Dream for the Dead (Completed...

By JamTartt

29.4K 1.6K 119

Tabitha and her mother think they have found themselves the perfect place to live: an extremely affordable ma... More

20 - *Halloween Special* (Part One)
21 - *Halloween Special* (Part Two)
22 - *Halloween Special* (Part Three)
23 - *Halloween Special* (Part Four: Final)
44 - The End is Nigh
47 - Darkness
48 - Aftermath
49 - Pushing up...Cyclamen?
50 - *Christmas Special* (Part One)
51 - *Christmas Special* (Part Two)
52 - *Christmas Special* (Part Three)
53 - *Christmas Special* (Part Four)
54 - *Christmas Special* (Part Five)
55 - *Christmas Special* (END)
Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
Fact 6
Kyle's Childhood/History
Fact 7
Fact 8
Fact 9
Fact 10
Fact 11
Fact 12
Alexander's Habit - Short Spin-off


317 17 0
By JamTartt

I attached the bracelet to my wrist.
"I'm never taking this off." I moved my wrist around, admiring the different charms sparkling in the light. But the charm I focused on the most was the heart. A heart was a symbol of love, especially with an arrow through it. Why would he put that charm on there? Had Elias told him how I felt, and they were both making fun of me?
"Bastards!" I yelled. "Ugh!"
I slammed my fist onto the ground, immediately regretting my action and checking my bracelet. It was fine. If I was one of the dead residents, this would be my precious item. I bit my lip to fight back sobs, regretting the argument with Seth. I'd messed up everything, hadn't I? Any chance of getting Seth to love me. Him giving me the bracelet was just a malicious act to make me feel terrible about what I'd done, wasn't it?
"No. I can't think about that." I took one long, deep breath. "There are more important things to focus on right now than silly boys and stupid feelings."

When I returned home, I walked straight into my bedroom. Even if there was a chance Seth was home, I didn't want to bother him. Not even to thank him.
"Oh." My gaze rested on my bed, where a little note along with the last items lay. Well, almost all of them. There was one missing. Gulping, I picked up the note, slowly unfolding it.
It read:

'Knock yourself out.'

A pang of upset, anger and guilt hit me right in the gut.
"I'm so sorry." I muttered, and decided on the drawing. I'd already seen most of this scene, so it wouldn't be a shock.

I was quite surprised when the scene carried on where it had left off. I was in the back of the car, just as Elias' Mum was starting it up.
"This is gonna be fun." Elias beamed at his Mother. If only he knew.
His Mum turned to face Elias and gave him a sad smile. As she did, I noticed the necklace. The necklace I'd broken. I felt guilty, and made a silent promise to myself that I'd make things right with Elias. I'd make sure he knew that I really cared about him and, even though it wasn't in a romantic away, that I loved him.
I snapped back into reality - or whatever it was - when Elias sounded panicky.
"Mum. That's not the right way. You okay?"
"Oh." She gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, love. I'm only human; we all make mistakes."
"Yeah, but..." He turned to look behind him, looking straight through me. That made me feel strange. "There are road signs. And you have a map on your lap."
Elias' Mum chuckled. "That rhymed."
"Mum! Where are we going?" Elias was obviously in distress. I knew it was because he understood his Mother's mental health, and what was probably in store for him. We finally arrived at the river. That's when it really hit Elias.
"No! Stop!" He screamed. "Mum, please!" He tried to force the car door open, but it was locked.
"I'm so sorry, baby." She weeped. "I am. But I can't have you leaving me, too."
"Mum!" He screamed, crying at the same time. "I don't want to di-i-ie!"
The car entered the water, and it took a while to fill up. Elias tried to smash the window, but to no avail. His Mum blocked his path to the controls to unlock the doors, and Elias gave up pleading. Instead, he just cried.
"I don't want to hurt you-"
"But you are!" Elias yelled.
I saw them both panic as the water rose higher and higher, and I began to panic myself. Could I drown, too? But, once the water rose all the way to the top of the car, I discovered that I could still breathe perfectly fine. But Elias and Samantha couldn't. They held in their last breaths before being submerged fully in the water. Even Samantha began to struggle and panic, trying to smash the window. Regretting her decision. After a couple of minutes, Samantha's eyes closed, and she went completely still. Elias didn't notice, and instead continued to try and break the window open.

When I was in the blackness waiting to be returned home, I realised something. How did Elias have the necklace if she died in it? Was it one of the things thrown into the Meeting House because the townspeople thought it was cursed? It must have been. Before I knew it, I was back on my bed.
"Tabbi!" My Mother's voice travelled through the hallway.
"Yeah?" I walked outside to be greeted by Mum's face outside my door.
"I have a surprise for you!"
"Oh?" I felt a tingle of excitement in the pit of my stomach, but it quickly fizzled down when I realised it would mean nothing; it was probably about the party. I'd most probably be dead soon, so I wouldn't be able to attend my own birthday party.
She smiled broadly, staring at me, unblinking.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Pack some things!" She squealed.
I stared at her, perplexed. "What?"
"We're going away for a few days! We're back on your birthday for a party. All the family's coming. Except...well..."
I knew who she meant. "Thanks, Mum!" I tried my best to act excited.
"Even better, we're leaving in an hour."

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