semi-automatic ; j.d


513K 22.4K 30.5K

josh looks at her, his smile broad and the corners of his eyes creasing, and in that moment she realizes that... More

one ; salutations
two ; middle school
three ; musical sacrifices & the theory of guac on the side
four ; robot backpack
five ; facetime calls & 'i love you's'
six ; the red hair fiasco
seven ; platonic sleepovers & goodbye kisses
eight ; tonsil tennis
nine ; all's well that ends well
ten ; a letter to homesickness
eleven ; the christmas tree crisis
twelve ; one door closes
thirteen ; drunk confessions
fourteen ; not-so-suprise visit
fifteen ; illegal drinks & labels
sixteen ; two a.m (right) hand holds
eighteen ; harriet the snake ghost
nineteen ; in which tyler proposes
twenty ; mediocre drum lessons
twenty one ; meeting (future) in laws & the return of the robot backpack
twenty two ; equal spooning rights
twenty three ; traffic light kisses
twenty four ; the background music of 'i love you'
twenty five ; ginger ale cough drops
twenty six ; and a window opens
twenty seven ; bae material
twenty eight ; the wedding dress obligation
twenty nine ; strawberry cuts
thirty ; the first non-platonic, not sarcastic, actual 'i love you'
thirty one ; the start of new classes & new friendships
thirty two ; in which josh is jealous
thirty three ; pink gerbera daises
thirty four ; dark days
thirty five ; a trip for concerts & an oragami girlfriend
thirty six ; what a catch, donnie
thirty seven ; joshler
thirty eight ; double date dye discussion
thirty nine ; fetus josh
forty ; in which josh leaves his heart
fourty one ; the definition of light cuddles
fourty two ; the basement
fourty three ; luke the doorman
fourty three and a half ; shorter than your temper
fourty four ; gangsters don't cry
fourty five ; the downfall of us all
fourty six ; stomach's tied in knots
fourty seven ; scratchy tights & little girl dresses
fourty eight ; faking it
fourty nine ; hell's hot for good reasons
fifty ; racing hearts & wandering hands
fifty one ; freckled galaxy
fifty two ; a plethora of pick up lines
fifty three ; festivals & flower crowns
fifty four ; in which josh learns spanish
fifty five ; no chill
fifty six ; telepathy & teddys
fifty seven ; burned gay porn
fifty eight ; the roomate dilemma
fifty nine ; passwords & promises
sixty ; prince yoshua
sixty one ; neon croc
sixty two ; talks with tyjo
sixty three ; birthday boy (part one)
sixty three and a half ; birthday boy (part two)
sixty three and three fourths ; birthday boy (part three)
sixty four ; thanks for the memories
sixty five ; nightmares
sixty six ; the announcement
sixty seven ; in which josh gets his makeup done
sixty eight ; painting nails
sixty nine ; babysitting
seventy ; brownies & birthday cards
seventy one ; hair pulling
seventy two ; front seat handjobs
seventy three ; the marijuanas
seventy four ; back to bismol
seventy five ; sold out shows & backflips
seventy six ; an awkward kink discussion
seventy seven ; the lock bridge
seventy eight ; with the white vans
seventy nine ; denouement
eighty : unsteady
eighty one ; in which josh is moody
eighty two ; drinks
eighty three ; the jia soundtrack
eighty four ; pancake blunts
eighty five ; daddy issues
eighty six ; in the driver's seat
eighty seven ; promised rewards & a promised future
eighty eight ; so long and thanks for all the booze
eighty nine ; full moon
ninety ; r-rated tour talks
100k a/n
ninety one ; coming out
ninety two ; the mysterious mystery of baby joseph
ninety three ; babies and houses and weddings
ninety four ; winston the babysitter
ninety five ; the towel policy
summer a/n
ninety six ; red roses
ninety seven ; goodnight goodmorning
ninety eight ; tommy
ninety nine ; in which tyler cockblocks
one hundred ; death of a bachelor
one hundred and a half ; in which josh catches a porygon
one hundred and one ; disney pda
one hundred and two ; coffee kisses
one hundred and three ; lost and found
one hundred and four ; changing of the seasons
one hundred and five ; late arrival
one hundred and six ; a bunch of faulty condoms & another talk with tyjo
one hundred and seven ; right of passage
one hundred and eight ; it's routine, baby
one hundred and nine ; tj
one hundred and ten ; valediction

seventeen ; an argueable amount of broken ornaments

5.5K 231 484

when it comes to josh dun i literally have the snapchat screenshotting skills of a fuck boy

also i hope everyone ate their weight in yummy food today

waking up to tyler joseph screaming "FUCK YOU TONY THE TIGER" at the top of his lungs was something that mia  was caught off guard by. she doesn't know what time it was, or why the hell an adult man had a problem with a child's cereal mascot, but she does know that the booming laughter coming from mark and jenna doesn't help with the fact that she is ridiculously tired.

like always, it takes her a second to remember where she is and why she isn't surrounded by her nine pillows or covered by her down comforter. mia isn't much of a morning person. she never had been, and she envies those that can wake up and watch the sunrise and be all productive. in her perfect world she would sleep until noon, but because she's still in college and has eight a.m classes, she normally wakes up at six thirty. the days she doesn't have morning classes, sleeping in becomes like an olympic sport.

after standing up out of the bunk she decides to go to the bathroom before finding out why tyler was yelling profanities at the frosted flakes character. she brushes her teeth and washes her face, massaging moisturizer into her clean skin while sighing contently. when she takes a look at herself in the small mirror she realizes that concealer will be her friend later in the day when she does her makeup to hide the lilac shadows that rest under her eyes.

she walks out to the front of the bus and sees a mess of frosted flakes, tyler crouched down on the floor trying to clean it up.

key word, trying.

josh and jenna are sitting on the couch facing the opposite window, both of them in fits of laughter while mark stands behind tyler with a fistful of the cereal, casually dropping some on the floor every time tyler picks it up.

"hey babe," says josh with a broad grin. he's holding his phone towards tyler and mark, recording the whole thing.

she frowns a bit with confusion. "how are you guys even functioning right now?" she mutters under her breath and steps over tyler's frosted flake mess.

"tour schedule, princess mia," explains josh with an amused smile as she sits down next to him on the navy blue couch. "did you sleep okay?"

mia nods, "really okay, actually."

josh grins knowingly, "me too."

"GODDAMMIT MARK!" yells tyler after realizing that the mess of cereal wasn't getting any smaller despite him scooping up the pieces and tossing them in the garbage.

josh starts laughing again, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his mouth tugged up in a broad smile. after catching his breath he then looks back at mia. "d'you wanna go get breakfast or something? i can google maps a coffee place."

"coffee sounds great right now," she says back with a nod. "i'll go get dressed and then we can go."

he raises an eyebrow at her. "what's wrong with what you're wearing now?"

"um," mia pauses to look down herself, she's wearing a pair of sweatpants and a zip up hoodie. "i look like a black trash bag?"

"cutest trash bag i've ever seen," josh says, matter-of-a-factly.

"whatever," she laughs, shaking her head. she gets up from the couch and walks back to the bunk area to get her suitcase from the storage bunks and takes out everything she'll need to get ready. mia's never really been high maintenance, so it's not a lot.

after changing in the small bathroom, she puts her makeup bag on the sink and starts doing her usual routine. about ten minutes in, josh knocks on the door.


"hmm?" she replies, focusing on not stabbing herself in the eyes with the mascara brush.

his fingers tap a random rhythm against the door. "whatcha doooooin?" drawls out josh.

she sets down the mascara wand and clicks open the door, looking at josh with amusement. "transforming myself from a ten year old boy to an actual young adult girl."

"you're ridiculous," he tells her with a roll of his eyes. squeezing past her in the small doorway, he sits down on the closed toilet lid to watch her while she puts her makeup on. "i think you look gorgeous either way."

mia grins when he tells her this, because normally when people give her compliments her instinct is to become defensive about it, but accepting them has become something she's working on. so instead of arguing with josh about it she just says, "thanks."

"mhm," he hums in response and then picks up the little pink tube of mascara, frowning as he reads the label. "better than sex?"

"that's the name of it, josh," she laughs while glancing in the mirror as she coats her dark lashes in product.

after setting it back down he mutters, "that's a weird name."

"that's a weird name," she mimics.

"it is!" he insists, grinning up at her. "i don't understand how makeup is supposedly 'better than sex'."

mia shrugs her shoulders in response and twists the top back on the mascara tube and then grabs her black liquid eyeliner. "i dunno, i'm the wrong person to ask about that."

"oh," he says, and then he realizes that she's saying that she never-that she doesn't- that she's a virgin. "oh," he repeats it while nodding his head. "cool."

mia gives him a sideways glance, raising one of her shapely eyebrows. "cool?" she repeats, not sure if his 'cool' means the same as her usually passive use of  'cool', and if he actually means that he finds it cool that she's never had sex.

josh begins playing with his fingers now out of habit. "yeah, cool," he says. "i mean it would still be cool if you weren't-like if you had, y'know-"

"if i had sex."

"yeah, it'd still be cool," he shrugs. "i don't care about that sort of stuff, anyways. well i mean if you told me you were a stripper or something then i might care a little."

"do i look like a stripper to you?" she asks, thoroughly amused by josh's little rambles.

his eyes widen a bit and now he's shaking his head. "no, no, that's not what i meant! you look like, like i dunno, a nice girl."

"strippers can be nice, too, yoshua."

"i give up," josh sighs, grinning at mia as he decides not to say anything back to that.

mia stifles a laugh as she tries to focus on flickering out her eyeliner to make a wing. "good choice."

neither of them talk for a minute while she does her makeup and josh watches, just observing how she makes everything look so effortless.

"i like how you look," he tells her.


josh nods. "yeah. cause you don't dress like you're, y'know, trying to show everything off," he says as his lame explanation for saying that she doesn't dress like a thot (A/N WHICH IS YOUR CHOICE LADIES IF U WANNA WEAR CLOTHES THAT MAKE U FEEL CUTE AND GLAMOROUS THEN U DO IT). "and you always look great, whether it's in your sweats or when you get all done up."

mia blinks a few times as she glances at her eyeliner, trying to see if it's even. "thanks, j."

"yeah, of course," he says, waving it off. he thinks it's important that she knows how amazing he thinks she is, and that she thinks that about herself, too.

once she's okay with how her makeup looks they leave the bathroom and grab their coats before getting off the bus. the show tonight is in new york city, which is sold out.

josh hums under his breath as he scrolls through the list of coffee shops that pop up after he searched for the closest ones. "there's like fifteen," he tells mia, showing her his phone screen. "and they're all pretty much the same distance."

"hmm, okay, which one do you wanna go to?" she asks.

josh gives her a straight expression. "i dunno, this decision is too overwhelming."

mia grins, "eenie meenie miny moe?"

"great idea," he laughs and then settles on a place that's about a mile's walk away from the venue called 'leaf & bean' (A/N THATS A REAL PLACE BY ME AND THE COFFEE IS BOMB AF).

mia makes a face a bit. "leaf and bean," she repeats. "what kind of name is that for a coffee place?"

"like tea leaves and coffee beans," says josh, laughing at the face she makes. "and should you really be knocking down weird names when you use a mascara called 'better than sex'?"

"smart ass," she mumbles, shaking her head while her lips pull in to hide the growing smile. she looks straight ahead as they walk.

"speaking of ass.." he trails off.

she looks at him, "don't even think about it."

"aw c'mon, you're no fun."

"i'm a fucking blast."

"mhm, sure," he mutters under his breath with playful sarcasm, his voice loud enough for her to hear.

mia smacks his shoulder. "meanie."

josh glances over at her with a pout on his lips. "aw, baby, i'm sorry, did that hurt your feelings?"

"a little bit," she shrugs her shoulders. trying to stay serious and not crack a grin is extremely hard.

he wraps one of his arms around her waist, pulling her into his side. "you're a fucking blast," he finally admits and presses a kiss to the side of her head. "i mean who else breaks seven light bulbs while putting up a christmas tree? if that's not fun, i don't know what is."

"it was four!"

"nah, i'm pretty sure it was seven."

"i'm pretty sure you weren't there."

"and i'm pretty sure i saw you drop seven ornaments on the ground through skype."

"i'm pretty sure you should shut up."

"i'm pretty sure i can do that."

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