Dream for the Dead (Completed...

By JamTartt

29.4K 1.6K 119

Tabitha and her mother think they have found themselves the perfect place to live: an extremely affordable ma... More

20 - *Halloween Special* (Part One)
21 - *Halloween Special* (Part Two)
22 - *Halloween Special* (Part Three)
23 - *Halloween Special* (Part Four: Final)
44 - The End is Nigh
47 - Darkness
48 - Aftermath
49 - Pushing up...Cyclamen?
50 - *Christmas Special* (Part One)
51 - *Christmas Special* (Part Two)
52 - *Christmas Special* (Part Three)
53 - *Christmas Special* (Part Four)
54 - *Christmas Special* (Part Five)
55 - *Christmas Special* (END)
Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
Fact 6
Kyle's Childhood/History
Fact 7
Fact 8
Fact 9
Fact 10
Fact 11
Fact 12
Alexander's Habit - Short Spin-off


330 21 1
By JamTartt

"Um, grandma, I'm just gonna go talk to Uncle Ian. It looks like he wants me to go over."
"Alright, dearie." She stared at me, smiling, before holding both sides of my face to pull me in and kiss me on the cheek. "Oh, I have missed you."
"You too." I felt ignorant and mean, but I had to find out what Carver was up to.
"Hey, uncle Ian." I shuffled my way in between the two men.
"Tabitha! Sorry, I meant to say hi, but me and your uncle-in-law got talking. He's a nice fellow." He motioned to Carver.
Carver held his hands up as an act of modesty. "Ah, no, I'm not all that nice."
"Uncle William." I pulled Carver into a hug - something I never thought I'd to. However, I only did it so I could dig my nails into his back as punishment. We smiled sweetly at each other when we pulled away, but I could see the anger in his eyes.
"I'd better go see how your Auntie Sarah's doing, Tabbi, but we'll speak later, yeah?"
I nodded, glad he was leaving. As soon as he was far enough away, I grabbed Carver's arm.
"What the Hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Having a friendly chat with your uncle. I had to get your attention somehow!"
"Can't you leave me alone? Whilst it's my birthday party?"
"Oh, young Tabitha. I'm not like other humans you know, remember?" He spoke with a patronising tone, but with his next sentence his voice turned serious and impatient. "I'm becoming impatient, Tabitha. Come with me, now." He pulled me along to the hallway, nodding at Kyle on the way past. I saw Kyle nod in return. I didn't want to make a scene, so I allowed Carver to drag me to the basement door.
"William, please." I tried to sound calm and collected, but it didn't really work. "Please. I know what you're going to do, and I'm begging you, let me have one last day with Mum. Whilst it's my birthday."
"Sweetheart, begging will only make this all the more satisfying." Kyle's throat produced a low, sinister laugh.
I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes, but I wouldn't let them escape. I wouldn't give these two monsters the satisfaction.
There's no way out of this. I thought. You can't fight them both off.
"Get down those stairs." Carver demanded, swinging the basement door open.
"W-wait!" I stuttered. "If one of you escorts me, can I quickly pick something up from my room?"
Carver and Kyle exchanged a look, before Carver spoke.
"Fine. But don't try anything silly."
Kyle grabbed my arm, taking me to my room. I'd planted two items under my pillow, in case of something like this happening. He waited at the doorway, and I felt his eyes fixed on me at all times. I carefully pulled the two items out, and dropped one into my dress before attaching the butterfly necklace around my neck. I felt the other item drop through my dress, stopping where my clutch belt pulled my dress in, forming a barrier. I breathed a silent sigh of relief, turning back around to face Kyle. I pulled the butterfly charm up to show Kyle, explaining, "Samantha's necklace. Elias gave it to me when she was gone, it's kinda special to me."
"I don't really care. Hurry up." Kyle grabbed my arm again, and I smirked whilst he wasn't looking.

"Pick it up." Carver pointed to the photo when we were in the basement. He and Kyle stood blocking the exit, and they both had weapons. Carver held a metal bat and Kyle had a machete. They both stared at me, and I slowly bent down to pick up the photograph. Hesitating for only a moment, I grabbed the photo. I saw William and Kyle move closer to me when my vision went blurry.

When I was in the darkness, a voice shocked me. Usually it was so quiet - unsettlingly so.
"Good luck. I cannot intervene now; this was your decision, and you must work to complete your goal on your own. Show me I shouldn't regret my decision to make you Saviour."
Analetta's voice echoed.
"I will." I promised.

When I was transported to the back of the car, I knew this would be the shortest scene I'd watch. Samantha was completely still, and Elias thrashed around.
"Stubborn." I muttered. "Fighting until the last minute..."
He tried to break the glass a few more times, before he went still himself. It was over. I'd watched everything I needed to.

When I was in the darkness, I knew I had to be cautious when I returned to the basement. I couldn't fulfil my duties as Saviour; there were too many reasons. One reason was that the monsters craved to be released more than anyone else, and I didn't want a happy ending for them. Another reason was that losing Seth and Elias forever was certain. With my plan, at least there was a chance I would be able to stay with them. Forever.

"Kyle, she's back!" Carver hissed whilst I was still disorientated.
I saw the machete coming, though, and rolled out of the way.
"Hurry, before the little bitch does something!"
I stumbled to my feet, and my vision was clear once more.
"You guard the exit!" Kyle yelled. Carver got into position, and my eyes darted from Carver to Kyle. Kyle and I stood completely still; waiting for the other to make the first move. I was about to rush to a mountain of boxes, old drawers and other junk when I heard a desperate shout from the staircase.
"No! Tabitha!"
Kyle turned to the source of the voice, and Seth kicked Carver in the spine, causing him to crumble to the floor. Seth tore the bat from Carver's hands. Kyle ran for me, and I made my way to the mountain.
I grinned as I saw Seth closely following Kyle.
"Argh!" Kyle yelled out in pain as Seth whacked him in the back of the head.
Seth whacked him again for good measure.
"I'll hold this one down!" Elias was here now, pinning Carver to the floor.
"Tabbi, get out! Get the fuck out of town!" Seth shouted.
I clambered to the top of the mountain.
"Tabbi, what the fuck are you doing?" Elias screamed.
I heard Elias groan in pain, and the next thing I saw was Carver running at full speed towards me, a knife he'd been concealing in his pocket being grasped tightly in his hand now.
Seth held down Kyle, and Elias ran to stop Carver, but all movement stopped when I ripped the top of my dress open. I grabbed my Swiss Army knife before it fell to the ground, flicking a blade out of it. Everything slowed down as my adrenaline levels rose, and I couldn't hear anything but the blood rushing in my ears. Everyone stared at me with their eyes wide and their jaws practically touching the floor, and I brought the blade to my throat.

In one swift movement, I sliced my own throat open.

I heard a cry of terror and despair from Seth's direction. Seth. Seth had died from having his throat sliced open...I could share some of his pain now. I choked on my own blood, and my toes tingled as I saw the ground quickly approaching - I had fallen from the pile of junk. In that moment, all pain and suffering flowed from my neck along with my blood. I'd always feared death more than anything else; but now, there was no need to be afraid. How could I be afraid of such a blissful, peaceful feeling? I was free from the pain of the mortal world. The only thing I feared now was where I would go.
"Where does she go if she does this?!" Seth yelled.
"Tabitha!" Elias shouted. I could hear he was crying.
"No! You bitch!" I heard Carver scream. "I'm trapped here forever!"
Having Carver's forceful sobs of extreme pain being the last sound I would hear whilst alive was the most satisfying feeling. I struggled to bring my watch to my face, but when I managed to, I read the time:
6:46 PM, November 21st. The time I'd been brought into the world...I'd been born and had died at the exact same time, on the exact same day.

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