When Harry met Sofie

By missynickiix0

259K 2.4K 372

~CURRENTLY ATTEMPTING TO EDIT~ Sofie's bestfriend Stevie gets two tickets to Great Britian and Buckingham Pal... More

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 1
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 2
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 3
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 4
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 5
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 6
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 7
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 8
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 9
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 10
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 11
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 12
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 13
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 14
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 15
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 16
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 17
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 18
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 19
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 20
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 21
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 22
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 23
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 24
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 25
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 26
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 27
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 28
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 29
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 30
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 31
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 32
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 33
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 34
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 35
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 36
When Harry met Sofie- Chapter 37
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 39
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 40
When Harry met Sofie - Epilogue
Random Babble & About the Sequel

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 38

3.6K 39 6
By missynickiix0

Chapter 38

"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD, IF YOU DONT GET ME SOME ICE... I'LL KILL YOU BEFORE YOU SEE TOMORROW." I scream at some random nurse that looks at me like I'm crazy when I ask for a cup of ice. Um, hello, have you NOT seen a pregnant women chew on ice when she is in labor? GET A CLUE.

Harry still isnt here. I've been in this God forsaken hospital with this weird ass nurses for ten minutes and my stupid ass finacee has yet to show up. What an idiot he is! Here I am, in labor with his kids, and where the hell is he? Nowhere around here obviously!

Someone lays a cool rag on my head and I look up to see Cole, the young boy from the ambulance. Yeah, I forced him to stay until Harry comes because I'll be damned if I dont have someone to inflict pain on when these stupid contractions come along. Cole smiles sympathetically and offers his hands, which I gladly take and begin squeezing the life out of it. All the while, I curse Harry to hell for not being here for any of this. When I pictured giving birth to my babies, I sure as hell didnt picture having some random EMT that pisses me off in the room instead of Harry!

A nurse burst through the doors along with what looks like a doctor behind her. "Here is your ice, Ms. Bastelli." She hands me a cup. I automatically scoop up a piece and shove it into my mouth, instantly calming at the coolness of the ice. The nurse scurries out of the room as the doctor looks over all of the machines I am hooked up too and I happily chew on my ice.

"Well, Sofie. Your vitals look good, the babies look good and ready to come out. Are you ready to push?" My eyes widen at his words. Push? PUSH?! He's got to be kidding me. I am not fucking pushing these babies out without Harry here! Is he stupid?

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, chumping a piece of ice as I reply. "No."





"I'm sorry? Are you refusing to push your children out?" He looked at me bewildered.



I shrug. "I'm not doing it without Har-" I throw my ice and listen as it clatters to the floor noisely.

"MOTHER OF A FUCKING BITCH." I scream as another contraction. The doctors hand is closer than Cole's so I grab his hands and crush it inbetween both of my hands. "I HATE HIM SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS TO ME. ISNT THERE SOME KIND OF LAW ABOUT A PRINCE KNOCKING UP AN AMERICAN? ARREST HIM FOR IT, DAMNIT!" I scream at the top of my lungs as the pain intensifies.

I'm going to kill Harry. With my bare hands. With witnesses. I dont even care anymore.

*** HARRY'S POV ***

Running down the hallway I spot a nurses station, I stop there and look at an elderly nurse who by the looks of it, I've startled. "Where is Sofie Bastelli's room?" I all but yelled at her. Her eyes widen at me in realization of who I am and she hurriedly looks up Sofie's room in her computer.

"3rd floor, 314. Good luck dear!" She called after me as I was already running for the stairs, not having the patience for the elevator. Sofie is having the babies... I'm going to be a daddy! Holy shit. I'm about to have kids. Not just one, two! I'm going to be a parent. Oh fuck. I dont think I'm ready for this.

I run the entire three sets of stairs then frantically shove through the door of the third floor and bolt for room 314. Nurses, doctors, patients and visitors look at me like I am a mad man. But when they see the direction I am headed for labeled "LABOR" they give me encouraging smiles. I really dont think anyone besides the elderly nurses realized who I was. Right now, I am thankful for that.

310... 311...312...313.... Finally 314.

Standing outside of the door, I take a deep breath with my door on the handle when I hear a loud clatter come from inside of the room.

"MOTHER OF A FUCKING BITCH. I HATE HIM SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS TO ME. ISNT THERE SOME KIND OF LAW ABOUT A PRINCE KNOCKING UP AN AMERICAN? ARREST HIM FOR IT, DAMNIT!" I hear Sofie scream from inside of the room. My eyes widen as I realize she is talking about me. Oh shit. She's pissed. She wants me arrested. But for what? I havent done anything wrong! Oh god... I want to go in so bad... but she is so pissed at me...

Hearing someone chuckle from behind me I turn to see a small petite nurse smiling at me. "She's been one of the loudest I've seen since I'ved worked here. Dont take anything she says personally. She just needs someone to blame for her pain at the moment. When its over and she sees the gorgeous babies you helped her create, she'll love you more than ever before. Trust me." She smiled, patted my arm and walked away in the opposite direction. Her words ring true in my ears as I stare at the door knob to Sofie's room. Once she sees our gorgeous kids, we will be okay. All four of us.

I open the door and strut in the the utmost confidence in myself and in Sofie.

But that was probably a bad idea.

*** SOFIE'S POV***

Who the hell does Harry think he is, strutting in here like he's some sort of golden prize? Um, hell no he isnt! He's the one who bloody knocked me up for christ sake! Look! He's even got me saying bloody instead of "Fucking"! Harry has changed me so much! This is all his fault! If he didnt go around strutting his muscels, gorgeous hair and batting those to die for green/blue eyes... maybe I wouldnt be pregnant and in love with his stupid ass!

Harry hesitates in front of my bed, starring into my eyes as I shoot daggers at him. "I really want to fucking hurt you right now. But first, I want these god damn babies out of me! Then I'll worry about kicking your sorry ass!" I growl at him, just as another contraction comes along. I smile as I notice Cole shove Harry towards me from behind, so I can now inflict my pain on Harry instead of Cole and the doctor. Poor guys, taking all the raft for Harry.

"OW!" Harry yells as his knuckles crack from how hard I am squeezing his hand in mine. At the sound of Harry yelling, a doctor and two nurses rush in. This is right when the pain usually goes away, this time it doesnt.

Harry and I's eyes widen as the doctor positions my legs in metal foots things so that my knees are bent up. The doctor pulls on his white rubber gloves, as do the nurses. My heart rate quickens as I realize I'm about to give birth to my babies... right here and now.

"Okay Sofie, when I count to three, I want you to push as hard as you can. Okay?" He asked, I nod furiously and latch onto Harry's hand harder than before. Harry's face pales as he looks down at the tools the doctor has sitting next to him on a metal tray.

"Alright here we go." He looks up at me and smiles. I do my best to smile back, but I'm sure it looked half assed, because it was. "One..." I take a deep breath. "Two..." I let out the deep breath. "Three!" I push as hard as I can as I scream and grab onto Harry's hand, probably breaking it but I dont care.

After a moment of hard pushing, I fall back on my pillows, breathing heavy. A nurse rushes over and pats my head down with a wet rag and gives me another ice cube. This nurse is better than the one before. I glance at Harry to see him frozen in his spot next to me, his hand still in mine, face pale as a sheet. Psh, and I havent even given birth to one of them yet!

"Here comes another Sofie!" The doctor calls. I turn my attention back to him and start squeezing Harry's hand again, who is still frozen solid next to me. "PUSH!" The doctor screams, as the door flies open and my mom runs to my other side as Kate files in behind her, holding a camera. Instantly I want to bitch Kate out, but I have more important things to do.

My mom took my free hands as a loud scream ripped through my lips as I pushed with everything I have in me. Sweat drips down my face as I scream and push and push, trying my hardest.

WAAAAHHH - A loud and peircing baby cry errupts through the room. Followed by a loud - THUNK.

"Congradulations, its a boy!" The doctor cries as someone as shouts.

"Oh shit! Harry!" I dont know where to look. Harry or my baby boy. My head snaps back and forth between Harry and the doctor. Before finally, my eyes fall upon my baby boy... Kingston.

*** HARRY'S POV ***

I feel my color drain from my face as Sofie continues to squeeze the life out of my hand, crushing all the bones she has missed the first time. The door burst opens just before she begins to push and her mother and Kate come filing into the room. Kate instantly starts to snap pictures. I look at Sofie and notice she wants to say something to Kate, given the annoyed expression on her face. But then she returns back to the situation at hand and begins to push again. With her left hand still in mine, she squeezes, and with her right hand in her mothers, she squeezes and screams as she begins to push.

"This is it, Sofie!" The doctor calls. My eyes move to him and what he is doing to Sofie. His hands are covered in blood and a tiny moving and red/blueish thing lays in his hands... its so tiny though. I dont know what it is... but I know its covered in blood.

Before I can ask what it is, a baby cry peirces through the room. My eyes widen and I gasp. Thats my baby... Mine and Sofie's baby... Our child. Holy shit, but its so tiny and.... blue... and... oh my fucking god. I'm a dad.

"Congradulations, its a boy!" I hear right before I hit the ground.


Wanted to give yall a little something, since its been like a week.

I probably wont write until wensday... thrusday? Idk.

I'm staying at my friends Monday because Tuesday at 730am we are camping out for our Ke$ha concert tuesday night. :) I'm SOOOOO excited. But who wouldnt be? Its KE$HA! haha.

But anyway, I'm sorry if this is horrible. Its 1:12am and I've been up since 830. I worked today for 8 hours outside in 115 degree weather with no source of cool air besides a little breeze every now and then. Oh did I mention, I have four essays to write in six weeks for when school starts... think I've started? nawww. haha.

I'm done rambling now. :)

But votes and comments are seriously encouraged. I update faster when I get good feedback.

Much love, always!



Mind checking out my story "Used To Be"? I've actually gotten into that one, unlike my others I've started. Its a little deep and drama filled, but give it a chance? Thanks a lot!

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