Secrets 3

By crazydirectioner226

4.6K 256 10

Allison and Louis are happy about finally being married. As their relationship continues they face some big c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 46

72 4 0
By crazydirectioner226

Allison's POV

Last night was actually pretty nice with Louis. Really anytime I get to spend with him I enjoy it. After Louis spent some time with Harry he wondered up to our bedroom and we finished what we started. I knew we would. Not that either of us mind. I love being with him any chance I get. I know he's the exact same thing.

I woke up from his alarm going off. I hate waking up from the thing. I know we don't have too much longer of this though. Just one more week left of this. I felt him start to move under me. He turned his alarm off before he wrapped his arms back around me. I smiled a little before looking up at him. He lightly pecked my lips, "Good morning, love."

"Good morning."

He moved some of my hair, "You're so beautiful, even when you first wake up."

I smiled, moving closer to him, "Can we spend tonight like this?"

"If that's what you want to do, love. Can we be naked too?"

I giggled, "If that's what you want, babe."

He smiled gently pressing his lips against mine. I moved my hand up, cupping his cheek in it. I really don't want him going to work. I know he's going to go anyway. There's nothing neither of us can control that. I'm not even sure if he has anymore vacation days left anyway. I'm sure if he had any he probably would have used it yesterday. Well maybe not. He said he had things to get done. He pulled way sooner than I wanted him to. He kept our heads touching, "I really need to get up, love."

"I know."

He lightly pecked my lips one last time before moving out of bed. I noticed that he still didn't see put any clothes on after last night. It's not that I mind. I should be able to see him like this. We are married. It would be a little weird if we were still modest around each other.

After we get done moving we deserve some time for us. We deserve something we both can enjoy. I know we both love being with each other but we should do something more than that. We're finally going to get to be completely open. We're going to be officially in our house. We'll hopefully have our baby's nursery set up. We should get to celebrate all that. Hopefully Jace and Joey won't be around anymore. They have to give up at some point. Hopefully soon. I feel bad that Harry or Liam have to constantly be around now. I know they have life's and jobs of their own. They shouldn't have to stay around all the time. I feel bad about it.

Once he was ready I noticed him have a slightly smile playing his lips as he walked over to our bed. He sat on the edge, intertwining our fingers. He mumbled, "You're thinking about something, love."

I smiled, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

He lightly pecked my lips, "Whatever you think, love. What is it?"

I squeezed his hand, "Maybe after we get everything done and figured out we can celebrate it all."

He looked at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"We have a lot going on, babe. We're going to have a lot going on for w little bit longer. After its all done we deserve to do something to celebrate getting through it all."

He nodded, "What are you wanting to do then?"

"We could always go on a nice vacation. We haven't been on one of those yet. The only time we've gone somewhere not around here was for our wedding and it wasn't for very long."

He lightly pecked my lips, "We can talk about this all later."

I nodded. I understand why we can't talk about this now. He's going to be late if he doesn't leave soon. I would rather him be here but I understand that he can't. He squeezed my hand before letting go, "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you."

He gently pecked my lips before getting up, "I'll see you later, love."

I nodded as he slowly walked out of our room. I hate having to watch him leave. I know he's the exact same way with me when I leave. I just have to watch him leave more than he watches me leave. I sighed, pulling the blanket up over me. It's freezing in this house and I still haven't put any clothes on. I shouldn't have to. It's mine and Louis' house. I know Louis wouldn't be too happy if Harry sees me naked. I really don't want that happening either. I would be extremely uncomfortable with that. I smiled to myself a little. Maybe I can tease Louis a little bit with this. I know it's going. To drive him crazy till he gets home. After about 10 minutes I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, unlocking it, finding his name under my messages app. "I think I'm going to stay naked all day, babe."

"So you're staying in our bedroom all day then?"

I smiled to myself a little bit. This part is going to get a little fun. I know it's going to drive him crazy. I love knowing I can do this to him. "Nope ;)"

"Allison Grace Tomlinson you're not leaving our bedroom naked with someone else there."

I can't help but start laughing. He's never called me by my full name since we got married. I wish I could see his reaction. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face in front of him. I would be laughing like I am right now. My phone started going off before I could send anything back. I looked at the screen and saw his name. I smiled to myself before answering. He sounds a little upset, "You're not walking around our house naked, Allison."

"What makes you think I'm not doing that right now?"

"Love, don't tease me like that."

I smiled a little, "I'm not teasing you."

"You defiantly are. I'm getting you back when I get home."

I laughed, "Whatever you say, babe. I really hope that Harry doesn't walk downstairs right now though."

He groaned, "Dammit, Allison. Get your ass back into our bedroom and put some clothes on."

I can't hold back anymore laughter. I covered my mouth with my hand. I heard him start to chuckle, "Why are you laughing, baby?"

"I'm still in bed. I'm not going to walk around here naked without you."

"You're being mean this morning."

"I love you, babe."

He mumbled, "I love you. We're going to finish talking about this later."

"Okay. I'll see you later."

We said bye before getting off the phone. I laughed a little bit more before setting my phone back down on the nightstand. It's funny knowing how easily I can mess with him. I know he's protective over me. I'm happy that he is. I've never really been with someone like this. I don't want anyone else though. I do need to get somethings done today. Well I have a lot to get done within the next few days. I really should have started on it yesterday.

I sighed before getting out of bed. I walked over to our dresser, grabbing some clothes out, putting them on. As I slid my shorts on I heard my phone start going off again. I groaned, walking over to pick it up again. I noticed my mom's name on the screen. I'm not dealing with what she has to say. She tried going off yesterday and I'm sure the same thing will happen today. I know she's not happy with me. I'm not trying to please her. I'm doing what makes me happy. I'm sure she's going to love it when she finds out that we're no longer going to be living here. God I can't wait till we're in our new house.

I set my phone back down before walking downstairs to grab some boxes. I pulled them into the living room. As I started packing some of the things we're taking to our house when I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. I know it's Harry. I looked up and saw him walk in, sitting down on the couch. He chuckled, "Louis sent me some weird texts this morning."

I smiled a little before packing somethings, "What did he say?"

"Well he said something about how I better not see you naked or he'll kill me."

I can't help but start laughing. I know that had to be before I told him that I was still in our bedroom. I knew Louis would say something about this to him. I looked back over at him, "I was messing with him this morning. I thought it was funny."

He chuckled, "He defiantly didn't think it was funny."

"I know. He called me about it."

"He's extremely protective over you. I've never seen him like this before."

I looked down, messing with my hands, "He's never been like this with anyone before?"

"No. He didn't care about anyone else till you were around. It's nice to see him finally getting his life together. He's done it so much faster than most people."

I nodded, looking up at him, "He wasn't the only one that had to get things together fast."

"I know. He was in such a bad place before you. He was away from Jace and Joey for awhile. He didn't hook up with girls for while. He turned his focus towards alcohol. He drank so much."

I don't know what to think about this. I know Louis likes to drink. Especially when we're apart. He doesn't do it when I'm around though. He's told me about his past. He's told me about the sex, drugs, and the group. It was hard to hear bout but I needed to know. We wouldn't be able to move forward if he didn't. He never mentioned anything about the alcohol though. I mumbled, "Was it bad?"

He nodded, "It had it's moments. It's bad now if he doesn't get to see you for days."

I messed with my hands again. I don't understand why he didn't tell me about it all. He's told me so much. Why wouldn't he tell me about the alcohol? I'm not going to be upset with him. I need to know these things. We're married and I should know these things. I'm happy Harry told me about it. If he didn't who knows if I would have even found out.

I couldn't help but think about what Harry told me as I finished packing up our living room. I walked into our kitchen and started cooking us all dinner. I know he'll be home soon. I'm sure he'll be hungry since I didn't take him lunch today. I didn't have time.

I was about done when I heard the front door close. I know it's Louis. He's the only one that would just walk in. I heard his footsteps coming down the hallway towards our kitchen. I noticed him start to smile as he walked in. He walked around the counter, wrapping his arms around me. He softly kissed my cheek, "I missed you."

I smiled a little, "I missed you."

He hid his face into my neck, "What's going on, love?"

"I think we have some things we need to talk about."


He softly kissed my neck before pulling away from me. I thought he was about to walk out of the kitchen when I saw his hand move between me and the stove. He turned it off. I looked up at him confused, "Let's talk, love. It's going to drive me crazy if you make me wait."

I turned the stove back on, "You can wait a few more minutes."


Before I could say anything he walked out of the room. I can't help but roll my eyes. He can be moody sometimes. He has no reason to be moody right now. I should be the one like this. Pick finished up our dinner and started putting some on a plate when I noticed him walk back in. I realized he changed. He softly kissed my cheek, taking the second plate out of my hand, "Go sit down and eat, love."

I nodded, grabbing my plate off the counter before sitting down at the table. It didn't take long for him to make his plate before sitting down next to me. I felt him put a hand only leg. He gently squeezed it, "What were you wanting to talk about?"

"It has to do with your past."

He looked at me a little confused, "I've already told you about it."

I looked up at him, "I want to know about the alcohol."

He looked at me surprised, "What do you want to know about?"

"Was it bad?"

He groaned a little bit, "What do you mean?"

"Was your drinking bad?"

"Yes. Can you please just drop it now?"

I just shook my head, before going back to eating. I don't get it. I don't understand why he would be acting like this. We're going to talk about this. I need to know. I can't just live with the small part the Harry told me.

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