L. Jergz (Camren)

By imkeysaf

289K 6.8K 1.8K

Lauren Jauregui, also known as L. Jergz, was about to start her first world tour and a new guitarist was adde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Guess who's back?

Chapter 30

5.4K 116 20
By imkeysaf

"I don't even wanna know!" Sinuhe exclaimed as soon as she saw the two girls stopping hesitatingly in front of her with embarrassing looks on their faces. They wanted to explain themselves but Sinuhe didn't want to discuss that. Camila was already a grown woman and her mother had nothing to do with her wantings anymore.

"But mom, we were just..." Camila was finally able to look into her mother's eyes for the first time since they had stopped in front of her while trying to explain herself but Sinuhe immediately cut her off.

"Alright, Camila. Let's forget it. Just go and buy everything's that's on the list..." her mother said trying to forget about the occurrence from a few minutes before.

"Mom, me and Lauren didn't do anything... Wrong... I don't want you to be mad at us... I swear we..." Camila tried again but Sinuhe interrupted her once more.

"Karla Camila! I've already told you it's alright! Let's get pass it! Ok?" Sinuhe said in a now authoritative tone of voice and Camila looked down at the floor embarrassingly while nodding. "You're twenty-one years old, I'm not who decides what you do in your life anymore... Not even if you have... Something with Lauren in the bathroom."

Both Lauren and Camila couldn't help it but laugh at the last sentence. Sinuhe was trying to keep it serious but she couldn't either. That situation had been indeed hilarious.

"Just... Don't repeat it while I'm at home, please. It's uncomfortable to be cooking and listening to weird noises... Especially from my daughter." Sinuhe told them.

"We're sorry, Sinu..." Lauren talked for the first time.

"Yeah... I forgive you... But you Miss Lauren... You're older, you need to be responsible, huh?" Sinuhe pointed her index finger on Lauren's face playfully. Well, not completely playfully but half playfully.

"I swear I tried to stop her from doing anything but she was just insisting and..." Lauren started confessing but Camila immediately looked at her with a shocking look on her face.

"Hey! Don't try to make it look like it's all my fault!" Camila exclaimed madly.

"I'm not! But you were the one who..." Lauren was ready to defend herself but Sinuhe placed herself in the middle of them, stopping them from arguing about something so pointless.

"Girls! Girls! You can continue that while walking to the car and driving to the supermarket..." Sinuhe said while pushing both of them towards the door. "Here's some money... See you later!"

Sinuhe handed the money to Camila before opening the door for the two girls who kept arguing while walking out of the door. That scene was worthy of a romantic comedy.

Camila and Lauren left the house and Sinuhe closed the door before taking a deep breath and breaking into laughs.

"Those two can be really unsupportable..." Sinuhe thought to herself while shaking her head and heading to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, babe..." Lauren kept apologizing Camila while pouting at her with her hands on Camila's thigh. "Talk to me! Babe!"

Camila was driving to the store and even though Lauren had been apologizing to her during all the trip about blaming her in front of Sinuhe for the bathroom scene, Camila didn't say a word to her. She wasn't necessarily mad. She loved to tease Lauren and make her beg for her sorry. It was definitely funny.

"Camila! Babe!" Lauren kept mumbling Camila's name like a little kid. "Fine." she finally said before leaning her back against the seat and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Are you done already?" Camila asked Lauren without taking her eyes off the road.

"Oh! Look! It's a miracle! She said something!" Lauren exclaimed ironically.

"Very funny, Lauren." Camila said "And just for the record, I'm not mad at you. I just love to see you like that, almost crying when I ignore you."

"You're really mean." Lauren mumbled.

"Thank you." Camila thanked her sarcastically.

A few minutes after they arrived to the store and Camila parked the blue car in front of it. They got out of the car and both of them walked into the huge store.

"Right, we need eggs, orange juice, ice tea, lemons, toilet paper, lettuce, chicken, potatoes..." Camila started reading everything on the list but Lauren interrupted her.

"Alright, alright... Let's just follow the list..." Lauren suggested and Camila shrugged before pushing the cart towards the first corridor.

"Here's milk!" Camila exclaimed before running and grabbing five bottles of milk. "LAUREN! HELP ME!"

Lauren who was grabbing the eggs looked back to Camila as soon as she heard her screaming for help. Camila had the five bottles of milk between her arms and they were about to fall on the ground.

Lauren placed the eggs' box back on the shelf and ran to Camila, grabbing three of the bottles and taking them to the cart.

"A second more and we'd have a milk pool in here..." Lauren said playfully while laughing. "Your face while trying to hold all the bottles was priceless!"

"Yeah, the struggle I was going through was really priceless too!" Camila told her sarcastically while showing her an ironic smile.

"Hey! I helped you!" Lauren exclaimed while raising an eyebrow.

"I know... Thanks babe..." Camila thanked Lauren, faking a baby's tone of voice while approaching to her girlfriend and leaving a quick peek on her lips.

"You're welcome, little one!" Lauren said playfully while quickly caressing Camila's head and messing her hair.

"I hate you." Camila mumbled while throwing Lauren a threatening look.

"I love you too... But I'm gonna grab the eggs..." Lauren informed Camila before walking away from her and going back to the place where she had left the box of eggs a few moments before.

"I'm gonna search for the juice!" Camila announced before leaving the corridor and exploring the other ones, looking for the orange juice and the ice tea.

After walking for a little bit around the store, she finally found what she was looking for.

"Oh, there it is!" Camila whispered to herself while walking towards the shelf where the juice was.

As she raised her arm up to grab the bottle of orange juice she noticed she was too short to be able to reach it.

"Fuck..." Camila thought to herself.

"Needing help?" Camila heard a known voice behind her while two arms were wrapped around her waist. She smirked as soon as she realized who was there.

"Needing lots of help..." Camila said while pouting and turning her head around to look at the green eyed girl who was still standing behind her.

Lauren left a kiss on Camila's forehead before slapping her ass shamelessly and grabbing the bottle before handing it to her.

"Not in the supermarket, Lauren..." Camila told her playfully.

"I'm so sorry, sexy!" Lauren exclaimed before winking teasingly at her.

"I can't deal with you..." Camila said while shaking her head and giggling.

"Oh yes you can... And you do it so well..." Lauren told Camila suggestively.

"I'm leaving you..." Camila said while rolling her eyes and laughing at Lauren's attempt to turn that conversation into something different before turning around and walking out of the corridor.

"Just for a few minutes because I know you'll be back, love!" Lauren yelled at Camila who disappeared behind the corner.

Both Camila and Lauren started looking for the rest of the stuff separately before meeting each other in the fruits' corridor.

"Here's the chocolate for the cake, the flour, the yogurts and the cheese." Lauren informed Camila while throwing everything in the cart.

"Be careful, Jauregui!" Camila grumbled at Lauren for not caring about being careful with the aliments.

"Sorry, mom!" Lauren apologized playfully.

Camila leaned in on the cart to see what was missing and Lauren placed herself behind her. She placed her hands on the cart one on each side of Camila's body and Camila looked at her with a confusing look on her face.

"Go up on the cart!" Lauren said.

"What?" Camila questioned while raising an eyebrow.

"Do it!" Lauren exclaimed and Camila hesitatingly did what Lauren had told her too.

Lauren started pushing the cart through the corridors and the people around them were looking at the scene with scaring looks on their faces.

Camila laughed hard like a kid and Lauren laughed even harder while pushing Camila around the place.

"You ladies need to stop, please." a security guard appeared, telling them to stop because someone had apparently denounced the occurrence but they kept running around with the cart. "Ladies! If you don't stop I'll have to tell you to get out of the supermarket."

The security guard ran to them and placed a hand on the cart, stopping it from moving.

"I'm gonna ask you to behave yourselves if you still wanna stay inside." the man told both Camila and Lauren who nodded, trying to contain their laughs. They looked like five years old girls, having fun with a supermarket cart.

As soon as the middle aged man walked away from them, they broke into laughs. Another unforgettable memory for the list. They were loving it to create special and funny memories in Miami. Miami was their home but their home was also in each other's arms and the combination between them was perfect.

"Let's just walk away from here before this people's looks burn us alive..." Camila said while trying to stop laughing. Lauren nodded before pushing the cart away from there. Camila followed her towards the corridor they were supposed to go next.

The rest of the shopping went calm and quiet, they behaved very well. The security guard must've felt really proud.

Lauren insisted on paying for the stuff and Camila ended up giving in and letting her pay.

"Lauren?" Lauren heard from the other side of the call as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Hey mom!" Lauren greeted her mother.

Camila and Lauren were already outside the supermarket, carrying the cart with the bags towards the car.

"Hi! How are you?" Clara asked Lauren.

"I'm fine, mama! What about you?" Lauren asked back.

"I'm fine too! Has Sinuhe told you me and Tay are going along with your dad to have lunch at Camila's home?" Clara questioned Lauren who smiled at the information.

"She hasn't! We're at the supermarket buying the stuff for lunch actually!" Lauren told Clara.

"Well then I'm telling you now!" Clara said before laughing. "We'll be there at 12 p.m.!"

"Okay... I'll see you later!" Lauren said excitingly.

"See you later, Lauren!" Clara exclaimed before hanging up the phone.

"Was that your mom?" Camila asked Lauren who nodded. "Is she coming to the lunch?"

"Yes... And Taylor too!" Lauren informed Camila.

"Great!" Camila exclaimed. "I think we bought enough food for everyone so it's fine..."

"Let's go then... We have two hours!" Lauren informed Camila who started putting the bags inside the car.

Lauren started helping Camila and as soon as they finished doing that, Lauren took the cart back to its place. Then she entered the car and so did Camila.

"Finally!" Sinuhe exclaimed as soon as she heard both of the girls entering the house.

"Hi mom! I'm sorry we took this long but we had to buy lots of stuff so..." Camila informed her mom while taking the bags to the kitchen and placing them on the kitchen counter. Lauren was walking behind her with more bags.

"Your mother called you, right?" Sinuhe asked Lauren who nodded.

"We bought enough stuff for everyone..." Camila told Sinuhe who started opening the bags and analyzing them.

"I see... You bought the entire supermarket." Sinuhe commented while looking inside the bags.

"Well at least we have too much and not less than we should, right?" Lauren said and the three of them laughed.

"While Sofia and her friends don't arrive, you two should come and help me getting this lunch done..." Sinuhe suggested them. "I wanna make a chocolate cake too so you can start there while I take my shower and get dressed properly..."

"You look good, mom!" Camila complimented her mother who smiled gently at her. "But you can go, we'll take care of the cake!"

"Thank you!" Sinuhe thanked both of them "I'll be back in a few minutes!"

Sinuhe went upstairs to take a shower while Lauren and Camila started separating the needed ingredients for the cake.

Lauren grabbed the eggs and started breaking them with a little too much strength, making the egg rind mix with the liquid of the egg inside the bowl. Camila immediately took the eggs off her hands and started that task herself after complaining a little bit with Lauren.

While Camila took care of the eggs, Lauren mixed the flour, sugar and chocolate inside one huge bowl before Camila joined the eggs in it.

Lauren mixed all of it with a spoon and then they followed the rest of the recipe until the cake was already inside the oven and the kitchen's floor and walls were full of flour and pieces of chocolate.

"If Miss Sinu comes inside the kitchen right now, she'll kill us." Lauren said, trying to contain her laugh.

"You're probably right." Camila agreed with a terrifying look on her face. "Let's clean this up. Now."

Both of them grabbed a broom, a mop and a kitchen cloth and they started cleaning the whole place.

Lauren had turned the music on and the playlist playing on her iPhone was filling the place.

"Alicia Keys?" Camila asked Lauren while raising an eyebrow.

"Any problem?" Lauren questioned Camila.

"Not at all... I love her!" Camila exclaimed.

"Really? Wow! That's something I didn't know about you!" Lauren commented and Camila laughed at her. "She's one of my favorite singers... Her voice is so soft and peaceful... I usually listen to it when I'm in bed and I can't sleep or when I need to relax and think about something important."

"Well I love to pretend I'm her and play her songs on my piano!" Camila told Lauren.

"I really need to see you playing the piano one of these days..." Lauren mumbled while smirking at her. "Remember when I challenged you to play the guitar and I was like "Fuck, she's actually so good..."? And I totally regretted doubting you..."

"Of course I remember..." Camila said while giggling at the memory of that night. "That's where it all kind of started..."

"True..." Lauren agreed.

"We need to go back to Paris... The place where it all started... Sounds so good..." Camila told Lauren while running the kitchen cloth through the kitchen counter and the sink.

"I agree! As soon as we have time, I promise we will!" Lauren promised while cleaning the floor with the mop.

"I wanna ask you something important..." Camila said and Lauren turned her head to Camila, showing her a curious facial expression. "What's your favorite Alicia Keys' song?"

"Man, I was already getting scared of what was coming and you ask me something like that...?" Lauren questioned while placing a hand on her chest in a sign of relief. "And maybe "Un-Thinkable"... I love the lyrics and she looks really good on that video clip."

"Mine is "Superwoman"... Girl power all the way!" Camila told Lauren while raising one arm in the air playfully.

"Oh! I love that one too!" Lauren exclaimed and both of them realized they were totally fangirling over the singer.

"I want a collaboration... L. Jergz featuring Alicia Keys... Sounds hitential!" Camila said.

"Hitential?" Lauren asked Camila with a confusing look on he face, making Camila laugh.

"Yeah... Potential hit!" Camila explained and both of them started laughing.

"Jesus... What happened to my kitchen?" Lauren and Camila both heard a familiar voice coming from the kitchen's entrance.

"We're cleaning it all up, mom!" Camila quickly informed her mother.

"I see that but look at this mess!" Sinuhe exclaimed while looking around. "Do you really need to make all of this mess just to bake a cake?"

"You should already know I'm a five years old girl in a body of twenty-one." Camila informed her mother playfully.

"What about you, Lauren? Seven years old girl in a body of twenty-four?" Sinuhe joked.

"She's just a two sided person, mama... When she's with me, she's definitely seven years old." Camila said.

"I bet... You must have lots of fun like that." Sinuhe shook her head while laughing before she understood what she had just said. "Oh my... I didn't mean it like that!"

Camila and Lauren were laughing uncontrollably while Sinuhe covered her mouth with both of her hands.

"Shall we start getting the lunch ready?" Lauren questioned after a few seconds of laughing at Sinuhe's previous comment.

"Yes, let's do it!" Sinuhe exclaimed while Camila was still trying to catch her breath.

Camila's mother grabbed everything she needed and started preparing the special recipe she usually did with chicken and fries. She told Lauren to start cutting the vegetables and Camila who sucked at cooking was told to keep cleaning the floor.

After cleaning what was left of the mess, Camila put the broom back in its place. She walked towards Lauren and hugged her from behind while she was still doing what Sinuhe had told her to.

Camila placed her chin on Lauren's shoulder and stood there, watching Lauren helping her mother... But not for too long.

"Miss Camila, now it's not the time to show your affection towards Lauren..." Sinuhe told Camila playfully while mixing something inside the saucepan with a spoon.

"It's always time to show my affection to Lauren, mama!" Camila exclaimed before laughing. Lauren joined her while shaking her head.

"Right..." Sinuhe said while laughing along with the two girls. "Now go take the cake off the oven and decorate it... There are chocolate bars and chocolate chips in the pantry!" Camila nodded before walking towards the pantry. "Melt some white chocolate bars and spread it on the cake... Then put some chocolate chips on top of it or something..."

"Okay, okay!" Camila exclaimed from inside the pantry while looking for what her mother had asked her for.

She grabbed everything and walked towards her mother who was already warming some water so she could melt the chocolate bar.

In the end, the cake looked simple but delicious, covered in white chocolate and with little pieces of the bar around it. Camila had also spread a few black chocolate chips on top of it so the cake was covered in them too. She put it inside the fridge and kept helping her mother and Lauren with what she could.

It was around 1 p.m. when the bell rang.

"I'll go there!" Lauren announced while drying her hands on a kitchen cloth and walking towards the door.

"Lauren..." two girls mumbled with their eyes wide opened, focused on Lauren. In front of them Sofia was proudly smiling.

"Nami and Maya, this is Lauren!" Sofia presented the two girls to Lauren who immediately understood they were Sofia's friends and also her fans.

"Hi Nami! Hi Maya!" Lauren greeted them with a gently smile on her face. "I'm Lauren!"

"Oh... Hi..." the taller one greeted Lauren back even though she looked really nervous. "I-I know who you are... Oh my... I'm Maya!"

"And you must be Nami, right?" Lauren asked Namiko who was noticeably shy. "You can talk to me, there's no need to be nervous!"

"I... I know... I... I like your music a lot... Like a lot!" the girl said hesitatingly and Lauren laughed while opening her arms to receive her in a hug.

"Come here! Give me a hug!" Lauren told her who slowly approached to Lauren, giving her the expected hug. "It's nice to meet you Nami!"

"I want a hug too!" the other girl Maya said.

"Of course! Come here!" Lauren let go of Namiko's embrace and hugged Maya. "Let's go inside and we can talk a little bit more!"

"Yeah!" Sofia agreed while entering her home. "C'mon!" she said before taking her friends' hands and pulling them inside with her.

Lauren turned around as the three girls passed through her and saw Camila standing there, leaning against the kitchen's door frame with her arms crossed in front of her chest and watching the whole scene with a smile on her face.

"Your good with children..." Camila said and Lauren showed her a shy smile.

"Well, I try my best!" Lauren exclaimed playfully.

"It only increases my willing of making my fantasy of having a house with you, two kids and a dog come true." Camila confessed with a suggestive smile on her face while slowly approaching to Lauren without taking her crossed arms off her chest.

"Do you really think about that?" Lauren questioned curiously.

"I can't lie... It'd be really adorable..." Camila admited which made Lauren laugh.

"I can't wait for that!" Lauren exclaimed before leaning in for a kiss. Camila smiled as big as she could against the kiss at the thought of that.

"Excuse me!" Sofia's voice filled the place after she ironically coughed. Lauren and Camila jumped away from each other.

"I'm coming!" Lauren announced while walking towards Sofia and both of them continued to walk until they reached the sofa, where the other two girls were sit.

Camila followed them and she sat down next to Lauren on one of the sofas. Sofia and her two friends were sitting next to each others on the other sofa.

"So..." Lauren started while the girls looked at her like she was some kind of a masterpiece. "Tell me about you... I wanna know more about who you are..."

"Sure!" Maya exclaimed "I'll start..."

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