L. Jergz (Camren)

By imkeysaf

289K 6.8K 1.8K

Lauren Jauregui, also known as L. Jergz, was about to start her first world tour and a new guitarist was adde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Guess who's back?

Chapter 11

8.2K 219 51
By imkeysaf

"Mani... We gotta tell them..." Dinah mumbled with a sleepy tone of voice while caressing Normani's head which was laying on her chest.

"I already told you I think I'm not ready, D..." Normani said "I'm so scared about their reactions..."

"They're gonna have to know anyways!" Dinah told her "I'm tired of having to hide this."

"Why? It's like our little secret!" Normani said playfully as she raised her head up to meet Dinah's eyes. 

"I don't like this kind of secrets." Dinah complained taking her arm off Normani's belly and crossing her arms in front of her chest. "I don't wanna hide it, they're gonna support us, I know that! Lauren is gonna be so happy, oh... I'm sure she will and she will laugh at me and say "I knew it!"... And Ally is gonna hug us and show us that gentle smile, you know... That one when she's excited about something. I don't know why you're so scared... We can make it... You're so brave and confident, why would you ever be afraid of doing this? Plus, doing this for me and with me? I love you Normani and I don't wanna keep it inside anymore."

"Dinah..." Normani mumbled as she closed her eyes for a moment.

Dinah let a tear fall through her cheek but she immediately wiped it away. 

"We're telling them." Normani simply said after sighing as she leaned over and left a quick kiss on Dinah's lips. 

Dinah immediately showed Normani the biggest smile Normani had ever seen.

"A-Are you serious?" Dinah hesitatingly asked Normani who nodded in affirmation. "I love you."

"I love you too D!" Normani said as she got up from Dinah's chest and sat down on Dinah's lap hugging her as tight as she could.

Meanwhile inside Camila and Lauren's room the silence was installed.

They were still lying in the same position as they were when they fell asleep but now the sunlight passing through the curtain gaps was hitting them.

Camila was the first one opening her eyes but she immediately covered them with her hands because of the light. She slowly turned around and hid her face on Lauren's chest.

"What are you doing with your face between my boobs?" Lauren's low and raspy voice filled the place a few seconds after.

Camila immediately took her head off Lauren's chest and lied her head on her pillow.

"The sunlight was hurting my eyes so I decided to hide in your chest." Camila explained.

"Great excuse." Lauren told her playfully as she started laughing.

"You're insane." Camila mumbled as she shook her head and slighty giggled.

"I know, thanks." Lauren thanked ironically "Did you enjoy being my little spoon?" 

"Did you enjoy being my big spoon?" Camila teased back showing Lauren an ironic smile.

"I did, a lot." Lauren answered.

"Oh yeah? Good to know." Camila said as she winked at Lauren who smirked at Camila before getting up from the bed and walking to the bathroom.

"I'm taking a shower..." Lauren informed Camila before closing the bathroom's door behind her. A few seconds after Lauren opened the door again. "Don't try to watch me through the keyhole!"

"What a shame, I was already planning on doing that..." Camila ironically said.

Lauren maliciously smirked at her blowing her a kiss and closing the door again.

"Idiot!" Camila yelled at Lauren even though she was inside the bathroom.

A few minutes later Lauren walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair.

She walked to her bag and she took about five minutes only to choose her outfit. Camila had her phone on her hand but she was discreetly watching Lauren.

Lauren started walking back to the bathroom when she suddenly felt Camila's eyes on her and she stopped.

"What?" she asked as she turned her head to see Camila embarrassingly looking back at her phone.

"What what?" Camila nervously asked back without taking her eyes off her phone.

"Nevermind..." Lauren mumbled as she kept walking into the bathroom again.

Camila knew exactly what Lauren was talking about but she pretended she didn't so she didn't have to show her embarrassment towards Lauren's provocations.

It didn't take too long until Lauren was back to the room already dressed in her black jeans and a Lana Del Rey t-shirt.

"Lana Del Rey, huh?" Camila asked suggestively "Good taste."

"I love her... And I know I have a good taste..." Lauren said as she playfully flipped her hair. Camila shook her head.

"Such a big ego..." Camila commented almost in a whisper but loud enough to make Lauren hear it.

"Shut up!" Lauren said "When I met her..."

"You met Lana?" Camila immediately interrupted Lauren with a shocking look on her face.

"I did..." Lauren informed her "She's too sweet and we're so alike. She said she loved my voice and she knew who I was so I was super excited... Then she told me she wanted to see me soon but it's been three months now and I'm still waiting... I think I'm meeting her again next month at some party... Anyways, I love her."

"Lucky ass... Meeting her is one of my biggest dreams..." Camila sadly admited.

"I promise I'll take you with me when I meet her again." Lauren promised her.

"Are you serious?" Camila asked her with an exciting look on her face.

"Sure!" Lauren affirmed as Camila got up from the bed and ran to her hugging her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Camila said while squeezing Lauren's neck.

"Cute..." Lauren mumbled spontaneously.

Camila didn't say anything about what Lauren had said because she really didn't want to ruin that moment and she just smiled at the taller one's comment.

"You can let go of my neck now... It's probably red right now." Lauren complained playfully even though she herself didn't want to let go of Camila's arms.

"I'm gonna take a shower and then we can go have breakfast downstairs..." Camila suggested as she let go of Lauren's arms.

"Sounds good... Hurry up, I'm starving!" Lauren said.

Camila passed through Lauren walking to the bathroom and after entering it she closed the door behind her.

It was already 10 a.m. when they left the room. 

As soon as they got to the room where the meals were served, they found Normani and Dinah sitting on a table next to the window.

"Good morning!" Camila said as soon as they sat down next to them on the table.

"Good morning, princesses!" Normani said back.

"Hi!" Dinah greeted them showing them a gentle smile.

"What's that?" Lauren asked Dinah poiting at the plate she had in front of her.

"It's a sandwich with cheese and ham inside." Dinah informed Lauren.

"I'm gonna grab one of those... I'll be right back!" Lauren said as she got up from her chair. 

"Can you bring one for me?" Camila playfully pouted at Lauren.

"No." Lauren answered and turned her back to her but she immediately turned around again, seeing Camila with a shocking look on her face. "I was just kidding, kid... I'm bringing it to you!" 

"Thanks." Camila thanked rolling her eyes.

Lauren ironically blew her a kiss and walked to the place where they had the sandwiches.

"I like to see you guys getting along..." Normani commented as soon as Lauren left the table.

"Yeah, me too..." Camila agreed as she turned her head to look at Lauren who was picking her sandwich. "She's great."

"You're gonna end up getting married." Dinah said and Camila raised an eyebrow.

"Dinah, that was supposed to be between us..." Normani mumbled.

"You know what?" Camila asked them and they immediately curiously looked at Camila "You two are crazy."

"Yeah... We'll see." Dinah winked at Camila who shook her head.

Lauren joined them on the table again and they immediately stopped talking.

"Why did y'all stopped talking as soon as I arrived?" Lauren asked them.

"We were just commenting on how beautiful Lisbon is but then the conversation ended." Dinah lied and Lauren shrugged. The other two girls tried to contain their laughs.

"Here!" Lauren handed the sandwich to Camila who thanked her "And I brought you coffee... I don't know if you like it in the morning but..."

"I love it. Thank you!" Camila thanked again showing her a comforting smile.

"Sunshine!" Normani yelled as soon as she saw Ally approaching to their table.

"Good morning, kids!" Ally said playfully and all of them greeted her.

Allyson sat down next to Lauren and she wasn't hungry so she was only drinking a cup of coffee while the others ate their sandwiches.

"They are all here... Should we tell them about...? You know..." Dinah whispered close to Normani so the others couldn't hear.

"Are you sure we should do this?" Normani asked her with an hesitating tone of voice.

"I am." Dinah said confidently.

"Just do it." Normani said after she sighed deeply. Her heart was beating faster than it had ever did. Her palms were sweaty and Dinah was able to see the fear in her eyes. 

Dinah's hand moved from the cup of milk to under the table where she grabbed Normani's hand squeezing it, trying to comfort her.

"Girls?" Dinah called for everyone's attention. Ally, Lauren and Camila immediately turned their attention to Dinah. "I have something... I mean, me and Normani... We have something to tell you."

"Oh shit..." Lauren mumbled "Don't tell me you..."

"We're dating." Dinah interrupted Lauren and Normani immediately hid her face behind Dinah's soulder.

"NO WAY!" Lauren yelled calling everyone's attention to her as an huge smile appeared on her face.

"I knew it..." Camila admited "You look so good together... Congrats!!!"

Allyson was standing there looking at the both of them with a gentle smile on her face. The exact same smile Dinah had told Normani about earlier that morning. 

"I'm so happy for you! My babies are dating!" Ally finally said. 

"Mani, you can show us your face, we're not killing you or anything like that..." Camila said as she touched Normani's arm with her hand. Normani slowly turned her head to watch the girls and showed them a tiny smile.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" Lauren repeated as she playfully slapped Dinah's arm.

"Mani was so scared of telling you..." Dinah told them as looked at Normani and caressed her head "We talked about it this morning and she finally agreed on letting you guys know."

"Why were you scared, Normani?" Ally asked her "We're your friends and deep down you know all of us already knew there was something going on between you two. We totally support you and we just want you to be happy."

"I... I was scared you would be shocked or something... I don't know... I was just scared. I think it's always hard at first." Normani explained them.

"I understand perfectly. It was hard for me as well when I had to tell my friends I liked girls." Camila informed Normani trying to make her feel more comfortable. "But you'll see it only gets better!"

"There's no problem in girls liking girls or boys liking boys... You know that!" Ally said "Nowadays fortunately people are dealing with it in a better way and don't you ever dare getting ashamed of yourself, babe."

"Yourself is great the way youself is." Camila winked at Normani who nodded.

"Thank you." Normani sincerely thanked the girls for making her feel more comfortable and less scared. "I couldn't have asked for better friends!"

"You're not bad either..." Lauren playfully said and Normani showed her an ironic smile. "I love you too."

"But seriously... I'm super relieved now!" Normani admited.

"Aren't you like more than happy too? Now you can kiss in public!" Lauren announced as the others started laughing.

"Lauren!" Dinah immediately rebuked her.

"What?" Lauren asked with a fake innocent look on her face.

"Answering to your question..." Normani said before placing her hand on Dinah's neck, pulling her closer and leaving a kiss on her lips. "I'm really happy."

Everyone in the table started laughing at Normani's attitude and Normani immediately regreted doing that because now she felt too emabarrassed.

They finished eating and then they went back to their rooms so they could change into their swimsuits since they had decided to try the hotel's pool.

"Let's go!" Lauren yelled at Camila while impatiently tapping her foot on the ground.

"Alright, alright!" Camila yelled back at her as she walked to where Lauren was standing.

"Are you going to be walking around the hotel wearing nothing but those shorts and that bikini top?" Lauren asked her while analysing her outfit.

"Why? Does me almost with no clothes on makes you uncomfortable?" Camila teased her with a smirk on her face.

"Maybe..." Lauren teased back although that was actually more than true.

"Then I think I might instead go like this..." Camila announced as she took her shorts off. Lauren's eyes immediately migrated to Camila's bikini bottom.

"Camila!" Lauren said trying not to show the instability of her voice in that moment. She was obviously attracted to girls and even though she didn't want to admit it Camila was attractive to her. Trying to control herself in front of Camila dressed like that and with that teasing smile on her face was harder than she thought. Camila was probably joking when she teased her but for Lauren it was very real.

Camila started laughing as she started putting her shorts on again.

"Weak..." she whispered next to Lauren while passing through her in order to reach the door. Every hair in Lauren's body bristled up. 

Camila grabbed her yellow towel before opening the door and then she left the room. Lauren immediately followed her.

"Finally!" Dinah yelled at Camila and Lauren as soon as they arrived to the pool.

"Camila's fault." Lauren immediately blamed Camila who ironically smiled at her.

"I'm sorry..." Camila pouted at Dinah who wrapped her arm aroud Camila's shoulders taking her to their loungers. Lauren was walking next to them.

"I'm going inside!" Camila anounced after leaving her towel on one of the loungers as she pointed to the pool.

"Me too!" Lauren said.

"Come with me..." Normani asked Dinah while offering her hand to her.

"Whatever you want, baby!" Dinah reached Normani's hand with hers and Normani started pulling her to the pool.

"Whatever you want, baby!" Lauren tried to imitate Dinah's tone of voice and everyone but Dinah started laughing. Dinah threw her an angry look and Lauren playfully smirked at her.

"Ally? Are you coming too?" Camila asked Ally who was lying on her lounger with her sunglasses on.

"Not yet!" Ally informed them.

Lauren and Camila both left the place with the loungers and walked to the pool.

"It's cold as hell, I've just changed my mind about entering it!" Camila said as she slightly touched the water with her right foot.

"Just go! You're blocking the entry!" Lauren told her playfully.

"No, let me go back..." Camila asked her while shivering.

Lauren smirked at Camila and Camila already knew what was coming. Camila was pushed into the water by two hands and as soon as she came to the surface she started swimming to Lauren who was already inside the pool and laughing as hard as she could.

Lauren started throwing her water as soon as she realized she was a few centimeteres of her and the other girl started throwing water back at her trying to reach her in the middle of that fight.

As soon as Lauren's arms were already hurting Camila was able to reach her and wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist trying to knock Lauren down.

Lauren was not even fighting back and Camila couldn't even make her move.

"You think you can drown me or something?" Lauren asked her playfully. Camila didn't answer. She kept trying to raise Lauren from the pool's ground.

Suddenly Lauren turned the game and she was the one wrapping her arms around Camila's thighs and raising her in the air.

"LET GO OF ME, LET GO..." Camila yelled at Lauren while frantically slapping her arms trying to get rid of her. "LET GO OF ME!"

"Nah..." Lauren said before she threw Camila into the water.

"We're not friends anymore. Bye." Camila informed Lauren playfully as soon as she came to the water's surface. She turned her back to Lauren and started swimming to the other side of the pool.

Camila got to the edge of the pool and crossed her arms on it laying her head on them and trying to relax for a little bit. Literally for a little bit because a few seconds after she felt two arms being wrapped around her waist and pulling her closer. Camila's back immediately collided with someone's body.

"I still wanna be your friend..." a raspy and known voice whispered next to Camila's ear. Camila wasn't made of iron... Of course her body reacted to that.

"What a shame... I decide that." Camila said playfully as used her ass to give Lauren a little push.

"Can we be friends again?" Lauren asked her as she grabbed Camila's arm making her turn around so she could be face to face with her. Lauren's arms were placed on the edge of the pool, one on each side of Camila's body.

"I'm gonna think about your case." Camila answered.

"If you don't think quickly, I might throw you back to the water." Lauren informed her playfully.

"Ok, ok I wanna be your friend, yeah, we're friends forever!" Camila immediately said scared about the idea of Lauren throwing her in the water again.

"That's what I thought..." Lauren winked at Camila who tried to get rid of Lauren's arms.

"Now let me swim..." Camila told her.

"No." Lauren simply said showing her a smile.

"Lauren..." Camila mumbled impaciently.

"That's my name..." Lauren said playfully and Camila rolled her eyes.

"I'm not even fighting you anymore..." Camila announced as she crossed her arms in front of her chest "How long exactly are we going to be here until you let me go?"

"Nobody knows..." Lauren peacefully informed her.

Camila didn't say a word... Instead, she had an idea. She slowly started approaching her lips to Lauren's in order to make Lauren back away so she could get out of there. 

Lauren didn't move at first, she just raised an eyebrow but then she understood what Camila was trying to do so instead of backing away she started approaching her face to Camila's too.

"Seriously?" Camila asked her ironically when their lips were almost touching but she didn't back away. "I'm gonna do it if you don't back away..."

Lauren just shrugged but Camila didn't give up on the idea. Camila knew Lauren was going to back away at some point. Or maybe not. 

Neither of them were worried about that possible kiss anymore. They didn't want it to actually happen but at the same time they did... And the "did" was way stronger than the "didn't".

When Camila's lips were about to touch Lauren's it wasn't Lauren who backed up and stopped the kiss from happening but a loud voice.

"Giiiiiiirls! What are you doing?" Dinah's voice filled the place as she swam towards Lauren and Camila. Lauren spontaneously rolled her eyes as she backed away from Camila.

"I'm free!!!" Camila yelled with an exciting tone of voice as she raised her two arms in the air almost like a little kid and Lauren ironically smiled at her.

"Free? From what?" Dinah asked with a confusing look on her face.

"Forget it, she's crazy." Lauren mumbled playfully. Camila immediately slapped Lauren's arm.

"You are crazy!" Camila said emphasizing the "you".

"I know, love... Thank you." Lauren thanked ironically as she placed her hand on Camila's shoulder.

"Girls! Me and Normani we were talking about going out for lunch... Somewhere near the hotel... Do you wanna come along?" Dinah asked them.

"Sure!" Camila answered. "I really wanna try more of the portuguese food... Yesterday I had one of the best meals ever. I'm totally going."

"Lauren?" Dinah called for Lauren's attention so that Lauren could tell her if she was going too.

"Lauren is coming too because I don't wanna play the candle!" Camila said before Lauren could even open her mouth as she wrapped her arms around Lauren's left arm and laid her head on Lauren's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm going too. Thanks Camila." Lauren said as she started laughing. Dinah and Camila joined her and a few minutes after they were already leaving the pool and walking to their rooms so they could take a shower before heading to the restaurant.

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