The Red Necklace

By lillyalbela

6.6K 774 325

It's not any "normal" love story. No, not at all. It's about disloyalty, it's about lying; lying to the who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 34

132 16 14
By lillyalbela

Hello my lovely readers, new update for everyone who was about to throw a tantrum,

hope you all enjoy reading and don't forget to vote and comment...

happy reading,




I went in the kitchen and looked around for Bilal Bhai. My whole body was on fire and I wanted nothing to throw myself on my bed and scream in the pillow. I couldn't believe that Salman had actually suggested that I break my engagement with Raza. How could he be so selfish.

Weren't you once just as selfish ? An inner voice said and I sighed. Of course I was. Once.

" Imaan, have you seen Bilal Bhai? " I asked Imaan who was still sitting beside a snoring Fatima.

" Oh yes. he went out in the parking. " Imaan said in a hushed voice as if she was scared she'd wake Fatima. I nodded and walked out briskly from the kitchen. Instantly I was met with cold breeze and I shivered. I looked around for Bilal Bhai but he was no where to be seen. I walked towards where Blal Bhai parked his car everyday and came to a halt. It took me a moment before it registered to me that I was staring right back in Bilal Bhai's red shot eyes.

Oh my Allah... he was crying. My heart broke into shreds as I looked at him. He was sitting in his car but the engine was not turned on. I slowly walked towards the car and opening the door sat in the passenger's seat. I heard Bilal Bhai take a sharp breath and he sniffed. I looked at him and felt my eyes blur.

" Bhai... " I said in almost a whisper. Bilal Bhai didn't look at me. He stared straight ahead. I kept a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

" Bilal Bhai... it's okay. Everything will be fine. Have faith on Allah. Everything will be okay. " I tried to soothe him and I saw tears roll down his eyes.

" It's all over. " Bilal Bhai said in almost a whisper like he was in trance.

" It's not. Please don't give up. " I said crying.

" The house. It's all over. " My heart stopped beating for a second.

" What do you mean Bhai? " I asked wiping my eyes.

" The house was mortgaged against the loan ji. " Bilal Bhai said and I felt the whole world fall apart around me. More than anything my heart was breaking for Sana. She didn't deserve to get homeless at this time of her life. When she was supposed to be enjoying her life with her almost retiring husband.

" Oh Allah!" I said covering my mouth with both of my hands.

" What am I gonna do Neha? They were my last hope. " Bilal Bhai said wiping the tears.

" There must be a way out Bilal Bhai. We... we could ask our friends for the money. " I suggested. Bilal Bhai looked at me but said nothing. " We... we will ask Uncle Kamran for it... I'm sure he'll be able to help us Bilal Bhai. " Bilal Bhai looked at me with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

" Oh Allah please help me. " Bilal Bhai said covering his face with his hands.

" He will InshaAllah. We'll go to him right now. Let me just get Fatima." I said hopping out of the car. Bilal Bhai nodded and before I was out of the ear shot I heard him call me, " Neha. Thank you ji. " I smiled and tried not to break once again in front of him.

There was a pin drop silence as Uncle Kamran stared at me. I stared back at him expectantly as Bilal Bhai sat on the adjacent sofa, head thrown i. n his hands.

After what felt like forever, Uncle Kamran sighed and picked up the steaming mug of coffee from the table and took a sip thoughtfully. I flickered my eyes from Uncle Kamran to Bilal Bhai's and my cup of coffee that was still untouched. Uncle Kamran kept the mug back and walked towards Bilal Bhai and sat beside him.

" Look at me Bilal. " Uncle Kamran said and Bilal Bhai slowly looked up.

" I'm really glad that you came to me at this time. But arranging for 20 million in three days is almost impossible.They are much more than I've saved myself in my whole life time. Although I'm a commissioner but I've never taken advantage of that and have always earned in a Halal way. Out of all the people, you'd know that Bilal. " Uncle Kamran said and I rocked on the sofa slightly to calm myself down.

Bilal Bhai nodded slightly and said " I do Bhai. "

Uncle Kamran sighed once again and looked at me. " I have some bounds that I can break but I highly doubt that they'd be me more than 7 million. Anyhow, don't worry. Fii Amaan Allah. Let me see what I can do. I'll have to make some calls and hopefully we will arrange it, InshaAllah. " Uncle Kamran said nodding. I nodded as well.

Uncle Kamran made Bilal Bhai finish his coffee and then also insisted we had dinner with him. I sat on the dining table with them but ate minimal as I knew Sana would be waiting for us over dinner. I also knew that if Bilal Bhai didn't have dinner here there was no way we would be able to get him to eat anything at home.

That day when I went home I told Sana that we were with Uncle Kamran and Bilal Bhai had already taken dinner. Sana was suspicious but didn't probe. Bilal Bhai insisted that I don't tell anything to Sana and I agreed with him. The fewer the people knew, the better.

That day when I went to my room, I put Fatima on bed who was giggling at me, and locking the door I took out my bag from the cupboard. I brought it back to my bed and sat beside Fatima. I opened the bag and brought a box out. Opening the box I stared at the sparkling piece of gold. My wedding's jewelery. I had decided to not use this jewelery for any purpose but I'd rather bring it in use to save what meant the life to Bilal Bhai and Sana then keep it in my cupboard.

That day In Tahajjad I prayed Allah to help Bilal Bhai and to take him out of this situation. I also prayed that Allah give me strength so that I don't break down in front of Sana and that we are able to save Delicious Delights from some praying eyes.

Next day when I went downstairs I met with a worried Sana. My heart stopped beating for a second.

" Neha. I guess you'll have to take a cab again. Bilal is not feeling well. " Sana said as she kept my breakfast in front of me.

" Oh... what happened? " I asked holding Fatima.

" Just temperature. I tell you he is hiding something. I can smell it. Even last night he was not himself. He's acting so strange." Sana said sitting on her chair.

" You are fretting for no reason Sana. He was just fine at Uncle Kamran's house last night. He'll be okay in no time InshaAllah. I'm going to hurry then if he's not coming. " I said and hugged Sana.

" But let Fatima eat something first. " Sana said taking Fatima from my hands. I sighed and looked at the door impatiently.

" Sana? Would you please take care of Fatima then until I don't come back? " I asked.

" Okay? " Sana said nodding unsure. " Where are you going? "

" where are you going?" Sana asked me holding a spoon full of cereal to Fatima.

" Actually I have to go and collect some papers from the bank... nothing to worry about. I'll just take about half an hour." I lied and recited Astaghfar in my mind.

" Okay." Sana said nodding and turned her attention back to Fatima.

Sighing in relief I came out of the house and hurried to take a cab, the gold safely kept in my bag.

After about fifteen minutes I was seated in a Gold's shop; my wedding's jewelry sprawled on the glass's counter as a man with thick rimmed glasses inspected every single item in detail. I waited patiently for him to finish his inspection. After about what felt like forever he finally looked up and nodded.

" They're pure gold. " The shopkeeper said. Of course they were. Mom had spend a fortune on them.

" I want to sell them. Can you tell me an approximate price?"

" Yes. The market price per gram is approximately 2000. So according to that the approximate price would be 4 million. " The man said doing some calculation on a calculator.

4 million. If Uncle Kamran was able to arrange 7 millions from his bonds we'll still need 9 million. But at least I was adding something in the bucket to fill it up.

" Okay. I'd like to sell it then." I said nodding. The man all of a sudden looked way too excited.

" Okay then. Unfortunately I don't keep that kind of cash in store. So you'll have to come back tomorrow to collect it, or if you like I'll send it on your address." The man said peeking through his glasses.

" Send it at my home then , please." I said and wrote down my address. The shopkeeper handed me a receipt and said, " I'll send you the cash by evening then. "

I nodded and got up. I looked at the jewelry for one last time and was suddenly homesick. I suddenly wanted to be with Mama and hug her and tell her how scared I was. I wanted to cry to her and wanted her to tell me that all will be okay.

" Thank you. " I said before turning around and leaving the shop.

" Welcome sister." The man said over his shoulder as he was way too busy with the newly bought gold.

I walked out of the shop and strolled my way to a park nearby. It was early morning and everyone was rushing towards their work place. I sat quietly on a bench and stared in a distance at nothing in particular. I felt my eyes blur and a tear escaped my left eye.

I had never felt so alone in my entire life. Even when I had eloped home. Maybe because I knew that there was something that I carried that would always remind me of Mama and no doubt that it could never be compared to what it would have been if Mama was with me but at least I'd have something to look at and feel her with me. And now that was also gone.

I turned around on the bench and keeping an arm over the head of the bench I cried keeping my face in the crook of my arm.

I'm sorry Mama. I'm so sorry... I really was. The minute I had held Fatima in my hands I was sorry to my mother because it was in that moment I had felt what I had destroyed. A belief that every mother has on her kid. I had destroyed that belief of my parents.

The love and affection the parents gives to their child is an insurance that the kid would love her back as dearly. It's just the basis of strengthening the bond between them. What kind of a heartless kid would forget everything and stab their very own parents in the back?

Apparently, me. If I ever thought about Fatima doing the same to me I shuddered.

I sat there crying for ten minutes when I remembered Sana was still waiting for me with Fatima. Wiping my face I got up and took a cab home.

Once I had picked Fatima from home we went straight to the restaurant. In restaurant I was greeted with a beaming Imaan who had no idea that the only place her grand father had allowed working was threatened to be bankrupt.

" Salam Neha! Hello my darlin' Fatima. " Imaan said rushing towards me and literally snatching Fatima from me.

" Be careful Imaan. " I tried to scowl at Imaan but she didn't even look at me and thus my scowl went unnoticed.

" You have a visitor. " Imaan said kissing Fatima. My scowl immediately vanished.

" What? Who? " I asked Imaan who was throwing a giggling Fatima in the air and then catching her with a loud ' Hui' noise.

" Imaan I'm talking to you. " I said trying to get her attention.

" Raza. " I heard someone say and it wasn't Imaan. I turned around and saw Raza walk in from the door that lead to the main hall.

" Assalamualikum Neha ji. " Raza said walking towards me.

" He's so handsome Neha!" Imaan whispered in my ear and I nudged her away.

" Walikum asalam. Um.. Bilal Bhai is not here today. " I said not knowing what exactly he was here for.

" So I'm told " Raza said smiling charmingly. " Actually I came here for you. I mean to talk to you. " Raza said as he messed his hair.

" Oh? " I said.

" Yeah. Can we sit and talk for a minute? " Raza asked and I nodded.

" Sure.Imaan, would you mind checking up on the waiters if they have opened the restaurant? " I said turning to look at Imaan who made a face at me which said that she wanted to stay here and listen to every word Raza had to say.

Imaan nodded reluctantly and taking Fatima with her went out of the kitchen.

I lead Raza to the kitchen's sitting area and sat. Raza came and sat in front of me and when he looked at me he chuckle slightly and smiled.

" Actually. Isn't it so strange that we're getting married in about five days and we are still very much strangers for each other. " Raza said staring in my eyes and my heart skipped a beat.

Five days? Oh Allah help me! I nodded as I felt my heartbeat quicken.

" Is that why you're here? To get to know me? " I asked. Raza gave a small laugh and shook his head.

" No. Of course not. Well... That I just asked because I was trying to make small talks, maybe because I wanted to spend some time with you before I brought the real reason out for being here. " Raza said and a strange look passed on his face, a look of belongingness. I shivered and looked away.

I was marrying this man and I was having a very opposite reaction to what I should be having while he confessed that he wanted to spend some time with me.

I should be blushing and trying to extend these small talks but all I was able to think was when will he finish and go.

" Anyways... " Raza said when he was sure I was not going to comment on his confession of looking excuses to sit here and extend the conversation. "... I brought you a dress. Your wedding dress. " I stared at him blankly and it took a moment to register things in my head.

Raza had brought me my wedding dress...

Raza stared at me expectantly for a whole minute before his smile started to falter. I don't know what he was expecting me to do, maybe throw myself in his arm and squeal in giddiness or at least jump in my chair and tell him how sweet I thought all this was.

" Ah...That's... that's amazing... " I tried to sound cheerful. Raza gained his faltering smile back and picking a shopping bag from the floor he kept it on the table.

" Take it . " He said as he gently pushed the bag towards me. Swallowing on my own saliva I reached for the bag and peeked inside. I saw something white shining inside. " Take it out. " Raza said excitedly. I looked at him and followed his instruction.

I brought the dress out and stared at it. It was a beautiful white dress for my nikkah, adorned with beautiful white pearls. I snapped my head at Raza when I noticed that it wasn't just an ordinary pearls, in fact they were original pearls.

" Raza... you didn't have to do this. It must be very expensive!" I said looking at Raza in shock.

" Of course I had to it. You are going to be my wife Neha. And I don't plan on marrying again so this is my only chance to celebrate and I want to make a best out of it. " Raza said joking and I found myself smiling as well.

" Still Raza. "I said looking back at the dress. It was really enchanting. " I don't know what to say Raza. Thank you. It's really beautiful." I said looking in his eyes.

" Maybe. But not more than you." Raza said huskily. For the very first time I looked in his eyes for a long minute and I was unable to remove my gaze from him. Maybe it was because he was looking at me with so much tenderness and love that I found it difficult to look away. Maybe because I didn't wanted to let him down when he was so happy. Maybe because I thought that letting him be happy for once might be a payback for the expensive wedding gift he had bought me.

Raza's smile disappeared and in came a very serious expression. Raza shifted in his seat and reached for my hand.I don't know what I was thinking but I didn't pull away. Raza took hold of my hand and looked at me for any sign of disapproval. I didn't move. I just stared right back at him like I was under some kind of a spell. Raza took this as permission and took my hand to his face. He kissed my knuckles gently and I felt a shiver run through my whole body. Suddenly I came out of the trance and tried to free my hand from his hand. Raza didn't protest and loosened his hand. I pulled my hand away and kept it on my lap.

" Thank you. " Raza said a smirk playing on his face this time. I looked away from a smirking Raza and my eyes fell on the door. My heart stopped beating for a second when I noticed a fuming Salman at the door.

Oh no... What was he doing here anyway? When did he come and how much had he seen? Enough , an inner voice said. Raza also turned in his seat and looked at Salman. He got up and walked towards him. " Hey man ! " Raza said. " What a surprise! " Raza said reaching to Salman and hugging him. Salman kept a hand on Raza's shoulder stopping Raza from hugging him. Salman glared at Raza and then turned towards me. My heart stopped beating and I felt my eyes blur when I saw the hate that flashed in Salman's eyes for me. He was glaring at me.

" What happened Salman ? " Raza asked confused looking from Salman to me. I stood up and then cursed my knees that had turned into jelly. They were threatening to give up any minute. Salman ignored Raza and walked towards me. He was a mere inches away and I found it difficult to look at him. Not that I had done anything shameful, Raza was my fiancé, I don't know why I was acting like I was caught in the middle of doing some sin.

" What were you thinking? " Salman seethed in a whisper. I looked at him and swallowed my saliva.

" Salman, what's wrong? " Raza came towards me and stood in front of me as if protecting me.

Oh Raza, only if you knew who Salman was.

" Move. I need to talk to her. " Salman said glaring at Raza.

" No I won't move. You have no right to talk to her like this? Who do you think you are? " Raza said and I was scared of him for the very first time. Although he was a no compare with Salman, a punch and Raza would be on the bed for a week but still Raza was sticking up for me. He was protecting me. Or at least he thought he was.

" Just move. " Salman said getting ready to hit him.

" Raza. Please. Just me give me a minute. " I said coming in front of Raza. Raza gave me a look like I was crazy and shook his head voilently.

" You don't have to be scared of him Neha. I'll take care of him. " I heard Salman snort but I ignored him.

" No Raza. I... "

" Move Neha. " Raza said irritated by my interference and pushed me to a side. Salman's eyes flickered to Raza's hand that was holding my arm. He glared at Raza once again.

" Did you just push her? " Salman said pushing Raza on the shoulder.

" Back off. " Raza said trying to warn Salman.

" Please stop it. " I yelled but non of them looked at me.

" Did you just push her? " Salman repeated pushing him again.

" What is it to you? " Raza growled pushing Salman's hand away.

" What is it to me? You wanna know what is it to me? " Salman said grabbing Raza's collar and jerking him. Raza seemed helpless as he tried to free his collar from Salman's grip.

" Leave him Salman. " I cried as I tried to release Raza from Salman's deathly grip. My hands were on Salman's hands and I was trying to open his fist. Salman's gaze flickered to me and it was then he noticed I was crying. It was like he had come out of some trance. He looked at my hands that was on his and his expression softened.

" Leave Him!" I cried as I hit him on his arm. He let go of Raza and pushed him to a side. Raza fell few inches away. I glared at Salman and he looked at me with the most saddened and hurt expression I had ever seen on him. I rushed towards Raza and sat beside him. " Are you okay? " I asked Raza who was glaring at Salman.

" I'm waiting for you in the parking. " Salman said and went out of the kitchen. I stared at his retreating back and when he was gone I turned to look at Raza. Raza got up and brushed a hand through his clothes.

" I'm so going to send him to jail. " Raza said angrily.

" Let me just go and see what he wants. " I said.

" No Neha. That man is mad. Allah knows what he'll do to you. I will not allow you to go to him. " Raza said shaking his head.

" Raza, it's about the restaurant. Please. " I said as I looked out of the window in the parking. I couldn't see Salman anywhere.

" What do you mean? " Raza said looking at me.

" I'll tell you later. Right now I have to talk to him. " I said and didn't wait for him to protest. Instead I hurried out.

" No Neh... " He wasn't even finished yet when I exited the kitchen, effectively quieting him.

I went out and looked around in the parking area for Salman. He was standing by an oak tree in a distance, his back towards me. I went to him and stood silently for a while.

" Salman... "

" Where is Fatima? " Salman asked turning around. My heart skipped a beat when I looked at his face. The old cold Salman was back with eyes like stone and eyes that displayed no emotions.

" What? " I asked frowning. Weren't he going to say anything about what happened inside?

" What?" Salman asked raising his eyebrows. " I'm sure I've made myself clear. Where is Fatima. " Slaman said looking in my eyes. I blinked and turned around at the kitchen's door. " She's inside. " I said looking back at him.

" Great. " Salman said nodding looking at the door and walking past me.

I turned around confused, " Where are you going? "

" Not that I owe anything to answer you but still, I'm going to take her. With me. " Salman said coldly and turned away. He said it like it was the most natural thing in the world, like he didn't just say that he was taking my daughter with him.

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