Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

By StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


272 13 13
By StarlightShaymin

Those of you who have experienced writer's block know my struggle >.< That's one of the reasons for this long update, I didn't want to post something I wrote poorly. You awesome people deserve to read my "best" work!

On a completely different note, I'm starting to plan for the last two stories! This story is going to be quite lengthy so don't be surprised if I post a new story while this is still on going. Just give me some time and I promise I'll get this one finished...eventually.

We returned to the village in silence, Raven and I didn't utter a single word throughout the walk back. I wanted to say something to help Eve cheer up but nothing came into mind, and when I had the courage to speak up Eun warned me about the possible consequences that could come along with it.

When we returned to Amos' place we found that everyone has already gotten back from their shift and were all waiting for us to return. Raven, Eve, and I settled down with the rest of the team and began exchanging information with each other.

My group shared our little adventure up on the surface first, everyone seemed to give Eve the same pitiful look when we revealed the Nasod's end. I wanted to tell them not to look at Eve in such a way, it'll only make her feel worse, but decided it'd be best if I kept quiet.

"So that's what took place," Raven concluded with folded hands. "It appears the Nasods no longer recognize Eve as their ruler." He added on hesitantly.

He took a quick glance at Eve, the Nasod Queen didn't even meet him in the eye, she stared blankly to the ground without uttering a single word. Raven mumbled a quick sorry before gesturing Elsword to share his group's information.

"R-right," Elsword cleared his voice. "According to the villagers there has been a strange rise in the number of Nasods, each day they are seeing more and more Nasods out in the fields."

"The Nasods also seem to have an increase in activity." Aisha adds on. "Many of the villagers whom we interviewed believe these Nasods have gotten a leader of some sort."

"A leader?" I blurt out. "Why would they think that?"

"When the Nasods try to enter the village they attack in a very disorderly fashion." Chung replied. "From what I gathered they often trample on one another just to have a chance to hit the doors, the Ponggos often collect the trample Nasods for parts."

"However, the attacks now have been more orderly," Aisha added." The Nasods seem to be attacking in different troops. During one of the attacks, a villager heard the Nasods repeating what seemed to be an order."

The team grew silent to take in the new information. If the Nasods do have a new leader, like the Ponggos suspect they do, then we may have to deal with an entire army at some point.

I suspect this leader may also have the El Shard. Eun pipes in. The Nasods that stole the El Shard from us would no doubt give such a powerful item to their leader.

'That's true, Eun, but we don't even know for sure if these Nasods even have a leader. They could've just gotten smarter and improved on their team work.'

"If these Nasods really do have a leader this could mean trouble for us," Eve spoke up softly---she clasped her hands tightly together and went on," there's no doubt this leader would want the Nasods to overthrow every other race in Elrois. If we get involved with them that could cause a war between Altera and Nasods."

War, that word alone sent shivers down my spine. The thought of having to go to war sound almost surreal to me, a part of me refuses to believe such a statement but I know such a big battle could break out if this keeps up.

"War?" Aisha let out a nervous laugh. "Isn't that a bit extreme?"

Eve shook her head," the Nasods have lost badly in the Ancient War, and it would not surprise me one bit if they are willing to go into another battle with humans."

"And if we consider the fact that the Nasods have an El Shard in their hands," Raven added. "The outcome of said war could be ugly."

Using an El Shard for a war is a foolish decision! Eun growled; I could feel its anger pulsating through me. The damage that will be created could end the lives of every living being in this world.

Elsword cursed loudly," how will be go about this?" He tightened his fists. "If we confront the Nasods war could break out, but if we leave them alone they'll continue to grow in power."

"There's no easy way around it," Aisha rests her head in her hands. "If we want to protect the Ponggos and the rest of Elrois we need to confront the Nasods; even if that means war."

"On the other hand, we could be put innocent lives outside of Altera in danger as well." Raven spoke lowly, bowing his head. "Who's to say they won't take this fight outside the islands?"

"We can't just leave them alone either!" Aisha snapped. "By not confronting our enemies we are putting an entire village in danger"---she pounded her fist against her leg----"we should fight them now while they aren't as strong, if we can successfully defeat them, we can protect the village and the rest of Elrois."

"It's a long shot though." Raven muttered.

"Aisha has a point," Chung said dully. "While the army isn't as strong we should attack."

I clenched my teeth in efforts to keep Eun contained, by now Eun was fuming with anger. I understand why Eun doesn't agree with our plans to confront the Nasods, but in order to keep them from growing we'll need to face their army head on.

"Going into war against my fellow Nasods, eh?" Eve mumbled to herself; I could see her shoulders tensing up. "And here I was thinking to rebuild the Nasod race in peace."

"We'll need to plan our confrontation carefully." Elsword began; oblivious to Eve's reaction. "While we are still at peace with the Nasods, we should use this chance to gather as much information as possible. Our first step is to find out if they really have a leader and if they do we need to figure out where they are."

"We may also need to stock up on supplies," Raven pointed. "Food and medicine will be crucial for both the team and villagers."

"We should also keep in mind that these Nasods have an El Shard." Chung adds on grimly. "With that sort of power in their hands who knows what they can do?"

"You're forgetting something, Chung." Aisha said with a sly smile. "Our team also has an El Shard in our hands."

Are you children crazy?! How can you children take this so lightly? Going to war with El Shards on both sides will cause a disastrous outcome!

'We don't have a choice, Eun, please try to understand our situation. No one here wants to be at war, and I doubt anyone here wants to fight with El Shards.'

I understand, but I fear you children will get into great danger as a result. Your team may be strong but none of you understand the full potential of the El Shards.

"I'm home!" Amos' voice sounded loudly.

Elsword leaned in and quickly whispered," don't tell him or any of the villagers of the potential war yet, it's too early for them to know."

"What's going on?" Amos said---walking in curiously into the living room.

Elsword leaned back nonchalantly on the couch," nothing, we were just exchanging information on today's findings."

Amos' eyes sparked with interest," did you guys learn anything new?" He asked, with an eager smile.

Oh nothing, we just learned about the increased Nasod activity, a potential new Nasod leader, and did I mention there could be a war? I thought to myself.

"We learned a bit on the increase of Nasod activity, but other than that not much." Aisha replied with a shrug. "There's still a lot we still need to know."

"Oh," Amos said---his smile dropped instantly at the response. "Well, you guys must be hungry from today's work. I'll quickly make you guys some dinner!"

Elsword's stomach growled loudly in approval," dinner sounds great right now!" He said; rubbing his hungry belly.


Unlike yesterday the food wasn't as appetizing. Dinner consisted of a boiled carrot, several apple slices, and some lettuce. I understand different places serve different foods; but who can really get filled up on a small meal like this?

No one commented at the small serving, instead everyone ate their small dinner in peace---everyone but me.

Back in Bethma Chung had done so much for me, he was there when I was in tears, when I needed someone to talk to, and even when I couldn't walk. All those kind favours need to be repaid, and knowing Chung that's through food.

"Hey," I greeted Chung; sitting myself down beside him on the ground.

"What's up?" He said; chewing on an apple slice.

I sheepishly hand my plate over to him," I think I owe you some extra food." I muttered, not looking him in the eye.

"Sweet, extra food!" He took my plate without another thought---my stomach cried out to our stolen dinner. "Here I thought you'd forget all those kind things I did for you."

I snort," and I'm forced to repay you with my dinner."

Chung raised his brow," what's your point?" He inquired, while eating another apple slice.

I pout at the sight of him chewing away at his food, he could at least enjoy his dinner when I'm not looking. Watching him eat is only making me more hungry.

"How are you being nice when I'm not allowed to eat?" I challenge, with a frown. "I'm hungry too y'know."

"Are you being a brat because I'm eating all your food." He said; nudging my arm. "Isn't that a bit selfish?"

"Aren't you being selfish for eating all of my food? I have every right to be a bit bratty." I snapped; slapping his arm away from me. "Whatever, just enjoy your dinner. I'm going to--"

I paused the moment Chung grabbed onto my arm. I snapped my head back, feeling both shocked and confused at his action.

Chung held out his plate to me," I also have to pay you back for yesterday." He said softly---probably afraid that someone would overhear him. "I'll let you have one of everything on this plate."

Wait, hold on a minute! Chung is actually letting me have his share of the food? What has the world come to?

"You know you can just give me all of your breakfast as payment tomorrow." I point out, I can hear my stomach screaming out at my response.

He shrugs," that's true."

"See? Now that we've come to an--"

"But you should eat something tonight," Chung cuts me off---my face warmed at the grin forming on his face. "You did go up against a Nasod today."

His comment, for some strange reason, warmed my heart; I bet this is just a side affect from my fatigue today. Some rest should help fix this up.

Smiling slyly I said," are you being nice to me, princess?"

Chung's smile dropped to a deep frown," shut up and eat before I change my mind." He ordered; pushing the plate my way.

Rolling my eyes I sit myself down beside him," whatever you say, Rapunzel."

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