Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

By StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


306 17 10
By StarlightShaymin

You guys ARE the BEST! I was rereading some earlier chapters in this story and WOW, I can't believe I actually published those chapters smh. Despite publishing "not so well edited chapters" you guys still show me support and are even willing to help me improve! That blows my mind! Thanks everyone for the kind words! I'm such a jerk for making everyone wait for these two chapters...sorry about that x_x"

The team crashed to bed shortly after dinner, today has been a very long day. Not only did we learn of the increase in Nasods, but we'd just learned that a possible war could break out between us and the Nasods. That information alone is enough to drain us all.

As usual I didn't get the greatest sleep and woke up fairly early. Seeing how I had so much spare time I decided to sneak out, and maybe go for a short walk.

Sneaking out of the cramped guest room I began my way through the dimly lit hallway, the kitchen lights barely illuminating the slumber house. Curious to see who's up I decide to make a small detour.

Poking my head in I could see Amos asleep on the kitchen table, a large book sat in front of him, with glass flasks, diverse in size, arranged around the table; some were filled with a colourful unknown substance.

I wanted to step back out, but before I could Amos' eyes fluttered open. He jumped awake the instant he saw me, knocking his hand against the table---the glass flasks trembled at the sudden impact.

"A-Ara." He greets; rubbing his injured hand. "Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep anymore," I reply vaguely, my eyes wandering curiously around his equipment. "So what are you up to? It doesn't look like you're up for a midnight snack." I gesture to the disorganized table.

"Oh, I'm just doing some late night studying." He answers quietly. "Agatha doesn't like it when I study this early, but I can't help it. This is the best hour to be studying"---he gestures me to come closer---"come, I want to show you what I've been studying."

I take him up on the offer and tip toed to the table, my cheeks heated with embarrassment at the strange letters written in the book. It feels wrong to be unable to read something a child could.

"This book is written in an old language," Amos explained, while brushing his fingers delicately along the lines. "I'm still learning the language, but I know enough to read most of the things written in here."

Amos turned the page revealing a number of messy drawings and symbols. I could barely make out each drawing, they seemed to overlap one another with tiny words sprawled around the page.

"So what does this book talk about?" I ask, wanting to know more on the book's secrets.

With a toothy grin Amos responds," Alchemy."

If Vapor was here she'd be beaming with pride, I thought sadly to myself. I bet Amos would love her works, these two would've made the ultimate duo.

"I've been trying to make a new potion," he said, as he reached out for a flask filled with a clear substance. "I want to make something that can help us defeat the Nasods, but right now I need to get down the basics."

He holds the flask up high, slowly swaying the substance around in circles," right now I'm learning about different acids. I'm slowly mastering the techniques that's used in making acids, one day I'll make an acid so powerful it'll keep all the Nasods away from my village!"

Amos' enthusiasm reminded me of me as a kid. I wanted to fight and master each technique taught to me so I could protect my village, it didn't matter how difficult the techniques were, i was always willing to learn.

"Are you good at alchemy?" Amos asks; placing the flask back down.

I shake my head," alchemy is my weakness." I confess---Vapor was inches away from kicking me out of her alchemy class. "One time I was told to make a healing potion, but instead I made some weird poison. My teacher banned me from working alone from that day forward."

Amos laughed at my failure," how can you fail at making such an easy potion?" He said through fits of laughter.

I frown," I'm just not that skilled in alchemy. Even my brother said I should keep away from alchemy in general. He feared my terrible potion-making skills will cost the life of someone important."

"I would fear the same thing if I were him." Amos laughed harder at his own reply.

I can't believe I'm being laughed at by some kid, this is a whole new level of embarrassment.

"Are you done laughing at me now?" I said in a bored tone. "I have better things to do, y'know?"

"Okay, okay, I'm done." Amos quickly responded, wiping his eyes. Taking several deep breaths in he finally managed to calm himself down.

"So you had an alchemy teacher?" He asked---changing the topic. "Were they good?"

I could already imagine Vapor bragging about her many successful works and how they managed to turn a whole battle around. Aside from alchemy, bragging was something Vapor was very good at.

"My teacher was a very good alchemist," I began; smiling at the old memories. "The entire village relied on her works."

"Wow!" Amos bounced in his seat excitedly. "What potions did she make? Did her creations ever help a battle?"

I nod," Vapor's works helped many battles. If she had never been an alchemist my village would've been destroyed long ago."

If only her potions were strong enough to stop the last attack, a small voice sounded from the back of my head. We could be at home with Mother and Father, and maybe even Aren.

"Ara?" Amos poked my arm, eyeing me with concern. "Are you okay?"

Shaking that dark thought away I went on," she made many new potions as well. Her potions worked better than any other potion written in some book."

"Even in this one?" He clumsily held the thick book up.

"Even that one," I said with a smile. "There's no alchemist in the world that can top Vapor, she can put any typical potion to shame with her own."

I hope Vapor is proud of my description of her, I'm not exactly the greatest bragger in the world.

"If there's one alchemist that can top Vapor it'll be me!" Amos exclaimed proudly, pounding his small fist against his chest. "One day I'll top Vapor's works! I'll make potions so great that every alchemist out there will be jealous of me!"

"Every alchemist would be annoyed of you," a new voice pipes in. Glancing back I could see a sleepy Agatha joining us, she frowned deeply at her brother.

"A-Agatha?" Amos' shoulders began to tense.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"I-I was just studying." He played with his fingers, retreating to his timid nature. "Ara was just telling me about a super smart alchemist."

"My brother is the biggest geek when it comes to alchemy," Agatha said to me smiling. "I don't know if I should be proud or worried about him."

"You should be proud!" Amos snapped, hopping out of his chair to hug his sister. "Your baby brother is the best alchemist in this village! That means I can supply Ara's team with useful potions and stuff!"

Agatha shook her head at his response," you're the only alchemist in this village"---she pushed him off her---"and you're also the most annoying kid in this village."

"Aggie, you're a meanie!" He accuses with a pout. "I'm not annoying!"

Agatha smirked," you're annoying, a huge geek"---she wraps one arm around his head and gave him a noogie with the other---"and you're weak!"

"Stop!" Amos trashed weakly in Agatha's grip. "You'll mess up my fur!"

"Ohh poor baby," Agatha cooed. "We wouldn't want your poor fur to be ruined now will we?" She pecked him on the head before ruffling his fur further.

"Stop it, meanie!"

It's just like how Aren and I used to fight, I thought---my eyes burned at the memories.

We would always get into little fights, seeing who is stronger than the other. Although I was weaker than Aren he would always let me win, allowing me to brag about my "victory" to our parents.

I wish Amos and Agatha knew how lucky they were to still have each other, I don't know what exactly happened with their parents but these two are very fortunate to still have each other.

We still do not know if your brother is dead. Eun points out. There is still a chance you two can still unite.

'You have a good point, Eun.' I wrapped my arms around myself. 'I just hope I can reunite with my brother soon.'

"What's with all the noise?" A deep voice sounds.

At the corner of my eye I could see Raven making his way in, his dirty Bethma robe clinging loosely on him. I wanted to tell him to turn back, knowing for a fact that this bubbly mood will break soon, but Agatha spotted him before I had enough time to react.

Agatha let her brother go, her smile dropped to a frown," what do you want?" She asked in a low voice.

Raven didn't respond, he simply froze, waiting for Agatha to continue. Amos glanced between his sister and my friend, his eye brows furrowing at the tension building between the two.

Agatha pulled Amos into a protective hug," I don't know what you want with these people and my village"---she picked Amos up---"but if you lay a single finger on my brother I'll rip you apart with my own two hands."

Without another exchange of words Agatha stormed out the kitchen, purposely bumping into Raven on the way out.

I could hear Agatha's rhythmic footsteps weakening with each passing second.

I played with my fingers sheepishly, not knowing what I should say or do. Raven was the first to break the silence, he cleared his voice loudly, catching my full attention.

"Sorry I had to drag you into this," he said, keeping his eyes glued to the floor. "It's because of me the team is not welcomed at the village."

"I-it's not your fault." I stuttered. "It's just a big misunderstanding! I'm sure once this is all cleared we'll--"

"You don't understand, Ara." He snapped---my ears rung at his raised voice. "You don't understand anything, so please don't act like you do!"

His outburst left me in shock and anger---just because I don't understand doesn't give him the right to snap at me, he could've said that in a more polite manner.

Taking a sharp breath in I reply," you don't have to be so rude about it. I might not know what's up but that doesn't give you the right to snap at me. As your teammate; friend, I'm here to help and support you."

"Friend?" He echoed bitterly, laughing slightly at the word. "I have no need for friends. All you are to me is a team mate, someone who I fight along side with. I-I do not need your support outside of battle. T-that applies to the others. "


"All I need is to repent my sins," he cut me off. "I have no time for friends and family."

He held out his Nasod arm, his eyes narrowing at the artificial arm," I've done some terrible things, Ara. A sweet little girl like you should not be around a man like me." Dropping his arm he turns himself around.

"I-I don't want to take another innocent life." I could hear him whisper to himself.

I wanted to say something to him but decided it'd be best if I left him alone. It's true, I don't know much about Raven, and I don't think I have the right to force out information from him either. For now I should just leave his past alone, maybe one day he'll tell me.

Our moment of silence didn't last long, before I could gather the rest of my thoughts up the ground shook wildly, nearly knocking me down. The glass flasks screamed loudly on the wooden table, some even fell down, shrieking loudly upon hitting the floor.

My heart dropped at the deafening sound screaming from the outside. I covered my ears, hoping it'll help silence the ringing in my head.

"What's happening?!" Raven screamed, holding onto the wall to keep his balance.

"Let's check it out." I said; making my way to the door, Raven followed behind me.

Swinging the door open my jaw dropped at the army of Nasods entering the village, many Ponggos could already be seen running out from their houses screaming for help.

My eyes widened at the charging Nasod driller, its weapon pointed directly at me. Raven quickly pushed me aside and launched a fireball at it, the Nasod bursts into flames before dropping to the ground.

"Get the others up." He orders; stepping out from the house.

"Wait, don't you need your weapon?" I ask.

Raven shook his head," this Nasod arm alone can keep me safe"---he cracks his knuckle---"hurry and get the team out here!" He steps out of the house.

"O-okay," I bit my lip. "Stay safe out there."

"Don't waste your time worrying about trash like me," his Nasod hand burned with a small flame. "Just focus on protecting these innocent lives."

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