The Red Necklace

By lillyalbela

6.6K 774 325

It's not any "normal" love story. No, not at all. It's about disloyalty, it's about lying; lying to the who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 33

183 17 7
By lillyalbela

As promised, this chapter is dedicated to my new wattpad's friend for her sweet posts;

 enjoy and happy reading :)




Salman... Salman is back...

These were the very first thoughts that crossed my mind even before I had opened my eyes. I squinted my eyes open and stared at the peach ceiling of my bedroom.

To say I wasn't happy that Salman was back would be a great lie. As sinful as it is... I was ecstatic. I know that he being here would do nothing, would mean nothing and if anything it would only lead to more pain and more heartbreak but even then I couldn't bring myself to imagine him gone. And he had just come here yesterday.

I prayed to Allah that He helps me and give me strength so that I do not come under the control of my nafs once again.

I turned in my bed and saw Fatima sleeping soundly beside me. Instantly images of last night came rushing to me like wild tides.

" Is Fatima my daughter? " I brushed a hand on Fatima's head. She stirred and then went back to her light snoring.

" This one's for my daughter." I felt a shiver pass through my whole body as I remembered the kiss. Great. Now every time I kiss Fatima I'll be reminded of that sinful act Salman did last night. I turned my back towards Fatima and laid there for a while thinking everything through.

I just couldn't get over the fact that after all the things I did to meet Salman; he actually showed up on my engagement because he was freaking hungry. I mean like seriously? Can you actually believe that?

Sighing I sat up and walked towards the bathroom and realized I had missed Tahajjad and Fajr for the very first time since I had started praying. I could easily blaim it on my engagement and the tiresome it brought but I didn't. I had read it somewhere that when a Muslim skips a prayer it's because he have done something so bad that Allah does not wish for him to stand in front of Him. And I knew exactly what bad had I done after all this time. I had let Salman touch me and... kiss me.

I took a quick hot shower and placed myself on the praying mat and cried.

" Oh Allah! I don't know what I was thinking. I know I should have resisted Salman more and should have reacted in a different way than I did. Ya Allah please forgive me this once. I promise to not let him touch me again. I promise Allah. But please don't take from me the one way I have of talking to you Ya Allah! Please Ya Allah! Please! "

After performing Qada Fajr and cleaning Fatima up , I hurried downstairs.

" Assalamualikum Neha. " Sana greeted me smiling as she kept the tea that she was drinking down.

" Walikum asalam Sana. " I said as I seated Fatima on her tiny chair and buckled her up . Sana handed me her cereal she had prepared and I fed her. " Is Bilal Bhai yet not ready? I mean I'm sure I'm quiet late. " I said as I sipped on the black tea Sana had kept in front of me.

" You are Neha. Bilal has left already. He told me to tell you to take some rest." Sana was saying not looking at me. I noticed she was purposefully not meeting my gaze. I kept a hand on her arm and gently squeezed it.

" Sana. Look at me. " I said and Sana didn't take too long before masking a fake smiley face and looking up.

" What?" She asked.

" Are you not telling me something Sana? " I asked as I took the bread she was extending to me and kept it on the plate . Sana gave me an are-you-for-real-look before saying,

" I'm surprised you actually asked that. Because really I'm the one who should be asking that. " She said as she unbuckled Fatima from her seat and took her in her arms.

" I... what do you mean? " I asked although I knew very well what she meant. Sana sighed and then looked at me.

" See Neha, I'm not going to interrogate you about anything I saw last night. Be it you weeping in front of a stranger or fainting on your engagement later on. I respect your privacy and trust you enough to make your own right decision. And I pray that you will come to me and tell me everything when the timings are right. But Neha in the mean time I expect you to respect this what we have together and don't ruin it by lying to me.Or by trying to pretend in front of me. " Sana said looking in my eyes. 

I felt trapped and ashamed at the same time. Instead of apologizing I just nodded and stared at my black tea. Sana had taken Fatima with her to keep the dishes back to the kitchen.

" Sana. I'm going to the restaurant. " I said after finishing my tea. Sana frowned at me, all the hardness gone from her face like it had never been there before.

" But you need to rest Neha." Sana said as I took Fatima from her hands.

" No Sana. I need to work." I said going towards the door."And really I'm fine. " I said turning around. Sana smiled and nodded and I was off to work.

I took a cab to the restaurant and in seven minutes I was in front of Delicious Delights.

" Salam Neha !" Imaan my assistant greeted me as she took Fatima in her arms.

" Walikumasalam!" I greeted back and frowned when I noticed Bilal bhai had arranged for a temporary chef who was already in the kitchen. When Imaan noticed me staring at the chef she said,

" Umm.. Bilal Ji said you are taking a day off so he called him. " Imaan said nodding towards the chef. Sighing I nodded.

" Where is Bilal Bhai anyways? " I asked peeking in the main hall.

" I'm afraid I haven't seen him since then." Imaan said as she toyed with Fatima.

" It's okay. I'll look for him myself. " I said as I walked in the VIP lounge.

He wasn't there. Frowning I walked back to the main hall and then went towards the corridor to look in the balcony.

No luck. Where is he? I walked back to the kitchen and saw Imaan had put Fatima in her walker and she was all buckled up. I looked out of the window and saw Bilal Bhai was outside parking his car.

Where have he been?

My heart stopped beating for a second when I noticed he was scowling. What was wrong? Was everything okay? I walked briskly to the door and before Bilal Bhai could open the door I topped that.

" Where were you? " Bilal Bhai gave me a surprised look and said,

" I thought you were at home ji. "

" Maybe I should have stayed. It seems like you have already found my replacement. " I joked trying to ease the mood. Bilal Bhai's scowl got fierce as he said, " Please. You have no replacement Ji. "

" Thank you Bilal Bhai. Now please tell me why are you scowling. " I asked as we sat in the kitchen beside Fatima. Bilal Bhai kept a hand on his forehead and rested his elbow on the table and sighed. " It's nothing really. " He said removing the hand and smiling.

" Bilal Bhai. Tell me.. what is it? " I insisted.

" Nothing Neha ji. Nothing that you should be worrying about. " Bilal bhai said and picking Fatima up started toying with her, in a way telling me he didn't wanted to talk about this further.

Bilal Bhai proved to be wrong because later in that day he came rushing to me just when I was finishing the stock count of the spices.

" Neha! Neha... Oh here you are! What are you doing? Just leave that..." He took the register from my hand and kept it on the desk." Neha actually remember you asked where I was earlier this morning. I think I might tell you..." Bilal Bhai said and I stared at him in shock. What was all this about? After a moment I nodded and said,

" Okay...? "

" ... If you promise to help me out. " Bilal Bhai completed. I shook my head and smiled.

" Bilal Bhai what made you think I won't help you? I'd do whatever you tell me! What is it? " I asked getting up.I had put Fatima to sleep and she was sleeping on her cot beside me.

" Neha... actually I took a loan from a bank almost a year back for the restaurant. I thought that I'll pay it back after a time but hell... I haven't been able to save anything and you know how the revenue is. It just never gets above the average. The bank called in and said that they are going to bankrupt me if I don't pay their loan back within three days. " Bilal Bhai paused and I stared at him in shock.

The restaurant was going to be bankrupt? I felt a lump form in my throat not only for Bilal Bhai and Sana but for myself... I had learned to love this place , this kitchen had become mine. I had so many memories in this beautiful ancient restaurant. Fatima's arrival in this world was celebrated in this restaurant and so was her first birthday. The day she spoke her first words and the day she took her first step... it was all here. I couldn't imagine Fatima growing up and not having any emotional attachment to this piece of building.

I kept a hand on my mouth as I stared at Bilal Bhai's face.

" But I think there's a way out. " Bilal Bhai said a mysterious glint in his eyes.

" There is? " I asked unbelievably.

" Yes Alhamdullilah there is. And you have to help me with that ji. "

" Are you kidding me Bilal Bhai? Just tell me what it is! " I shrieked.

" Okay. So you remember the three gentleman that showed up yesterday on your engagement? " I blinked and then after a moment blinked again. And then I nodded slowly. I didn't like where this was going.

" They are ready to help us. I mean to give us the loan! " Bilal Bhai cheered.

" They are? " I asked trying to sound relieved too.

So now they gave loans to people after attending their sister's engagement, I thought sorely. Like always, I wanted to laugh at their psychic. First they rob people and then they give them loans... Great.

No really, like what exactly happened to that robbing profession?

' I changed the whole course of my life for you Neha. I changed myself. I quited robbing people and started earning Halal bread for you and...'

Right. He quited that for me. 


" Yes they are. They are in the VIP lounge and demands a short meeting. I really don't know how to do these types of things ji, so I thought that you might be good for the task. " Bilal Bhai said unsure. I looked into his eyes and felt my heartbeat get wild.

No. I couldn't. Oh Allah!

" Bilal Bhai... I... " I gave a nervous laugh. " I mean even I don't know about this kind of things. " I said.

" Please Neha. It's the only chance I have of saving Delicious Delights. Please help me. " I felt so bad for making Bilal Bhai beg me for something that literally meant the world to him, so I nodded.

" Okay Bilal Bhai. " I said.

" Oh Neha! Thank you so much Ji. You don't know what it means to me. " Bilal Bhai said and then lead me towards the VIP lounge but not before putting Imaan in the room to babysit Fatima.

The first thing I noticed on entering the VIP lounge was that it represented more of an interrogation room than a restaurant's VIP area. I guess Bilal Bhai had changed the setting so that it represented a meeting room. 

The second thing I noticed were the three pairs of eyes that were trained on me. My eyes met a pair of emerald eyes and then gray eyes and finally landed on dark brown; Salman's eyes. He was looking at me with an amused expression on his face.

I immediately looked away.

All three of them were sitting on one side of the table, so Bilal bhai and I took the other side.

"Salam Ji." Bilal Bhai said grinning from ear to ear. " Who would have thought we will meet so soon again. " Bilal bhai said as he pulled a chair out for me. I sat silently on the chair and watched Bilal Bhai take a seat beside me as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

" You're right.Who would have thought. " Salman said smirking at me. I didn't look at him, instead I looked from Bilal Bhai to Ali. Ali had this kind of expression that actually said he was happy to see me here. I stole a glance at Fahad's emerald eyes who was staring at me as if he was seeing some zoo animal; amused and excited.

Bilal bhai gave a laugh that I'm sure everyone on the table had noticed was not real ; he was trying to make this meeting friendly for us and moreover for himself. I felt so bad for him.

Once Bilal bhai sat Ali cleared his throat and sat straighter in the seat as if readying himself to speak.

" Assalamualikum Bilal Sahab and...' he paused looking at me.

 I looked at the vase on the table not able to hold his gaze. I wondered what he thought of me. I was reminded of the day they had come in to rob me and Ali had threatened me with a gun. He was the one who had said Salman's name in front of me and that's how I knew Salman's name today. 

" ... Neha ji." He finally said after a considerable long pause, which had started to get embarrassing, as if he was finding it difficult to decide on what to call me.

" Walikum Asalam. " I said in a low voice and finally decided to gather up the courage to look up at them because not holding their gaze would lead me no where in helping Bilal Bhai.

" Walikum Asalma Ali Sahab. " Bilal Bhai said grinning like a chesire cat for no reason.

" As we have already discussed with you that we might be interested in lending you some loan. " Ali said looking right at Bilal Bhai.

" Yes Ji. That's why I have brought my sister with me. She's very good in such matters. " I snapped my head in Bilal Bhai's direction and tried to glare at him. He didn't even spare me a glance.

" Now is she? " Salman said sitting straighter in the chair. I mentally groaned and looked back at the vase. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I looked up at Salman.

 What was he doing? He had a tendency to act all cool and amused after what he had done to my life.

" Yes Ji she very much is. " Bilal Bhai was all set up to please these three intimidating men in front of us.

" Hmm... So tell us something about this restaurant Neha. Something that'd make us give you the loan. " Salman said as he brushed a finger on the flower in the vase. 

I highly doubted that Bilal Bhai noticed that Salman said my name without any salutation. Like he was my some lost friend.

" W... what do yo mean? " I asked baffled. What was this anyway, an interview?

" You heard me. Tell us something about Delicious Delights. Something unique. " Salman said looking into my eyes.

Something unique?

" It's an... ancient restaurant." I said unsure. Salman stared back at me and made no sign of approval.

" Neha. " Slaman said after a moment readjusting himself on the chair. " There are many restaurants in this country that have historical values, some are from Mughal Emperor's time even. Why Delicious Delights? " Salman asked.

Oh that.

" Of course there are Sal... Umm Mr Salman. " I saw a spark in Salman's eyes but I pretended like I saw nothing. " But. They are not Delicious Delights. This restaurant have served the people of Jalajit Hill Station as well as the tourists around the world since 1970 and it still does not fail to attract more and more customers. " I said nodding.

" Yes Ji, my grand grandfather started this restaurant in a room and look at how big it has gotten. " Bilal Bhai added enthusiastically.

" Interesting. But that's not really unique, is it now?" Salman said once again laying back in the chair looking at nothing but me.

" Well it's the only restaurant in whole of Jalajit Hill station that's thirty years old. If that fulfills your unique criteria. " I said looking at Ali and Fahad who were sitting back in their chairs.

" It'll have to do. Because it seems like you don't have much to tell about Delicious Delights anyways. " Salman said smirking as he opened a file that I hadn't noticed before.

" I told you what I thought was important in terms of lending a loan Mr Salman. But it seems like that that failed to satisfy you. It might be that you are not getting straight to the point. So tell me Mr Salman is there anything else that you wanna ask me? Straight forward and without beating around the bush this time." I asked looking at Salman.

I felt Bilal Bhai go all quiet and tensed beside me and turned his face towards me. I knew he was sending me some messages through his facial expression to shut up so I therefore didn't look at him. I stared right back in Salman's eyes.

" I don't know Neha, you tell me. Is there's anything that might be of my interest? Or any of our interest for that matter? " Salman asked leaning on the table, amused by my outburst.

I thought about it.

" Maybe. But I can't guarantee that it would be something of highly your interest as it's something to do with emotions Mr Salman, and you... " A look of anguish passed my face as I said this, " are not very good with emotions. " I finished looking in Salman's eyes. All the amusement was gone from his face now as he looked at me angrily.

" Neha! " I heard Bilal Bhai shriek beside me.

" Still. I'd like to know. " Salman said ignoring Bilal Bhai.

" If you insist. It's like our home Mr Salman, this restaurant. Bilal Bhai have spend his whole life in trying to make this restaurant bigger and bigger. He met Sana; his wife first time in this restaurant. They were married here. And they have grown old in this restaurant. By taking care of this restaurant. How would you feel if you spend your whole life taking care of something and then at the end it's snatched by you for some minor reason? " I asked looking at him questioningly. 

Salman stayed quiet this time. Instead Fahad spoke up.

" Pretty bad I suppose Miss Neha. Pretty bad. " Fahad said nodding. " But I guess this is really not what we were expecting to hear. I mean you don't go in a bank and say lend me some money because I want to save a sorry excuse of a restaurant that I inherited from my grand grandfather and that I was married in now, do you?" Fahad said chuckling.

I stared at him as I felt my blood heat up due to the embarrassment.

" But ji... " Bilal Bhai started with something but Fahad held an index finger indicating him to stop.

" I'm not finished yet. So Miss Neha," Fahad said looking at me once again. " I personally feel bad for you and your... brother here, really I do. But this is strictly business. So, what we could do is instead of giving you loan as Mr Bilal has asked for, we could invest in your restaurant. " Fahad said and looked at Ali and Salman for approval. I looked at Salman who was glaring at Fahad. He looked at me and his eyes softened; like he was sorry for Fahad's behavior. I looked at Fahad and asked him,

" Investment? " Both Fahad and Ali nodded.

" Yes Neha Ji. We are willing to give you a loan in the form of an investment. But of course it has a string attached to it. " Ali said and my eyes flickered from Ali to Salman and then at Bilal Bhai.

" What is it Ji? " Bilal Bhai asked.

" You'll have to sell 51% of Delicious Delights shares to us. " Fahad said and leaned back in his chair. I stared at him disbelievingly and then at Salman. The room suddenly fell silent and I swear I could hear my own heart beating in my ribcage.

After a moment I felt Bilal Bhai shift in his seat and then heard him say, " But Ji... this was not discussed earlier. "

" Exactly. That's exactly why we are having this meeting Bilal sahib. " Ali said.

" But I can't sell my restaurant Ji. " I wanted to cry for Bilal Bhai. Oh Allah please help him!

" We are not buying the restaurant. We are buying the shares. " Fahad said trying to manipulate Bilal Bhai.

" How is it any different? " I heard myself ask. Everyone looked at me, except Bilal Bhai. He had put his head in his hands and was murmuring something.

" We won't have any management involvement. You'll get to run the restaurant just like before. " Ali said trying to get Bilal Bhai agree.

" So technically you want us to act as your managers? " I asked.

" Come on now, you are making it sound like we're doing something very sinful here. And besides, acting as a manager is much better than having nothing to manage in the first place. " Fahad said chuckling. 

I stayed quiet for Bilal Bhai to say something to it but when he didn't speak up, I shook my head.

" No. We politely reject your offer. " I said to Ali.

" Up to you Miss Neha, you either save your restaurant by selling us the control or you see it get bankrupt in a week. " Fahad said shrugging.

Suddenly I felt a chair screech next to me and saw Bilal Bhai get up from his seat. " Thank you everyone. Thanks for your time. JazakAllah Ji. Let's go Neha. The meeting's over. " Bilal Bhai said not looking at me and went out of the room.

I stared at the door for a moment where Bilal Bhai had just walked out before snapping my head back on the table.

" You know, some people have a tendency to not change. They can sure as hell change the course of their life but they can never change their nature. And you have it in your nature to snatch away other's belongings. What difference does it make that whether it's robbing at night or day? A robbery is a robbery." I said to no one in particular. 

" And you don't get to tell me about the options I've got Mr Fahad. I know my options very well. And I promise you that I'll save this restaurant at any cost." I said snapping my index finger towards them. " I promise you. " I repeated.

" Neha stop. " I heard Salman say just as I was about to make a dramatic exit from the VIP lounge. I turned around and saw Salman walk towards me. He stared at me silently and then said, " Why are you making an issue out of it? Your Bilal Bhai needs financial help to support D.D. Why can't you just admit it? "

" I admit that Salman, and I'll make sure he gets that help. I appreciate your fake concern. " I said glaring at him and turning around to leave. Salman held me by my arm and pulled me back to him.

" What the hell has gotten into you damn it? What have you turned into? " Salman seethed. I yanked my arm from his grip as I remembered the promise I had made with Allah.

" Don't touch me! " I warned. Salman glared back at me and his facial expression imitated mine. We both stood there by the VIP lounge's door glaring at each other as Fahad and Ali stared at us silently.

 " And to answer your question I've become someone who's not naive Salman. Someone who understands that whether this concern of yours is a facade or not. I thought that you might have turned a good human being Salman. That you might now give a damn about someone's feelings and emotions. But you... you didn't change a bit. You are even worse now Salman, before you used it to take away people's possession without their knowledge but know... know you do it in front of them. " I said and I saw how his face fell and he looked hurt.

" Neha. This is business. " Salman said as if he was talking to a toddler. " What do you want me to do? Give out all my money to the sinking businesses so that they survive? " Salman asked shrugging.

" What I want you to do is to leave us alone. " I said and once again turned to leave.

" You're not being fair damn it! " Salman said kicking the door.

" Are you really going to tell me about fairness after dumping me Salman? " I asked pausing once again and looking back at him.

" Don't say it like that Neha. " Salman said hurt.

" Why? Does it string any cord? " I asked menacingly. Salman shook his head and came an inch towards me.

" Neha. Let's just once forget everything that happened in the past. For once open your eyes and look at me! Can't you see how much I've fallen for you? Can't you see that I'm not faking anything here?" Salman brushed a hand in his hair.

" Please Salman! " I said crossing my arms over my chest and looking away.

" Okay Neha.Forget everything. How about we make a deal?" Salman asked a new determined look on his face.

" Deal? " I asked squinting my eyes.

" Yes. A deal. I'll help your Bilal Bhai and see to it that Delicious Delights stays his forever and that he never have to face any financial difficulty again and in return, you leave Raza for me." Salman said and waited expectantly for my reply.

I stared at him blankly and it hit me then.

" Oh. " I said looking from Salman to Ali and Fahad who were still watching us. " So that's what it is. A deal. A bargain. " Slowly everything was registering.

I looked at Fahad and said, " You were so right Fahad in saying that this is strictly business. That's why you are here Salman then... " I looked back at Salman. " to bargain the restaurant over... me. " I said the last word in a mere whisper.

" No Ne... " Salman started but I cut him off.

" Listen to me Salman. " I said holding a hand to stop him from talking." You have already gone low enough, please don't go so low that I start hating myself for ever loving you in my life. " I said as the tears rolled down and soaked in my veil. I turned around and went out of the lounge but I wasn't finished yet so I stopped and turned once again.

" And I reject your bargain to trade myself for the restaurant. I reject your bargain to trade the promises I've made to Raza for the restaurant. I reject to once again break someone's heart for you Salman. I reject your offer to trade my Imaan once again for you. I reject your deal." I said wiping the tears.

 I turned around to leave not waiting there for Salman to say anything.

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