When Harry met Sofie

By missynickiix0

259K 2.4K 372

~CURRENTLY ATTEMPTING TO EDIT~ Sofie's bestfriend Stevie gets two tickets to Great Britian and Buckingham Pal... More

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 1
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 2
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 3
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 4
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 5
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 6
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 7
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 8
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 9
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 10
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 11
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 12
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 13
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 14
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 15
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 16
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 17
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 18
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 19
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 20
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 21
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 22
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 23
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 24
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 25
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 26
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 27
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 28
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 29
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 30
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 31
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 32
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 33
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 34
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 35
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 36
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 38
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 39
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 40
When Harry met Sofie - Epilogue
Random Babble & About the Sequel

When Harry met Sofie- Chapter 37

3.4K 36 3
By missynickiix0

Chapter 37

Something really wasnt right. My back hurt like a bitch, like someone kept repeatedly stabbing me in it. I cant stop peeing and I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. This shouldnt be happening... Something is wrong. Really wrong. And it doesnt help I'm having a panic attack outside of the bathroom in mcdonalds... Way to go, Sofie.

"Ma'am are you alright?" A young boy worker asked me, looking worried and a little pained to be talking to me.

"F-Fin-" I studder but get cut off by another pain. "Oh fuck! No i'm not!" I scream, clutching onto my stomach as I feel the pain shooting through it. Holy fuck, what the hell is wrong me with? I need to go to the doctors now! As I look up through my tears I notice a crowd of worried looking strangers have gathered around me. The boy that was just asking if I was okay, was right infront of me, face pale and sweaty. Only then did I notice the death grip I had on his arm. My eyes widen and I drop his arm.

"I'm so sorry! I didnt even know I was doing that! Are you okay? Oh my god. Shit, shit, shit. Please tell me your okay!" I begged, grabbing his arm in my hands to look at it to make sure I didnt hurt him to bad. When I see a faint shadow of bruises coming, more tears flow from my eyes. "I am so so so so so sorry! Oh my god." I cry. Digging into my pockets, I thrust all the money in them into the boys hands.

He continues to look at me through wide eyes. "That should cover medi-" I scream another ear piercing scream as another pain comes through. "OWWWWWWW! Someone fucking call 911 or whatever the fuck it is here! God fucking damnit!" I scream at all the people crowded around me.

After a few horrible minutes, the pain goes away and I can stand up straight again. Everyone is still starring at me... And I'm wondering where Kate disappeared too. She definately would have heard me screaming, wouldnt she? Maybe she was getting Harry...

Harry! I need Harry! Someone has to call Harry! Oh my god.... What if we lost another baby? Fuck. I really need Harry... and a doctor! Where the hell is that ambulance? Oh christ, here comes another pain. I cried and cried and yelled until that pain was gone. The manager of the store had shoved the customers out until the ambulances would arrive, that I was thankful for.

Kate never showed, after five minutes. An ambulance had arrived, they put me on a stretcher, and hauled me into the back of the ambulance and speed off towards the hospital. The guys in the back with me, checked my blood pressure, heartbeat, blood sugar and god knows what else. Then he asked the question that caused me to panic again.

"Is there anyone we can contact?" The guy asked. If I wasnt pregnant and engaged, I'd probably flirt up a storm with him. His blonde hair is tossled just right, his blue eyes are piercing and he's perfectly and tan. My used to be dream guy sitting right in front of me, and all I can think is I want Harry. My cute little red head, hazel eyed, white ass dork. Even in the amount of pain I am in at the moment, all I can think about is the love I have for Harry. His love calms me... keeps me sane.

The guy clears his throat, I turn and glare at him. "Seriously? You have to fucking ask that? How about you call my FIANCEE, stupid!" I scream at him. It doesnt take a fucking genius to figure out I'll want my fiancee at a moment like this. For christ sakes, they are is babies that are causing me all this pain! God, a little dense isnt he?

His eyes widen as I yell at him, he stays frozen. "ARE YOU STUPID? CALL HARRY DAMNIT!" Now his mouth falls open, and he stays put. I roll my eyes and dig through my pockets. "FINE! I'll do it by myself since your so freaking stupid." I mumble, despite the pain I'm in. God, will this pain ever go away?

As the phone rings, the pain dulls the a low ache, which from what I've been experiencing feels like heaven. Then a blatter pain hits me, and I have to pee again. Bad. Real bad.

"Hey, babe. Are you on your way back? I miss you." Harry answered, already knowing it was me. He was obviously oblivious to the situation at hand, which meant Kate hadnt left to call him. So where the hell was Kate? She wouldnt just leave me while I was in the bathroom- Oh bathroom! I have to pee, bad!

I glance at the EMT guy that I thought I could find cute, with a pleading look. He arched an eyebrow. "Bloody hell, I have to piss!" I yell at him, momentarily forgetting Harry is on the phone.

"Hold it." The guy replied. My eyes widen and the urge of having to pee got twenty times worse. I growled at him but went back to talking to Harry, maybe If I talked to him It'd get my mind off having to pee.

"Sofie, whats going on? Who told you to hold going to the bathroom? Everyone we know, knows you have to go to the bathroom alot...." Harry asked with his voice lacing with concern and love. But as if always, as soon as I try to speak, a pain comes.

I cry out and clutch onto the EMTs arm, thinking he deserves all the pain I conflict on him. Thats what he gets for being an ass to me when I'm pregnant, asshole. Two minutes pass and the pain dulls enough for me to speak to a freaking out Harry.

"SOFIE! Why are you crying and yelling? Whats wrong? Where are you? SOFIE!" He yells into the phone, in the background I can slightly here him rumaging through things. If I was home, I'd be bitching about him making a mess.

I sniffle and let go of the EMTs crushed hand. "I-I dunno... I-I'm in an ambulance on my way to the hospital. I dunno where Kate went she disappeared when I went to the bat-" The sound of water dripping onto the floor caused me to fall silent. What was that? I glance down at my belly and notice its dropped... My eyes widen and more tears form.

A wet feeling comes over me and I look at the EMT with a worried expression. His eyes are wide with fear and his face pale. Fear? Pale face? What the hell just happened? I cant see over my belly! "Whats wrong with me? What happened!?" I demand from the EMT.

"I-I dont know! I'm new... its my first day! CHUCK!" He screams and a balding older guy comes out from the front of the ambulance. He takes one look at me and a small smile forms at his lips. A fucking smile. A smile!

He comes over, looks me up and down and sighs. "Well Ms. Sofie... It looks like you've gone into labor. How far are you?" He asked, sitting down beside me on a little stoll. My eyes fly as wide as theyll go, and my mouth falls all the way to the floor- okay slight exaggeration but you know what I mean.

"I'M WHAT?!" I scream at the same time Harry screams from the phone, "SHE'S WHAT?"

Chuck laughs and takes the phone from my hand, and I dont refuse becuase another pain comes and I go back to crushing the young guys arm. He winces in pain each time I squeeze harder. At one point, our eyes meet and he looks terrified. I bitterly let out a cold laugh towards him. "After this, you will always use condoms or just never have sex. You watch, I bet your scared shitless right now. Never knock a girl up, pretty boy." I mumble to him through my tears of pain.

The pain calms just as Chuck hands me back my phone, which he had hung up. I look at him and he smiles sypathetically. "Sofie, honey, your about to be a mummy. To twins, right? You never answered my queston on how far you are along." He raised a questioning eyebrow and I sigh.

"Yes, twins. And I was seven months two weeks ago, exactly." I replied, worried as hell. I rub my belly, trying to soothe the dull ache that doesnt seem to want to go away. As I rub on my lower belly, where it seems the babies have dropped too, I have the sound urge to push.

Chuck pats my hand in a soothing matter. "A bit early dear, but its common with twins. They might stop you from going into labor though, if they think your to early." My eyes widen at his words. Stop labor? How the fuck is that possible? These babies are coming,

And they are coming NOW.


Dundundunnn.... hehe. :)

All of the feedback on the last chapter inspirsed me to write earlyer than I usually would. My fans are the best in the world. Yall inspire me to keep on writing when I feel down.

Hopefully this chapter was better than the last few.

Feedback? Comments, Vote, Fanning.<3

Love always,


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