The Laughing Touch (Jimmy Fal...

By Starry_eyes81

25.7K 697 137

Who needs a description when you can just read the story? But really, read it! Jk! It's about the host of Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 9

627 22 1
By Starry_eyes81

It's been about a week since Jimmy meet mom and I met his family. If you thought Denise Fallon was great, you gotta meet his sister!

The second I watch Jimmy jump off the stage after 'commercial break' I take a seat back in his desk chair. Prop my feet up on his wooden desk and wait for the door to open with him walking in.

I open the middle drawer in his desk. The first thing I see is play doh.. Why does he have an open tub of play doh? Obviously I open it and start forming a green cat. Why would a 31 year old, a host of a popular late night show have play doh? I'm so curious now!

The door opens and a familiar body walks through it. "Hey, baby." Jimmy smiles at me.

"Hey, babe." I don't move, I'm still sculpting my cat. "Why do you have play doh in your desk?"

He looks at the little tub, then back at me. "I honestly don't remember.. I think it was suppose to be for a sketch a few years ago, but we never used it. It must've gotten shoved in my drawer."

"Interesting.. Well I made you a kitty!"

Jimmy sits by feet and takes the cat. "Baby, he's cute!" He smiles. "Just like you!"

"Oh not even!" I snatch my cat and carefully place him in the tub to keep him. "There, now you're stuck with him." The tub gets put back and the drawer closes.

"Damn.." He laughs.

I study him for a minute. "Baby, you seem tense.. Maybe kinda stressed.."

He shrugs. "Maybe a little.. Sneaking you in and out of the building isn't what you call easy.. Especially when Lorne's been asking who you are."

"And you don't tell him."

"Nah.. But I will." He smiles.


I sit up the second someone knocks on Jimmy's office door. "Yeah?" He pulls his jeans up. His boxers still resting mid butt.

"I have a question." Lorne replies on the other end.

"Closet.." Jimmy shoves me to the door as he awkwardly walks to the door. "Yeah?" I hear as I stand silently in a very tiny coat closet.

"Hey, I was just wondering if next week will be good for a 5 day hiatus." Yes! The beard.

"Next weeks fine, yeah." I hear him smile.

Someone shifts against the doorframe. Probably Jimmy. "Alright, I was just checking. Are you okay? Sick?" Oops!

"Yeah, no, I'm totally fine. My stomachs a tad upset, but I'm fine." Lies.

"You can go home, the shows done editing and ready to air tonight."

"I'm waiting on something to show. Quest is dropping it off." He's going to get himself tied up in knots if he doesn't start telling the truth around here.

"No, go home, bud." A hand claps on a body. I assume Lorne's hand on Jimmy's shoulder or back. "You need rest and I don't want you getting sick before break and spending it in bed."

"I'm fine, honest."

"I don't want my star boy to be sick. Come in around noon tomorrow, you need sleep. And don't go out drinking."

"I won't. I promise." Jimmy closes his door and shuffles over to the closet. "That was close." He kisses me.

I stop him. "Maybe a little too close.. Are you ever going to tell anyone here beside Higgins that we're dating?"

"Yeah.. Eventually. Spencer, I don't want everyone to know we're dating. Yes, I love you and I think you're fantastic and beautiful and fun. I just don't need the media to know everything. I'm not open with my relationships. Hell, I've hid two of them during SNL. Please, let me deal with it myself, okay?" He kisses me. "I'm fine with it just our family and Higgs.."

Another knock stops my actions. "Okay." I nod. "I trust you."

"Thank you and you should." Jimmy hurries to his door.

A set of eyes look at me. The look gave me chills. I haven't seen that look in years. A good 11 years. The same look dad would give me when I'd get in trouble. "James, we need to talk." Lorne sternly says. "You too." His finger motions me to come closer.

"About?" Jimmy plays dumb.

"You know. Take a set you two." Lorne makes himself at home at the meeting table. "Jimmy, I care about you, son. I think of you as a son and when I find out you're lying to me, I have the need to comfort you about it. I've known you for the past 10 years. You can hide something, but I will find out." Jimmy and I remain silent. "Spencer," I raise an eyebrow at him. No one ever told him my name.. "You do understand what you're getting yourself in, right?"


"Jim has big shoes to fill in this job. He works hard for his spot and he will continue to."

"I understand." I nod. What's going on?

Lorne turns. A dead cold stare beams at Jimmy. "Your lying needs to stop. I get that you don't want your relationships out in the open, but you can talk to me. I know it's hard to juggle work and a relationship. Especially if the girl isn't used to it. I get it, son, and I know I'm not your father, but I'm your boss. A boss who knows his employee a little too well."

"Okay." Jimmy nods.

"Now I know why you've been sneaking around and your doors been closed for weeks. Not really hanging around after tapings. And when you do, you quickly say hi and leave. Am I right?" Lorne's eyebrow raises.

"Very much so." Jimmy looks down at his lap. You can see his boxers bunched up under his jeans.

"And Quest didn't have anything to bring up, huh? You stayed late so you two could leave without anyone bugging you."

"Yeah.." We both say.

"And, Spencer.. I know your name, sweetheart. Don't act like I'm dumb. I also know you've been sneaking in and hanging around. I don't mind that at all. I mind that you cause Jimmy to lie. I'm not mad at you." It sure seems like it. "I just need him on his A game. You can get you own ID if you two choose to keep this going. But I want this new sneaking around lying Jimmy to go, okay?"

"Understood." Jimmy and I say together.

Lorne nods and leans back in the black chair. "You two doing some hanky-panky?" He laughs.

My heart stopped for a second. He's known so much so far.. He probably has cameras in here. "No, just watching some youtube." Jimmy looks up.

"Alright, okay. Well, I'm going to let you two watch YouTube." A small chuckle flows through my ears. He knows..

"Bye." Jimmy looks up and follows Loren out with his eyes.

"He knows. He knows why we lock ourselves in here." I turn to Jimmy.

He makes his way back to his couch with his arm on the back for me. "Of course he knows, babe.. He knows everything." Jimmy pulls me closer. "I guess our sneaking around didn't play out well.."

"No, I guess it didn't.. I thought we were fine." I lay my head in his neck. "But that's over."

"I was just scared to tell him for some reason."

Little imaginary hearts get drawn on Jimmy's chest. "How come?"

"I don't know.. I just kinda feel he would be rude about it or something. I went into this show dating my last girlfriend and after we broke up, I kinda didn't want to come to work for a week.. I couldn't be here where her and I had so many memories.. That was like.. God, I don't know the fourth month into the show. I was the one who broke us up, so I couldn't be that sad over it. We just grew apart for each other and it seemed like we both were using one another after awhile."

"Were you mad about it? The using.."

"No, because I did it to her too. It was only the last two months of our relationship. It was TV on the couch and then sex. There was no more I love you. There was no passionate kissing. Maybe just a peck once a day and that was it. We acted more like a one night stand than anything."

"But you dated for years.."

My body get smashed into his. "Three years.. It's weird how things just go downhill. Longest relationship I've had and I regret it. I was unhappy after the first year and a half. After that we fought a lot and sometimes wouldn't see each other for weeks. But for some reason I wasn't hurt. I just couldn't break us off for some reason at that time. Neither of us could.."

"Do you still love her?" I look at the door.

"I haven't loved her in 4 years." He kisses my cheek. "But I love you a lot." He kisses me again.

I kiss him back. "And I love you a lot."

Lips move to my temple, breath warms the spot. "What about your ex's? Tell me about them." He whispers in my ear.

"Just normal guys.. My first was in high school, we were the popular couple. We broke it off at a graduation party, I don't really remember why. My second one was in college, he was a dick after awhile.. Kinda abusive. My last one was two years ago. He just got boring, he agreed that we aren't anything more than friends."

"Are you still friends with him?"

"Facebook buddies. We don't talk or anything. I got really busy with work and didn't go out with anyone or did I care to.."

Jimmy shifts in his seat next to me. "Do you still not want to?"

I quickly sit up and straddle his lap. "Of course I do! Never think that.. You're such an amazing guy and I couldn't thank you enough. I love you so much and I never want to leave your side." I kiss him.

He smiles at me. "I never want to leave your side either, baby." He kisses me. "What about this abusive dick ex boyfriend?" His face goes serious within seconds.

"He was nothing.."

"No.. He was something, Spencer." I shake my head. "Did he hurt you?" I nod. "Spencer.." Jimmy hugs me and rocks us in his spot. Tears run down my cheeks and wet his shirt. "Baby.." He softly pats my back. "You're okay.." He holds me.

After a few minutes, I lift up and face the man who's holding me. "He was just a fuckhead.. He'd get mad easily and just hit whatever was near him.. Unfortunately.. I was in his way sometimes.. My face got slapped once, my arms.. My back once and stomach. He's apologize right after and hold me and say how sorry he was. But after the 3rd or 4th time, I told him I didn't believe it and walked out on him.." Tears run down my cheeks, but I don't feel pissed or sad.. More of a happy feeling that I'm finally telling someone who cares to listens.

"Penn.." He grabs me. "I'd never hurt you.." He kisses my cheek. "I'd never do anything that would break you or your loving heart. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Live with that asshole.." He squeezes me, I immediately melt into his body.

I stare at the two wet spots I left. "This is why I fell for you more than I already did. Your future wife is lucky to be married to you." I kiss him.

He looks at me funny. "Who said she can't be you?" His left eyebrow arches up.

"We're not even dating and by the pace we're going, we'd be married at 40 something."

"Let's date now."

"But we agreed that it's too early and a month in a half isn't enough."

"Who cares!" His chocolatey brown eyes sparkle. "Spencer, I want to be with you and I want to see where life takes us both. Together as a team."

I smile at him. "I agree, I want it to too."

"Spencer Grace.."

"James Thomas.." I smile at him again.

"Date me, baby." He kisses me. "Life's too short to live like this."

I kiss him back. "I still couldn't agree more, boyfriend."

"That's what I was thinking, girlfriend." He lays us on our sides. "I love you."

"I love you." I brush his lips with my thumb. "I love your crooked nose.. You know that?" I push it up.

He laughs. "It's not that crooked.."

I nod and smile at him. "But it is.. But it's cute."

"Whatever." He laughs and pulls me closer before I fall off his couch. "Wanna go to my place? Cuddle up in bed.. I'll turn the heater down to make you." He winks. "Kiss you all night.. Sex if it gets led to.. Just hold you, baby."

I smile at his soft spoken voice. "No sex.. I'm starting to cramp up so cuddles sound perfect right now. I get cold sweats, so the heater down is also perfect. Your kisses make everything better."

He bites his lip, smiling at me. "I'll cuddle you until the pain is gone, I'll cuddle them away and cuddle you some more. And I'll get you whatever you need." He kisses me.

"We have to go now before they get real bad.."

"We're going." He sits us up and ties his right shoe. "I'll carry you home."

I push his hands away. "I need to walk."

"Okay." Jimmy grabs my hand and turns his office light off.

I roll myself under the lifted navy blue comforter, Jimmy's holding it up for me to cuddle. The second I meet his body, his arm instantly latches onto my body. The way this man holds onto me, makes every worry I've ever had disappear.

"You're so scrawny.." He kisses my shoulder. Gary jumps up and nests at our feet.

"Mmm.." I nudge his face with my kissed shoulder. "At the moment.. I'll be bloated soon.."

He kisses me again. "It wouldn't make you look fat, baby.. You could never look fat, Penn.."

"Suck up.."

"Not even!" He giggles in my ear. "Are you hungry?"

"Shut up.. I'm sleeping." My forearm covers my face.

Jimmy giggles again. "Alright, but I love you, grumpy gills." My shoulder gets kisses again and then my hand.


My eyes fight to stay open. I'm so tired but I've been asleep since 8 pm last night. I look over Jimmy's shoulder to his nightstand. It's only 5 am. He's lightly snoring with his arms still tightly around me. He's clothed, which is rare for him to sleep in clothing. He strips down to his underwear every night.

"Baby, go back to bed.." He whispers on my forehead.

I stretch and accidentally hit his face. "Sorry, babe.."

"No, you're fine." His fingers dig into my side. "Didn't work.." He pouts.

"Only sometimes.." I pat his cheek. "I'm awake now though." I search for his remote.

"Here.." His hand leaves me and goes behind his back. "Want me to stay up with you?"

I shake my head no. After realizing his eyes are still closed. "No, I'm fine. You go back to sleep.." I kiss him.

"Okay." He smiles and let's me flip to face the TV.

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