seventy ; brownies & birthday cards

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the day before her birthday, mia hears the sound of knocking on the apartment door.

she glances over at josh, who's sitting beside her on the couch with a bowl of lucky charms on his lap. his eyes are glued intently to the tv screen.

"no? okay, i'll get it," she says with a sarcastic tone once realizing that he's too far zoned out by the x files to even acknowledge the fact that someone's at the door, let alone answer it.

so she gets up from her comfy spot ( which took like five minutes to settle into ) and walks over to the entry way, not bothering to cheek the peepe hole in the door before twisting the lock and pulling the handle.

luke the doorman is standing on the other side, holding a plate of brownies with one hand and a stack of envelopes with the other.

"happy early birthday," he says with a lazy, amused smile while holding out the plate of brownies.

mia smiles, her mouth falling open ever so slightly with confusion. "how did you--"

luke cuts her off, waving a manicured hand around. she makes a mental note to ask him where he went, because damn, his nails look flawless. "i get bored sometimes and go through interesting people's mail. saw a couple birthday cards, got curious, you do the math."

she decides to ignore the 'going through her mail' part. "thanks, luke. i didn't know you bake."

"i have a lot of hidden talents, sweetheart," replies the middle aged man with a smirk and a roll of his eyes, which are lined with black eyeliner. it make mia jealous how sharp the wing is.

"do i even want to know what you mean by that?"

his expression falters ever so slightly and he looks at the floor with contemplation. "probably not. i'm an over-glorified bell boy, for christ's sake. hobbies keep me sane."

mia raises an eyebrow, slowly nodding her head with mock understanding. "oh, like going through everyone's mail?"

"not everyone," luke corrects while sifting through the stack of envelopes in his hands. "just people who's lives are potentially scandalous. you know, like heather, the stripper in 4c? or tim, the guy that always brings old ladies home with him. i'm calling a serious grannie fetish on that one."

mia makes a face in response because okay, gross. "and what exactly makes me scandalous?" she asks, knowing damn well that he's holding her mail in his manicured hands.

luke looks up over the pile at her with an amused, knowing grin. he stretches his neck and peers into the apartment over her shoulder. "don't even pretend like you and mr. daddy-as-fuck--"

"do you mean josh?"

he rolls his eyes, annoyed with her interruption, and waves it off. "right, right, whatever. he looks like the type of guy to be into all sorts of stuff."

"josh likes cats," mia says, blinking her eyes slowly. "and looking at pictures of pepe the frog and two in the morning."

"ooh, kinky."

she stares blankly at luke for a moment with disbelief. finally she clears her throat and nods, "alright, well, this has been nice, thanks again for the brownies. i'll take my mail now, too," she picks the stack out of the doorman's hands and tucks them under her arm.

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