Have We Met? (a George Weasle...

By mrsgeorgeweasley

82.1K 1K 259

meet Nevaeh just a normal average 17 yr old right. well your wrong Nevaeh is more than an average 17 year old... More

Have We Met? (a George Weasley Love Story)
Welcome To Hogwarts (Chapter 2)
First Task (Chapter 4)
The Yule Ball (Chapter 5)
Hungover at Christmas (Chapter 6)
Second Task (Chapter 7)
The Prank (Chapter 8)
The Date (Chapter 9)
Third Task (Chapter 10)
Going Home (Chapter 11)
Summer Part 1 (Chapter 12)
Summer Part 2 (Chapter 13)
Back to Hogwarts (Chapter 14)
Detention Again (Chapter 15)
Packing for Home (Chapter 16)
it's Been a While (Chapter 17)
Diagon Alley (Chapter 18)
Back Again (Chapter 19)
This Has Gone Too Far (Chpater 20)
DA meeting (Chapter 21)
Disater at Christmas (Chapter 22)
Gray Manor (Chapter 23)
The Malfoy's New Year's Eve Ball (Chapter 24)
Surprise (Chapter 25)
Quick Note
Birthday (Chapter 26)

Detention (Chapter 3)

4.4K 61 7
By mrsgeorgeweasley

I do not own any of the characters except Nevaeh Lynch and partly Leah Gray


“Nevaeh……Nevaeh” somebody whispered. I groaned in frustration and rolled over my bed hugging me in the process.

“Nevaeh” they shouted louder. My eyes open slowly and I yawned.

“what” I said groggily as I turned over onto the cold side of my bed facing the person, as I opened my eyes wider I saw Leah was out of her bed dressed and standing next to me shaking me.

“Good your awake now get up we got a big day ahead of us” she said as she began to move away from my bed and picked up her wand and notebook. As I looked around the room I saw that it was still dark and saw petal still sleeping.

“Alright for some” I whispered under my breath making Leah look at me curiously.

“What time is it?” I yawned as I sat up and began to stretch, Leah looked over at me and grinned I looked at her confused.

“5:00am” she stated happily.

“YOU WHAT!!” I shouted making her jump at my sudden outburst I guess I forgot to mention to Leah that I was never good in the morning and that I should be left undisturbed.

“I said it’s 5:00am” Leah said.

“Yes I know what you said but why are you getting me up this early when classes don’t start till 9:00” I said angrily.

“Well sorry Miss cranky….”

“I’m not Miss cranky” I snapped back at her.

“Whatever sorry for getting you up at 5:00 but that the time I get up. I guess that why nobody likes staying with me in a dorm” Leah stated as she looked away gazing into her own world.

“You think” I said sarcastically.as she looked back at me and rolled her eyes in the process.

“I’m going back to bed wake me up when its 8:00 please” I said as I lay back down and began to doze off slowly.

“I won’t be in here at 8:00” Leah mumbled making it hard for me to hear but I decided not to question it and fell asleep quickly.

As I opened my sleep filled eyes I began to notice that light had gradually filled the room making the yellow drapes shine. As I rolled over to look at Leah bed I noticed that she wasn’t there ‘she must be in the bathroom’ I thought. I sat up and began to stretch for a second time and looked over at petal to see that she was still sleeping I smiled to myself.

“Leah” I shouted, no answer I sat looking confused.

“Leah” I shouted louder again, still no answer. I got out of my warm bed letting my feet touch the stone cold floor I shuddered. I walked over to the bathroom but as I looked inside Leah was nowhere to be seen.  Then walked over to her bedside table and picked up her mini alarm clock she had. As I picked it up to look at the time I froze and the clock fell out of my hands and dropped to the floor. It read 8:50am.

“Shit” I yelled, I then went into over drive mode and began running around frantically trying to get dressed as well as brushing my teeth and hair. After I changed I ran over to my side table and picked up my wand and a piece of paper which looked to be my timetable for this year. I scanned to see what I had first.

Nevaeh Lynch




Defence against the dark arts





Muggle studies

Care of magical creatures

‘Crap’ I thought potions was defiantly not my strongest subject as I picked up Leah clock again I noticed that it was 8:56. ‘4 minutes I can do this’ I thought, I ran out of my dorm and made my way down to the common room. The common room was empty I whizzed straight through it and out of the tunnel and picture and ran trying to find my classroom.

As I was running I was looking through every door I could find when I suddenly banged into something and I fell straight on the floor.

“Ouch” I said as my head began to spin I raised my hand and clutched my head trying to stop it from sinning.

“I’m sorry here let my help you” a deep voice said. Suddenly a hand was placed in front of me I grabbed the hand whilst clutching my head and I felt a sudden impact of wind rushing over my face. As I got up I looked around and noticed a figure with short brown hair and was extremely tall and was also wearing the same crest as me.

“Are you alright?” he asked. I nodded my head as I was trying to get my balance but failed miserably.

“Yeah I just wish the room would stop spinning” I said jokingly as the spinning sensation slowly eased. He started to laugh.

“Nice to meet you I’m Cedric Diggory” he said showing off his smile that could be used for a Colgate advert.

“Nevaeh Lynch and nice to meet you to” I responded admiring his smile.

“Mind if I ask what the rush is?” he asked.

“Well I kind of overslept and now I can’t find my classroom” I replied.

“Been there done that” Cedric responded, I laughed.

“So what lesson is it?”

“Um potions with Snape I think” I responded weakly.

“Tough choice do you want some help finding it?” he asked grinning I smiled and nodded my head. Soon enough Cedric grabbed my hand and began dragging me the opposite way I was going originally. He dragged me along the big winding corridors and up the staircase. As we made our way up the first staircase it began to move which made me jump as I forgot that they moved. I quickly grabbed hold of the banister and tightened my grip on Cedric hand causing him to chuckle to himself and making me blush in the process.

Once the staircase stopped moving Cedric pulled me off and started walking down to what looked to be like the dungeons. Whilst walking I felt a gloomy sort of atmosphere surround me then Cedric stopped and face me his eyes sparkling in the candle light. As I looked around I noticed we were standing right next to a door.

Professor Snape


The sign said I shuddered. I let go of Cedric’s hand and began brushing all of the dirt of my robes.

“Wish me luck” I said sarcastically.

“Good luck and hopefully I’ll see ya around” he said smiling.

As I faced the door I noticed that Cedric began to walk off rather quickly ‘he can’t be that bad’ I thought as I knocked on the door. Silence.

“Come in” someone said. I slowly opened the door and as I made my way in everybody’s eyes turned to face me I gulped.

“And who are you?” the person at the front asked who I believed to be professor Snape.

Professor Snape was a tall man with medium length black greasy-like hair. He was wearing a pure black robe and had a very plain face. He had dark brown eyes and placed his mouth in a way that sort of made him look funny which I couldn’t help but smile at.

“I’m Nevaeh Lynch and this potions right?” I asked. All of the student’s began to nod their heads in unison.

“Good” I said sounding relieved making some of the students giggle.

“Right well I’m professor Snape and your late so….” He looked at my crest on my robe.

“10 points from Hufflepuff and an afterschool detention with me” he stated. I stood there in shock ‘give me a break’ I thought.

“Right now where to put you ahhhhh Mr Weasley” he began saying making one person look up at him.

“Yes if you move and sit next to Miss Bell. Miss Lynch you can sit where he sat” he said. As the boy stood up he quickly walked over to a girl with long brown hair who sat their smiling at him. I then made my way over to the spare seat as I made my way there I began to have a déjà vu there in front of the me was the boy who saved me this summer as I placed my book down on the table and sat down I noticed that the boy was sleeping. I began to poke him to see if he would wake up.

“George get off me” he mumbled.

“Um sorry I’m not George” I said. All of a sudden he lifted his head and looked at me he began to blush the same colour as his hair.

“Um sorry about that I’m Fred…Fred Weasley” he said stuttering. I couldn’t help but laugh at his effort of trying not to stutter.

“No problem Nevaeh Lynch” I said all of a sudden Fred face lit up.

“You’re the new girl” he said with excitement.

“Indeed I am is that obvious?” I asked making him laugh.

“Oh no my brother wouldn’t stop talking about you last night Nevaeh this Nevaeh that it got really annoying”

“Oh I’m sorry…” I started to say but got cut off by Fred.

“Don’t worry about it he just never mentioned how pretty you were or that fact you’re in my year with me” he smiled happily. Once we finished introducing ourselves professor Snape had assigned us with making the truth serum potion. As me and Fred got started I found out that he was related to Ron and Ginny and that he was the one with the twin brother George. As I was talking to Fred a voice kept popping inside my head and kept on repeating 2 words ‘ask him’  it said I sighed.

“You alright vay?” Fred asked looking concerned.

“Yeah we forgot to add the Jobberknoll feathers” I said flatly. Once we added them into our potion we raised our hands. Professor Snape walked over he look at our potion and nodded his head to indicate that we completed. As we sat there we saw everybody else was still stuck doing the potion then out of the blue I asked him.

“Fred what did you do over the summer?”

“the summer well not much really except I went to the quidditch world cup with the family it was good but George went off somewhere and didn’t return until the game had finished and when i asked him he went all shy and pink and didn’t say anything you?” he said.

“Oh um well I went to the quidditch world cup as well” I responded flatly ‘so it wasn’t him who saved me’ I thought. All of a sudden professor Snape stood at our table and handed us each a little bottle. As I looked at the bottle inside was a shiny gold liquid which almost resembled a molten gold colour.

“What is it?” Fred asked turning his bottle upside down watching the liquid move up and down.

“This is Felix Felicis” professor Snape said. Fred sat there and looked confused.

“You know Fred liquid luck” I said. Fred face changed from a confused look to a ‘I knew that’ look. I smiled.

“Off you go to your next lesson” professor Snape said. Soon enough everyone stood up and started to leave the classroom.

“What class you got next vay?” Fred asked as we made our way out of the classroom.

“Oh um defence against the darks arts” I said sounding hopeful.

“Awwwww man I got muggle studies dam well do you want some help finding it?” Fred asked I nodded and he smiled. We then made our way to my classroom. Trying to get there was hard students filled the corridors with their presence and people kept bumping into me and pushing me sideways in the end Fred ran back to me and picked me up and placed me over his shoulder.

“FRED what are you doing put me down now” I shouted over the noise of the students.

“Well you were taking your time and no” he stated. I rolled my eyes and let him carry me all the way to my DADA classroom.

Once we got there he put me down gently by placing my feet on the floor then letting me go. I looked at him and smiled.

“Thanks Fred” I said.

“Oi Weasley step away from my girl” I heard someone shout as I turned around I saw Dean standing there I groaned and placed my head in my hands. Fred looked down at me and smiled.

“what you going to do about it Thomas?” Fred said as I pulled my head out of my hands I started to slowly back away from but Fred quickly grabbed my waist pulling me right back.

“I’ll tell you what I’ll do about I’ll…..I’ll……” dean started to say but was cut off by professor moody.

“What happening here then Mr Thomas you’re not with me same for you to Mr Weasley and Miss Lynch please don’t bring your love life to lesson where I’m teaching please” professor moody said. I began to blush and nodded my head.

“Well see ya vay” Fred said as he walked off I waved.

“See ya Fred” I said smiling.

“Bye beautiful” Dean said I rolled my eyes at him and smiled and walked into my classroom full of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students giggling and smiling at me.

Professor moody was medium height and had medium-length strawberry blonde coloured hair. He had scars running across his face and had one blue eye and one strap on eye which moved in different directions constantly.

Time went fast after that that was until charms. Luckily I found out where the classroom was and I sat down ready to begin the lesson, as I waiting Leah walked in with a huge smile on her face.

“Hi vay” she said dreamily.

“Thanks for waking me” I said as she snapped out of her daze.

“Oh well I did tell you that I wasn’t going to be in there and there no need to be snappy about it” she said.       

“Sorry Snape gave me detention for it this morning and anyway where were you this morning” I asked questionably. Leah began to shift in her seat and adverted her gaze to look at the Slytherin's walking in and finally professor Filtwick.

Professor Filtwick was a small man with short brown hair and had a curly moustache to match. He wore circle like glasses which made it hard to see his eye colour.

“Well” I asked looking rather annoyed about it as professor filtwick began the lesson teaching us about the Aguamenti charm.

“Fine Draco kissed me” Leah said as she went back off into her day dream. I looked at her confused.

“And….” I responded. Leah looked at me in shock.

“Draco….Draco malfoy kissed me vay me” she said annunciating every word.

“I heard you but I don’t get what the big fuss is about” I said plainly, but from saying this Leah seemed to be pissed off by it. I looked at her smiling weakly.

“Right how do I say this me and Draco have a sort of relationship where we not together yet but we will be soon and this is rare as Draco never lets anyone close to him and I am one of the lucky one's” Leah sang happily.

“So how old is this Draco?” I asked.

“Oh he’s 14” she said.

“14 he younger than you Leah” I shouted making professor filtwick turn and look at us.

“Sorry” I said and smiled weakly. Professor Filtwick then carried on with the lesson.

“Yeah and we both like each other its fine” Leah said.

“Wait does everyone know about you two?” I asked. Leah looked at me with a ‘congratulations’ look on her face.

“Of course everybody knows about us that why nobody sat next to us except the slytherin's” as she said that I looked around and saw that no Hufflepuff were sat even remotely close to us just the Slytherin’s.

“Why that?” I asked as a couple of guy Slytherin’s started to smile and wink at me, I gave them ‘not interested’ look and faced Leah.

“Well there scared that if they say anything to me I’ll get Draco to sort them out and to be honest Slytherin isn’t a very nice house to mess with” Leah said quietly in my ear.

“Now pull out your wands everybody and point them at your bowls very good now say ‘Aguamenti’ but remember to annunciate” professor filtwick said. Soon enough me and Leah forgot about the conversation and focused on the lesson. The lesson went really quick after that and when I looked at the time I saw that it was 4:30 ‘detention’ I thought’.

“I’ll see ya later Leah” I said as I stood up from my table from in the great hall.

“Where you going?” Leah asked.

“Detention remember” I said Leah then nodded her head and hugged me goodbye. I walked out of the great hall and made my way towards professor Snape classroom.

As I knocked on the door professor Snape was there to open it for me

“Come in and find a seat” he said as I made my way in I saw two boys who had the exact the same medium length hair and the exact colour (flaming red hair) sat in front of me. As I sat down professor Snape gave me 5 pages of paper and a quill.

“I would like a 5 page essay on wolfsbane potion what it is how it is made and what are the side effects” I nodded my head and began writing. After what seemed like ages there was a knock at the door. As the door opened I heard someone step in.

“Professor Dumbledore would like to see you professor Snape” as I looked around I saw that it was a 1st year. The 1st year looked really small and scared professor Snape stood up.

“excuse me and you are not allowed to leave this room until I have come back” he said to us as he made his way down to the 1st year and shut the door after him.

Once he left the room it felt like a weighted had been lifted and one of the boys went punched a fist in the air.

“Why hello vay what brings you here” as soon as I heard that voice I knew who it was straight away. I smiled.

“Hello Fred oh you know me likes to have my lie in's and looks where it’s got me what about you?” I asked flirtatiously. Fred began to blush.

“Oh the usual really what did we do this time George?”

“We created the Laugh-inducing Potion and we tried it on filch” George said and as soon as he turned around to face me I froze.

“You” was all I could say.

“Sorry” George said sounding confused.

“You….. You’re the one” I kept repeating. George looked at me with a worried look on his face.

“Do you remember the quidditch world cup?” I asked him. George slowly nodded his head.

“And you helped me escape” I said.

“What no I didn’t I know I helped someone but it wasn’t you” he responded.

“It was I said ‘thank you’ and you said ‘what for’ and then I said ‘for saving me I know cheesy right’” as soon as I said those words George face lit up into a massive smile.

“it can’t be” he said beaming, I nodded my head then all of a sudden George stood up from his seat and came over to me and hugged me I hugged him back and we stood there for about 10 minutes when we heard someone coughing in the background. As George let go of me we quickly realised that Fred was in the room and both started blushing madly.

“Mind telling me how you know each other?” Fred asked. I looked at George and nodded and we told him the whole story of what happened at the quidditch match and how I dragged George into it and how he helped me escape. We decided on leaving the bit out of where we went so that we could keep that as our little secret.

“So how are you then….” George said but I cut him off.

“Nevaeh but everyone call me vay and I’m good. Oh by the way no one else knows about this it has to stay between us three or my family will flip if they heard i mean they went mad when they found out about the whole attack there so I don’t know what they would say about this” in the end we decided on not speaking about it once we leave this room which wasn’t long as professor Snape returned and told us all to leave. As I got up to leave I felt two arms link with my arms and I smiled.

As I made my way to my common room I couldn’t help but frown.

“Well this is me boys” I said with a sigh. Fred and George both looked at me with puppy dog faces which I couldn’t help but laugh at.

“Come with us” they said in unison.

“I’d love to but I can’t Leah would be worried about me” I responded.

“No she wouldn’t you can stay with us it’d be fine” they said as they started to drag me away from the painting.

“Guys let go I can’t seriously Leah would flip if I wasn’t in there” I said. Reluctantly they let go.

“Ok we’ll let you off for tonight but you are going to stay with us one night and we mean it” George said with a smirk playing on his lips.

“Fine whatever night guys” I said as I made my way to the painting all of a sudden I heard a cough. I turned around and noticed that they were still standing there.

“What is it now?” I said.

“Well we want a hug” Fred said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“Fine” I replied. And Fred made his way over and hugged me but while Fred was hugging me I couldn’t help but notice George giving Fred an evil glare for it. Once he let me go George came over and gave me a hug, as he wrapped his arms around my waist I couldn’t help but feel a rush of electricity running through my body and I think George felt it to as he looked as stunned as I did. As he let go I couldn’t help but feel upset.

I turned around and made my way to the portrait. I stood there for a bit confident that Fred and George had gone.

“Tiger-lily” I said to the painting and it flung open I made my way through the tunnel and into the common room and straight up the stairs to my dorm. As I made my way in silently I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

“What time do you call this?” Leah asked making me jump.

“Leah I didn’t think you were awake um……. Snape kept me sorry” I said but as I looked at her face she didn’t seem convinced.

“Really vay you have the same look I had when I kissed Draco this afternoon” she said. ‘Shoot’ I thought.

“Alright I’ll tell you I was kept late by Snape but I was with Fred and George weasley and they wouldn’t let me come in they wanted me to stay with them and they only agreed because I said that you would flip out at me and probably them” I said and smiled.

“Right so which one.”


“Which one do you like I’m not stupid” Leah said folding her arms across her chest to show she means business. I gulped.

“Um I dunno George I guess” I muttered hoping she wouldn’t hear it but I guess I was wrong

“Awwwwwwwwwww you like George how sweet” she said loudly and I quickly sent her a death glare and she shut up quickly.

After that she lay back down in her bed and fell asleep I quickly got changed into my pyjamas and made my way over to my bed stroking petal along the way. Once I got into bed I fell asleep instantly dreaming about what happened today.


Well I hope you liked it sorry it took so long for me to write I’ve been busy with college and work and everything else lol


Thank you for reading this it means a lot to me

And some news the next chapter will be set when beauxbaton and drumstang comes to Hogwarts as I need to speed it up a bit lol I’ll also put this on the beginning of chapter 4

So if you would like a character in my story send me an email telling me all about your character.

My email is madaboutlove@hotmail.co.uk please don’t laugh at it I was like 11 when I got it and I thought it was cool back then lol

So again thanks for reading it and chapter 4 will be uploaded a lot sooner than this was.

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