Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire...

By phangirlingweirdo

1.7M 65K 124K

- won first place in the summer 2015 x reader fanfiction awards - You feel like your life is one big existent... More

a/n: disclaimer
Introducing You...
Landlord Peasant
And So It Begins...
Don't Stalk Me!
Hello Internet!
Too Many Innuendos...
Twenty Questions
"My Rambling is... Cucumber?"
The Interview
"What is my life?!"
Abused... Bruised... Alone?
The Aftermath
Diagnosis and a Tour
Pizza and a Close Call
Annoying Cashier
Advice with Dan
Skyping Feels
Spaghetti and Damp Clothes
Stay with me...
Soggy Cereal
Artistic Attempts
Heart-to-Hearts in a Cupboard
Awkward... >.<
Llamaaaa :3
Guitar Hero
Danosaurs be craaazzzyyy
"A winky friendship is a good friendship."
Sherlock is Bae
Movie Marathon
Advice with Phil *cue jingle*
Shiz happens.
"You're ruining my liveshow!"
Waffles and Horror Movies
Awkward Experiences
Cooking and Arguments
Friends Again...?
Phan... Sorta.
The Inner Badass
Twister and Ice Cream
The Deep, Dark World of Tumblr
The Fairground
Looking for the Lion
The Postman ruins Everything.
Announcements and Turnips
Third Video!
Mario Kart and Liveshows
a/n: omg!
Shopping and Cereal
Stirfry and Complete Failures
Zoe's Party - Part One
Zoe's Party - Part Two
The Worst Party Ever?!
Twitter Troubles
Making Up and Strange Dreams
Phil's Date
Piggy Backs
Salted Caramel Brownies
a/n: 2k?!
The London Eye and Games
Phangirls and Embarrassing Phil
Anxious Thoughts...
Nostalgia and Vegetable Pie
Coincidence? I think not...
a/n: 3k! omw 0-0
Search and Find
Sudden Realisations
Morning Breath Kisses
Hiccups and Phone Conversations
Midnight Magic
a/n: 5k! :D
Cards Against Humanity and Codes
Decoding and Panicking
Sickness and Cuddling
Noodles and Theories!
The Big Reveal...
Cookies and Queries
Teasing ^v^
Decorating and Christmas!
Brighton Beach
Never Let Me Go
Bonus Chapter - Minty's Real Name
Answers to the Character Ask

Nightmares and Lucky Charms

12.3K 424 563
By phangirlingweirdo

You slowly slip into consciousness, half-heartedly rubbing sleep out of your eyes.

You notice that Dan is still asleep beside you, snoring softly, and his eyelids fluttering. His brown hair is sticking up everywhere. You smile and roll over to check your phone.

Reminder: Funeral Directors! (go early to get it over and done with)

You sigh quietly and set your phone down again. You forgot about that. Last night was so... magical that the thought just slipped your mind completely.

"Mmph," Dan says in his sleep, frowning. "No... No. No! Y/n!"

You furrow your eyebrows. He must be having a bad dream. You shake his shoulders gently to wake him up. His eyes shoot open, and his breathing is fast and choppy, making his chest rise up and down quickly. His hair is sticking to his forehead.

"Y/n...?" he asks tentatively, his voice quiet and fragile.

"Yeah, I'm here, Dan," you reply softly, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

He falls silent, and all you can hear is his unsteady breathing. You can feel his heart thumping in his chest.

After a while, he whispers "Nightmare..." in a croaky voice. He runs a hand through his messy hair.

"What was it about?" you ask carefully. "You were almost shouting..."

He doesn't reply for a few minutes, and closes his eyes, sighing. "I- I lost you."

A tear rolls down his cheek, and you squeeze his hand again, lying on his chest. He puts his arm around you and holds you close to him.

"You died in the fire," Dan says. "I tried to save you-" He pauses to take a deep breath. "B-but I couldn't..."

You cup his face gently and kiss him softly. "It's not true," you say. "I'll always be here."

"I'm sorry, I'm being stupid," he says, letting out a watery laugh afterwards.

"No, it's fine," you assure him. "We all have days like this."

Minty's POV:


I jump at the noise, and my eyes shoot open. They rest on Phil's bed... his empty bed. Somebody groans in pain.

I get up from my air mattress cautiously, walking over to the source of the noise. Phil is lying on the floor, rubbing his arm. He looks up at me and his cheeks flush in shame.

"I fell out of bed," he squeaks. His eyes widen, and he clears his throat. "I mean, um..." he says in a deeper voice, "I fell out of bed."

A giggle escapes my mouth, and I raise my hand up to it, muffling my oncoming laugh. Soon, we're both laughing hard, and my eyes are watering, embarrassingly.

"How did you manage that?" I ask, once our laughter dies down.

He shrugs. "The mattress was smaller than I thought it was."

I laugh again, although for a shorter time than before. "You're funny."

"Thanks," he replies with a quiet chuckle, his cheeks turning a pale shade of pink.

There's a comfortable silence between us. Through the wall, I hear quiet sobs. I furrow my eyebrows. Phil clears his throat.

"Would you like to go and watch some Adventure Time?" he asks, getting up from the floor and pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"But..." I trail off, gesturing to the wall.

"It's fine, they've got each other," he replies, walking over to the door and holding it open for me. "M'lady."

I decide to play along with him, and curtsey as I walk through the door. "You're too kind, sir."

He chuckles and closes the door behind us. "Would you like some cereal?"

"Yes, please. What do you have?"

"Let's see..." Phil walks into the kitchen and opens a cupboard. "We have Shreddies, porridge, Lucky Charms, Cheerios... anything take your fancy?"

"What are Lucky Charms?" I ask curiously.

Phil's jaw drops. "You've never tried Lucky Charms?"

I shake my head and give him a mildly apologetic smile.

He gasps dramatically and pulls two bowls out of another cupboard, also setting the box of cereal down on the counter. "You're in for a treat!"

I chuckle at him and roll my eyes as he pours the cereal into the two bowls.

It looks like puffed rice, with little marshmallows sprinkled around. They're attractively decorated, with assorted shapes, one of which is a rainbow.

"Well, it certainly looks nice."

Back to youuu!

You slip your feet into your black converse and lace them up. You look over at Dan, who is still getting dressed.

"You don't have to come with me, you know," you remind him. "It'll probably be really boring for you."

He shakes his head. "No, I want to come. I want to support you."

You look over at him and smile at his words. "I love you."

"Who doesn't?" he replies snarkily, chuckling.

You stick your tongue out at him. "Dickhead."

Dan splays his fingers out on his chest, wearing an expression similar to that of a open-mouthed goldfish. "I'm offended!" he says with a gasp.

You roll your eyes at him. "Are you ready?"


*le time skip*

"You have reached your destination," the Sat Nav says as you come to a stop.

"No s***," Dan mumbles, rolling his eyes and unbuckling his seatbelt. "Shall we go inside?" he asks you.

"Yeah, just a minute," you reply, getting your bag and crutches off the back seat.

You open the car door and get out, with the help of Dan. You put your arms in your crutches and walk up to the dismal black building.

It looks quite fancy, with an exterior of black marble and gold paint. Or maybe it's real gold, but you doubt it, somehow. The doors are mahogany coloured and big.

You look over at Dan, who is admiring the building.

"Hm... could be a bit more black, considering it's a funeral place," he muses.

You roll your eyes at him, smiling. He walks ahead of you and opens one of the big double doors, holding it open for you.

The interior of the building is just as fancy as the outside. Everything looks sparklingly clean, and there isn't a speck of dust anywhere. There are several doors around the room, and a big reception desk in the middle.

Dan walks up to the reception desk and waits for you. You give a small smile to the receptionist.

"Hello, I'm Y/n L/n, and I'm here to see someone about my mother's will," you say to her.

"Ah, yes! Charles will be ready for you in a couple of minutes," she replies, gesturing over to a row of seats. "Please wait there."

You smile again at her and follow Dan over to the seats. You sit down and take your crutches off, leaning them against the wall beside you.

Just then, a door to your right opens, and a distressed looking man comes out, holding a little girl's hand. She's crying, and clutching a soft teddy bear in her arm.

You give a sympathetic look to the man, and he glares at you and continues walking past.


"L/n!" someone calls out, presumably this 'Charles' person. You think it's rather strange he would just use your last name.

You put your arms in your crutches and stand up, making your way into the dull room. In the corner of your eye, you notice a blandly dressed man get up too.

An elderly looking man is sitting behind a desk. He pushes his half moon spectacles further up his nose and gestures for you both to sit down in front of him.

You do. You take the seat to the right, and Dan sits to your left. There is one space left.

"Good morning," a gruff voice says. You look up, to see your dad, sitting down in the empty seat.

Why is he here?

It's a family thing, Y/n. Of course he's here.

But he didn't even care about mum! He left us both!

A warm hand is placed on your arm, bringing you out of your little debate with yourself. Dan looks at you with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply, giving him a fake smile, which you're hoping will reassure him.

Charles clears his throat. "Anyway, as you all probably know, the reason you're here today is to discuss Mrs L/n's will, which I have here."

You swallow a lump in your throat as he unrolls a piece of paper. Dan grips your hand comfortingly.

"Now, firstly..."

A/N: Ha I'm evil xD

Again, sorry if you have a different last name to your parents/guardians.

Goodbye! See you in a few days

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