When Harry met Sofie

By missynickiix0

259K 2.4K 372

~CURRENTLY ATTEMPTING TO EDIT~ Sofie's bestfriend Stevie gets two tickets to Great Britian and Buckingham Pal... More

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 1
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 2
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 3
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 4
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 5
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 6
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 7
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 8
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 9
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 10
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 11
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 12
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 13
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 14
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 15
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 16
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 17
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 18
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 19
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 20
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 21
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 22
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 23
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 24
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 25
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 26
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 27
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 28
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 29
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 31
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 32
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 33
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 34
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 35
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 36
When Harry met Sofie- Chapter 37
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 38
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 39
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 40
When Harry met Sofie - Epilogue
Random Babble & About the Sequel

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 30

4.2K 50 5
By missynickiix0


Will looks at Harry, Harry looks at Will. I look at Kate, Kate looks at me. Camilla looks at Charles, Charles looks at Camilla. The Queen looks at us all. I gulp, a little to loudly because all eyes snap to me, except for Harry's of course. All eyes look at me expectantly, as if I was explaining that I have a third eye.

"Um, well... I... uh..." I studder, not sure what to say. I guess I was just a little to expectant of the squeals of joy, and the tight hugs, telling me how happy they are that I'm marrying the man of my dreams. But no, this is the royal family we are talking about. They don't get excited over Harry getting engaged to the women he got pregnant. In American, this would be something worth celebrating, but then again, I'm not in America anymore. I think thats the only thing I do miss about that country, besides my friends and family of course, the excitement in America is amazing. Whenever your feeling down, just go out, theres bound to be someone celebrating over something. In England, the people are serious, occasionaly you pass by someone who looks excited. Now I'm not saying that these people arent friendly or happy but when your used to living in a place of over-enthusastic people, you tend to miss it.

Harry's hand squeezing my knee pulls me out my mind ranting. I glance up to see Camilla shooting me dagers from across the table, my eyes widen in shock. She told me she liked me! She took me shopping and said she hopes I'll let her be the babies grandma! What the hell? Now she's sending me hateful looks? What did I do wrong now?

"I don't understand..." I mumble as I feel the tears well up in my eyes, a lump forming in my throat. How could they be okay with us having a baby out of wedlock? Thats going to keep me around forever if marriage isn't. "Oh my god." I gasp as things start to click together inside of my head. I look up to Harry's family as they study my face, confused. "Thats what you want isnt it? You think because your not accepting the fact that Harry and I love each other and want to get married, that I'm going to run back to america like a scared little b!tch. Well you know what? I am SICK of people trying to get me to run from my happiness. Right now, I dont even care what you think of me anymore. I'm done with letting people rule my life. Weither you accept it or not, my baby is the next in line for the throne. I am not going to just have my baby and leave it to you all to brain wash and drive it crazy with fame. I won't. I'm going to be here every step of the way for my child and let them be happy, and I dare you to try to get in my way." I snarl at Camilla, Charles and the Queen. Not Will or Kate, I love them to death. I continue, putting my hands over my belly protectively. "So, I think it would be for the better if you grow a pair and get over the fact that I'm not going to do what you want me too and your not going to control my baby."  I shove away from the table and storm towards the door, not even paying attention to if Harry or anyone at all is following me. All I know is, I need someone, someone from home, someone who will support me when I need them. Someone like Stevie.

Storming my way towards the garage, I take notice in the fact that the guards are having a hard time not to gawk at my pissed off march. As I reach the door, the doormen swings it open for me as I continue to march outside to tell the cars men to get me a car.

"SOFIE!" I hear Harry yellings from behind me somewhere, but I dont turn to him. I know thats a little childish considering I'm not pissed with him, but I just want sometime alone. "Please, Sofie! Wait, please." He calls as I hear him runs towards me.

I turn to the carsmen impatiently as he stands gawking at me, frozen. "Jesus, get the car will you?" I growl. His eyes widen and he nods nervously mumbling a 'yes ma'am' as he goes.

"Dont you dare go get that car, thats an order!" Harry bombs right behind me, causing me to jump a mile. The carsmen stops dead in his track and looks between Harry and I nervously. I know if he is smart enough, he will listen to Harry considering he is the prince and I'm just the princes pregnant girlfriend or fiancee...

Stomping my foot childishly, I turn and glare at an adorabe looking Harry. This is why I never win my arguements with him... As soon as I look into his eyes, I loose it. The tears I managed to keep back earlyer began to fall as Harry pulled me tightly to him. I cry on his shoulder as he rubs my back soothingly. After awhile I hear Harry mumble for the carsmen to go get our car.

"Sofie, I am so proud of you." Harry said with a slight smile on his face, as he holds my face in his hands and looking deeply into my eyes. "No one and I mean no one, has ever stood up to my family like that before, not even my mother. My mom did some what stand up to them, but never in history has someone spoke to them like that. They needed to be set in there place, Sofie. Dont think for a minute that I hate you for the way you talked to them, they deserved it. I love you so much. You and the baby are my man concerns now, not the Royal family. So lets forget what they said, or didnt say, and go find out if were having a little boy or girl." Harry said with a broad, contagious smile.

Leaning forward I kiss him quickly before pulling away at the sound of our car pulling up. I grab Harrys hand in mine as I pull him closer. "Lets go meet our baby." I smile at the sound of 'our baby'. I dont think I will ever be used to the fact that I'm having a baby with Prince Harry of Wales.

The entire ride to the doctors office Harry rubs my belly and talks to the baby, making me giggle as I text Stevie. "Hey girl, how much do you love meee?! :)" I text her as soon as the car takes off. Within a minute she replies,

"Stevie: What do you want, Sofe?

Sofie: Come visit me, pleaseeee!! I'll pay for first class... well, harry will but y'know what i mean!

Stevie: Get me the tickets ASAP and ill be there, yaknow me. :)

Sofie: YAY!!!!! Text you deets l8er.<3"

I smile at my phone before shoving into my short's pocket. Snuggling closer into Harry's arms, I sigh at the happiness I feel right now despite all that has happened today. My best friend is coming to see me after a month and a half of not seeing her, I find out what gender my baby is and the love of my life loves me enough to stick up for me in front of his royal family... Could my life get any better?

When we arrive at the doctors we go in the backway because the front is filled with press, although we didnt tell anyone outside of family was the day we found out the gender, the press found there ways to get the information as well. The plus part to going in the back way was we didnt have to wait, we got sent straight into a room where I was told to put on a gown and lay back on the bed/table. The nurse takes my information and tells me the doctor will be in shortly before exiting the room. Harry comes over and grabs my hand in his, holding it tight as his thumb rubs soothing circles on the top of my hand.

"I think its going to be Diana Grace." Harry smiles at me. I look over at him and smirk. He's been saying its going to be a girl since day one, but I swear this baby is my little Kingston. I can just feel that this baby is going to be... powerful. My baby... A part of me and a part of Harry... God I hope it has Harry's eyes...

I stare into his eyes and put a hand on his cheek. "Kingston, definately Kingston." I said with a knowing smile. Just then the door opens to a smiling doctor. I gulp and look at her nervously.

Doctor Carol smiles at the both of us before walking over and taking a seat on the wheely chair besides me, opposite of Harry. "How are you Sofie, Harry?" She asked as she looked over my charts.

"Great, feeling good. The baby kicks a lot!" I said with a laugh as Harry agrees as well. He would know, everytime we try to do... "something" it kicks like crazy!

Dr. Carol smiles and sets her charts down. "Well, you've gained fifteen pounds since I saw you a month ago. Thats quiet a lot for someone four months along, and for only a month difference. Do you gain weight easily?" She asked curiously. My eyebrows shot up. Christ! No wonder i'm so fat!

I shake my head furiously. "I've always had a good metabolism. I did sports a lot too when I was younger.... I still do a lot of walking now.." I said, my voice laced with worry. Harry sensing it, he squeezes my fingers reassuringly.

"Hm. Well, lets take a look shall we? I see we are finding out the sex today." She smiled happyily at Harry and I. I nod and force a smile onto my face. But I can't help but worry over the fact that I had gained fifteen pounds in a month. 30 days! I am so fat... Sofie, stop, your pregnant! I scolded myself. Dr. Carol squirts the cold jelly onto my belly and begins to rub it around with her wand as she searches for the baby. After a minute or more of searching, she gasp and punches buttons on the machine furiously.

My eyes lock on her as my heart sinks, watching for any sign that my baby is okay. Harry's grasp tightens in mine and I begin bitting my lip so hard I can taste blood. Dr. Carol turns to me with a big goofy smile plastered on her face. "Its a boy." She smiles at Harry and I for about the millionth time. My eyes grow wide as I turn to Harry.


"And two girls." Dr. Carol interuprts me. My jaw drops as I slowly turn to look at the screen for comformation of her words. Triplets?! This cannot be right... no way do I have three babies inside of me right now! How in the hell is that even possible? "See those three things right there?" Dr. Carol points two three smallish circles. I nod. "Thats all three of your babies' heads. On the left is the boy."

This is insane... Three babies! THREE! One was a lot... Three is... hell, there isnt even a word for what three is! How am I going to raise three babies? And I was scared of being a bad mom to one, now I have THREE!

Three, three, three, three, three... Thats what kept going on over and over again in my mind as I heard Harry hit the floor.

Three babies....


I know I said a few days but unexpected plans came up and I didnt have the time to write.

So here's the deal, I was updating when I felt I had a good amount of reads, but since yall are doing that pretty quickly, I'm not going to update until I start getting good feedback because yalll have just stopped with the feedback. Thats what motivates me to write on here, even though I'd write this story anyway. ;)

Anyways, FIVE VOTES & TWO COMMENTS for the next chapter. Do it and yall will get a new chap sunday.<3

much love,


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