My special mate

By _Amar_

104K 3.7K 203

A soon-to-be-eighteen years old werewolf Ariel Meltem lost her parents when she was kid. Her only family left... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 19

3.3K 111 4
By _Amar_

I walked into the kitchen and splashed water on my face, wincing when my nose pained. "Damn" I muttered and started looking for first-Aid. Taking it out from drawer, I sat on stool.

"Let me help you" someone said looking at how I was trying to fix myself up. I looked up to find Ryan coming towards me. "No thank you" I said.

"Ariel please let me help you atleast" he begged. "I don't need your help" I protested. Can't he get it? I'm good by myself. He held my hand stoping me from walking away. I shrugged his hand ignoring the sparks.

"Ariel please. My wolf wants to know if his mate is alright. You didn't know how hard it was for me to see you fight like that. When you got hurt I only saw red and wanted to kill John. Now he wants to make sure that you are ok. Please." He explained pleading.

I sighed.

I sat back on stool nodding at him. I know how possessive wolfs could be over mates. Arguing will take me no where so for now I agreed with him.

He came closer taking out the cotton and cleaning the blood slowly. When his hands touched me I felt sparks. Those 5 minutes where torture because I have to control myself from doing something I will regret. He took his time and his eyes showed concern for me. He looked sincere.

When he was done he kept the cotton down and smiled at me. A genuine smile which made my heart flutter. I couldn't stop myself from giving one back to him. This action surprised him and he stared at me. He moved his hand that was cupping my cheek and tucked a hair strand behind my ear.

Slowly he moved forward. Our noses were inch apart and I felt like he was going to kiss me. I didn't move back. My mind was all hazy because of our proximity. He leaned closer and my eyes fluttered close.


We jumped apart.Ryan gave a frustrated sound. " Sorry to uh.. disturb. I just uh.. wanted first-aid kit but uh.. I will get it later." Sheila squeaked before running out.

Pushing Ryan away I ran from the room ignoring him calling my name. Closing my room shut I sat on my bed scolding myself for falling into his trick. If she wouldn't have interrupted I would have kissed him and it made me both relieved and frustrated that the kiss didn't took place. How much more confusing my mind could be?

I screamed into my pillow.


You know that feeling when you want to kill someone? When your limit breaks and you are more than frustrated? When you are forced to do something for someone? A sudden urge to choke someone to death?

That's exactly are my feelings now.

Sitting here watching a documentary on whales. Yes! A documentary on whales! I mean who watches that. ?That's exactly what I asked Mathew when he came barging into my room asking me to watch a 'interesting' documentary with him, his words not mine.

Two things you should know about Mathew: 1 that he watches all weird animal documentaries and 2 that he doesn't watch them alone. He always needs a companion to watch that documentary with him. And today I am that lucky girl. Note my sarcasm. I would kill to be anywhere but here.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked Mathew 19th time, yes I counted, in an hour. "Patience El" he replied again. "Mathew" I groaned and banged my head on pillow. And he shushed me. I sighed.

Conner came from outside and started walking up the stairs without noticing us. He looked sad and tired. I frowned worried about my brother. What happened? I gave myself a mental note to find out later. Turning back towards the documentary I groaned, yet again.

"El" someone whispered. "El" someone again called shaking me. I ignored it going back to my peaceful sleep. "Ariel" someone shouted disturbing me. I swear this someone will pay.


I felt off the couch. I opened my eyes and found Mathew over me. " What the hell El?" He asked. What? I looked around and found that documentary ended and sighed inwardly. That means I missed the rest of torture. I controlled myself from doing a happy dance.

"Stop smiling El. You slept through the movie. You missed it!" Mathew accused. "Sorry. I was really tired and I didn't notice that I felt asleep. I am so sad that I was not able to watch the whole thing." I lied. "Okay El we can..." I cut him off " I have some important work so I will see you later" I said  and sprinted up the stairs ignoring him.

Reaching up I sighed relieved. I know very well that he was going to ask me to watch another movie. No thank you! I started walking towards my room but paused and turned towards Blair's room. I didn't see her in the morning too. Is she not well?

As I was about to knock I heard a sound coming from inside that seemed like sniffing. Was she crying? Opening the door I walked inside and found her sitting on the bed crying. "Blair" I called her.

She tensed and quickly wiped her eyes. "Hey" she said. "What's wrong Blair? Why are you crying?" I asked sitting beside her. "Nothing's wrong. Something went into my eyes." She lied. " you suck at lying " I replied.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I demanded. She looked down. I warned her again and she avoided my eyes. "Blair you are my best friend and like a sister to me. You can share anything with me." I told her. She got up and turned her back to me. " I... I found my mate" she whispered.

"Wow! Blair! I am so happy for you" I grinned. Slowly my grin faded as more tears welled in her eyes. "What happened?" I asked slowly. "I rejected him" she said as tear leaked from her eyes. I gasped.

"Why? Mate bond is very important for wolfs. You know that right? Then why did you break your bond? " I asked. She just turned away. "Who is your mate? Blair answer me!" I insisted. "Tell me why you rejected him? Who is he?" I kept on asking. "Tell me!"

"Conner" she shouted. My eyes widened. She turned towards me "Yes, Conner is my mate and I rejected him" she whispered. "But why?" I questioned

"Don't you remember what he did to you? I don't want the same thing happening to me. In a relationship trust is most important and if he can't even believe his sister and trust her, how will he trust me?" She reasoned.

"You did this because he didn't trust me?" I asked feeling guilty. " No,El. I knew you will take the blame on yourself that's why I didn't tell you. Its not your fault." She explained. "Blair please don't do this to you and to Conner. Give him a chance to prove himself first" I told. "I know what he did to me was in anger and he is sorry for it. I have seen him talking about his mate and telling me that how he was going to treat her like a princess. He  always wanted a mate. So please give him a chance. Don't worry about me. I'm planning to give him a chance too. " I explained shaking her.

She wiped her tears. "So I should give him a chance?" She asked. "Yes" I told her. "But he hates me now. He won't talk to me" she said. "Believe me Blair he will never hate you" I assured.

"You don't understand. Today he tried to talk but I hurt him again." She told. "Don't worry. I know my brother. You go talk to him and give him a chance. He will be happy with you" I said. She nodded. "Thanks El" she said hugging me. "I am always with you" I whispered.

"But I am nervous. How will I talk to him? I can't just go and talk to him like this." She said. "I have an idea" I grinned. "Lets go clubbing "

"Why?" She asked. "We will ask everyone to come. I will dress you up and make you hot. Then you can seduce him. Believe me he will jump on you and take you back" I said winking.

"Shut up." She said blushing. " We need a good plan". "Okay ! I have a plan B." I told. "What?" She asked. "You should grab somebody and dance with him. Conner will be so jealous that he will come to you" I told.

"El I want to make things right between us, not make him more angry. Think of something else." She said. "I have plan C too." I said " but I am not going to tell you that. You are again going to find some fault and reject it."

"El you have to tell me" she insisted. I shook my head. " No way I'm going to tell you. We are going to use plan C and that's it. It will work , it has to. We are using plan C and you have to do it because it is the best plan ." I told her confidently "Also I don't have plan D." I whispered.

"What?" She questioned. "Nothing! Just be ready, I will come back" I said running out of the room. 'Mathew' I mind-linked him. 'Tell everyone we are going clubbing'

I grinned..

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