Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

By StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


285 16 6
By StarlightShaymin

Don't you hate it when you get sick on a really busy week? Like how can I do a writing assignment when I'm trying to keep myself from using up all the tissues, and how can I study when I be loopy on "non-drowzy" Tylenol? The struggle :'D

Shout out to anyone who goes to work while feeling under the weather, you're the real MVP. ^0^

"Wake up!" I screamed at the top of my lung, switching on the bedroom lights. "Everyone, please wake up!"

Everyone groaned at the sudden light blaring into the room. The guys sleeping on the floor rolled lazily onto their stomachs, while the girls hid themselves under the cover.

"I was in a middle of an awesome dream." Elsword whined, shielding his eyes from the light. "Why did you have to ruin it?"

"I swear I just fell asleep," Aisha groaned from under the blanket.

Ignoring their complaints I make a quick grab for my spear," the village is being attacked by Nasods!" I told them, almost instantly everyone popped up in a sitting position. "They just broke in!" I added.

"What? I thought those metal doors were secure!" Elsword exclaimed, with widened eyes. "How many are there?"

I shake my head," I have no idea." I confessed grimly. "Raven is already out there kicking Nasod butt. If we wait any longer those Nasods will destroy the entire village!"

The team exchange quick glances with one another before getting themselves up. I quickly thank them before running out of the house, along the way I could see Agatha and Amos huddled up in the living room. Agatha has her fists tightened and ready for a Nasod to pop in, while Amos is cuddled tightly in his sister's lap, trembling in fear of being hurt by the Nasods.

I wanted to go reassure the two Ponggos that everything will be fine, and that they can count on us to defend them; but I knew it'd only waste time. The only thing I can do for them now is to fight for their village.

Charging out of the house I hurry towards the raging group of Nasods. Within the group I could see several Ponggos trapped in the centre, each one paralyzed from fear. I quickly glide to the group and launch my attack.

"Moonlight Slash!" I swipe through the backs of several Nasods; this caught the attention of the remaining Nasods.

I quickly launch a second attack before the remaining Nasods could fight back," Flying Kite!" I jump straight to my targets, slashing through each one faster than a blink of an eye.

The trapped Ponggos' smiled widely at my victory," thank you!" A small Ponggo exclaimed; its hands still shaking. "You were so cool!"

"I'm just glad I came here on time," I said; wiping the beads of sweat on my forehead.

Perking my head up I could already see my team mates launching into battle with the enemy Nasods---Yang stood protectively in front of Amos' house, baring its sharp fangs to warn any incoming enemies.

"Everyone, I need you all to listen carefully." I spoke to the Ponggos sternly. "I need everyone to head to that house"---I point to Amos' resident---"the Ancient Phoru will protect you guys from the Nasods!"

Looking back at the Ponggos I could see doubt in their eyes, some of them began backing away," that Phoru is a part of my team." I clarify in a softer tone. "I promise it won't hurt you."

"B-but we're food to that thing." One of the Ponggos spoke up. "We look like prey to it!"

I clench my teeth at their response, it's unbelievable how much they doubt my team---especially at a time like this," if you cherish your lives I would highly suggest going to that house." I said slowly; trying to keep myself calm. "It'll be hard for us to keep track of you all if you're standing out here."

No one spoke up this time, they exchanged glances with one another before making their way to the house. I could see the group cowering as Yang turned to face them, I readied myself to run after anyone who would run off by themselves.

Ara, heads up!

Eun quickly took over, we side stepped to avoid a charging Nasod driller. Eun smiled viciously at the prey's back," Tiger Claw!" We rip into the Nasod's back with a single swipe, little pieces of metal came flying out at the impact.

"These machines are pretty easy to destroy." Eun said, with a victorious grin. "We can easily take down an army of these guys."

'Let's go help the others out.' I suggest.

Regaining control I sprint down the chaotic street, slicing through the many Nasods in my way. The Nasods seemed to come in endless waves, once I was done with one group two more groups of Nasods would be charging at my direction.

My knees caved in once the streets around me grew silent, I could hear my body screaming at me to take a break.

Will you be able to hold out? Eun asked worryingly.

"I think I'll be fine." I said between breaths. "I just need a bit of a breather."

Very well, but make it quick.

I laid myself down, allowing myself to regain some strength. I could still hear the Nasods' drills from a distance, slicing into the Ponggos' houses and stores. The desperate cries for help sounded from almost everyone corner, my stomach turned at the many lives put in danger; the many lives begging for my help.

I clench my teeth with anger, the thought of not being strong enough to protect the villagers infuriates me. If I could fight without tiring I would save the lives of so many villagers.

"Sitting hear will only prolong the village's suffering." I thought out loud.

Using my spear as a support I began helping myself up, my jelly-like legs barely supporting my weight. Taking several more breaths in I began moving. I forcefully drag myself further up the street, ignoring my stone-like body.

"Dread Chase!" Chung's voice boomed from the distance---the sound metal colliding rung shortly after.

I quickly come to a halt at the sound of his voice. Perking my head up, I strain my ears to pick up on any more sounds.

"There's so many of them." Aisha's voice piped in. "We can't take them out like this."

"We don't have a choice!" Chung snapped; I could hear him hitting his cannon against the ground. "Just push a little bit further!"

Your friends sound troubled.

'We should go help them out. Eun, I'll need you to lend me your power.'

Almost instantly I could feel Eun's energy racing through me, sharpening my senses even further; refilling my drained body with its strength. I effortlessly lift my spear from the ground, no longer needing it to help me walk.

It will take forever to search through the streets. Eun points out. I suggest we travel from the roof tops.

"Good idea, Eun." I reply; eyeing the building on my right.

With one quick jump I leap onto the roof of my target building, from above I could see almost everything. I could see all the different Nasods running through the narrow streets, and the fights raging between the Nasods and my team.

I narrow my eyes at the number of Nasods running at Eve, now that I have a better view of the village I can clearly see all the different routes these Nasods are taking to get to Eve. Some are taking direct paths to the Nasod Queen, while others are scurrying between houses to make a surprise attack on her.

I could hear Elsword calling Eve to retreat, but even that action alone will be difficult for her, especially when she's got Nasods coming at her from all different directions.

"We should help her," I thought out loud; tightening my grip around my spear. "She'll burn out at this rate."

She will be fine. Eun said. Elsword is close to her, if she does get in trouble he will be able to help her.

"I guess you're right." I mutter, biting my lower lip. "I hope she'll be okay."

We should look for your other friends, they sounded like they could use some help.

Reluctantly, I turn around and began gliding from roof to roof, I swiftly examine each area before leaping to the next building---keeping my ears strained for any more voices.

"Aisha!" I could hear Chung shouting; I scrunch my nose at the faint metallic smell lingering in the air.

Cursing under my breath I began to follow the metallic scent. Up ahead I could see Chung and Aisha cornered by a group of Nasods. Aisha rested in Chung's arm, her clothes stained with a deep red substance, while Chung barely held his ground. He didn't have his armour on, leaving him vulnerable to incoming attacks.

"Watch out!" Aisha cried, pointing to the sudden charging Nasod.

Chung cursed loudly at the surprise attack, he swiftly positioned his cannon to the approaching enemy and launched a glowing blue missile. The Nasod was immediately shot back upon contact.

Aisha relaxed at his quick reaction, one of the Nasods took this opportunity to charge at them. Chung barely caught on to the movement, knowing he won't be able to counter the attack, he quickly wrapped his other arm around Aisha---shielding her from danger.

I bared my teeth at the danger quickly approaching my friends, positioning my spear down, I began my attack," Suppression!"

I quickly launch myself down, with my spear piercing through the ground. The Nasods around me instantly fell from the attack, even Chung and Aisha could feel the impact.

I quickly use the opportunity to attack the Nasod that tried to hurt my friends,"Tiger Claw!" My claws ripped through the Nasod's metallic body, launching some of its gear out as a result.

"Your prince in shining armour is here to rescue you," I said, pulling my spear out of the ground. "I apologize for that suppression, I needed a strong impact to keep the Nasods busy."

"What are you doing here?" Chung said, reaching for his cannon. "Can't you see I've got this handled?"

"You looked like a cornered puppy to me," I jump into my fighting stance. "There's no shame in asking for help, princess."

"How are you helping us when--"

Before Chung could finish the Nasods began to charge at us. I swiftly dodge the incoming attacks, thrusting my spear into as many Nasods as I can. Chung threw out several grenades to slow the incoming attackers before launching his missiles.

The fight quickly grew difficult as fatigue began to settle into my body, not even Eun could lift the weight dragging me down.

Be careful!

I stumbled back at Eun's warning, barely avoiding the drill crashing down. Growling I thrust my spear into the Nasod's head, its body grew unresponsive within seconds. Before I could free my weapon a sharp pain shot through my leg, like someone set it on fire.

I cried out in pain as my attacker withdrew its drill from my leg, warm blood quickly rushed from the open wound. I weakly tugged at my spear, praying I'll be able to free it with the little energy I have left.

The Nasod held its weapons up, taking a step toward me---its comrades mimicked its actions as they saw me go down.

"Forget the spear," I thought out loud---letting go of my weapon. "I won't die here."

I bared my claws at the Nasods, challenging them to come closer.

"Dread Chase!" I breathed a sigh of relief at the missiles launched at my attackers, the clueless Nasods barely noticed what was coming. The blue missiles tore the Nasods up in an instant, leaving no survivors behind.

"Ara," Aisha freed herself from Chung's grip, dropping beside me. "Are you okay?" She examined the wound on my leg.

"I'll be fine," I smiled, trying to ignore the unseen fire burning on my wound. "I-I need to fight."

"You can't fight!" Aisha protests, her hands shot around me to keep me from collapsing. "Not with that injury."

"B-but I need to help--"

"You'll only cause more trouble for me," Chung piped in, panting from the fight. "You've already done enough for us, just stay still and let me finish them off."

I opened my mouth to protest but knew this would be for the better. Aisha and I watched as Chung finished off the last of the Nasods, using every bit of energy left to keep us safe.

"He's a good friend," Aisha whispered. "It's nice to see that he's starting to return to his old self."

I wanted to ask what she meant, but decided that story can be told another time. How we met stories aren't meant to be told in a middle of a battle.

"T-they're retreating," I could hear Chung whisper. Even from here I could see the wave of Nasods hurrying out of the village, each one ignoring us as they ran by. "They're finally retreating." Chung fell to his knees.

"This is no time to be celebrating." Aisha scolded. "The attack left behind some major damage. We need to take responsibility for it."

"Why do you always have to ruin the mood." Chung glanced back at us, my heart quickened as he locked eyes with me. "How are you two holding up?"

"I'm doing a bit better." Aisha wiggled her injured arm, wincing at the still fresh wound. "I was just in a bit of shock, sorry for being unable to help."

"I think I can still walk." I winced at the attempt to put weight on my injured leg. "On second thought, I think I'd have better luck crawling."

Chung sighed at my remark," you are absolutely useless." Helping himself up he made his way to me. "How can you call yourself a prince in shining armour when you can't even stand up?"

He knelled down beside me," hop on, I'll give you a ride back."

"B-but my spear." My eyes trailed to my weapon, still pierced in the Nasod's head.

"I've got it," Aisha said, waving her good arm proudly in the air. "Just take it easy, Ara, that wound isn't exactly a simple scratch."

"Just get on already," Chung ordered, annoyance ringing in his voice.

"Whatever," I gently wrap my arms around him, reminding myself not to choke him to death along with way.

I winced in pain as he lifted me off the ground, I unconsciously squeezed my arms around his neck in response.

Ara, you're going to kill the boy if you don't let go. Eun warned.

"Sorry," I quickly loosened my arms. "I didn't---"

"Ara," Chung muttered; I mentally prepared myself for a scolding. "Sorry if that hurt."

I couldn't help but let my jaw drop at his response, I was prepared for a typical Chung response, not some nice and caring reply.

Maybe he hit his head during the fight, that would explain why he's being so nice.

"But that doesn't give you an excuse to choke me." He quickly added, and began walking. Aisha quickly followed behind us.

"And next time, try to be more careful." He said, making my heart skip a beat. "You gave us quite a scare back there."

'Eun,' I addressed the Fox mentally.

Yes, Child?

'What happens when you don't sleep well often?' I asked, resting my heated face on Chung's back.

Why do you ask such a thing?

'My heart won't stop racing. It's starting to scare me, Eun.' My face heated up several more degrees at my response.' What if I'm starting to develop some kind of heart disease from the lack of sleep?'

Not even I know the answer to your question. Eun replied. Perhaps you just need to sleep earlier and eat more, these missions haven't given you much time to rest your body.

'You're right, Eun.' I tighten my arms around Chung. 'Some food and rest should help me.'

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