Never Let you Go <3 A Justin...

By EimearXx

143K 1K 505

Alice doesnt want to go camping, but her mom forces her to go. she brings her friend 'Ciara' along But what h... More

Never Let you Go <3 A Justin Bieber Lovestory
Chapter 2 - Mystery Man
Chapter 3 - Bad Break Up.
Chapter 4 - Black Out
Chapter 6 - AHHH RAPIST!
Chapter 7 - Awkward...
Chapter 8 - What happend to 'Bro's over Hoe's?'
Chapter 10 The Sleepover
Chapter 11 - Wakey, Wakey!
Chapter 12 - The Phone Call
Chapter 13 - The Ugly Truth.
Chapter 14 - If you don't tell them, I will.
Chapter 15 - The Mistake.
Chapter 16 - Horrible Sister's and Scary Note's.
Chapter 17 - Spoiled Brat's and one HUGE Mistake.
Chapter 18 - Old Friends?
Chapter 19 - Physcho Bitche's...He call's fan's.
Chapter 20 - Top Trending Topic's.
Chapter 21 - Fake What?
Chapter 22 - It's ALL You're fault!
Chapter 23 - Tied together...
Chapter 24 - Why are you apologising?
Chapter 25 - VICTORY!
Chapter 26 - I'm having a nervous breakdown.
Chapter 27 - I'm free.
Chapter 28 - The Plan.
Chapter 30 - Oh, God no.
Chapter 31 - It as so....Alice-ish.
Chapter 32 - Do you think they know?
Chapter 33 - ALICE!
Chapter 34 - I am not confusing my baby.
Chapter 35 - The picture.
Chapter 36 - Meeting the Family
Chapter 37 - Your Moodswings are giving me Whiplash...
Chapter 38 - Shopping with the Beadles


4K 27 11
By EimearXx

Hey Good Lookin' ( No Homo) :L

I'm Gonna be a GREAT Lil'Story Writer N Write a Tiny Recap:)

No Need To Thanks me:L

Here Ya Go!


While i was wandering around, I saw a blue rope, tied to a tree- I'm gonna take a wild guess and say its a swing. I HAVE ti have a go. I put my foot in the loop and it swung, But when I tried to get off my foot got caught in the rope. I fell and everything went black.


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*End of Recap*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Chapter 5.

Ciara's P.O.V

Okay, Okay its been an hour and a half. She won't answer her phone and she isn't at the entrance were we were supposed to meet 30 minutes ago! She probably just lost track of time...Right? No need to panic. Ciara calm down....Oh who am i kidding? She's gone missing! This is the perfect to panic! "ALICE!" I screamed for the hundredth time. Omg! Where is she? lemmie ring her again....

"I won't tell anyone 'bout the way you hold ma hand. I won't tell anyone 'bout the things that we have have planned. I won't tell anybody, won't tell anybody...." Parachute bu Cheryl Cole. Wait, that's Alice's ring tone? "Alice?" I asked. I followed the music. There an the ground was Alice's phone. I burst into tears. " ALICE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I sobbed. Something must have happened to her. I snatched her phone up.

31 missed calls.

27 from me, 2 from her mom, 1 from Christian and 1 from....Tyler.

I was still in tears. I need some help! it's been like 2 hours! Gotta get some help! AHA! Ryan and his friends could help me find her. From what I've heard they both like her. Even though one of them is like 16....That never stopped Alice before,She had had like 2 boyfriends that were 16 before.... She says 'Age is Just a number'. Its like her motto.

I picked up my phone and dialed Ryan number.

                                                            Phone Convo

Ryan: Hello?

Me:Ryan..She's..Gone! I sobbed.

Ryan:Ciara? Who's Gone? Are you okay? Why are you crying? His tone was more Alarmed.

Me:Alice! She's Gone!

Ryan:What? Ciara, Where are you?

Me:I-I-I don't know!?

Ryan:Think! Ciara, Think!

Me:Um...I'm in the woods...and i just found her phone on the ground and....I trailed off.

Ryan:Woods?Um...Okay We'll meet you at the entrance in 5, Kay?

Me: Okay, Bye Ryan.

Ryan:Bye. He muttered

                                                         End of Phone Convo

I practically ran to the entrance. I got lost a couple of times, But eventually I found my way to the entrance. I sat down on a big log, crying. This is ALL my fault! If I didn't suggest for us to split up we wouldn't be in this mess! After a few minutes I heard footsteps. I sniffed "Alice?" I looked up to see Ryan, Christian and the one and only Justin Bieber. I didn't even give him a second glance. So my suspicions were true. The guy in the hoodie was Justin Bieber. C'mon! Don't tell me you didn't know either! I just happened to meet Ryan Butler? Alice just happened to meet Christian Beadles? - Yes, Of course I know who they are! I am Belieber for cryin' out loud! And from what Ryan  tells me, Chris and his 'friend' - who i presume is Justin, like Alice. Can you believe it!? Christian Beadles And Justin Bieber likes Alice! Like MORE than a friends! from what i hear they have been fighting non stop since they laid eyes on her. But that doesn't matter anymore....She's...she's...she's gone! I was still crying. Ryan came over and sat beside me. " Ciara, it will be okay. I promise." then he pulled me into a hug. this is terrible we'll probably NEVER find her! for all we know, she could be kidnapped! I cried harder Justin and Christian was just standing there awkwardly. Christian had tears in his eyes. I could tell he was crying, I could also see the pain in Justin's eyes. I wonder how I'm not jumping up and down squealing that i met Justin Bieber. Oh maybe its the fact that MY BEST FRIEND IS MISSING! Yeah, Probably.

Ryan was the silence. " i think we should split up." she stated. I stared at him with wide eyes. " What!? That's what got us into this mess!" I said angrily. He held his hands up in surrender. " What? No! I mean Me and you could search half the forest and Justin and Chris could search the other half.."he trailed off. Okay Maybe I Over-Reacted. "O-Okay." I sniffed. Chris and Justin looked at me apologetically. I stood up from the log. I don't want their Pity. " Ready Ryan?" I asked. " Yeah, Justin, Chris we'll take this side of the forest..." he pointed to half the forest. " .....and you take that side." he pointed to the other half. They both nodded.



Eimear Here <3 But...Yous Already knew that;) I point out the obvious:L

Hows the Story Goin'?

Like it? Love it? Hate it? YOU DECIDE!

Sorry Had to do that >.<

Okay, So I've noticed that I babble alot about un-important stuff, And you guys probably don't like that...Correct?


I'm Jk:L Gawd! Don't get your Panties in a Twist;) But Seriously, If it bothers you that I babble Just Comment and I'll Stop;)


Don't Forget to..


Fan <3

N Comment:)

Thanks For Reading:D

Au Revoir!

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