Til 6AM (Markiplier x Reader)

By AH_LilMadFree

121K 3.9K 5.6K

You're a 23 year old girl, who moved back into your hometown, in hopes of finding yourself again. You've felt... More

Ch. 1: The Move
Ch. 2: Think Fast!
Ch. 3: Is that Why?
Ch. 4: Sean's Vacation!
Ch. 5: Tomorrows Plan
Ch. 6: Fright Walk
Ch. 7: The Beach
Ch. 8: I Enjoy This.
Ch. 10: The Holidays are Here...
Ch. 11: Cleaning the Disaster
Small/Quick -A/N
Ch. 12: Back to the Past
Ch. 13: Thanksgiving "Package"
Ch. 14: Daddy-Daughter Date
Ch. 15: Welcome Home, Markifart
Ch. 16: Jealous of Old Friends
Small A/N <3
Ch. 17: 6AM Is Too Early
Ch. 18: Finally, The Right One.
Ch. 19: Oh, How The Tables Have Turned.
Ch. 20: Another Exhausting Flight
Ch. 21: Bachelor & Bachelorette Party
A/N: Where have I been?
Ch. 22: The Hangover & "I Do's"
Ch. 23: "Brothers to the End"
A/N: My Hiatus/100k
Ch. 24: The Uncle Trio
You Still Around?/Small Teaser ;)

Ch. 9: The Rumors

4.9K 155 215
By AH_LilMadFree

-Your PoV-

You wake up the next morning ...in your bed? You look around your room before your eyes found your phone on your nightstand. You lean up and reach out for it, then laid back down on your back. You turn on your phone to check the time, it was around eleven. You groan and stretch.

You don't remember going to bed last night, you just remember watching a movie with Mark. You brush off the questions on how you got to bed before pushing the blankets off of yourself. You swung your feet off the side of the bed and stood up, listening to your knee cracking and your back popping.

You sigh and quickly picked out a tank top, ripped shorts and your converse shoes. You yawn and make your way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you once you walked in and began to strip out of the clothes you wore all day yesterday and slept in.

You debated on taking a shower before deciding to just get it over with despite not wanting to at the moment. You turn the shower on and waited for it to get warm before hopping in. You washed your body, shaved your legs and washed your hair before rinsing off completely. You got out and wrapped a towel around yourself for a few seconds, then you dried your body and put lotion on before getting dressed.

You left the bathroom once you were dressed and stood in front of the mirror and sinks, brushing your wet hair, letting it air dry once you were done. You brushed your teeth and put on little makeup. You put your contacts in and sighed as you picked up your dirty clothes and towel before you headed for your room, tossing them into your hamper.

You slip on your favorite Converse shoes before heading down the stairs and into the kitchen, planning on getting yourself a bowl of cereal. When you opened the cupboard, you lifted the box of frosted flakes to feel it was very low on its contents. You frown and looked in the box, seeing there was at least one more serving left. You put the box back and decided not to eat, you weren't that hungry anyways.

You checked the rest of the cupboards to see if it was time to go to the store again, it was.
You close the last cupboard doors and headed for the stairs, you didn't hear talking when you walked past Mark's door earlier, so he's either sleeping still or he's editing.

You've become comfortable with Mark's lifestyle, you knew when and not when to bother the man when he was in his room. Especially when he's editing, as you've interrupted him a few times in the beginning on accident, which he's never gotten mad over.

You ascend the stairs and turned for Mark's door once you were at the top, you noticed his door was cracked open slightly, indicating he for sure wasn't recording, otherwise it'd be shut. You hear faint typing and you gently knocked on the door, letting it slowly creak open. You peak in his room and saw he has his headphones on, staring intently at his screen before his eyes met yours.

He pulls his headphones down to rest on his shoulders, "Hey there." He smiles big, "You're awake." You roll your eyes and stepped further into his room. He leans back into his chair and puts his hands behind his head, stretching with a soft groan. "What's up?"

"Hey, I just went through the cupboards and we're low on a lot of stuff," You say, stuffing your hands in your pockets. "Do you think I can barrow your car? I'm going to go to the store." You're now standing in front of Mark, he swivels his chair so he's facing you.

He nods, leaning forward again to swipe his keys from his desk. "Sure, here." He holds out his keys and you pull one of your hands from your pocket and took them, smiling. "Do you want me to come with you to help?"

You shook your head, "Nah, it's fine. I got this run. Thanks, I'll be back soon." You hum, turning on your heel and headed for the door. You stop before you step out of his room and leaned against the frame, "Do you have any requests?" You ask, noticing Mark was still staring at you.

He tore his eyes away from you and leaned back against his chair, staring at his desk for a few brief seconds before shaking his head. "No, if I think of something I'll just call or text you." He smiles at you, which you smiled back and nodded.

"Okay, be back soon." You wave slightly before pulling on his door to close it, but left it cracked open like he had it.

You descend the stairs and patted your back pockets to see if your phone was with you, and it was. You sighed softly and headed out the door, locking it behind you before you closed it. You twisted and jiggled the knob just to make sure it locked before heading down a flight of stairs.

You left the building and walked to Mark's car, pressing the unlock button on his key and opened the door before slipping in with a soft sigh. As soon as you shut the door and you breathed in the smell of his car, you blush. It smelled just like him, and it was strong too. You bit your lip an started the car after buckling yourself in, and set out to your destination.

It didn't take you long to get to the store, it was around a twenty minute drive from the apartment, and the music on the radio made it seem like it was a lot quicker than it was.
You parked and grabbed your phone off the middle compartment before getting out and slammed the door shut as you slipped the car keys in your pocket, and slipped your phone in your back pocket.

You began to head for the entrance, thinking about what you guys were low on and what you should get for dinner.

-Mark's PoV-

I was just about to start recording when my Skype started ringing. I groan slightly and looked at who it was.


I smile slightly and answered the call, "What do you want now, Wade?" I ask, leaning back in my chair.

"So," he starts, "Is it true?" His camera loads, revealing the man behind the voice.

I frown slightly, "Is what true?" I wonder what he's going to come up with now. Last time he started out like this, he asked if I started liking guys and if the specific guy was Sean.

"The rumor."

I couldn't help the slight chuckle that escaped. "I told you before, Wade. I'm not dating Sean and We're not gay."

Wade chuckles. "Are you sure? I mean, you two are very friendly towards each other." He teases, a smirk spreading across that stupid face of his.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "Yes, I'm sure. Plus, he has a girlfriend anyways." I assure him with a sigh. "What's the rumor?"

Wade was silent for a few seconds as I heard faint typing in the background. He was staring at his screen intently before he spoke up. "I'm surprised you haven't seen it, it's spreading like wildfire. It says that you have a girlfriend now, is that true?" He asks.

"No, I don't have a girlfriend." I lean forward and opened up a new tab on my computer and began to search this rumor up for myself. "I haven't had a girlfriend since I was in Cincinnati, you know this. I tell you almost everything."

"Well, there's photo evidence here. I just thought maybe you were hiding it from everyone." Wade stretches and groans slightly before relaxing into his chair, his now folded hands rested on his stomach. "Sean is also in the photos, and I'm pretty sure that's not his girl."

The page finally loaded and my God, he was right. The whole Internet world was blowing up. I clicked on the first link, that was actually pretty recent and began to skim through the posts and comments.

"There's even a photo of you with your arms wrapped around each other, hugging. And another with your arm wrapped around her and your other one wrapped around Sean's shoulders." I glance over to my other monitor, seeing Wade staring at his screen, at me.

I bite my lip slightly and rubbed the back of my neck, I opened my mouth to say something but Wade sent me a link. I clicked on it and waited for it to open, once it did, sure enough there was the pictures, even the ones I took on my phone and posted.


"The way I see it is that, you wouldn't bring somebody with you to a place like Santa Cruz unless they were your friends at least. I've never seen her in my life, and I'm friends with your friends." Wade adds, smirking at me. "Who is this mysterious girl that you had with you for a whole week?"

I lean back in my chair and ran my fingers through my hair, "That's Y/N." I sigh, "She's my roommate. I've known her for over a month." I finally reply to him. I stare at the photos, and I noticed one of the girls in the shot of the photo where Y/N and I were hugging. She belongs to that one group that came and took pictures with Sean and I when we were on the pier.

"Do you like her?"

I knew he was going to ask that, I just knew it. I stare at the screen he was on and scratched the back of my neck as casually as I could. "No." Yes. I glanced away from the screen and sunk back into my chair, my fingers sliding into my hair.

"Are you lying to your best friend?" Wade asks, I could see his arms crossing over his chest from the corner of my eye.

"No." Yes. "I don't like her like that." What a lie, I've had a slight crush on her after about two weeks of her staying here, and this past week in Santa Cruz...It's grown, it's bigger than a crush now. "We're just friends, and even if I did, I'm way out of her league."

"Mhm, Right... I don't know man, I think your fans would beg to differ. They think you're pretty hot, I don't know why when I'm right here." Wade jokes, smiling at me. I chuckled and shook my head. "What are you going to do about the rumor? Are you going to see if it dies down or are you going to do something about it?"

I sat there and thought about it, it would probably be best to just settle it here and now, just so she wouldn't have to deal with all the hate and crazy fangirls. I don't want her to get hurt.

-Your PoV-

You just ascended the stairs of your apartment, you felt like your arms were going to fall off any second as about ten bags were hanging on them. You sat them down and patted yourself for the keys to your apartment and pulled them out of your pocket. You unlocked the door, kicked it open and picked up the bags again.

You carried them into the apartment and to the kitchen, setting them down onto the counters. You rub at your arms and walked back to the door, shutting and locking it before heading back into the kitchen to start putting everything away.

You stopped in your tracks, then turned around to head for the stairs. You bought some groceries for dinner tonight and you wanted to know what Mark wanted to eat.
You ascend the stairs, one by one, and with each step you took, you could hear Mark talking.

"-I'm making this video to clear some things up before it gets out of hand. I wanna start with this rumor that has started in the past few days. Last week, Jack flew down here to L.A. to spend some time with me and to record some videos. Well, we did that. But we also took a trip to Santa Cruz, I wanted Jack to have a fun time while he was here. Now, the girl you see in these pictures... that's Y/N, she lives with me. Now I know what you're all thinking, we're not together, we're not dating, nothing. I am single and so is she. Just because we were hugging, or I had my arm around her or anything like that, doesn't mean we're together." Mark pauses for a few seconds, then takes a deep breath. "She's a close friend and roommate, and just because I have a roommate doesn't mean I'm struggling with money. Also, do me a favor. Don't stalk her, send her hate or hate her, she's an amazing person, don't. Just don't. Now with that all being said and hopefully cleared, I'm going to go edit this video and go see what I can make for dinner. So, I will see you~ in the next video! Buh-Bye!"

You stood still on the stairs, taking in all that you heard. There's rumors about him and you dating? How?

Finding yourself blushing ever so slightly at the thought of Mark ever having feelings for you, you, you shook your head and turned around, heading back down the stairs as quietly as possible and headed back into the kitchen to start putting the groceries away. You forgot how the Internet could be sometimes, it could be nice to cruel in a matter of seconds.

You pushed all and any of your thoughts away about what you heard, knowing that if it was something serious, Mark would tell you. Living with an Internet celebrity and idol to millions of people, anything could happen. Good or bad, you were grateful that nothing bad has happened in the few months you've been here, so far.

You began to collect the bags that were strewn out on the countertops and the ones that have managed to fall to the ground, you hear soft footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey, you're home." Mark says, giving you a soft, tired smile. "How was the trip to the store?"

You smile back at him and shrug, "Same as always." You hum, putting all the bags into the bin that sat in the corner on the floor for later purposes. "You look stressed out," You comment, watching as Mark ran his hand through his hair and down his face. "Everything okay?"

Mark nods and leans against the doorframe, "Yeah, I'm just still tired from our Santa Cruz trip and I'm about to start another long series of a new game that's coming out super soon." He pushes himself off of the wall and walks to the fridge and grabs a water bottle.

You walk over to the last bag you had to unload and smile, "Well, I think I have something that might make you feel..a little bit better." When you turn around, Mark was already facing you. You reveal two boxes of Cheese Itz. "I know you like them, and I was going to wait for you to find them but you seem like you might need them now."

Mark's eyes lit up and widened slightly as he slowly walks up to you. "Oh. My. Cheese Itz." He broke out into a huge smile. "Thank you, Y/N!" He says as you hand them to him. "Oh these are going to be gone in no time!"

You smile back at him and shrugged slightly. "You're welcome, Markimoo." You hum as you put the last plastic bag away before grabbing yourself a water bottle out of the fridge. You were just glad to get his mind off of whatever he was stressing about, and if cheese itz meant happiness for a stressful time, than so be it. Let it be.

Mark began to open one of the boxes, fumbling with the plastic part. You walk up to him and swat at his hands, "What!?" He whines out.

You point your finger at him, trying to give him a serious look without breaking into laughter. "Not before dinner!" you scold firmly, biting the inside of you lip to keep from smiling.

"But, But-!"

"No butts Mister!" You giggle slightly as Mark pouts and grumbles, crossing his arms like an upset child, the opened box still in one hand. "Come on, if you help me with dinner you can have your cheese itz quicker." You smile and took the box from his hand and put it on the countertop. "How does chili dogs sound?"

"Ooo, yum!" Mark switches a pouty child to a happy one. "What do you want me to do?" He asks.

"You open the cans of chili and warm them, then I'll take care of the dogs and buns." You smile.


I'm so sorry this took so long! I hope you guys like this chapter, finally getting something done! I don't know when I'll be updating again, I've been busy and sick lately and I've had no energy nor time to even have for myself.
Thank you for your patience and thank you for still sticking around and all the get well wishes 💞.
Keep an eye out for updates on my profile, I love you!
Comment your thoughts if you would!

Stay Mad!

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