Dream for the Dead (Completed...

By JamTartt

29.1K 1.6K 119

Tabitha and her mother think they have found themselves the perfect place to live: an extremely affordable ma... More

20 - *Halloween Special* (Part One)
21 - *Halloween Special* (Part Two)
22 - *Halloween Special* (Part Three)
23 - *Halloween Special* (Part Four: Final)
44 - The End is Nigh
47 - Darkness
48 - Aftermath
49 - Pushing up...Cyclamen?
50 - *Christmas Special* (Part One)
51 - *Christmas Special* (Part Two)
52 - *Christmas Special* (Part Three)
53 - *Christmas Special* (Part Four)
54 - *Christmas Special* (Part Five)
55 - *Christmas Special* (END)
Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
Fact 6
Kyle's Childhood/History
Fact 7
Fact 8
Fact 9
Fact 10
Fact 11
Fact 12
Alexander's Habit - Short Spin-off


397 25 0
By JamTartt

A spark of hope was ignited within me, and all of my anger suddenly vanished.
"Let me speak to her."
"You're not very patient, are you?" A voice with an evident foreign accent laughed. I felt as though I recognised that voice.
"Come in. I'm in the sitting room, the one you sat in with Kyle."
"What?!" Elias' eyebrows furrowed, but I ignored him and walked into the room.
"I recognise you." I said with a shocked tone.
"Well, I have taken on the appearance of a stereotypical psychic, no?" She was a Hispanic lady who looked to be in her forties, and her style was that of a stereotypical psychic.
"I guess."
"Sit down, child. We have lots to talk about." She gestured towards the chair across from her.
"How did you get into the house?"
She laughed. "Dear, I'm a witch. And I basically own this house. You do know of me, no?"
"Yes." I nodded. "I've heard about you."
"Anyway, my deal with Elias-"
"Deal? He didn't say it was a deal." I was enthusiastic about finding out her conditions.
"Yes. I see I've got him in a little bit of trouble." She smiled wickedly. "Although, I'm sure he was in trouble already."
"I am." He was in the doorway.
"Leave." Analetta didn't even look at him as she waved her hand as a signal to make him leave.
I heard him grunt, but he didn't argue and soon his footsteps faded away.
"Elias wanted me to get rid of Seth. I told him that in return, he had to convince you not to help the trapped souls. You're not doing what I saw you would do. I'm sure you would have done the right thing eventually, but it was making me nervous."
"What are you talking about?"
"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I'm very sorry how things are turning out for you. But it's the way it must be."
"Can't you bring Seth back? Please." I almost burst into tears right then, and I leaned forward. "I'll do anything."
"I already received the promise of all I could ever want from Elias."
"Where is Seth?" I snapped, getting impatient.
"I didn't send him anywhere bad. He's in the place he will feel most calm and happy, I promise."
"Is it somewhere with forestry and lakes? And purple flowers?" I asked.
"Yes." She smiled. "You know him quite well."
"I do." I bit my lip. "I really do."
"Why were you so bothered, anyway? You were going to release him soon." Elias appeared in the doorway again.
"I thought I told you to leave?"
"Sorry. I couldn't resist." He muttered.
I turned to face him in one sharp motion.
"I'm so bothered because I was trying to figure out a way of getting myself out of it." I saw a flash of guilt wash over his face for a few moments, before his jaw clenched and he went back to being angry. "And even if it didn't work, I would've had more time with him!"
"Tabitha, who are you talking to up here?" It was my Mother's voice.
"Are you a ghost? Analetta, are you a ghost?" I panicked.
She smiled. "No. Just watch."
Mum stepped into the room. It was almost funny, the way she didn't know Elias was stood there.
"You know each other?" My eyes darted from my Mother to Analetta. So I did recognise her?
"Yeah. Don't you remember?" Mum didn't look very happy. "How did she get in? Why did you let someone you thought was a stranger into our home?"
"I told her I knew you. She said you were busy, so I suggested we have a little chat. She doesn't remember anything." Analetta smiled sweetly at my Mum, but it wasn't returned. My Mum looked furious.
"Good." She said through gritted teeth. "I think we should go talk."

I stood outside the dining room door eavesdropping. Analetta and my Mother were talking and drinking tea.
"How did you know where to find us?" My Mother was trying to talk quietly, but I could still hear clearly. "Does David know where we're living? Did he tell you?"
"No. I haven't spoken to him since the last time I spoke to you. It's fascinating, what you can find out through the Internet."
Analetta's voice raised a little, as if she knew I was on the other side of the door. "Tabitha is going to ask questions, you know."
I guessed that was more of an order to me than anything else.

I waited for the door to close when Analetta was leaving, and then ran down the stairs. I wasn't going to wait a minute to find out how we knew a witch woman.
"I recognise her." I narrowed my eyes.
"Of course you do. Analetta was a big part of your early childhood." Mum laughed. "Analetta; such a stereotypical name for a gypsy psychic."
"How do we know her?" I smiled the sweetest smile I could, putting my hands behind my back and gently rocking myself on the heels of my feet.
My Mother sighed. "I guess I should just come out with it. You'd remember sooner or later, anyway. Come sit down in the living room."
We walked into the living room and sat, and there were a few moments of silent before she started to speak again.
"We knew each other since I found out I was pregnant. I went to a number of psychics - I was really into that stuff back then, silly really - but she was the only one who seemed to really believe it all. She was happy to tell me about you: your health; your gender; your development. She got it all so right. I was impressed, and we quickly became friends. You loved her from the moment she came to see you in the hospital. She'd always tell you inspirational things, and I knew it would stick in your brain and make you a good person. Things about helping people, stuff like that. At first I was happy with it, but it started to get strange.
Analetta would say stuff like 'one day, you'll be faced with a great task. Don't fear it; do what you feel is best.' It scared me. I felt like she was brainwashing you. That's the only thing I remember; there were weirder things, but for some reason, that's the only-"
Her voice got quieter until I couldn't hear it anymore, and my mind almost exploded. I remembered something.

We were playing together, some sort of crazy golf game. We were laughing, but Analetta stopped before I did, and gently took me by the shoulders.
"Tabitha, I need to talk seriously with you. I know you're very young, but you'll remember every detail when it's important."
At the time, I carried on giggling, not understanding. Not taking it seriously at all.
"One day, you're going to be a great help to me. I've know it since the beginning. You're the right person for the task. Be brave, be you. You'll do what I need you to; I know it. You do want to help me, no?"

Analetta had known since the beginning? What had that meant? Deep down, I knew what it meant, but I didn't want to accept it.

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