The Goddess Test ◊ L.H.

By 5sosoup

39.5K 1.2K 263

Every girl who has taken the test has died. Now it's Quinn's turn ◊ Luke Hemmings A.U. ◊ More

The Goddess Test ◊
omega || epilogue


914 33 7
By 5sosoup

Quinn Jackson ◊

I had barely even spoken to Arnold as it is, but the look that he was giving me was eerily terrifying. His eyes were narrowed and his facial features were twisted in anger.

"Where have you been?" He scolded, and I frowned as I entangled my fingers together and stood before him.

"I was with Mira and Luke," I spoke but he interrupted me with a nod and opened his mouth to speak.

"Sit down." He commanded, and I furrowed my brows as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry, but I do not appreciate being spoken to like that." I said, and he clenched his fists as he rolled his eyes.

"Do you know who I am?" He snapped, and I nodded.

"Yes I do. You are Zeus, and you have control over Olympus but you do not have control over me. I do not think anyone else likes being spoken to like that either." I said, and a surprised look was on his face.

"No one has ever spoken to me like that before."

"Well someone should have, you're awfully rude." I said, sitting down at the table and an irritated look overcame his face as I waited for him to quiz me, but instead he just handed me a sheet of paper with questions on it.

"Begin." He muttered, and sat across from me. I was slightly nervous with him watching me, but I was confident in what Mira has taught me so far. Some questions were tougher than others, and Arnold was incessantly taping on the table as well.

"I'm finished." I said, sliding him my paper and he dismissed me with a wave of his hand, which was slightly offensive but I knew not to question him any more at this point. I walked out of the room to see Luke pacing in the hall, and he immediately kissed my forehead as he hugged me.

"How was it?" He murmured, an anxious look on his face and I rubbed his cheek as I smiled up at him, and the worry seemed to melt away from him.

"Fine, I was in high school recently so I'm still able to remember a bunch of information and recite it in order to pass a class. The only good thing from high school in all honesty." I said, and he chuckled as looked down at me.

"I am going to talk to Arnold, you can wait for me but you do not have to." He said, and I nodded as I sat on the bench in the hall and watched as he went inside, giving me a quick smile before he was shutting the door behind him.

I know it was irresponsible of me, but I wanted to know what he and his brother were talking about. The two were polar opposites, and it was surprising to see that Luke, Arnold and Zach were actually three brothers.

I stepped up to the door, and was surprised to hear Luke snap at Arnold, though I don't blame him.

"I should be able to tell her." He snapped, anger seeping into his tone and I flinched as something slammed from inside the room, "She should be able to know how she is doing."

"Do not speak to me like that, your little girl was already rude enough earlier." I rolled my eyes at Arnolds words, but I knew that he was just insecure in his actions.

"Why are you always so disrespectful Arnold? I do not understand it." Luke snarled, and I smiled as I pulled away from the door slightly.

"I am going to tell her about the tests, and you cannot stop me." Luke said, and my eyes widened at the mention of the tests, but I quickly sat down on the bench as Luke threw the doors open but his eyes softened as he saw me.

"I hope you did not hear me yell," He said, and I smiled as I shrugged my shoulders, "Are you free to talk?"

"Luke, what else am I going to do?" I said, and he chuckled as he offered his hand out to me and I took it, and walked with him into the living room.

"You have already undergone two tests." He said, and my eyes widened at his words, "But do not be worried, you have passed them both."

He had a big smile on his face as he looked at me, and relief washed through me as I nodded. The news that there were tests already freaked me out, but Luke looked confident in me.

"What were the tests?" I asked, and he smiled as we sat down on the couch.

"The first was impression, or how well you first interacted with my family at the party. You passed that with flying colors, and everyone loved you. The second test was the test you just took." He said, and I frowned.

"The dinner was a test? That's not nice Luke." I said, and he chuckled as he leaned back against the chair, and nodded slightly.

"That is true, but you have done wonderfully Quinn. I told you, from the start I have had great faith in you and you continue to exceed any and all expectations." He said, and I flushed as I looked down at my lap and smiled in gratitude.

"What is the next test?" I asked, and he frowned a bit but remained silent under my pleading gaze, "Luke, come on. At least give me some kind of clue."

"Quinn, I am not able to. I honestly do want to tell you, but if I were to tell you, that would be a form of cheating." He said, and I sighed as I knew he was right.

"Will you at least tell me if I pass or fail once I finish the tests?" I asked, and he nodded as he offered his hand out to me, and he interlaced our fingers together.

"Our hands fit together perfectly, if you ask me." He murmured, kissing the back of it and I smiled at his small gesture of affection.

"I think they do too." I whispered, and curled up beside him as we sat together on the couch, the house oddly yet calming in its silence.

"Will you tell me some stories?" I asked, and he nodded as he used his thumb to rub gentle circles into my skin.

"Tell me about you and Persephone, if that's okay with you." I said, and he grimaced but sighed as he nodded, and he leaned his head back against the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.

"Persephone was beautiful, I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her. According to myths, I kidnapped her but I never did so. Myths have also said that she was unhappy or she hated me, but that was not true either." He started, his lips curled up in a smile at the memory,

"I loved her, and she loved me. I think it was a shock for everyone, as I never really left the Underworld before, nor anywhere where flowers were present. The myths also say that I tricked Demeter into trapping her daughter, but that is false."

"Demeter is one of my closest and personal friends, someone who I admire and care for deeply. So when I asked Demeter for Persephone's hand in marriage and for her to be my Queen, she was ecstatic."

"We married and lived happily, I continued my reign over the Underworld and passed judgement as I did before, but now I had her as well. I made sure that all of her needs were met, and took care of her in any way that she needed."

"It was too late when I finally realized, I was putting everything into her but she was not giving anything back to me. I have told you before, while I was falling in love, she was losing her feelings for me." He said, his voice cracking slightly and I frowned at the realization that he loved her still.

"She was my everything, and suddenly she was gone. I did not know what to do with myself, after that I became very lazy and unmotivated to do anything. Many of my family attempted to reach out, but I could not face them."

"When Persephone finally asked to be made mortal and leave, I broke that day. When she left, she took a piece of my soul with her." He whispered, and I turned so I was sitting across from him on the couch and he leaned forward.

There were tears in his eyes as he looked away from me, but I wiped under his eyes and he gave me a weak smile.

"I am sorry Quinn, I should not be this emotional over her still. Even with all of the other girls, Persephone will always hold a piece of my heart." He muttered, looking away once again.

"I know that, I knew that when I agreed to undergo the tests and I know that now. It's okay to be emotional, you loved her and she broke you." I said, and he blinked several times before looking at me.

"You are too good to me, Quinn Jackson." He murmured, before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me but pulled away and I sighed as I looked up at him.

"I try." I whispered, trying to lighten the mood and he chuckled before wiping at his eyes once more and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Two millenniums since she left me, but the memories always come flooding back in such vivid details." He mumbled, more to himself than to me and I did what I would want someone to do in this situation, and I wrapped my arms around him as we sat there.

"I'm sorry." I said, kissing his forehead and he sighed as he looked up at me.

"Are there any other stories you want to know?" He asked, clearing his throat and I smiled as I shook my head and sat on my knees and looked at him.

"That story was more than enough Luke." I said, and he nodded as he kissed the tip of my nose and I giggled as I backed away and rubbed the spot.

"Weirdo." I said, and he scowled as he rolled his eyes as did it again, causing me to giggle once more.

"Stop!" I whined, and he chuckled as he leaned forward and started tickling me, his long fingers attacking my sides and I continued giggling until my sides ached and I finally caught both of his hands within my own, him hovering over top of me and I was out of breath as we laid there.

"Got you." He said, kissing the tip of my nose once again and I groaned as I turned away and he chuckled before sitting up and pulling me up with him.

"You make me feel as if I am young again Quinn." He said, and I rolled my eyes as I pushed him slightly and shook my head.

"You literally look as if you're twenty though." I said, and he nodded as he scratched as his face and looked at me.

"I could look even younger if I shaved,"

"No!" I said, and he chuckled as he looked at me, and I blushed as I looked away.

"Are you a fan of the scruff?" He asked, and I shyly nodded as I reached my hand out to touch his jaw, rubbing it and enjoying the way that it felt.

"It makes you look older and it suits you," I said, and he nodded as he trapped my hand beneath his own and rubbed the back of it softly, "Plus I think you'd look like a baby if you did."

"Gee, thanks." He said, and I smiled as we continued sitting on the couch, never once being interrupted and for once it felt nice to just have time to spend with Luke, no distractions or people bursting through the door at random times.

I was falling for Luke faster than I would have imagined, and now with the news of already passing two tests, I was ready to take on the rest.

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