was. "We have a show tonight... You can't be tired already!"

"I know... I know... But I've been feeling so tired and weak lately..." Camila said before pretending she was frantically crying. "I need some pizza!"

"Yeah, maybe that's all because you need pizza..." Ally agreed while laughing.

"Maybe I'll go for one today!" Camila exclaimed before sitting properly on the bed and clapping her hands excitingly.

"You're in Japan, you won't eat pizza... You will try Japanese food!" Ally told her before showing her a little smirk.

"But I want pizza... Like... One of those huge and delicious pizzas!" Camila confessed while licking her lips. "Plus, I don't think I enjoy Japanese food!"

"We won't let you do that!" Ally told her playfully "You need to taste the beautiful but also tasty gastronomy here..."

"Sushi? Yeah... Ew!" Camila exclaimed before putting her tongue out as a sign of disgust.

"Sushi is great!" Ally said while raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever... Pizza is better!" Camila told her before both of them broke into laughs.

Camila and Ally were staying in the same room that time and they were pretty happy with the decision.

They started unpacking some stuff and after getting their little purses ready, they left the room and walked to the place where they were supposed to meet everyone else so they could go have lunch together.

Dinah was already outside of the hotel. Normani was next to her and so were Lauren, Keana and Will. Christina and Derek had an emergency with their instruments for the show and they had to go straight to the venue so they could take care of the problem.

Ally and Camila arrived to the hotel's entrance and walked to where the others were waiting.

"So... Where are we going? Because no one knows Japan here..." Dinah asked while looking at everyone.

"Well, I did some research and I talked to a few people in the hotel and I asked them about a good place to have meals..." Will informed them before taking a little piece of paper off his pocket. "They wrote down the name of the place and told me it's usually where all the tourists like to go!"

"Senjoku? Chenjukiu?" Dinah tried to pronounce the place's name.

"It's Shinjuku..." Lauren interrupted Dinah. Everyone looked at her with confusing looks on their faces except for Camila who didn't really want to look at Lauren's face. "What? I used to get Japanese lessons while I was in high school..."

"Anyways!" Dinah exclaimed "Let's go to Sikuju!"

"It's Shinjuku!" Lauren corrected her again, thing that made everyone laugh.

"Alright, alright Miss I know how to speak Japanese... Let's go to whatever you said!" Dinah said before a black car arrived and parked in front of them.

"That's our car!" Will told them while pointing at the huge car.

"Good! I'm starving!" Camila said.

"Me too!" Keana agreed with Camila who showed her a forced smile.

"Let's go!" Ally exclaimed while walking towards the car and opening the door.

Everyone started entering the car and as soon as they were all inside, the driver turned the car on and started heading to the famous Kozue restaurant.

Ally, Normani and Dinah were sitting on the last seats, Will was sitting next to the driver and Camila ended up sitting next to Lauren and Keana on the middle seats.

The two girls felt pretty uncomfortable for having to be sitting right next to each other. Shoulder to shoulder, arm to arm, almost hand to hand but those weren't able to find their way to each other anymore. The contact of their bodies was torturing both of them. 

Camila was looking down to her fingers which were nervously playing with each others while Lauren discreetly watched every movement she did from the corner of her eyes.

Suddenly the car suffered from a violent jolt and everyone in the car jumped from their seats, thing that made half of Lauren's body fall on Camila's lap.

"I-I'm sorry." Lauren apologized to Camila without even looking at her before quickly sitting herself properly on the bench again.

Keana immediately turned her head to look at both Camila and Lauren who had finally exchanged words after all those weeks. The same happened to Dinah and Normani who discreetly observed the contact between the two girls from the back seat.

"No problem." Camila simply said while looking down to the floor in an attempt to avoid any eye contact.

Lauren felt Keana giving her a little push with her shoulder and turned her head to look at her best friend.

"What?" Lauren mouthed. Keana looked at Camila and then looked back at Lauren which made Lauren understand what Keana was talking about. "Ugh... I know..." She silently mouthed again. 

Keana shook her head while Lauren shrugged sadly.

A few minutes after that incident, the car stopped in front of an huge building with a beautiful architecture. Lauren was fascinated and she couldn't take her eyes off it. 

"This is indeed amazing..." Lauren said while observing the place after getting out of the black car.

"Yes... I'm in love..." Keana commented with Lauren.

"Well... The restaurant is inside the building..." Will informed them after getting some information from the driver who was Japanese and knew much more about the city than the six of them did. "Shall we get in?"

"Yeah! Sure!" Ally exclaimed excitingly.

"Let's go, let's go! I wanna see the inside!" Camila told them while slightly pushing Will towards the door. Ally, Keana, Lauren, Normani and Dinah followed them.

Once all of them were inside the building, they started walking around and looking for the restaurant's entrance.

"I guess it's here!" Lauren informed everyone while pointing at the restaurant. The other five people followed her into the restaurant.

"Ohayou gozaimasu!" A woman greeted them with a "good morning" wearing a gentle smile on her face as she approached to them.

"Ohayou gozaimasu... Do you speak english?" Lauren asked her.

"Oh! Yes!" The short woman said with the same smile on her face before starting to count how many people were in the group. "Follow me! I'll lead you to your table!"

"Arigatou gozaimasu!" Lauren thanked her before she started walking towards an empty table in the corner of the restaurant.

"What did she say?" Dinah whispered close to Keana so that neither Lauren or the woman could hear her.

"I think she said "thank you so much" in Japanese!" Keana told Dinah who nodded at Keana's answer "Lauren teached me a few words while we were at the airplane!"

"Oh!" Dinah exclaimed "I think I really need a few lessons too..."

"I can teach you later..." Keana winked at Dinah playfully which made Normani interrupt the conversation. Normani had always been a little bit jealous of the friendship Dinah and Keana had created a few time before due to Lauren.

"No... She doesn't need lessons later... She'll use Google Translate. Thank you, Keana." Normani said after pulling Dinah closer by her hand.

"Alright, alright, jelly girlfriend!" Keana told Normani playfully while shaking her head and laughing at Normani's attitude.

Everyone sat down on the table and started looking at the english version of the menu the woman had handed them.

"I'm having this one which says it has four types of sushi..." Ally announced.

"Me and Keana we want the one which contains a few of each type of sushi... The biggest plate of the restaurant, it says..." Lauren told them "Anyone wants to join us? We can't eat it all alone!" 

"Oh! Oh! Can I join you?" Dinah immediately asked.

"I'll join you too!" Will exclaimed.

"What about you, love?" Dinah questioned Normani who was still looking through the names of the plates.

"I might join you on that big plate of sushi..." Normani said while looking away from the menu to the others.

"Yes!" Lauren exclaimed. "Let's ask for it!"

"Wait for Mila... She hasn't choosen yet!" Dinah said.

"Oh!..." Lauren mumbled "Sure..."

"I'm going with Sukiyaki..." Camila informed them. 

"Let's call the waitress..." Ally said.

Lauren called the same woman as before and they all asked for what they wanted.

After a few minutes of a great conversation that was installed between everyone, the meals arrived and they all started eating.

"I've never ate such tasteful sushi in my whole life!" Ally exclaimed while closing her eyes and enjoying the second piece of sushi.

"I agree! I love this!" Keana agreed with Ally.

"We have a challenge here though... So much sushi... Wow..." Lauren said which made everyone in the table laugh.

"Camila? Are you ok?" Ally asked Camila who had her elbows placed on the table and her forehead resting on the palm of her hands.

"I am... Yeah..." Camila nodded slowly without moving her head from where it was.

"What's wrong?" Dinah questioned worryingly.

"I'm just feeling a little bit sick and dizzy..." Camila told Dinah while slowly raising her head up and looking at Dinah.

"Do you want me to go to the bathroom with you?" Dinah asked Camila while immediately getting up from the chair.

"Yeah... Yes, please." Camila said before Dinah walked towards the other side of the table and helped Camila get up.

Lauren was observing the whole scene with a worrying look on her face. She just wanted to get up from her chair, walk towards Camila, wrap her arm around her waist and be the one helping her feel better.

It was torturing for Lauren to be unable to comfort Camila. She used to do that all the time but now she couldn't and it was killing her. Seeing Camila like that was killing her. She was more than worried about the brunette girl.

Dinah wrapped her right arm around Camila's waist and helped her getting to the restaurant's bathroom.

"C'mon... Wash your face with some cold water.... It might help..." Dinah advised Camila who nodded before doing what Dinah had told her.

Suddenly Camila felt even sicker and she ran to one of the bathroom's cabins, putting herself on her knees in front of the toilet before throwing up.

Dinah opened her eyes wide in shock and she ran after Camila.

"Ugh Camila... I hate seeing you like this..." Dinah mumbled sadly while grabbing her hair in a ponytail so that she wouldn't dirty it.

Dinah heard the bathroom's door being opened and she turned her head around so she could see who had entered inside the place.

"Go, go, I got this!" Dinah said to the person who was now standing behind her with a worrying look on her face. Camila probably wouldn't feel comfortable if that green eyed girl was there so Dinah tried to "gently" kick her out.

"I just wanted to check on her... I was worried... I couldn't help it." Lauren informed Dinah before taking a deep sigh. Her heart was hurting just to see Camila like that. 

Camila immediately recognized that voice and a shiver ran through her spine.

"You don't need to be here..." Camila suddenly mumbled between heavy breaths without looking at her. 

A few seconds of silence were installed between the three girls before Lauren was able to say something.

"I-I'm sorry... I was just leaving..." Lauren told her before turning around and slowly walking to the bathroom's exit while sadly shaking her head.

"Camila... She was just worried about you..." Dinah told Camila after she heard the bathroom's door being closed.

"I honestly don't need her concern..." Camila said even though that was mainly the anger talking because deep down, she did need it a lot.

"Well... That's your decision... I'm not fighting you on that!" Dinah announced.

Camila slowly got up from the ground with Dinah's help and walked to one of the sinks. She washed her face and her mouth before taking a deep breath and walking towards the exit.

Before Camila could open the door, Dinah pulled her by the hand and involved the shorter girl in a tight hug.

"Are you okay now?" Dinah asked Camila after letting go of that hug.

"Yes... I feel better... Thank you Dinah." Camila thanked her best friend with a tiny smile on her face.

"No problem, girl!" Dinah exclaimed "That's what best friends are for!" 

"Let's go... At least you need to finish your meal..." Camila said while pulling Dinah by her hand towards the door.

"Only me?" Dinah questioned while raising an eyebrow which made Camila roll her eyes "Awn yeah... Because of what just happened... Now you can't enjoy your meal..."

"Don't worry... Let me tell you a secret..." Camila whispered near Dinah "I don't like Japanese food anyways..." Camila whispered again while shrugging before both of them started laughing.

As soon as Camila arrived to their table again, she was bombed with questions about how she felt. After she told everyone she was better, they finished having lunch and then they left the restaurant so they could visit a few known places before heading to the venue where that night's show was happening.

It was already 5 p.m. when they finished the soundcheck and Camila started feeling a little bit sick again. She told everyone she didn't want to miss the show even though she didn't feel very well and after a few people advising her it would be better if she got some rest instead of playing, she convinced everyone she was ready enough to do it. Well... Not everyone... Normani and Dinah still didn't think it was a good idea to have Camila on stage that night.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You're clearly not okay, Mila..." Normani asked Camila who didn't have a good look on her face at all.

"Yeah... Isn't it better if you get some rest instead?" It was Dinah's turn to question Camila.

"No... It's our first show in Asia and I don't wanna miss it. I've already made my decision, girls." Camila informed them who nodded at her. They couldn't do anything to stop that stubborn girl from doing what she wanted to do.

"Hello, hello ladies!" Keana joined the conversation.

"Hey K!" Dinah greeted the girl.

"Hi!" Normani exclaimed followed by Camila who also told Keana "hi ".

"Camila... How are you feeling?" Keana asked Camila with a gentle smile on her face.

"I'm okay... Thanks..." Camila answered.

"Such a liar..." Dinah mumbled while shaking her head playfully.

"Shut up, Jane!" Camila exclaimed.

"She's actually not okay and we're trying not to let her go on stage tonight but she's too stubborn..." Dinah informed Keana who giggled at Dinah's confession about Camila.

"They're right, Mila... It's not healthy for you..." Keana said.

"I'm feeling good enough to do it... Don't worry..." Camila told them "Can we talk about anything else?"

"Ugh..." Dinah mumbled while rolling her eyes "Sure."

"So... Ready for the Philippines tomorrow?" Camila changed the subject of the conversation.

"Yeah! I can't wait to visit it!" Keana exclaimed excitingly.

"Same!" Normani agreed with Keana.

"I just don't like the fact we're leaving at 6 a.m.!" Dinah confessed which made everyone laugh.

"No ones likes that..." Camila told her.

"Well... I need to go to the dressing-room... I left my phone there..." Normani informed the others before glancing at her girlfriend "Are you coming with me or...?" 

"Yes!" Dinah said while nodding.

"Alright... See you later, girls!" Normani exclaimed before taking Dinah's hand and pulling her through the corridor so they could get to their dressing-room.

"So... That leaves the two of us..." Keana smiled at Camila.

"Weren't you supposed to be with Lauren or something?" Camila asked Keana who laughed.

"Are you sending me away?" Keana questioned her with a fake shocking look on her face while taking one of her hands to her chest playfully.

"No! Not at all! I'm sorry!" Camila quickly apologized before shaking her head "It's just... You're always with her..."

"Did you forget I'm here to work as a makeup artist?" Keana asked Camila who seemed to remember the fact Keana had been hired as the new makeup artist.

"Oh! Yeah... Sure!" Camila exclaimed.

"Plus, Lauren is meeting fans right now so I wouldn't be able to be with her right now..." Keana told Camila who nodded at her answer. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!" Camila said.

"Are you jealous of me and Lauren?" Keana questioned Camila who looked down to the floor nervously before looking back at Keana.

"I guess... I guess not..." Camila answered "No! Of course not!"

"Sometimes it looks like you are..." Keana told her with a suggesting look on her face.

"I... I'm sorry...?" Camila apologized even though she wasn't sure about what she was apologizing for.

"No problem at all...! Me and Lauren are best friends and it's normal we are very caring and touchy around each other... But we could never be more than that... Not with her... Please...!" Keana told Camila while laughing. She couldn't see herself with Lauren at all... It seemed too impossible for her since they were like sisters.

"Anyways... That's not my problem anymore... Lauren and I are not even together..." Camila said as she shrugged.

"Indeed..." Keana agreed with the younger girl. "Hey... You don't have makeup on yet, do you?"

"I don't..." Camila told her.

"Well... Then you're the one who's missing... C'mon... I'll do it for you..." Keana suggested her.

Camila seemed to think about the idea for a second and Keana noticed her hesitation. The brown eyed girl was still a little bit unsure about whether she should trust Keana or not. They hadn't had a good start since Camila had always denied to have any kind of relationship with Keana due to her jealousy or whatever that could've been... But at that moment, it just felt right for Camila to give Keana a chance. Plus, the brunette standing in front of her was really beautiful and after all she seemed interesting.

"Alright!" Camila nodded at Keana who showed her a thankful smile. She knew Camila had just given her the opportunity to get to know her better.

Keana started walking through the corridor and Camila was right behind her, following her to the makeup room.

As soon as Keana stopped and opened the door for Camila, Camila entered the room and walked towards one of the chairs placed in front of the big mirror.

"Okay... So that's your outfit for tonight, right?" Keana asked Camila who nodded at her. "So... Blue and black will be the main colors I'm using for you..."

"Good to know..." Camila said playfully "Just do your magic..."

"I won't let you down!" Keana winked at Camila who showed her a tiny smile.

Keana grabbed her stuff and after everything was ready, she started applying the makeup products on Camila's face.

A few minutes had passed and Keana was almost finished. The last thing she needed to use on Camila was this red lipstick Keana found beautiful. She grabbed it and opened it. 

"I love the tone of this lipstick... It'll look so good on you!" Keana told Camila before approaching to her and starting to apply it on her. As soon as she touched Camila's soft lips with the brush of the lipstick, she just swallowed hard.

They were really close. Their faces were about twenty centimeters away from each other and that was the biggest temptation for Keana since she had been secretly enchanted by the girl since the moment they had met each other.

She was more than happy to know Camila had finally given her a chance to get into her life. She also knew that situation was more than wrong since Lauren was her best friend and she was in love with Camila but she couldn't help it but feel that way towards the girl. Camila was too good to be true. She had this magical aura which made everyone immediately fall for her. Keana had been struggling really hard not to show the way that aura had captured her.

At that point the eye contact was hard to avoid. Keana was looking between her lips and her eyes multiple times and Camila's lips were slightly separated, turning noticeable the sound of the speed of her breathing increasing.

Camila knew what was happening there and she knew exactly what was about to happen too. A few moments before she was questioning herself about whether she should give Keana a chance or not but maybe she was also attracted to Keana and that was supposed to happen. Maybe she had been avoiding the contact with her because she also felt something towards the girl...? Or maybe she was just angry at Lauren and she wanted some type of revenge. The girl was undoubtedly gorgeous and she was actually sweet and kind. A simple kiss wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? It would probably hurt one person if she found out but at that moment it just felt right.

Lots of questions and doubts ran through Camila's head as Keana took the brush off her lips and started approaching her face to Camila's. 

Camila closed her eyes and she just didn't care the consequences. Keana's lips were about to touch Camila's when the sound of the door being opened immediately made them jump away from each other.

"Ten minutes until the show starts!" Will's head appeared on the door announcing that the show was almost starting and everyone should get ready to go up on stage. 

He closed the door again without even waiting for an answer and that left the two girls and an awkward silence in the air.

"I... You should go..." Keana told Camila after a few seconds while putting her stuff back on the makeup bag without even looking at Camila.

"Yeah... I probably should... Thank you... F-For the makeup..." Camila said embarrasingly looking down the floor.

"No problem!" Keana exclaimed "And Camila... I'm so-"

"Keana, it's okay. Let's not talk about it now." Camila interrupted Keana. "I'm gonna go right now or I'll miss the show... See you later!"

"See you, Mila!" Keana said before turning around to see Camila waving at her while walking towards the door. "Good luck!"

"Thanks!" Camila thanked her with a smile on her face before opening the door and leaving the room.

"Holy shit... What did I do?" Keana whispered to herself while shaking her head after Camila disappeared behind the door.

Camila was probably gonna be a big problem between Lauren and Keana, wouldn't she?

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