L. Jergz (Camren)

By imkeysaf

289K 6.8K 1.8K

Lauren Jauregui, also known as L. Jergz, was about to start her first world tour and a new guitarist was adde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Guess who's back?

Chapter 7

8.4K 214 84
By imkeysaf

"I wanna sit next to Normani, don't even try to fight me!" Dinah told Lauren before they entered the airplane.

"Are you two fighting for me?" Normani asked playfully "How cute!"

"Shut up Mani!" Lauren said as she started laughing. The other two girls joined her.

"You can sit next to Camila..." Normani winked at her.

"What was that winking for?" Lauren asked her trying to look kinda mad at her.

Normani and Dinah looked at each other and started laughing.

"Team Camren!!!" Normani and Dinah both yelled at the same time.

"I still don't get that Camren thing..." Lauren lied.

"I do!" Camila yelled from behind them.

"Do you?" Dinah asked her with a smirk on her face.

"I do... Team Camren!" Camila yelled as she started laughing and shaking her head at the same time.

"Great!" Lauren said ironically "Now even Camila joined the "Annoying Lauren All The Time" group!"

Normani, Dinah and Camila started laughing at Lauren who rolled her eyes and entered the airplane leaving the others behind.

"So... Am I at the "Annoying Lauren All The Time" group yet?" Camila asked Normani and Dinah before they all started laughing and entering the airplaine.

Normani and Dinah sat down next to each other and Lauren sat down next to Camila who was already on her chair with a book on her hands.

"Where's Ally?" Lauren asked Christina who was sitting next to Derek.

"She went to the bathroom..." Christina informed her "As soon as she arrives, I think we're leaving!"

"Thanks Chris!" Lauren winked at her and went back to her seat.

Ally finally entered the plane and in a few minutes they left.

It was already 10 a.m. and the flight was going to take about four hours. Three hours after they were already wanting to leave because long flights were boring for them.

"I really need to go to the bathroom!" Camila warned Lauren since Dinah, Normani and Ally were already sleeping on their seats.

Camila got up from her seat and started trying to pass through Lauren's legs and the table placed in front of them.

Suddenly a strong turbulence hit the plane and Camila fell on top of Lauren who immediately looked up to meet Camila's eyes.

The turbulence didn't stop and Camila got scared since she wasn't sat with the seat belt on. She didn't feel secure. Lauren felt Camila shaking and saw the fear in her eyes so she just pulled Camila closer and wrapped her arms around her trying to keep her from falling.

Camila's head was hiding on Lauren's neck and her eyes were closed. Her arms shrunken against her chest.

Normani didn't like planes very much because she was afraid they would fall so as soon as the turbulence started she woke up and she started panicking. Dinah wrapped her arms around her shoulders and kept her close until it stopped.

Ally woke up but she didn't open her eyes. She kept them closed and she tried to stay calm. So did the rest of the people inside the plane.

A few seconds after it stopped and everyone was sighing in relief. 

"Thank you for calming me down, babe!" Normani thanked Dinah.

"No need to thank, Mani..." Dinah smiled at Normani who put her head back on Dinah's shoulder "I couldn't stand seeing you like that!"

After saying that, Dinah squeezed Normani even more inside her arms and they didn't leave that position anymore.

"Camila..." Lauren called her "Camila, it's gone..."

Camila was still in the same position as she was before and Lauren sighed as soon as she noticed she was still shaking a little bit. 

Lauren took one of her hands from Camila's back and placed it on Camila's head as she started caressing her.

"Is she ok?" Dinah whispered to Lauren after looking at Camila.

"I don't know..." Lauren whispered back.

Lauren looked down at Camila who was calmer. Maybe her caresses were working.

"Camila?" Lauren tried to make Camila look at her.

Camila deeply sighed and slowly started moving her head up until she met Lauren's eyes.

"It's gone... Everything's fine!" Lauren tried to comfort her "See? I'm fine, you're fine, the plane's fine..."

"I... I'm sorry..." Camila started apologizing "I'm sorry for falling on top of you!"

"It's ok..." Lauren said "It wasn't your fault, Camila... plus, I saw you were scared and I felt like I needed to protect you... I mean... I felt like I needed to keep you from freaking out!"

"Thank you, Lauren..." Camila thanked her with a smile on her face "Thank you so much!"

"Awwww!!!" Dinah yelled at Camila and Lauren as soon as she noticed they were still in the same position as they were before. Camila finally realized she still had Lauren's arms around her and she literally jumped off her lap as fast as she could.

If Lauren's eyes could kill, Dinah would already be dead after that.

Camila didn't say anything and started walking to the bathroom.

"Aw for you too..." Lauren said to Dinah and Normani ironically. The two of them were still in the same position. "You should get married... Team Dirmani!" 

"It's Norminah!" Dinah said "And what if we did?" 

Normani looked up at Dinah and raised an eyebrow while a smile appeared on her face.

"I mean... I was just kidding!" Dinah started laughing but none of the other two joined her.

"If you did, know that Camila and I do ship you." Lauren winked at Dinah who blushed.

Normani intertwined her fingers with Dinah's and squeezed them as she laid her head back on Dinah's shoulder.

It wouldn't be a surprise for Lauren if the two of them were actually in love. They were best friends, they liked the same things, they were always together, they protected each other... they had everything Lauren has ever dreamed about having with another person.

Camila passed through Lauren again to be able to reach her seat and Lauren's thoughts on Normani and Dinah's relationship were gone.

"Are you ok now?" Lauren asked Camila.

"I am... thanks!" Camila answered.

"Good." Lauren whispered to herself but Camila was able to hear it and slightly smiled.

Lauren ended up falling asleep after they had lunch and so did the others, except for Camila who promised Lauren she would wake her up before they landed. 

The rest of the flight went well and when they were about to land Camila started trying to wake Lauren up.

"Lauren!" Camila called her while slightly shaking her body with her hands "Lauren! We're almost landing! Wake up!" 

Lauren slowly opened her eyes and as soon as she saw Camila trying to wake her up she understood they were about to land.

"Oh shit! I can't see anything! Shit!" Lauren said with an upsetting look on her face.

"Change places with me..." Camila immediately told her "C'mon!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Lauren thanked her while Camila got up from her seat letting Lauren sit down on it.

"This is fascinating..." Lauren's eyes were stuck on the window. For a moment Lauren stopped looking at the window and turned her head back to see Camila standing there, staring at her. "Hey, come here!"

"What?" Camila asked her with a confusing look on her face.

"Come here!" Lauren said again "Sit here with me and we can see it together!"

Camila walked to where Lauren was sitting and sat down on one of her legs.

"You were right!" Camila told Lauren "This is beyond amazing!" 

Lauren looked at Camila whose eyes were shining like two tiny stars and smiled at her.

"What?" Camila asked Lauren as soon as she noticed her smiling at her.

"Nothing." Lauren said as she turned her head back to the window. Camila shrugged and kept looking at the window too.

About twenty minutes later they were already outside of the plane. Lauren had about thirty fans waiting for her there and she didn't leave until she talked to all of them.

"Hey Lauren, can you say "Olá Joana" to the camera? It means "Hello Joana"! It's for my friend... She's also a big fan of yours!" a blonde girl asked Lauren.

"Sure! Is it recording yet?" Lauren asked the girl and she nodded "Olá Joana! I hope you have a great day, lots of love!"

"Thank you Laur!" the girl thanked Lauren with a big smile on her face "Can we take a pic now?"

"Come here!" Lauren pulled the girl closer and put her tongue out for the picture. 

"We look great!" the girl said "Thank you again! Enjoy Portugal!"

"Thank you, babe!" Lauren thanked as she hugged the girl.

"Lauren! Lauren!" Lauren turned her head to see a boy calling her "Can we take a picture, please?"

Lauren started walking to him and wrapped her arm around the boy's shoulders. After he took the picture, she thanked him for being there and went to take a few more pictures with the rest of the fans.

"Thank you guys, thank you so much for being here!" Lauren yelled at all of them while sending them kisses and waving at them as she left the airport.

"Finally Mrs. Jauregui!" Ally told her as soon as she got into the black car. "Wait, where are Mani and Dinah?"

"I have no clue, sunshine!" Lauren shrugged.

Ally put her head out of the window and tried to look for them.

"Normani! Dinah" Ally yelled at them who were also taking pictures with some fans who recogized them "Get your asses over here!"

Normani and Dinah immediately apologized to the fans because they had to go and they ran to the car.

"Finally!" Ally sighed "Let's go to the hotel!"

The black car was huge so they were all able to fit inside the car. 

As soon as they got to the hotel there were about ten fans outside waiting for Lauren to arrive. 

"How is it possible that they already know where you're staying?!" Camila said as she started laughing "They are adorable!"

"My adorable stalkers!!!" Lauren yelled and everyone inside the car started laughing as well.

Ally got out of the car and behind her Lauren was walking next to Camila. Normani and Dinah followed them.

"Lauren! Can we take a picture with you? Please?" Lauren turned her head to see a girl running towards her.

"Sure!" Lauren said as she wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulders.

A few more people started approaching to Lauren and Lauren took as many pictures as she could before her security guard took her away.

"Derek's wife is probably flying to the country right now and she's staying on Derek's room so..." Ally informed Lauren "Lauren you have to share your room!"

"Oh... alright!" Lauren agreed "Who am I staying with? You?"

"Well, I was thinking about being with Christina and you can stay with Camila!" Ally suggested and Lauren raised an eyebrow "I mean... Camila doesn't know Christina very well..."

"I guess it's ok... She can stay with me." Lauren informed her. 

"Here! Grab the key!" Ally said as she threw her the key and started walking to her room "See you later!"

Christina followed Ally, both of them got into the elevator and disappeared from Lauren's view.

"Camila they took our bags to our room... Shall we go and unpack them?" Lauren asked Camila as soon as she joined the others.

"Wait... Are you staying in the same room?" Dinah asked Lauren with a smirk on her face.

"We are." Lauren answered as she rolled her eyes.

"Are we?" it was Camila's turn to ask her.

"Yeah, Derek is staying with his wife and Ally is staying with Christina... They've only booked four rooms for us and since Normani and Dinah are obviously staying together, we have to stay together too." Lauren explained her.

"Oh! Ok!" Camila said.

"Can we go now?" Lauren asked her.

"Sure!" Camila immediately agreed "Bye girls!"

"See you later, Mila! We're gonna be waiting for Derek's wife Malia to arrive." Normani said as the two other girls started walking away.

"Have fun..." Dinah whispered to herself but Normani was able to hear it and both of them started laughing.

Camila and Lauren got into the elevator and the trip to their room was quiet.

"47th right?" Camila asked Lauren "It's this one!"

Lauren walked to the door and opened it. 

As soon as the door was opened Camila got shocked. The room was huge and the floor was literally shining. The majestic bed was placed in the middle of the room. There was also a big window. Lauren immediately remembered the window she had at her home back at New York. There was a jacuzzi next to the window and Camila just wanted to spend the rest of her life inside it.

"Do you always get rooms like this one?" Camila asked Lauren.

"Usually, yeah." Lauren answered pretending she was super proud of it.

"I wouldn't mind living here for the rest of my life." Camila informed her.

"Because I'm here. I know." Lauren said playfully.

"Because there's a jacuzzi here. I'm sorry to disappoint you and your ego." Camila winked at her and started walking around the room. "Hmmm... Lauren?"

"Yeah?" Lauren turned around to be able to look at Camila.

"Where's my bed?" Camila asked her.

"There must be another door leading you to another bed..." Lauren told Camila who was already trying to look for the door.

"Unless it's a secret entrance behind something, I can't find it." Camila informed her.

"Camila..." Lauren mumbled as she placed her own hand at the back of her neck, trying to contain her laugh.

"What?" Camila asked her.

"I think there's no second bed." Lauren finally told Camila "This is gonna be so weird."

"Well, watch it from the positive side..." Camila suggested "We can cuddle and we won't be cold all night."

"Idiot." Lauren said as she started to hide her embarrassment.

"What a shame..." Camila smirked playfully and Lauren rolled her eyes while she started laughing "At least can we try the jacuzzi?"

"That I can make for you!" Lauren informed Camila ironically.

"Aren't we gonna invite the others?" Camila asked Lauren.

"Nope, we're not. It's our little secret." Lauren said as Camila started laughing at Lauren's selfishness.

Both Lauren and Camila started unpacking some of their stuff. Camila was putting some of her clothes inside the closet but Lauren had this habit of always keeping her clothes inside the bag so she only took her hygienic products out and put them on the bathroom's sink.

One hour later both of them were sitting on the bed. Lauren was on her phone and Camila was reading a book as usual.

They were not leaving the hotel that night so those were the only things they could be doing.

"Enough of internet for today..." Lauren suddenly yelled making Camila jump from her seat "I'm going to try the jacuzzi!"

"You scared the shit out of me, Lauren!" Camila said as she placed her hand on her chest and Lauren laughed at her after apologizing "But hey, wait for me! I'm going too!"

Lauren got up from the bed and reached her bag taking her bikini of it. Camila walked to the closet and chose a white bikini running to the bathroom right after that so she could be the first one changing into her bikini.

Lauren took the chance Camila was at the bathroom and started changing into her bikini right there inside the room.

"I'm done!!!" Camila yelled as soon as she opened the bathroom's door.

Lauren didn't have her bikini top on yet so she quickly turned around.

"Ops..." Camila said as she placed her hands on her eyes.

Lauren reached her bikini top as fast as she could and she immediately put it on. After that she walked towards Camila and placed her hands on Camila's taking them off her eyes with the biggest fake malicious smile on her face.

"What are you doing? I don't wanna see you nak..." Camila started saying nervously before she opened her eyes to see Lauren already with her bikini on "Oh!"

Lauren started laughing at Camila and she slapped Lauren's arm crossing her arms in front of her chest after that.

"You should've seen your face..." Lauren couldn't stop laughing.

"It was so funny that I'm not even laughing..." Camila rolled her eyes as she turned her back and started walking to the jacuzzi. "Any idea of how this thing works?"

"Maybe." Lauren said "Let me see..."

Lauren approached to the place where Camila was standing and started clicking on all the buttons.

"Are you crazy?" Camila grabbed Lauren's hand making her stop and pushed her away "This way you're only gonna mess it! I got this!"

"Ok missy!" Lauren said as she raised her hands up "It's all yours!"

A few seconds after Camila found out how to turn it on and the water started falling.

"See? I'm great." Camila flipped her hair.

"The water is cold, Camila!" Lauren rolled her eyes as she touched the water.

"Agh..." Camila mumbled as she tried to turn the hot water on.

"Now it's my turn to show you I'm great too!" Lauren announced as she pushed Camila away with her shoulder "Get out of my way!"

"It's still cold..." Camila warned her.

"I haven't even touched the buttons yet!" Lauren complained.

"I know." Camila wiked at her as she started laughing.

After a few attempts from Lauren, she finally found the right button and the water was finally warm enough.

"Now I'm great too." Lauren teased Camila.

"Never." Camila said as she saw Lauren going from a smile to a disappointed expression on her face "Just kidding! Just kidding! You're always great!"

Lauren smiled at Camila's words and Camila didn't comment on it. She just turned around and walked to the minibar taking two cokes of it, bringing them back to the jacuzzi and handing one of them to Lauren.

"Thank you!" Lauren thanked Camila as she grabbed the drink.

Camila entered the jacuzzi and sat in front of Lauren. She laid her head back after opening her coke and a few seconds after that, she felt water being thrown at her face. She slowly opened her eyes to see Lauren laughing in front of her.

"Did you know I'm a vengeful person?" Camila asked Lauren as she started crawling towards Lauren who was already shrinking herself on the corner of the jacuzzi.

"Don't!" Lauren warned Camila before Camila started throwing water at her not even worrying about the floor getting wet.

Lauren started throwing water back at her and the two of them looked like two little kids having a water fight.

"I give up..." Lauren said as she laid back with her arms opened on the jacuzzi's extremity. 

"I'm turning twenty-one in five days and I look like a five years old..." Camila laughed at her own attitude.

"If you feel like that, imagine myself who's twenty-five and who was the one starting the fight..." Lauren said "Wait... In five days?"

"Five days..." Camila repeated in affirmation.

"Where are we going to be in five days?" Lauren asked her.

"I think we're gonna be in Italy!" Camila informed her.

"Shit, Italy is perfect to celebrate a birthday!" Lauren said with her shiny eyes on.

"Have you ever celebrated a birthday there?" Camila asked.

"No..." Lauren mumbled.

"So how do you know it's a perfect place to celebrate a birthday?!" Camila asked her as she started laughing "Dumb..."

"Hey! I'm not dumb..." Lauren defended herself even though she knew Camila was just kidding "I just... It's such a beautiful place from what I've seen and heard... We could go have dinner at a pizza restaurant and then go for a walk at night... I'm sure it looks great at night... and then we could go have an ice cream and a drink and dance all night!"

"It's just the sweetest thing when you look passionate about something you're talking about, did you know that?" Camila asked Lauren almost without thinking twice. Lauren immediately showed her a shy smile and Camila smiled back.

Before Lauren could say anything about what Camila had just said, her phone started ringing and she got up from where she was sitting, grabbing her towel and walking out of the jacuzzi.

"Allyson?" Lauren asked as soon as she answered the call.

"Hey Laur, we want you and Camila to come and meet Derek's wife so we're going to the hotel's restaurant to have dinner together..." Ally informed her "Will you?"

"Sure! We'll be there in a few minutes!" Lauren told Ally.

"Ok! See you in a few minutes then!" Ally said. Lauren hung up the phone without even answering Ally and started trying to dry herself with the towel which was wrapped around her before.

"What happened?" Camila asked Lauren with a confusing look on her face.

"Go get dressed! We are all having dinner downstairs at the hotel's restaurant!" Lauren informed Camila who was already leaving the jacuzzi and then choosing a dress.

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