L. Jergz (Camren)

By imkeysaf

289K 6.8K 1.8K

Lauren Jauregui, also known as L. Jergz, was about to start her first world tour and a new guitarist was adde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Guess who's back?

Chapter 25

7.1K 159 32
By imkeysaf

"This pizza is way too good..." Camila mumbled after biting a little piece from a slice of the pizza she had asked for.

Camila and Lauren were at a fancy restaurant in New York. One of the most expensive ones but also one with the best views. They were sitting on a table placed outside the restaurant, at this huge balcony decorated with lots of candles and flowers. From there they could watch every movement from the huge city and all the lights and tall buildings.

There were lots of other couples having dinner there too. Lauren was having fun while looking around and analyzing everyone near her.

She was watching the couples and thinking about what they were there for... Some of them would probably be there for business reasons, the others were probably enjoying their first date... Or maybe the last one. Destiny fucks everyone up sometimes. That could be the last date for some of them and they didn't even know that yet.

That could also be a first date for a few couples in there where everything started and it would only get even better after that. Lauren loved to analyze people, read their faces, their expressions, try to figure what they were thinking about, penetrating their souls and getting to know at least one of the person's characteristics. Maybe it sounded a little creepy but Lauren did like it.

She was taken away from her thoughts when she listened to Camila's voice moaning while eating her pizza and telling her how good it tasted.

"I agree with you... Definitely!" Lauren agreed while taking another bite from her piece of pizza. "This view is wonderful... This place is beautiful!" Lauren complimented the restaurant and its location sincerely. "How come I haven't found this restaurant before? Thank you for choosing such an amazing place..."

"Feel honored... When I'm the one making plans, we always end up eating at McDonalds or something..." Camila told Lauren.

"McDonalds? Seriously?" Lauren asked her while laughing.

"Well, maybe I was exaggerating but... Yeah, you got it. I usually mess up." Camila explained.

"It's cute when you mess up..." Lauren confessed and Camila slightly blushed.

"I'm glad I chose it." Camila winked at her. "This is like my favorite restaurant ever so bringing you here was definitely the right choice."

"I'm glad too..." Lauren agreed before both of them started laughing.

"I can't wait to see what's so special about this dessert..." Lauren told Camila who had a tiny smirk on her face.

Both of them had finished dinner a few minutes before and Camila had already asked for their "secret" dessert. She had told Lauren she was going to be the one picking it because she wanted it to be a surprise for Lauren... Weird, right? Well, it was actually because her plan of giving Lauren the plane tickets included the dessert time and she had to make up some excuse.

"You'll see..." Camila winked at her who was looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Camz..." Lauren mumbled suspiciously.

"What?" Camila questioned trying to hide her smirk. "Oh, look, it's coming!" she pointed at the waiter who was walking towards them with a tray on his hands covered with a metallic lid.

The waiter stopped in front of their table and placed the tray in front of Lauren who had a confusing look on her face.

"Camila? Where's yours? And why is my dessert covered with a metallic lid? What the fuck?" Lauren questioned Camila who giggled.

"Open it!" Camila exclaimed as she watched Lauren uncover the tray with both of her hands.

As soon as she uncovered it, she found it weird that there was nothing there but two pieces of rectangular papers.

Lauren grabbed them confusingly and read them.

"New York-Miami" Lauren's eyes immediately caught that part. After reading that, she just started crying. Crying frantically. The tears ran through her face quickly and Camila started crying too but she had a tender smile on her face. Watching Lauren that happy was all she wanted.

Camila got up from the table and walked towards Lauren's seat. Before Camila could do anything, Lauren got up from her chair too and wrapped her arms around Camila's neck, hugging her as tight as she could.

"I don't... I don't know how to thank you..." Lauren mumbled between tears against Camila's shoulder.

"Don't... I promised you we'd do this..." Camila told her while caressing her back with one of her hands. "Remember?"

"O-of course I do... Thank you! Thank you Camila!" Lauren kept thanking her while sobbing.

"And don't worry about work and stuff because I took care of everything... We have one week to be with out families and enjoy Miami together!" Camila informed her and she hugged Camila even tighter.

"I will never be able to thank you enough for surprising me like this... This is more than I could ever ask for!" Lauren said excitingly.

Camila couldn't stop smiling and the tears were falling through her face too.

They were hugging for about five minutes already before Camila backed off a little bit just so she could look into Lauren's eyes which were brighter than before.

"Well, I know you have the money and the jet and everything needed to go on this trip but I wanted to do this traditionally... That's why I bought the tickets and we're not using the jet... We're spending the weekend like you weren't one of the most famous ladies on the planet!" Camila told her playfully and Lauren giggled. "And remember that call you got all suspicious about? It was Dinah kinda helping me with this..."

"Oh, was it? I'm such an idiot... I'm sorry, babe!" Lauren shook her head. "This is amazing... For real! Doing this with you is gonna be such an amazing experience... You're gonna meet my mom, my dad, Tay and Chris and my home... I'm so excited!" Lauren confessed "And I'm not that famous..."

"For me you are the only famous person inside my heart..." Camila said in an attempt to sound cute.

"Camila, that was the worst pick up line I've ever heard..." Lauren told her and she pouted at her madly.

"Good I don't have to pick you then... Since I already got you... Right?" Camila teased her with a little smirk on her face a few seconds after.

"You're really bad at flirting..." Lauren said playfully.

"I know." Camila sighed.

"Still love you..." Lauren winked at her before wrapping her right arm around Camila's neck and bringing her closer so she could leave a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Wanna get your real dessert?" Camila asked Lauren who nodded and both of them sat down on the table again.

"Well, where's the dessert?" Lauren asked almost like impatiently.

"The first one is probably coming..." Camila informed Lauren.

"First one? Are there gonna be more than one desserts?" Lauren questioned Camila confusingly.

"Yeah... First a chocolate mousse..." Camila said as she watched the waiter leave their desserts on the table. "And then Camila Cabello." Camila said suggestively as she watched Lauren's pupils getting dilated in the next moment. Camila grabbed the spoon and took a piece of the mousse to her mouth, putting half of her tongue out and licking it slowly while looking into Lauren's eyes teasingly. Lauren's breaths got heavier and she squeezed her legs into each other trying to contain the excitement already installed between them.

Lauren was up to skip the first dessert already and go for the second one. That's why she didn't take too long before finishing her mousse and paying the bill so she could leave leave with Camila immediately.

"What a lovely apartment..." Camila managed to mumble between the kiss.

Lauren had took about five minutes to arrive to her home and pulled Camila into her apartment so that they could finish their "meal". Camila had never been to her apartment before so as soon as Lauren opened the door she felt really impressed by everything around her. Especially the huge window on her living room. It was as perfect as Lauren had told her.

As soon as Lauren closed the door, she immediately grabbed Camila by her thighs and Camila jumped on her lap, starting a passionate kiss.

"You think so?" Lauren asked her after separating her lips from Camila's for a few seconds.

"I do... The window is amazing... And I love the kitchen..." Camila told her between heavy breaths and low moans, reacting to Lauren's wet kisses on her neck.

"Would you please stop appreciating the house and just enjoy me?" Lauren questioned playfully before placing another kiss on her neck.

"I'm enjoying you..." Camila said "A lot..." she mumbled before moaning a little bit louder.

Lauren separated her lips from Camila's skin and looked right into her eyes. They were almost black.

"You said you liked my kitchen, didn't you?" Lauren asked Camila with a tiny smirk on her face.

"Yeah, it's really beautif..." Camila tried to affirm it but she was interrupted by Lauren's lips crashing into hers again.

Lauren started carrying Camila towards the kitchen counter and sat her down on the edge of it. Camila placed her feet on two chairs, one on each side of Lauren's body, leaving them slightly opened. Lauren was in the middle of them, with her hands on her back, pulling her closer to her, making her center collide with her belly.

Camila's sensitive spot was already hurting of excitement only because of those movements against Lauren's body. Her moans started getting louder as soon as Lauren's hands were dragged down to her butt and her lips started kissing her exposed skin on her neck and collarbones. Camila started helping Lauren, intensifying that movement by wrapping her legs around Lauren's waist and pulling her closer aggressively.

After a few seconds of doing that, Lauren took Camila's shirt off before kissing her again. She started running her fingertips through Camila's uncovered belly which contracted at her touch. Her fingers slid softly through the exposed skin until they reached Camila's black skirt. Lauren lifted the skirt up a little bit without breaking the kiss and ran her fingers slowly and torturingly through the whole extension of her intimacy from outside of her panties. She smirked against the kiss as soon as she noticed how wet Camila already was.

"Isn't it... Fuck, Lauren... Isn't it... Crazy... How you leave me li-like this without even trying?" Camila managed to say while moaning at Lauren's touch. It was really hard for Camila to talk properly when she had Lauren Jauregui rubbing her fingers against her most sensitive spot.

"You're so wet... And it's all for me... I fucking love it..." Lauren said and her breaths sounded much heavier than before. Camila bite her bottom lip at Lauren's confession.

A few moments after saying that, Lauren used her fingers to push Camila's panties to one side and ran her index and middle finger through that now really warm and pulsating area from Camila's body, taking the two fingers to her own mouth after that and tasting her now favorite flavor.

Camila moaned low at the view of Lauren delighting herself with the liquid spread on her fingertips. Camila's eyes were slightly closed and her mouth opened, trying to control her breaths. She started wriggling frantically on the table before grabbing Lauren's hand and placing it on her center, making sure Lauren knew what she wanted.

"Oh, you want that?" Lauren asked her with a playful smirk on her face. She obviously knew that was what Camila wanted but she loved to watch her react to her teasing game. Camila nodded vigorously in response.

Without any warning, Lauren placed her hands on the top of her skirt and started taking it off while leaving a few soft kisses on her belly. Then she almost ripped Camila's panties and as soon as they came off, Lauren backed off a little bit from Camila and started spinning the piece of clothing on her index finger before throwing it away.

Camila took her own hands to her back and unbuttoned her own bra, taking it off and throwing it on the ground behind her.

"Open your legs." Lauren said almost in an order and Camila slightly smirked at it before nodding innocently and slowly separating her legs, placing her feet on the two chairs like before.

Camila was now sitting on the kitchen counter with her legs opened and her hands placed on the platform behind her, supporting her weight. She had a little smirk on her face and she was biting her lip slowly.

Lauren's mouth watered at the view of Camila's wet center opened for her.

"Fuck me..." Camila mouthed sensually. A twinge immediately reached Lauren's center.

Lauren put herself on her knees and crawled a little bit towards Camila, placing her hands on Camila's butt and pulling her closer to her face. She started leaving a trail of wet kisses through her left and then right thigh until she reached Camila's inner thighs where she licked torturingly before passing her tongue through the extension of her center, from the entrance to her clit. Camila was moving her hips towards Lauren's mouth, looking for more of that contact.

"Har-harder... Laur... Yes... Th-that way..." Camila moaned while biting her lip aggressively. Her right hand was on the back of Lauren's head, pulling her even closer.

Lauren kept working with her tongue on that place and placed her index and middle finger on her entrance, penetrating them inside Camila without any warning.

"LAUREN!" Camila arched her back and a loud moan filled the room illuminated only by the lights of the city.

Lauren started moving her fingers even harder inside Camila as soon as she heard Camila moaning her name like that. It was feeding her. It always did.

A few seconds after Camila's muscles contracted into Lauren's fingers before her whole body relaxed on the table and Lauren got up, holding Camila's body so she wouldn't fall. Both of them were wrapped in an embrace while trying to catch their breaths.

"Holy shit, Laur..." Camila mumbled against her only exposed skin, near her collarbones since Lauren was still with her clothes on. "You keep impressing me every time..."

"I feel honored..." Lauren said before giggling.

Camila whose breaths were getting calmer, separated her body from Lauren's and looked into her green eyes before a smile appeared on her face.

"You're beautiful..." Camila told her sincerely while analyzing her face and caressing it with her fingertips. "And I love you so much..."

"I love you too, princess..." Lauren sighed like a teenager who's having her first love affair.

"But the princess wants you to do something... Would you?" Camila asked Lauren with a smirk on her face.

"What does the princess wants?" Lauren questioned, smirking back at her.

"The princess wants Lauren with no clothes on." Camila simply said while pointing up and down to Lauren's body.

"Whatever the princess wants." Lauren told her faking an innocent tone of voice and backed off a little bit from where Camila was sitting.

Lauren placed her fingers on her shirt's first button and unbuttoned it slowly while her eyes were locked into Camila's.

"Are you stripping for me?" Camila asked Lauren.

"Maybe." Lauren said "Does the princess wants to watch me strip?"

"I think the princess does." Camila shrugged playfully and Lauren started unbuttoning the next button. And the next. And the other. And the rest of them. And the last one.

Lauren let the shirt slide through her arms until it reached the floor.

She turned her back to Camila and took her arms to her back, unbuttoning her bra and taking it off. Then she started dragging her pants down slowly. As slow as she could.

At certain point she started bending down along with her pants which were almost touching the ground. Camila bite her bottom lip frustratingly at the view of Lauren's ass in front of her wearing nothing but those annoying panties Camila was dying to see on the floor.

Lauren turned around, facing Camila again and showing her the biggest smirk as she placed her fingers on the edge of her panties in order to take them off.

She started dragging them up and down multiple times teasingly before finally dragging them down. She finished taking them off with the help of her own legs and feet, using her right foot to throw them away.

In a quick movement Camila jumped from the kitchen counter and walked towards Lauren, crashing her lips into hers. She started walking with her towards the closest wall which was actually next to the window. She pushed Lauren against the wall and dragged her kisses down to her jaw and then to her neck before she started licking and sucking Lauren's nipples hungrily. Her hands were on Lauren's waist, squeezing it torturingly.

"I guess you're a little decorated right now..." Camila said while looking up at Lauren who had a confusing look on her face. Camila pointed to her breasts and Lauren looked down to them, watching a few red marks spread around the place. She threw Camila a threatening look and Camila put herself on her knees before putting half of her tongue out and licking Lauren's belly sensually while looking up to Lauren who immediately forgot about the hickeys Camila had left on her.

Camila grabbed one of Lauren's legs, lifting it up and placed it on her right shoulder before licking her thigh slowly. Lauren was moaning uncontrollably at that point. Camila could touch her with only one finger and she would feel affected the same way. Lauren interlaced her fingers with Camila's hair and pulled her into her center aggressively.

Camila's face collided with Lauren's intimacy and she didn't waste any time before she started sucking and licking that place hardly.

"Cami-Camila... Oh... Yeah... Camila... Camila!" Lauren kept moaning Camila's name with that raspy tone of voice Camila loved so much. "I'm gonna... I'm... Camila..."

Camila used her hands, placing them on Lauren's huge butt, to pull her closer while her body was already trembling.

A few seconds after Camila felt the warm liquid wetting her mouth and she sucked all of it before taking a deep breath and getting up with her only strengths left.

Lauren's eyes were closed, her hair was messy and sweaty and her chest was moving up and down really fast.

"I already knew that mouth of yours was designed by gods but man..." Lauren mumbled and Camila slightly blushed at Lauren's shameless comment.

"You're exaggerating..." Camila said embarrassingly.

"If you could do what you did to me on yourself, you wouldn't think that anymore." Lauren smirked at Camila who shook her head and laughed at the older one's observation.

"I'm so tired..." Camila confessed after yawning.

"Do you wanna go to sleep?" Lauren asked her.

"Yeah... I guess..." Camila nodded "Plus, tomorrow we have a flight to catch..."

Lauren agreed and she took both of Camila's hands, pulling her through the house.

"Let's take a shower first..." Lauren suggested and Camila nodded after thinking about it for a second. She wasn't definitely going to sleep that night.

Lauren placed herself behind Camila and wrapped her arms around Camila's waist, walking with her towards the bathroom while leaving a few kisses on her uncovered nape.

"Would you mind stopping that?" Camila asked Lauren while giggling low.

"Nope!" Lauren denied.

"You've already had your two desserts, missy..." Camila said playfully and Lauren smirked at Camila's attempt to tease her. Well, it wasn't an attempt, she did managed to tease her. Really hard. She always did.

"Who said I only wanted two?" Lauren questioned Camila and Camila immediately swallowed hard. The very known feeling was starting to get installed between her legs again. "I really, really wanted at least three of them."

"Let me think..." Camila faked a thoughtful facial expression before smirking at her. "I'll give you one more." Lauren smirked back at her as soon as she heard that. "And if you behave well, maybe I'll give you one extra."

After saying that she left a peek on Lauren's lips and before Lauren could even touch her, she started walking backwards while biting her lip sensually with the same smirk on her face as before and looking into Lauren's eyes. A few steps after, she turned her back to Lauren and ran to the bathroom's door which was already near them so Camila kinda predicted it was there. She opened it and entered inside, leaving it slightly opened so that Lauren could follow her. Lauren was already wanting more so she just ran after Camila and entered inside the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

At least Camila wasn't tired anymore. That was going to be a long night.

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