Til 6AM (Markiplier x Reader)

By AH_LilMadFree

121K 3.9K 5.6K

You're a 23 year old girl, who moved back into your hometown, in hopes of finding yourself again. You've felt... More

Ch. 1: The Move
Ch. 2: Think Fast!
Ch. 3: Is that Why?
Ch. 4: Sean's Vacation!
Ch. 5: Tomorrows Plan
Ch. 6: Fright Walk
Ch. 7: The Beach
Ch. 8: I Enjoy This.
Ch. 9: The Rumors
Ch. 11: Cleaning the Disaster
Small/Quick -A/N
Ch. 12: Back to the Past
Ch. 13: Thanksgiving "Package"
Ch. 14: Daddy-Daughter Date
Ch. 15: Welcome Home, Markifart
Ch. 16: Jealous of Old Friends
Small A/N <3
Ch. 17: 6AM Is Too Early
Ch. 18: Finally, The Right One.
Ch. 19: Oh, How The Tables Have Turned.
Ch. 20: Another Exhausting Flight
Ch. 21: Bachelor & Bachelorette Party
A/N: Where have I been?
Ch. 22: The Hangover & "I Do's"
Ch. 23: "Brothers to the End"
A/N: My Hiatus/100k
Ch. 24: The Uncle Trio
You Still Around?/Small Teaser ;)

Ch. 10: The Holidays are Here...

5.2K 155 116
By AH_LilMadFree

You're making your way downstairs for lunch, as your stomach demanded for food in the middle of a movie you were watching in your room.
You skip the last stair and shuffled your way into the kitchen with a soft sigh, thinking about what you could make yourself.

You open the fridge and glanced over what was there before you hungrily decided to make yourself a Turkey sandwich.
You pull out the honey roasted turkey breast package out of one of the drawers in the fridge, mayo, cheese slices, lettuce and tomato.
Once you collected what you needed, you place everything on the counter and grabbed the bread that sat near the toaster. You grab yourself a knife and then began to quickly assemble your sandwich.

It didn't take you long to make it, and while you were at it you decided to make Mark one too, knowing he would be too busy to go get himself something to eat...and because you're an amazingly awesome roommate.

You wrapped Mark's sandwich up in Saran Wrap so he could eat it whenever he wanted with very little worry.
You left his sandwich sitting on the counter so you could finish your plate you had prepared for yourself, and then began to clean up the mess you made and put away the ingredients you used.

When you were done with that, you grab your plate and the saran wrapped sandwich before shuffling through the living room and ascended the stairs.
When you made it to the top, you could hear Mark speaking, but it didn't sound like he was talking to his camera.

You decide to just pass his door so you could set your plate down on your nightstand before you made your way back to his room. You quietly push the door open, as it wasn't all the way shut, and silently walk into the room.

Mark was on the phone, leaning back comfortably in his chair. He looks at you and smiles slightly, but he continues on with his conversation. You sat the wrapped up sandwich down on a clear space on his desk, grabbing one of his graph paper note pads and wrote a small little note.

'Didn't want to disturb you, but thought you'd like to have something to eat. It's turkey :)'

You quietly place the pen and paper back down beside the sandwich and Mark takes a peek as he talks. "Yeah, I promise Momma, I'll make it." He says, looking up at you, mouthing a 'thank you.'
You nod and returned a soft smile before you made your way out of his room, quietly pulling the door shut until it clicks, which you tried to keep it as quiet as possible.

You return to your room, shut your door and climbed back in bed with a sigh, settling comfortably before retrieving your plate from your nightstand and carried on with your movie.

About a hour into it, you had finished your sandwich and you were laying on your back under your covers, just relaxing as you let yourself get engrossed into the story that you were watching.
The thing was, you were so engrossed with it that you didn't hear a soft knock at your bedroom door.

You jump slightly as there was a louder knock and then Mark's voice saying your name from the other side of the door. You sigh softly, shifting a bit in your bed to sit up. "Yeah? Come in." You call out.

Mark opens your door and walks in, a hand running through his black hair. "Hey are you busy?" He asks, and by then you had paused your movie so you didn't miss anything important.

You shook your head, reaching over to your nightstand, grabbing your water bottle. "Nah, what's up?" You ask, opening the bottle before taking a swig of the clear liquid.

Mark stops at the end of your bed before he sits at the end, one leg tucked up underneath himself, facing you a bit, and the other hanging off the side. "So, I just got off the phone with my Mom and I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be heading down there for thanksgiving."

You put the lid back on your bottle and placed it back on your nightstand before turning your attention back to Mark, nodding your head with a small smile. "That should be fun!" You hum, "When are you planning on flying out?" You ask.

"I think I'm going to book it for maybe noon on the twenty-fourth to head out, and stay for a few days. Maybe head back home on the twenty ninth, thirtieth the latest." Mark shrugs slightly, "I haven't booked any flights yet, so I will see what is available later when I look." He fidgets slightly and scratches the back of his neck. You tilt your head slightly, watching as he glances around the room. "You can come, if you want. I mean, you don't have to, I won't force you."

You shook your head, smiling softly at his offer. "No, I don't want you to have to feel like you're obligated to bring me with you. Thanksgiving is supposed to be spent with family. I'll be fine." You said.

Mark frowns, staring at you as he sat in thought. "Are you sure? my family won't mind you coming with me." He asks as you nod your head. He sighs softly and nods, "We have another week until I have to head out. If you change your mind, let me know." He stands up and ran his fingers through his hair, heading towards your door.

As much as you would love to go, you couldn't bring yourself to saying yes. You didn't want Mark to feel like he had to bring you because it was the right thing to do than to leave you at home alone on the holidays. It's Mark's family, and you didn't want to get in the way nor did you want to have it be all awkward when you should be talking and having a great time.

"Well, I'm going to go and start recording so my videos don't stop uploading through the week that I'm gone. Maybe later, if I can get done with a few videos we can do something together." Mark offers, and you nod at him once more. He smiles before slipping out of your room and shut the door behind himself.

You run your hand over your face before you get up out of bed and opened the slider door to let fresh air into your room, then you got back in bed and resumed your movie.

-Day Before Mark Leaves-

You were in Mark's room, helping him with his packing. He decided to pack the day before he flies out, and he was running behind. He still had a few more videos to edit, finish packing, make sure he has everything he needs and has his ticket and passport before he leaves.

"I guess the good thing I can say about you packing is that you actually fold your clothes and put them neatly into your suitcase." You chuckle, watching him look through his closet. "I was for sure going to have to fold them for you." You smirk, leaning back on your hands with a sigh.

Mark pulls out a blue shirt with black stripes, he smiles at you and shakes his head. "Hey now, I've been fending for myself just fine. I know how to fold clothes and pack them away nicely." He hums as he folds the shirt up and tucks it away in his suitcase.

You shift and move so you were on your side, propping yourself up on your elbow and rested your head in your hand. "Then why the hell am I here then?" You shook your head, giggling softly.

Mark looks at you and pouts slightly, "Because I asked for it!" He says, grabbing on of his shirts and threw it at your face.
"Plus, I wanted to spend more time with you before I leave." He admits quietly, you hear slight guilt lacing his words. "I still feel bad for leaving you home alone for Thanksgiving."

You pulled the shirt off your face and tossed it back at him, which he easily caught it. "Mark..." You sigh softly, "I'll be fine. Okay?" You try to reassure him, it was sweet that he was thinking about you but you didn't want to just barge in when his family is only expecting him. "I've spent holidays alone before, I can do it again."

Mark's smile fades away as he stays silent and folds the shirt that he threw at you and placed it in his suit case before going to his dresser and pulled a few different colored jeans out. He walks back over to the suitcase and looks at the shirts that are already in there, probably thinking what he should pack.

"If you choose the black one you'll have to worry about dog hair." You remind him, knowing he has dogs back in Cincinnati. "But they would match everything you have in there. So pack one pair and then just put regular blue jeans in there." You offer your opinion, which made a small smile appear on Mark's face again. He nods and folds up the jeans he pulled out and packed them.

"Thanks." He says.

-The Day Mark Leaves-

You make a slight face as you shield your eyes of the bright sun coming from the balcony slider door. You must've forgot to close the blinds last night before you went to bed.
You roll over with a soft groan and blindly reached out for your phone on your nightstand. Once your fingers locate the device, you snatch it off of the nightstand and unlocked it to check the time.


You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Mark leaves at noon to catch his flight at One-pm. You curse at yourself and quickly stumble out of bed and opened your bedroom door, making your way down the spiral staircase.

You spot Mark in the kitchen and you shuffle through the living room and into the kitchen. Mark turns around and smiles, "Morning sleepy head." He greets you.

You made a face at him and folded your arms over your chest. "Mark, why didn't you wake me up? I wanted to be up a few hours before you leave." You move a hand to run through your most likely disheveled bed hair and stares at the man before you, who turned back to the stove. You take a whiff of the air, pancakes.

Mark glances at you before pointing to the cupboards. "Could you get us plates?" You didn't say a thing, waiting for an answer as you grab the plates and set them on the counter. He smiles sheepishly and serves you both up with a stack of pancakes. "I didn't wake you because you stayed up late with me, helping me with everything that needed to be sorted out." He says, putting butter on top the stacks of pancakes.

You lean against the countertop and sigh, "Yeah, I know. But I still wanted to be up." You mumble, your heart beginning to ache slightly. Mark hands you your plate and you gave a tired smile and quietly thanked him. You and both walked into the living room, where he headed over to the slider glass door and opened it before settling down on the floor where you, Sean and Mark sat before.

You joined beside him and sat your plate in front of you so you could cut up your food. "So do you want me to come with you so I could drive your car back? Or do you think it'd be fine at the airport parking lot?" You ask, already beginning to eat your food.

Mark hums slightly, shifting so he could cross his legs together. "I think it would be okay, but if you needed a car you wouldn't have one if I left it there. So if you want you can come with me and drive it back." He pushes the slider door open more and then sat his plate up on his lap.

You nod in agreement, "Okay, then after breakfast, which I was actually going to make for you if I would've woken up earlier-" Mark chuckles and shakes his head, taking a bite of his food and looks at you. "-I will go get dressed real quick and then I'll be ready to head out."

It wasn't long until you both finished breakfast, a good ten minutes. As soon as you were done Mark took your plate, and you ran up the stairs, almost tripping, which Mark caught a glimpse of and started laughing. You flicked up the bird towards him until you were out of his sight. You quickly picked out an outfit once you were in your room and changed right then and there. You slipped on your shoes and ran your fingers through your hair a few times before putting your hair back in a pony tail.

You pop in your contacts, sprayed some perfume on, deodorant and grabbed your phone off your bed. You walked to the sinks and brushed your teeth and checked yourself in the mirror, making sure you look presentable enough for the outside world and then quickly made your way down the stairs.

"Do you have everything?" You ask Mark as he drags his suitcase to the door. He grabs the doorknob and opens the door, but pauses. "Passport, ticket, phone, charger... You already have your suitcase so I know you have that."

Mark holds up each item as you named them off and smiled at you. "And my glasses are on my face, now lets go!" He says as he holds the door open for you. You rolled your eyes and slipped passed him and waited for him. "Okay, I locked the door." You nod and you both make your way down two flights of stairs.

"Give me your keys," You say as he holds them out to you. You unlocked the doors to the car once you were near it and opened the back for him. He slides his suitcase in and then slips the keys out of your hands. "Hey, I was gonna drive." You tell him as you watch him slide into the drivers seat.

"Well, I'm driving now. Lets go." Mark smiles at you and slams his door. You shook your head and made your way into the passengers seat and buckled up.

"Are you sure you have everything?" You ask him again, slipping your phone in one of the cup holders in the middle section of the car.

Mark nods and starts the car up, "I'm sure I have everything...or at least I think I do." He says as he pulls out on to the road and heads for the highway.

The ride to the airport from your apartment was a good half an hour to forty-five minutes long, and now with it being lunch time, traffic was going to a hectic and that was going to cost you another twenty minutes. Luckily, Mark was going to board the flight at one-thirty, so he would have a few minutes to catch his breath before then.

Half an hour later, you both were sitting in traffic just talking about anything and nothing as the cars barely moved in front of you. Car horns were going off, people yelling out of their windows at other people, the irritation from the drivers was rising. It was quite funny to watch two people in front of you argue in different cars over God knows what.

Even with your window rolled down, you couldn't hear what they were saying because car horns were going off.
You and Mark were going to poke fun and come up with what they could've possibly been fighting about, but the traffic finally started to move again and the two cars parted ways once they had a chance.

Once the traffic picked up to the normal speed limit, it didn't take long before you both arrived at the airport. Mark pulled up to the front entrance and sighs, glancing at you before he got out and opened the back.

You climbed out of the car, silently making sure he had everything he needed while he pulled it out of the back. Once he had everything out, he walks over to the side of the car and sets his suitcase down beside him. "Well, this is it." He says.

You walk in front of him and nodded your head, "Yeah. I hope you have a good flight and you land safely." You say, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. You felt his arms wrap around your too and his head rest on top of yours. "Be safe okay?" You mumble, tightening your arms around him.

"I will, be safe heading back home." He replies as you reluctantly step back from his embrace. "Okay?"

You nod, smiling softly. "Go, you don't want to be late." You say as you lean your back up against the car. Mark rolls his eyes and pulls the handle to his suitcase up so he could roll it. "I'll see you in a few days."

"See you in a few days, don't have any parties while I'm gone." Mark teases, glancing down at his full hand. He see him mouth things to himself as he checked the things in his hand.

"Fine, no parties."

Mark looks back up at you and smiles. "I gotta go, I'll text you when I land." He waves at you and turns around to head for the entrance.

"You better." You mumble, walking over to the drivers side and got in. You buckle up and glanced towards the entrance, seeing Mark look back you with a small smile.

Your heart sank as you watched him turn back around and disappear into the building and into the crowd of people. You sigh and pull away from the entrance, feeling your heart ache a bit.

This was going to be a lonely holiday and few days.

I hope the long chapter makes up for it, I'm so sorry 😰
I've been busy, holidays are suddenly here and it's just been a complete disaster.
But I finally got a chapter out! yay...!
Please let me know what you think in the comments and thank you for waiting for so damn long!

I love you all 💕

Stay Mad!

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