The Silent Ninja : Naruto

By Yakatori123

190K 4.2K 254

Ryu is a boy of mystery. After suffering from shock after a terrible accident involving his older sister he h... More

Chapter 1 : Ryu
Chapter 2 : Aiko appears
Chapter 3 : Kakashi's test
Chapter 4 : The C Ranked Mission
Chapter 5 : Deception
Chapter 6 : Aiko's Past
Chapter 7 : Training (sort of)
Chapter 8 : Worthless
Chapter 9 : Zabuza
Chapter 10 : Dirty Little Sneak
Chapter 11 : More Missions
Chapter 12 : Chunin Exams
Chapter 13 : Orichimaru
Chapter 14 : Unfair Advantage
Author's Note : New Book?
Chapter 16 : Ryu Vs. Chōji
Chapter 17 : The Silent Ninja Book 1 Finale
Side Note
Book 2 Chapter 1 : The Timeskip
Chapter 2 : Why?
Chapter 3 : I'm in trouble
Chapter 4 : Mistakes
Chapter 5 : Interrogation
Chapter 6 : Too Late
Chapter 7 : Barely
Authors Note: Unexplained Disappearance
Authors Note: Voters List, RWBY, and The Silent Ninja
Chapter 8 : The Mission
Chapter 9 : Rest In Piece
Authors Note
Chapter 10 : Finding Our Place
Update: I'm done with update chapters, I swear!
Book 3 Chapter 1: The Reunion
Update: The Return
Chapter 2: Aiko
Not an update, but it sort of is one
Two Updates in two days it must be a record
Prologue has been updated
I'm Back!
Chapter 3: Recollection
Lack of chapters
Final Chapter

Chapter 15 : Chunin Exams Preliminaries Begin

2.5K 64 10
By Yakatori123

Ryu's POV:
After the fight with the Sound Ninja Squad 7 took off towards the tower and got their before nightfall. They entered the tower and opened the scrolls. The scrolls started smoking and Sasuke yelled at Naruto and Sakura to throw them quick. They threw them and the scrolls rolled under a table. The smoke cleared and a loud screech could be heard as Aiko bumped her head on the table.
Aiko's POV
I stood up from underneath the table and saw Ryu standing there. I hadn't seen him for weeks and ran to hug him.  I looked up at him and saw a deep sadness in his eyes. I asked "What happened?" and he just stood there silent. Sakura walked up and grabbed his shoulder and explained it briefly. I nodded and apologized to Ryu for not being there. I looked up and saw Sakura was still looking at Ryu and there was something different in the way she was looking at him. I realized something happened between them while I was gone and I couldn't stand it. I yelled "No! There is not going to be anything going on between you. I won't allow it." Sakura looked up and yelled "Jealous much? At least I was there for him when he had his psychological break down. Maybe I'd be better for him than you." I replied "I don't want to be with Ryu, he's like a brother to me. That would be weird. I just know that there's so many better people out there for him and a pink-haired screaming banshee isn't one of them!"
Sakura replied "Well why don't we let Ryu decide? Hey what about that Ryu?"  Ryu looked up and blankly stared at them like he was determining which bomb he should defuse first. Sakura yelled "Come on Ryu answer me. Why are you ignoring me?" Aiko replied "Because he can't speak you microcephalic addlepate." Sakura looked blankly at Aiko and asked "What?" Aiko said "I basically called you a moron, but it's not like you could know that." Sakura replied "Of course I wouldn't, it has like 20 syllables in it." Aiko replied "It only has 8 retard. I thought you were the brains in this team?" Sakura was about to reply when Naruto yelled "Can you stop with the girl talk it's killing me and I know it has to be killing Ryu. Ain't that right Ryu?" Ryu nodded and Aiko decided to stop and explain the scrolls.
Ryu's POV
After she was done Aiko walked the Gennin into the Exam Hall. They stood there and the Hokage began to explain the rules. Kabuto raised his hand and announced that he quit. The Hkage looked up and said "Normally our participants can withdraw like this young fellow wants, but that would result in an odd number of contestants so unless someone else withdraws I'm afraid you can't quit. Does anyone else want to quit?" No one rose their hand meaning Kabuto was stuck. A medic ran up and announces that Dosu (leader of the sound trio) has died after a loss of blood due to a well aimed kunai and a severe concussion and burn wounds from what seems to be a paper bomb. The Hokage looked at Kabuto and said "Well young fellow it looks like it's your lucky day. You can quit after all." Kabuto left and the Hokage finished explaining the rules. And the fights went on like this;
Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akadō
Zaku Abumi vs. Shino Aburame
Misumi Tsurugi vs. Kankurō
Sakura Haruno = Ino Yamanaka
Tenten vs. Temari
Shikamaru Nara vs. Kin Tsuchi
Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka
Hinata Hyūga vs. Neji Hyūga
Gaara vs. Rock Lee
And the final fight between Ryu and Chōji Akimichi. It will be an easy fight right? Right!?
To Be Continued...

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