Have We Met? (a George Weasle...

By mrsgeorgeweasley

82.1K 1K 259

meet Nevaeh just a normal average 17 yr old right. well your wrong Nevaeh is more than an average 17 year old... More

Have We Met? (a George Weasley Love Story)
Welcome To Hogwarts (Chapter 2)
Detention (Chapter 3)
First Task (Chapter 4)
The Yule Ball (Chapter 5)
Second Task (Chapter 7)
The Prank (Chapter 8)
The Date (Chapter 9)
Third Task (Chapter 10)
Going Home (Chapter 11)
Summer Part 1 (Chapter 12)
Summer Part 2 (Chapter 13)
Back to Hogwarts (Chapter 14)
Detention Again (Chapter 15)
Packing for Home (Chapter 16)
it's Been a While (Chapter 17)
Diagon Alley (Chapter 18)
Back Again (Chapter 19)
This Has Gone Too Far (Chpater 20)
DA meeting (Chapter 21)
Disater at Christmas (Chapter 22)
Gray Manor (Chapter 23)
The Malfoy's New Year's Eve Ball (Chapter 24)
Surprise (Chapter 25)
Quick Note
Birthday (Chapter 26)

Hungover at Christmas (Chapter 6)

3.6K 48 11
By mrsgeorgeweasley

I do not own any of the character except Nevaeh, Leah, Ruben, Ambre, Úna, Brian, Morgan, Slade and Nicole Gray


“Are you sure there in here?” I heard someone say.

“Positive look there’s Leah” another person said. I stirred and opened my eyes slowly blinking from the light. My head was thumping like mad and the room started to spin around me. A wave of nausea swept over me.

“Why good morning vay am I interrupting something?” someone said making me jump. As I looked at the person I saw that it was Adian and he was smiling and looking down at me. I looked at him confused. As I looked around I froze. Next to me was George fast asleep with his shirt open and my hand and my head placed on his toned chest. ‘Crap’ I thought as I quickly sat up and took my hand away and smiled weakly at Adian.

“No what happened was….. Well we…. You see… wait a minute why are you here?” I said staring at him.

“Why little sister it Christmas so mum and dad thought that we should spend it with you but I see you’re a bit busy so we’ll come back later” he said. Adian then started to walk off. I quickly shot out of bed still wearing my dress and ran after him grabbing his arm when he got to the door. He turned to look at me.

“Don’t tell mum” I said.

“About what?” Adian asked turning to face me completely.

“You know…. This” I said looking down. Adian laughed.

“Fine just get ready ill meet you in the great hall” he said. I smiled and let go of him and Adian made his way out of the door. As I turned around trying to find Leah I saw Ruben sat talking to Leah and laughing at her. Leah glared at him.

“Bugger off Ruben don’t you have to go and find you blonde lover by now” Leah said through clenched teeth. Ruben face suddenly dropped.

“We’re not together no more” he said simply. Leah froze.

“What happened?” she asked.

“She went off with some drumstang kid last night” he muttered. Ruben then stood up and made his way past me and out the door. I stood looking at Leah shocked at what just happened.

“YES!” Leah shouted at the top of her voice. She then began jumping up and down on her bed. I laughed and made my way over to her. As I sat on her bed I looked around and saw Fred and Lee begin to stir and I laughed.

Fred and Lee were both on a bed and holding each other in a couple like way. As Leah looked at the boys she too began laughing which caused the boys to stir more. As Fred opened his eyes he jumped away from Lee and began blushing. Lee woke up causally not looking at the situation in front of him until he heard us laughing. He then soon realised and jumped off the bed blushing. By this time George had just started to stir as well and as I looked at him I couldn’t help but feel an aching in my heart and I smiled. As he sat up his shirt was wide open now showing his toned abs and I sighed.

“Good morning everyone” Leah said as she sat down next to me. I smiled at her.

“Good morning” the boys muttered under their breaths.

“Yeah can I ask what happened last night please?” I asked. As I looked at everyone I saw that they were all still in their outfits from last night.

“Well um I remember dancing then I remember being at the table next to you vay and Fred poured us all a drink and we drank it and after that everything’s a blur” Lee said examining his body for any cuts and bruises that may have appeared from last night.

“I think we had too many fire whiskeys last night” George said rubbing his forehead.

“All I can remember is me dancing with Dean then drinking with you guys then pulling leah away from Draco then drinking more than kis…..”I froze. It suddenly came to me that last night I kissed George.

“Then what?” Fred asked. I looked at him.

“I… I…. nothing” I said panicking. Fred shrugged.

“Anyways I gotta go I dunno about you lot but I’ve got presents to open” Fred said. He then stood up and made his way to the door. Lee and George then followed. I looked at Leah.

“What a night” I said. I lay down on her bed smiling to myself. I still couldn’t believe that I kissed George.

“You can say that again” she said as she clutched her head.

“My head thumping too I don’t know how Im going to cover this up when mum see me” I said thinking about what mum would do. Leah laughed and nodded her head.

“Same but we better get going to” she said. As I sat up I smelled my breath. It stunk of alcohol.

“God I stink” I said. Leah laughed and we both got up off the bed and made our way out of the Room of Requirement and made our way to our common room.

After we showered and got changed we picked up our present from under our beds and made or way down to the great hall. Once we got there my hands started to shake I was still drunk from last night. My head was pounding and every little noise seemed like it had been increased in volume as my ears echoed from it.

“You look bad” Leah said as we stopped outside the great hall.

“I feel it you look bad as well” I said. Leah nodded her head. We then opened the great hall doors to see that the winter wonderland theme last night had changed into the original theme of the great hall with the long table in place. The sky however still had snowflakes falling down to represent the snowflakes outside.

“Vay vay!” I heard Morgan shout. I dropped all of my present and clutched my ears. I looked at Morgan she smiled and ran towards me. As she got to me she wrapped her arms around my legs.

“Hey Morgan not so loud please” I said unclutching my ears. Morgan looked up at me and smiled.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I didn’t sleep good last night” I said.

“Ok vay” she said. I picked up my presents and Morgan let go of me and we walked back up to the Hufflepuff table where my parents were sat.

As we walked over to them I could see Leah was already over there sat next to Ruben and two other people. ‘They must be her parents’ I thought to myself.

“Hello darling” my mother said grasping me into a hug when I sat down. I smiled.

“Hey mum, dad and Adian” I said. Dad smiled and waved and adian smiled.

“Well how are you dear?” my mum asked. My mum let go of me.

“Im good” I said smiling.

“She could be better but she not” Adian said trying not to laugh. I glared at him and my mum looked confused.

“What happened dear?” she asked.

“I couldn’t sleep well” I said smiling weakly. Adian began to chuckle behind dad.

“Oh really why that?” my dad asked. I turned to face him thinking of an explanation.

“Because dad she was….” Adian began but I saw Leah jump across the table grabbing Adian in the process. We all turned to face Leah and Adian on the floor. Leah looked relieved and Adian looked fuming. I smiled and relaxed.

“Leah what are you doing?” a deep voice asked. I turn to look at the person who said. The man was tall and had dark brown hair. He had piercing dark blue eyes and was very muscular built like.

“Um…I saw a fly land on Adian so I thought I get it off him” Leah said. She stood up and brushed her off and walked back round to the other side of the table. Adian then stood up and sat back down he looked at me and I poked my tongue out at him.

“Right lets open some present then” my mum said trying to change the subject. She then stood up and with a wave of her wand present started to fly in. there were 4 present in total and each landed at the designated area.

As my present landed in front of me I smiled. It was a small present which was in a purple coloured wrapping paper with little stars all around it. As I tore open the wrapping paper I saw a big black box. I opened the box and gasped. Inside was a charm bracelet.

“Thank you” I said hugging my mum and dad. They smiled.

“Um sweetie that bracelet is no ordinary bracelet. It a charmed bracelet which will en-grave anyone name that you love and care about” my mum said. I smiled and put it on. As I looked at the bracelet names started to be engraved into the little pieces of sliver there was:








And the last name it engraves was George. As I looked at the name I started to blush.

“Thank you now opens my present please” I said as I handed them a small present covered in yellow wrapping paper. As my parents opened it i froze and smiled. My dad smiled as well. It was a moving picture of the whole family when we went to Ireland for our holiday. My mum started to tear up and placed the picture in-front of her. She then hugged me.

“Darling it wonderful thanks you so much” she said letting go of me. My dad then hugged me as well smiling.

“You’re welcome” I said. I let go of dad and smiled.

“Open my present vay” Morgan said. She handed me a piece of paper and I smiled and hugged her. I then opened the piece of paper. Inside was I think a picture she had drawn it was mostly scribbles and the odd circle. I smiled.

“Thanks Morgan I put it up on my wall” I said holding the picture at a distance. Morgan laughed.

“It me and you” she said beaming. I chuckled to myself and placed the picture down on the table. Adian then walked up to me and handed me a middle sized present with green wrapping paper.

“Thank Adian” I said eyeing the present. I checked to make sure that it was not jinxed or anything. Adian laughed.

“Relax I done nothing to it this time” he said grinning. I slowly opened the present and out popped a snitch. Underneath the snitch there was an Irish flag folded up but showing the Irish quidditch crest. I smiled.

“Thanks Adian” I said smiling. I got up and hugged him.

“You know the snitch is charmed so it won’t fly off or anything” he said as he let go of me.

I then remembered his and Morgan’s present I spun around to face the table and picked up a dark green wrapped present and a little baby pink wrapped present. I handed the present to Adian and Morgan and smiled as they opened it. I decided to give Adian a book on how to become a brilliant seeker as he needs a lot of help. Morgan however had a little necklace with a little enchanted fairy charm dangling down.

“Jeez thanks for the support vay” Adian said admiring the book. I smiled.

“No problem it should give you some tips on how to beat me” I said. Adian rolled his eyes at my comment.

“Thank you vay” Morgan said tugging on my leg. I smiled and picked her up and gave her a hug.

“Do you wanna know a secret” I said so only Morgan could hear. Morgan nodded her head and I smiled.

“that fairy on you necklace is charmed so that if you ever feel lonely or sad you can look down at that fairy and the fairy will smile and wave at you and it will show you a picture of you and me” I said. Morgan beamed and hugged me tightly not wanting to let me go.

As I looked over at leah I saw the leah hugging her parent with happiness then as she let go her dad started rubbing his right arm rather forcefully.

“What’s wrong dear?” the woman next to him asked. I presumed this was Leah mum as she looked exactly like Leah but had a lighter brown shade of hair.

“The mark hunni Im fine really” he said as he rolled up his sleeve. I gasped there on his arm was the death-eater mark. Leah looked up at me and smiled weakly.

“Did I forget to mention my dad’s a death-eater? Oopsies well he is” she said. I looked up at my dad and he showed no emotion on his face. All of a sudden he looked down upon me.

“Nevaeh what’s Leah surname?” he asked urgently.

“Um… Gray” I said. Suddenly my dad faced dropped and he turned to look at Leah dad.

“Well hello Slade” he said in a stone cold voice. I looked at him confused so did mum.

“Hello Brian” Slade said clutching his arm. He lifted his head and smiled evilly. I shuddered from his voice.

“Adian why don’t you go for a walk with Morgan… now” mum said pushing Morgan towards Adian and she hurried them along. She then turned back around and faced dad.

“What going on?” she asked. My dad sighed and told her.

It turns out that my dad and Leah’s dad have known each other all their lives. When they were younger they were best friends because of our granddads. See both of our granddads were placed in Slytherin so and they became great friends and from this my dad and Leah’s dad became friends. Now both assumed that they would be in the same house no matter what and couldn’t wait to come to Hogwarts together, but when they got here Leah’s dad got placed in Slytherin and my dad got placed in Gryffindor. Needless to say Leah dad stopped talking to my dad calming that he has broken the tradition of the lynch family being in Slytherin and from that they haven’t spoken since.

“Well I would never have guessed your kids would be placed in Hufflepuff” my dad said.

“well the one I understand but the other one I will never know I keep writing to the sorting hat you know asking it to re-place her” he said. Leah looked at him.

“Yeah what that would be like the 10th letter you’ve written this year?” Leah asked.

“Actually it the 11th I’ve got one with me and I am going to hand it to him personally” Slade said smiling. Leah smiled back at him.

“Hunni there no need to fret she must take it after me” Leah mother said proudly.

“Wait a minute are you Nicole… Nicole Davis?” my mum asked. Leah’s mum nodded her head. My mum smiled.

“And you are?” Nicole asked.

“Im Úna…. Úna Doyle” she said. Leah mum smiled and stood up; she ran around the long table and hugged my mum. I looked at Leah and she shrugged her shoulders.

“How are you the last time I saw you were when we came here” Nicole said smiling.

“Im great what about you and you with Slade you said you hated him?” my mum said. I looked at Leah in confusion.

“Im good to and I know I can’t believe it sometimes but what about you and Brian you told me you hated him” Nicole said.

“En-lighten me please?” I said looking at my mum and Nicole. I could see in the corner of my eye Leah nodding her head as well.

“Oh sorry well you see me and Nicole used to be in the same charms and divination class” my mum said.

“Oh but why is Nicole surprised that you married dad?” I asked still unsure of what was happening.

“Well I always told Nicole that I never like Brian which was true and she told me the same about Slade” I nodded my head.

Once this had all died down Morgan and Adian came back and we had our Christmas dinner which was turkey with potatoes, stuffing, veg, and of course gravy. As we all tucked into our food I began to feel queasy from the alcohol. I sat there and slowly ate my lunch, as we were eating me and Leah found out all what happened at Hogwarts when all of our parents were there.

Once we ate our dinner we then had a choice of desserts. I went for ice-cream as I my stomach seemed to have calm downed from lunch and because it was the only dessert that didn’t make me feel sick. As we all finished our desserts my mum looked at her watch and sighed.

“We better get going now dear” she said to my dad. My dad slowly nodded his head. I looked at mum’s watch it read 4:07pm. Mum stood up shortly followed by dad and Adian, Morgan however had fallen asleep on the bench. I looked down at Morgan and laughed quietly.

I stood up and hugged mum and dad and Adian. I then went and kissed Morgan’s head. I then picked her up and followed mum, dad and Adian out of the great hall. We made our way out of the protection charms so that they can apparate home. I handed Morgan over to mum and hugged them all again.

“We’ll see you soon dear” mum said smiling. I nodded and felt a tear roll down my eye. Then mum apparated home.

“See ya around” my dad said. I smiled and waved as he apparated too.

“Hey sis tip next time you drink don’t do it the night before we come and visit you” Adian said. I hit him on the arm.

“It wasn’t my fault let’s not forget I got dragged into it” I said. Adian laughed whilst clutching his arm.

“Yeah whatever oh and your boyfriends coming” Adian said pointing to the castle. As I turned around George was standing there and he then started to make his way over to me. I quickly turned to face Adian.

“He not my boyfriend” I said blushing.

“Sure he not” Adian said in a mocking sort of tone. I then lifted my hand again but before I could slap him he apparated. ‘Bugger’ I thought to myself.

“Hey vay” George said. I jumped from his voice.

“Oh hey you scared me” I said turning around to face him. George was wearing a simple pair of denim jeans with a shirt underneath a thick woolly jumper with the letter G stitched into it. I smiled.

“Pathetic I know” he said admiring his jumper. I laughed.

“No not pathetic cute who made it you?”

“My mum” he muttered. I smiled.

“Listen vay about last night well….” George started to say but got interrupted by a group of people walking down the hill. As I look behind him I could see Fred, Ron and Ginny standing with the group. As I looked at the group all of them were wearing the exact material of George jumper but with different letters stitched in.

“Vay this is my family” George whispered as they got closer. I looked up at him and smiled. Soon enough about 8 people standing in front of me.

“Oh sorry George have we interrupted something” a small plumpish lady asked. George began to blush and I smiled.

“Um no you haven’t I’m Nevaeh…. Nevaeh Lynch” I said holding out my hand. All of a sudden I felt arms being wrap around me and place me into a bone crushing like hug. As they let go I began gasping for air.

“Why hello dear Im molly George’s mum” the small plumpish lady said. I smiled.

“Now this is Arthur George’s farther” molly said. I turned to look at the person next to her and there stood Arthur. He grasped my hand and began shaking it.

“Why hello there it’s such a pleasure to meet you” he said. I smiled and he let go of my hand.

“Next we have Bill he our oldest child” molly said. Standing behind molly stood bill. Bill came round molly and shook my hand.

“Nice to meet you” he said. I nodded and he let go.

“And this is Charlie he our second oldest” molly said pointing to a person stood behind Arthur. Charlie quickly made his way round and smiled at me. I smiled back and then he suddenly pulled up my hand and kissed it. I blushed and out of the corner of my eye I could see George glaring at Charlie.

“Why hello where has George been hiding you” Charlie said. I rolled my eyes.

“Then we have Percy” molly said grabbing Charlie. Charlie let go of my hand and pretended to cry. Percy stood about 2 feet away from the group and as he made his way towards me he walked with posture and sophistication in his stride. He then quickly shook my hand and then released it and walked back to his place. I looked at George in confusion.

“He always like that” he whispered. I nodded and looked back at the weasley’s.

“And of course you already know Fred, Ron, Ginny and George” molly said smiling at the last part.

“Mum” George quickly said. I chuckled to myself.

“Right then well we must be off we’ll see you all of you soon and you must stay with us for the summer holidays Nevaeh I insist” molly said.

“I would like that thank you” I said. The weasley’s then gave a big group hug including me and they apparated leaving just George, Fred, Ron, Ginny and me alone in the field.

“I don’t know about you lot but Im cold so Im going in” I said as I started to make my way back to the castle. Suddenly I felt a soft woolly material being placed in my hand. As I turned around I saw that George had taken his jumper off and had given it to me.

“What are you doing you’ll freeze to death Im just being stupid” I said. I then gave the jumper back to George but he wouldn’t take it off me instead he grasped the jumper and shoved it over my head making me place my arms through the holes and pull it down at the waist.

“There much better” he said smiling. I glared at him.

“You gonna get cold” I said. George shrugged and placed his arm around me. He then signalled for Fred, Ron and Ginny to come on and soon enough they were right next to us.

We all then started walking back to Hogwarts laughing at Ron’s attempt to ice-skate and Fred’s snowman. As we made our way to the doors we all walked in to be hit with the rush of warmth from the candlelight. I smiled and breathed in the smell of freshly cooked mince pies and the musk floating off the trees. I then waved to Fred, Ginny, Ron and George and made my way to my common room completely forgetting to give George’s jumper back.

As I got there I said the password and made my way in. the common room was decorated with mini Christmas tress all over the shelves and pieces of holly falling down from the drapes across the room. I smiled at the site and made my way upstairs to my dorm. As I made my way in i didn’t realise that Leah was in the room as well.

“Hi” she said. I jumped from her voice and I turned around to face clutching my chest.

“Really my heart is racing right now” I said breathing deeply. Leah laughed. I then went and sat next to her on her bed.

“So are we gonna do it now or later?” she asked.

“Now” I said. I quickly stood up and made my way over to my bed and picked up carrier bag full of present. I smiled and made my way back over to Leah. I sat back down on her bed and faced her. Leah sat facing me cross-legged with a carrier bag full as well. All of the present were from our friends. We had both decided to open our family present with our family and our friends present with each other.

“So what did you get from your parents?” I asked. Leah smiled.

“Well I got some new trunks from mum and dad and Ruben bought me a little cat. He said he’ll bring it round later. They also gave me some books on Divination and they also gave me this” she said. Leah then showed me a necklace that hung around her neck. It was sliver and hanging down was a rose shaped like charm. Leah then turned the rose over to reveal names scribbled on the back. I smiled.

“Wow that’s really nice” I said. Leah smiled.

“What about you?”

“oh well I got a picture from Morgan,  a charmed snitch and the Irish quidditch team flag from Adian and then my parent bought me this” I said showing her the bracelet. Leah looked at the bracelet and began reading the names.

“Oh I see George is on here then” she said with one eyebrow up. I blushed and pulled my hand back.

“So um random question but how did your parent meet because it seemed pretty weird when my mum kept going on about how your mum never like your dad and stuff” I asked.

“Well apparently my mum met my dad when she had a detention. Turns out my dad was a badass and my mum wasn’t but one day she got a detention in potions for doing something anyways so she went and that’s when she met my dad. What about your parent how did they meet?” Leah asked.

“oh mine well it was something like the same as your my mum didn’t like my dad because he was too cocky and stuff but one day she was sat in the library and my dad walked in and was amazed to find that the school actually had a library anyways he was so shocked that he bumped into mum and that how they met” I said happily. Leah smiled.

We then both decided on opening our present but save the ones that we have given to each other till last. As I opened my present from my carrier bag I got a bunch of flowers from Lee. I smiled and thought of the present me and Leah had given him. We decided on giving Lee a moving picture of the gang since we couldn’t think of what he might like.

As I picked up another present I looked at it and smiled. The present was from Hermione. Once I opened the present I saw that it was a history of magic book ‘god that girls get me’ I thought as I placed the book next to me. I decided on getting Hermione some makeup which consisted of mascara and blusher just to see if she would like it.

The next present I picked up was from Dean. As I opened it I wasn’t surprised to see a picture of Dean himself smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and placed it next to the flowers Lee sent me. For Dean I found him a chat up line book which I think he would find very useful.

I then picked up another present which was from Fred and opened it. Fred had decided on giving me what looked to be like a hand drawn gift voucher of all of their product which I could use in their shop (once they get one).i smiled and placed the gift voucher on top of Hermione’s book ‘what a brilliant bookmarker’ I thought. I decided on giving Fred a 101 practical joke book which I found in a muggle shop not so long ago.

The last present I had to open was from George. The present was wrapped in a silver coloured wrapping paper with little stars on it. It was a small box and as I ripped off the wrapping paper it began to reveal a red box I opened the box and froze. There inside the box was a gold necklace with a pure pink diamond heart charm dangling from it. I smiled as I pulled out the necklace and began to admire it. I then put it on felt the cool necklace touch my warm skin. As it hooked on I looked down at my necklace then I suddenly remembered that I was wearing George jumper. I quickly looked back up facing Leah hoping she couldn’t see my jumper. Leah grinned.

“I saw it anyways what did you get?” Leah said. I blushed.

“well I got some flowers from Lee, a history of magic book from Hermione, a picture of Dean, a gift voucher for the shop that fred and George are going to get and this necklace from George what about you?” I asked smiling. Leah beamed.

“right well I also got some flowers of Lee, a muggle book called Romeo and Juliet from Hermione, a gift voucher also for the shop from fred and George, some pink fluffy handcuffs from Lorna which I will burn with your help and….. Draco got me a moving picture of us two kissing under the mistletoe, my very own glass ball and stand for divination with the words ‘Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart’ and ‘If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand’ scribed onto it, and he also adopted a unicorn for me A FUCKING UNICORN CAN YOU BELIEVE IT Im so happy and the best part is I can see it every day because it lives in the forbidden forest aren’t I so lucky” leah said happily. I smiled.

As we sat there for a couple of minutes admiring our presents I began to wonder whether Nigel liked mine and Leah. We sent him a moving picture of us and him outside Hogwarts smiling and kissing him on the cheek. I smiled then I turned to face Leah holding the last present. The present was wrapped in black paper with swirls of blue and purple all over it. Leah then faced me holding her last present. Leah’s present was wrapped in an emerald green paper with black swirls. 

“Ready?” I asked. Leah nodded.  I began to rip off the black paper and saw a moving picture of me and Leah. It was the day when the first snowfall began and me and Leah were standing outside under a tree smiling that was until Fred, George and Lee decided to shake the tree making all the snow fall on us. I smiled as I thought about that day. As I placed the picture next to me I looked back at the next present which was a book on charms.

“Thanks leah just what I needed” I said holding the book up. Leah smiled.

“Well thank you for my book” Leah said holding up her book. I had decided on giving Leah a snake bracelet which I had found in the shop where we got our dresses from and a care of magical creature’s book since she loved the subject so much. I smiled and bent over to hug. Soon enough there was a knock at the door. We let go of each other and shouted ‘enter’. Ruben then made his way through the door with a small kitten in his hand. The kitten was a light grey/sliver colour with lilac coloured eyes. Leah stood up and ran to the kitten picking it up out of Ruben hands and placing it in her own.

“Awwwww who a cute kitty” Leah said in a babyish voice. Ruben just stood there watching her.

“Are you ok ruben?” I asked. Ruben looked at me, his crystal blue eyes staring into my dark blue ones.

“Yeah I’m fine I gotta go see ya Leah and bye” he said. Ruben then turned on his heels and walked out leaving me to just shrug it off and carry on.

“So what are you going to name it?” I asked facing Leah. Leah stood still and thought.

“Well for starters it a girl and um….. I got it! Silk” Leah said as she held the kitten up in the air. I smiled and picked up my gifts off Leah’s bed and placed them over on my trunk. I placed the picture of me and Leah next to my bedside table and the picture of Dean in the window looking out.

“What are you doing vay?” Leah asked. By this point I was still in the window trying to face the picture of Dean into the window.

“I am not waking up to Deans face I’m sorry but I can’t do it so I am going to place it in the window that way I can look at his reflection” I said. I finally did it and I made my way out of the window to see a confused Leah. She then shrugged it off and placed Silk on her bed. I yawned and went to look at the time on Leah’s clock which funnily enough hadn’t broken from when I dropped it on the floor that day I was late for class. 9:40pm it read.

“Well I’m off to bed” I said as I made my way into the bathroom and got changed. Once I was changed I brushed my teeth and came back out to find that Silk was trying to get to Petal.

“Leah what is your cat doing?” I asked as I made my way over to Petal. Leah who was by now in her bed already dressed looked up from her book Hermione gave her and shrug.

“I dunno probably wants to make friends” she said. I shook my head slowly in disbelief. ‘What goes through that girls mind I’ll never know’ I thought to myself as I picked up Silk and plopped her back onto Leah’s bed. Silk hissed at me and I looked at Leah.

“something tells me that me and that cat aren’t gonna be friends so I’m warning if you come in one day and notice that’s it gone don’t be surprised if I say I threw it out the window ok” I said.

“Vay you wouldn’t do that…would you?”

“Watch me” I said. Leah picked up Silk and placed her next to her under the quilt. I then walked back over to Petal and gave her a treat before I made my way into bed. Once I was in bed I feel asleep and began to dream.


Well I hope you like it guys it seemed like it took ages to write this chapter but I’m glad it over now lol  

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Thank again JJJJJJ

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A child started doing games at the age of three and has been earning money from them and lives by themselves since their 'relatives' would take the m...
455K 8.7K 50
You are a wizard who doesn't know his mother because she died when you were a young age. You have a brother who is close to you but distant. And fath...