My special mate

By _Amar_

104K 3.7K 203

A soon-to-be-eighteen years old werewolf Ariel Meltem lost her parents when she was kid. Her only family left... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

3.4K 137 10
By _Amar_

*picture of Veronica *

I was too shocked to react to anything. Luke went crashing to the tree and Ryan stomped over there, growling. Grabbing Luke by collar he lifted him up. He threw a punch at Luke's face.

"RYAN!" I shouted running over him. He ignored me. Luke started fighting back and they rolled over each other. "How dare you touch her?" Ryan shouted throwing a punch.

"Keep your hands off her" he growled punching again. Luke rolled over him and punched him. "Don't act like you care about her" Luke yelled fighting back.

"She is MINE" Ryan growled shoving Luke. I watched them jaw wide open knowing very well that they were fighting over me. I tried to separate them but all went in vain. I released a frustrated breathe.

Conner, Alpha Vander, Lexi, Shawn and a few other members came running out. "What is going on here?" Lexi asked while others tried to move them both away.

"Ryan saw me hugging Luke and lost it" I told her angrily. Conner and Micheal were holding Ryan whereas Vander and Shawn holding Luke, both trying to break from the hold and pounce on each other.

"I don't think they are going to stop" Lexi whispered. I nodded worried. "Don't come close to her" Ryan shouted trying to break free.

"You are no one to tell me that" Luke shouted back. "Leave me now" Luke said trying to shrug their arms off. "Luke please stop" I shouted.

He looked at me. I pleaded him. "I wont fight" he sighed. Slowly they released him. He , throwing a glare at Ryan walked away from him. I whispered a quick thank you to him when he passed by.

Ryan who saw me whispering to him got more angry and thrashed in their arms. "What should I do now?" I asked Lexi looking over at Ryan.

"He is your mate. Go to him and try to calm him down" Lexi told. "Don't worry" she assured looking at my hesitant look. I nodded getting determined suddenly.

I marched over to Ryan.

Coming closer I asked them to release him. "Are you serious Ariel? He can hurt you" Conner said making Ryan growl. "Don't worry just leave him" I sighed.

Slowly they left him. Ryan was staring at me, his eyes black. I moved closer to him. "Ryan" I whispered. He stared at me intently.

"Lets go guys" Alpha Vander told everyone. Conner was about to protest but one look from me shut him up. They went inside. "Good luck" Lexi called before disappearing.

"Ryan, you don't have to get angry. There is nothing going on between me and Luke." I tried to assure him. He tilted his head and moved closer to me. My breathing hitched. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me closer to him.

I gasped.

Sparks flew everywhere. He leaned in and... Smelled me? Why was he smelling me? "Hmm, you smell good" he murmured against my neck making me shiver.

I blushed.

What was going on with me? I completely forgot what I was going to say! Stay focused. Remember you are angry with him. He moved a little back looking at me. His eyes were back to normal. "Sorry for losing my temper" he started playing with a strand of my hair " but seeing you in arms of someone other than me made me mad" he said.

I pushed him back. He stumbled a little and looked up surprised. "You didn't have to start a fight. You shouldn't have done that to Luke when it was not his fault. It was just a friendly hug an.."

"Friendly hug!!?" He asked incredulously. "You know he has feelings for you right?" He said emphasizing on feelings. He raised his hand to stop me from defending myself.

"Don't deny it. He don't just want to be your friend. Can't you see? And I know you both were dating so how was that hug friendly? Do you guys kiss and say its friendly too? Huh?" He accused.

"Shut up!" I shouted. "Just shut up! Yes we were dating but I just broke up with him. I knew what we were doing was not right And I ended things. We are back to friends. Nothing more. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you because you are no one to ask me. You are no one to get possesive over me. You are no one to me. I'm done with you! JUST DONE!" I yelled storming out of there.


The next morning I groggily woke up. I felt tired. Taking a warm shower I decided to meet Luke before having breakfast. I have to apologize him.

Knocking at his door I waited for him. Is he not in his room? I knocked again. Making my way inside I found him lying on his bed looking at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"Luke" I called. He turned his head towards me. "Hi" he said sitting up. I could see a bruise forming on his jaw and a cut on his eyebrow.

"Luke! Are you ok? Does it hurt? Did you apply something to it?" I asked frantically. "Calm down El. I'm fine. Its just a bruise." He told. Narrowing my eyes at him I asked "You didn't apply anything right?"

His eyes widened. I know he was scared of applying antiseptic at his wounds. Ya! You heard it right. The Alpha scared of antiseptic. Moving over to his desk I took the first-aid kit.

"El. I'm fine. I don't need those" he said, "Shut up and Don't be scared ..Ya ya you are not scared of anything but I'm applying this thats it" I shut him up before he could deny it.

Slowly I applied the antiseptic at his wound with him wincing every time(even when the cotton didn't touch him.) rolling my eyes I finished my job.

He let out a breath. "I hate those" he said. Chuckling I kept the box aside and sat beside him. Biting my lip I was about to say sorry when he stopped me. "I know why you are here. You feel guilty. You feel that this is your fault. You want to apologize?" He asked. "How do you know?" I asked.

"I know you El. But you should know that it was not your fault. I should have also not started fighting. Sorry for causing a scene" he said. "no Luke don't apologize. It's not your fault" I assured him.

"Its not your fault too. So let's forget this?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled. "Now I had to inform you that today we are starting our training. And I want you to train them along with Shawn and Max" he informed.

"Why me?" I questioned. "You are one of the best fighters here. You should train them." Said Luke. I nodded. "El believe yourself." He said looking at my hesitant look. I smiled.


I walked downstairs ready to start training. It was true that I have learned fighting and now I'm one of the best fighters in our pack. I was really proud of it because it gave me confidence and satisfaction during my bad times.

I found everyone already there. Ignoring the gaze from Ryan I walked towards Shawn. I don't want to face him yet.

"... training ok?" I heard Shawn say as I moved closer. "Hey" I said him. "El! You are here! Come" he said then turning towards the group "She is going to be your instructor today" he told them and went away.

"You will teach us?" A guy asked from dark knight pack asked unsure. Do they think I can't train them just because I am a girl. "Ariel darling. I think we need a real instructor here. This is a important battle" Veronica told. I glared her.

"Yeah Ariel you are a girl. You can't even beat us" Michael said. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Oh yeah? So how about this? You send the best fighter from your pack against me. Lets see who wins" I suggested. Satisfied when some of their mouth dropped open at my challenge.

"Really? You think you can win?" Michael ask. I just gave him a confident nod. John stepped forward. John was bulky, no doubt the best fighter in their pack.

"Are you sure?" John asked. "Of course" I said making my way into the circle. Everyone started cheering. I recognized my pack cheering me. I winked at them. They know I could kick his A*s.

"What is going on here?" Luke asked coming closer along with Mathew, Conner and Ryan. "Our darling 'instructor' Ariel is going to fight with John now" Veronica said a little too sweetly.

"Yes! This is going to be fun. My money is on you El" Mathew said excited. I smiled at him. "You can't do that" Ryan said worriedly. Ha! Worried? "You doubt my skills?" I asked him.

"Its not about that. John is the best fighter an.." I cut him off " I don't care." I said. "Arie.." I stopped Conner. "Just wait and watch. Don't come in between" I warned them.

Turning towards John I said "Shall we begin" smirking. Stepping into the circle, the fight began. He came towards me but I moved away, turning around I gave him push at back. He stumbled.

He came to punch me but I dodged all his attacks. Leaving a frustrated sigh he tried to punch me again but I bent down kicking his legs. He fell.

Everyone cheered.

He stood up angry. Running towards me he pushed me before I could block the move. Stumbling a bit I stood up but a punch was thrown on my nose.Damn! That hurts. I could feel the blood coming out.

I heard a growl to my left turning my head to look I found A very angry Ryan trying to come to me but was stopped by others. I can see Shawn telling him something. Good! I can't handle him now.

A sudden hit at my arm brought my focus back. I dodged another kick elbowing him in ribs. Throwed a kick on his stomach. He groaned.His hand came towards me and I held on to it. He raised another hand to hit me and I held it too. Grabbing on tight to his hand, I flipped him and threw him on ground.

He groaned. Then slowly got up.

"Lets finish this buddy" I told John. Running towards him I jumped capturing his head in my legs. Doing a flip I knocked him down on ground.

I heard cheering. "Wohoo El" Mathew yelled coming and giving me a hi-fi. I chuckled. I won. Looking at their faces I felt really satisfied. Will teach them a lesson: not to underestimate anyone. Smirking at them I turned towards Ryan.

He looked suprised and ...Proud? I shrugged. "That was good Ariel" Conner said. "I never knew my sister was such a great fighter" he said sincerely. I smiled. Turning towards Michael I smirked.

"What do you say now?" I asked him. He shook his head. "That was nothing! Just a little luck." Veronica said. I groaned. "Oh so you think this was my luck? Why don't you come and fight with me? I'm sure my luck won't work this time" I told.

"Uh okay." She said trying to sound confident but in her eyes anyone can see doubt. "Great" I smirked stepping inside the circle. Sheila tried to convince and stop her but she came to fight anyway.

Circling each other I threw her a kiss. Narrowing her eyes at me she came running towards me. Easily dodging her I gave her a kick. "Ouowh" she shouted in pain. Turning towards me she sent a punch at me. And I dodged.

This went on couple of times and I dodged her all times. She growled. "What happened Veronica?" I cooed. She came towards me kicking to my side. "You cannot beat me. You are weak!" She hissed.

She threw a punch but I caught it. Holding her fist in my hand " let me show you who is weak" I told her twisting her arm around, she shrieked.Pushing her away , She fell down, I sat on her.

Grabbing her hand and locking her in head lock I held her in grip. "Tap out" I told her. She struggled. Gripping her tightly I asked her again. She tapped out and I released her standing up.

Everyone cheered. "You rock girl!" Mathew shouted coming over. Everyone started cheering "El El". I thanked them turning around.

"That was it for today" I said and turned to leave ignoring the looks from Ryan. The look he was giving made my stomach uneasy. Looking at his eyes made me feel weird. "Look out" Luke shouted. In time I moved away.

Veronica who came towards me stumbled a bit but regained her balance turning around to attack me. "You cannot beat me. You bitch" she sneered breathlessly.

This is it. Throwing my hand back I gave her a punch with full force which made her flying back. She was knocked out landing about a few feets away.

She deserved it.

I have no regrets.

I walked away from there without looking back. She made my life living hell. Now she will know not to mess with me.

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