Campus Killers|| Яαυяα

By -skylol-

36.8K 2.2K 5.8K

This takes place in the University of San Fransisco... A college. It's freshman year for Ross, a horny blon... More

The Campus
The party
Dead body
Sisterhood Sorority
Search Party
The Barn
The Replacements
The game
She's alive?
Caught in the situation
Clown trouble
Ballroom Dancing
Traffic turns into something else
The start of something New
Chantel, by Neveah
She wants to Join
And so the Game begins
Shes gone
Gun shots
//тwenтy ѕιх//
//тwenтy ѕeven//
//тωєиту єιgнт//
//тωєиту иιиє//
//тнιяту σиє//
//тнιяту тωσ//
//тнιяту тняєє//
//Тнιяту fσυя//
Mary's Confessions and almost all your answers
Costumes and....Avery
Road trips and...a stalker?
Fights and the Bail
No way!
Back on Campus
Gun shots
Oh My God!
A new Problem
The escape plan pt.1
The escape plan pt.2
Running out of Time
Safe Haven
Police Station
Going away
Home sweet Home

Another date ahead

712 40 125
By -skylol-

He told me he has a gift for me. He wouldn't tell me what it was no matter how much I begged. I hated surprises.

"I'm going to drop you off at your house. When you get there ask Kaitlyn for a white box." He explains pulling up to the house.
"Wait why?" I ask as he gets out from his car. Ross opens the door for me.
"No time for questions, just go with the girls, see you in a bit princess." He  says pecking my check and hopping back into his car leaving me confused. Okay then...

"Okay she's here!" I shout while Jackey looks through the window shutters giving me the signal.

Kaitlyn comes running downstairs with Daphney besides her. "Okay go get ready and I'll make sure Ross rented the l-" she gets cut off by Laura walking in.
"Hey guys do you know what Ross is up to?" Laura asks looking at all of us.
Jackey quickly covers Kaitlyn's mouth. Kaitlyn gives her a glare.
"No we don't actually haha why would you say that?" I nervously laugh.

She gives us a weird look. "Well anyways Ross told me to ask you for a white box, Kaitlyn." She explains.

Jackey uncovers her hand from Kaitlyn's mouth so she could speak. "It's in your room,"

I nod and make my way upstairs. When I reach my room I see a white cardboard box sitting on my nearly made bed. I walk over to it curious of what it could be. There was a little note next to it.

Hey Laura if you are reading this just know you only have a whole hour to get ready so make it quick you know how impatient I her ;)
-love of your life

I roll my eyes and slowly open the box. I gasp.

A beautiful gold and white dress was in the box Ross had given me. It was beautiful and so elegant.

I pick it up. I hold the dress up against me and stand in front of my stand up mirror. It actually looked really nice on me. I smile at myself.

I couldn't help but wonder why he had given me this amazing dress.
My phone vibrates on my vanity.
I lay the dress on my bed and read the text I had just received from my boyf- Ross. I mean Ross.

Don't forget to look under the dress.

I read. Under the-?
I look in the box. I didn't notice it before because I was to fascinated by the gown.

Another note. I tear the golden envelope open.

A beautiful dress for my beautiful girl. Now put it on and get ready for a second date.

I smile wide. I so hate surprises and now I really want to know were we are going. It was already almost past eight. I was just doing some finishing touches on my makeup. "Laura are you ready?" Daphney asks knocking on my closed door. I quickly stand up to open the door to find the girls standing there in shock. "Woah Laura you look gorgeous!" Kaitlyn admits.

"Are you guys in on this?" I ask grabbing my pure white clutch bag. "Ha what? Pft no!" Svenja argued. "Um okay well I have to go..." I tell them as a loud car honk from outside rang through the house.

"Well where ever you go have fun!" Jackey yells from upstairs as I make my way to the door.


The limo driver honks the horn. I quickly walk up to the door step. Then she opens the door with out even having to knock. "Do I look the pretty?" She asks while doing a twirl.

I stare at her in disbelief. "no,"

Laura frowns and looks down in embarrassment. I lift her chin up." You look beautiful and words can't even explain," I tell her taking my hand. "You are my princess." I tell her. Her lips curve into a smile then she gasps. "Ross!You are actually wearing a tux?" She asks with a light laugh. I chuckle. "Yup,now get in the car." I escort her to the beautiful limo I rented for us. "Oh my god Ross, you even rented a limo?Please,please please tell me were we're going?" she begs. I shake my head as the driver opens the door for us. "You'll find out when we get there," I assure her as she holds up her dress to step inside.

"So how long will it take?" Laura asks probably about the forth time. "Laur,calm down we will be there soon.Just sit back and relax," I tell her.


"Well I ordered the pizza," I assure the girls. We were going to have a movie night and get our minds off all of this drama. "Good I am starving." Jackey admits picking out the movie. We all nod nod in agreement. " I really hope Ross and Laura get together. " Kaitlyn confesses. "Yeah," Daphney agree's while she puts her hair in a messy bun.

-Pizza Guy-

I hold the two boxes of pizza in my messenger back as I got closer to the house I was ordered to go to. I reach the door step and check the address to make sure it was the right one. I was about to knock when I saw someone coming my way. I couldn't see the face since it was dark and they were wearing a black hoodie. "Um hi, were you the one to order this pineapple and cheese pizza?" I ask. The person ignores me and comes closer. "Um we deliver for people on the campus?" I ask encase they were confused. But no the person just came closer to me and I noticed something in his hand. A knife.


There was a loud knock more like bang on the door that made all of us jump. I chuckle."Its probably the pizza guy,'' they just shrug. "Coming!" I shout getting up.

I open the door to find no one there. What? I look around and find the two pizza's we ordered. "Hello?" I ask stepping out.No answer. Well someone isn't getting a tip I thought to myself.

"Oh it came!'Kaitlyn says taking the boxes from me and placing them on the coffee table. Svenja opens a box and gasps. "What?"I worriedly ask. " There is a tun of pineapple on here!"She shouts excitedly while taking a slice.

I open the other box and stare at it in completely shock. "What is it?" Daphney asks I show the girls the box and they gasp.

Bata must Die.

Was what it read. "Who is doing this? I sure its not the pizza guy.''


"Were here," Ross confesses as he looks through the window. My eyes lit up."Really?! I wanna see." I say scooting over to him and look out the window. I frown as he starts laughing. He lied,the windows were tinted inside and out. I glare at him and scoot away. "No Laura don't leave" he laughs./ I roll my eyes. He scoots closer to me. " can you please just tell me?" I ask. "Okay but you have to kiss me first." He whispers in my ear witch sent chills down my spine."You promise to tell me?" I ask leaning in. He slowly nods with a big smile. we were inches away until we felt the car come to as top and the door opens. "we have arrived," the limo driver says. I gasp and push Ross off of me. "Really?!" I say stepping out. I gasp when I look at the view in front of me.

I wrote this on my laptop so the paragraph are really long sorry .

I hope you liked it 😄

Question- what book should I update next?

Don't forget to

Read my book "he hero"
Inside of my short stories please

I love you

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