Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


3.9K 219 68
By byebyemsamericanpie


It's been four months since Niall and I had decided we wanted kids. We found the perfect candidate to be our surrogate. Her name was Summer Daugherty. She was a wonderful woman. She was in her twenties, much like Niall and I were, and she had been a surrogate for another couple before. That's why Niall and I chose, she was really smart and athletic. Niall wanted our kids to be smart but also able to outrun someone if they needed to. What would they need to outrun anyway?

We were at Summer's doctor appointment right now. Niall and I wanted to be with her every step of the way through the pregnancy. We had offered her to stay with us, but she decided against it. She said it would be a bit weird...but not because she was a surrogate for two men. I think it was something about how she couldn't do that to us.

We paid for the doctor appointments. I mean, she was carrying mine and Niall's baby. Before we even found out she was pregnant, Niall and I had fought over who we wanted the baby to look like the most so we used both of our...cum...and hoped that one of those little buggers made it to its destination.

Summer was laying down on the little bed that the nurse told her to. Niall and I were sitting in the chairs against the wall. The nurse had asked us the same question most of the nurses did when we were at the appointments: So, who's the father?

Since neither Niall or I would answer, Summer would say that she was carrying this baby for us since we obviously couldn't have children ourselves. I mean, I don't even want to imagine how a man would have a child, because if a woman has a baby through her happy box...the only place a guy could have one is either through his ass or...ow ow ow! Fuck. No. No no no. Thank god men can't have babies. Oh god, I don't know how women do it.

I put my focus on Summer when the doctor had came in. He asked her a bunch of questions about the pregnancy and if it was going smoothly; it was. Thankfully there haven't been any complications at all. The doctor then began the ultrasound. Niall and I couldn't tear our eyes away from the ultrasound screen. His hand was in mine; we might be able to find out the gender of the baby today.

"Hmm..." the doctor said as he rubbed his chin.

"Wh-what? Is something wrong, doctor?" I asked; squeezing Niall's hand probably too hard for his liking.

"No, not at all, Harry..." He faced Niall and I. "It's actually good news."

I loosened my grip on Harry's hand and I heard him sigh a breath of relief when I did.

"What's the news, doctor?" Niall asked after shaking is hand to regain feeling in it.

"Well, it seems like you'll have to buy two of everything. You're having twins!"

Twins? Was I hearing that right? I could feel my heart beating fast. Is it bad if you could hear it in your ears? Why is the room suddenly going black? Oh fuck, I passed out.


My vision was blurry but I could definitely tell someone was flashing a damn light in my eyes.

"I think he's waking up."

That was Niall. I sat up quickly only to get really dizzy.

"Mr. Styles..." the doctor began.

Both Niall and I had said yes; the doctor chuckled. He's done this more than once. I think he does it on purpose now because he knows we fall for it each and every time. Of course we do; we never know which Mr. Styles he's referring to until he continues.

"I meant Harry," he added.

"Yes?" I asked as Niall had pulled me back into my chair.

I apparently fell out of it when I passed out. Sounds painful I know, but I wouldn't. I didn't feel a thing.

"Are you feeling alright?"

I nodded.

"So just to make sure...we're for sure having twins?" Niall asked as he grabbed my hand.

The doctor nodded and then asked if we'd like to know the sex of the babies. I snickered at the word sex and Niall slapped my chest for it. I pouted, of course, but I quickly got over it.

"Yeah. We'd like to know the sex of the babies," Niall said with a smile.

The doctor told that we were going to have a girl and a boy. I was beyond excited. I just couldn't wait until they were here now.

"So do we know who the father of the babies is yet?" Niall then continued.

We really wanted to know. Either way, our babies were gonna be the most beautiful children on the face of this planet.

"No. We won't be able to find that out until after the babies are born. That's not too far away. All I'd say for now is get that nursery ready for twins and make sure Summer here," he smiled at her, "gets her rest. Being pregnant with twins puts a lot more work on the woman's body."

Niall and I both nodded. We couldn't wait til our little bundles of joy were here.


We drove Summer home and Niall had gone inside with her to make sure everything was ok. We would always do this for her. All three of us really wanted this pregnancy to go smoothly. We wanted the babies healthy.

When Niall had came back out to the car and got in, he was smiling at me. What was that little Irish fuck thinking about now?

"What, Niall?"

"We should go shopping for the nursery now," Niall's smile got bigger, "I can't believe we're having twins!"

I'm glad he was excited as I was. This was great news. On the way to the shops, Niall and I began to think of names for the babies. Some of the names were too plain and some were just a huge no. One being Harry Jr or Niall Jr. Niall absolutely hated that idea. He wanted our kids to be original. He wanted them to have a special name.

When we were in the shops looking around in the baby section, I began to list off names.

"What about...Luce?" I asked as Niall was looking for a cribs that would be the best for our babies.

"Luce?" He looked at me. "Is that supposed to be like Lucy but not?"

I shrugged my shoulders. So that's a no to that name.

"What about Derek? How does Derek Styles sound?"

We had found two cribs and went on to finding a changing know, to change their nappies.

"Eh, I'm not really feeling it," Niall admitted.

I huffed. So I just started saying random names.

"Erica. Erin. Leigh. Jenna. Dominick. Raymond. Liam--"

Niall stopped me then.

"As much as I know Liam would enjoy that I named our son after him, that's not gonna happen."

I sighed and continued to list off names.

"Eric. David. Henry. Jacob. Elizabeth..."

"Harry, just stop. I know we will think of the perfect names for our perfect babies."


After a long while of shopping, we finally got home. It took us a few trips from the car to the house to actually get all the stuff we bought into the house. We had also stopped by a paint store to paint the room a tan color. Niall had decided on that color. That way it wasn't gearing more towards being a girl's room or a boy's room.

Before we even began to paint the room, Niall had to remind me numerous times that we could not have a paint fight in here. I really wanted to. It sounded and looked like fun, but I suppose Niall had a point. We wanted this room to be perfect for when the twins were born.

Niall had opened the windows a bit to keep the air circulating in the room as we painted. The painting process was pretty boring at first. Stick the paint roller in the paint, paint the wall, repeat. I swear I was gonna lose my mind. Then I felt Niall brush some paint on my face.


Niall looked at me as if he was completely innocent.

"What? It was Molly..."

He went back to painting then. I looked around the room and saw Molly sleeping by the door.

"There's no way Molly could have done it. One, she's a kitten. Two, she can't jump this high. And three, cats don't have..."

This time Niall brushed paint over my lips and this time I did something back. I brushed paint over his cheeks and lips.


I laughed as he dropped his paint roller to the mat that was covering the floor.

"It was Molly," I smirked.

Niall smirked too then pushed the paint roller I had out of my hand then pulled me into a kiss. It tasted kind of funny because of the paint on our lips, but we were able to think past that. My hands were at his waist as he kept his hands at my neck. The kiss was slow and sweet although I'm sure Niall's intention was for it to be heated. We did end up on the floor though. He was laying on top of me as we continued to kiss. Yeah, there was a little moan that slipped out here and there, but it was nothing more.

There was no doubt that both of us probably wanted to fuck each other on this floor, but it was our kids' nursery. That would be wrong on so many, Molly was in here. We are not going to have sex in front of her again. Yes, it's been a few months and I'm still mad at her.

"Harry?" Niall asked softly as he laid his head on my chest.

My hands were on his back now; I rubbed at his back soothingly.

"Yes, Ni?"

"I love you."

I smiled.

"I love you more."



It took us a little while to finish painting the room. I mean, after our little paint incident and then the making out part...Harry and I took a shower to get the paint off us. Yes, I know the paint was only on our faces and we could have easily just took a washcloth and wiped our faces, but we were kind of dirty and maybe a bit smelly as well. So a shower was needed.

I didn't know what time it was, but all I knew was that it was pretty late and that I was hungry. We we waited to put the furniture in the nursery until the paint was for sure dry. So in the meantime, Harry was making us spaghetti.

"You know, if you ever did want me to should teach me a thing or two..." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Harry turned towards me and smiled.

"I suppose that's right, Ni." He turned back towards the stove. "Cmere, Mr. Styles."

I knew he was smirking, but I listened. I stood beside him and looked at what he was doing. I guess we weren't just having spaghetti. Apparently it was spaghetti and meatballs and something else I had no clue what it was. I was too afraid to ask what it was to be honest.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked; expecting to be handed some cooking utensil.

"You," Harry placed his hand on my waist and set me on the counter, "can sit here and look cute while I cook."

I pouted. I wanted to help him.

"But Harry!" I whined.

"Shhhh." He pressed his fingers to my lips. "You can taste the food as I'm cooking it."

"And how is that helping?"

I folded my arms over my chest.

"You do want good food, don't you?" I nodded. "Well, if you taste it, you can help me decide on whether I need to add anything or leave it as it is. See? You are helping me, baby."

I huffed. He was right. I hate when that happens.

"Fine. I'll be your taste tester."

So that's what I did. I tasted the sauce and I tasted the meatballs; both were amazing by the way. He wouldn't let me taste the bread...yes, garlic bread. It was in the oven so I really couldn't taste test it anyway. Harry had hinted at making cookies with me later. So that should be fun.

Overall, this taste testing thing was somewhat fun. I mean, I didn't physically make any of the food, but I guess he's saving that for next time.

Before Harry began to dish up our plates, he stood between my legs and held onto me; this prevented me from getting off the counter. I looked into his eyes and tried to figure out what this mop head was thinking.

"You're so beautiful, Niall..." he whispered.

I went to open my mouth but he shook his head; telling me that he didn't want me to speak yet.

"I know I probably say it a lot, but it's true. You're beautiful, Niall. I'll say it a million times so that you never forget." He rubbed his thumbs against my cheeks and sighed softly. "I know that sometimes I space out, but it's only because I'm thinking about you and about how damn lucky I am that I have such a great man like you in my life. You are literally all I think about, Niall." Molly, who had just walked into the kitchen, meowed; that made Harry laugh. "And you too Molly..." He sniffled a bit. "N-Niall...I honestly don't know where I'd be without you...and it scares me to think of life without you now. It really scares me because I know that whatever it isn't good. You saved me, Niall. You saved me from myself and my inner demons. I was a mess when you met me..."

"Harry..." I said softly, "don't..."

But he continued.

"I was a complete mess and I...I probably would have become a huge disaster if you didn't take the job of being my trainer. I feel like I don't thank you enough for what you did. Yeah, you were hard on me, but you did it because you wanted me to succeed. You had faith in me which was something that not a lot of people had towards me..." He took a deep breath in and slowly let it out as he rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip. "You know...I think my dad would have liked you. It may be for the fact that you can actually kick my ass, but I'd like to think that maybe it was because you make me happy. He never knew I was gay and...I somewhat regret not telling him. I mean, of course I was scared to tell anyone. I mean, I wouldn't even admit that I was gay! But then you came along and I knew I was. I just knew I was. And goddammit Niall I am so sorry for everything I ever said to--"

I kissed him to shut him up. I slid my hands into his hair and gently massaged his head as we continued to kiss. It was slow and passionate. He softly moaned into my mouth as I continued to massage his head. But then I pulled away.

"Harry...that's all in the past. I've forgiven you for what you said to me. Let's just focus on us, okay?"

He nodded the proceeded to dish up our plates. We ate dinner mostly in silence; we could hear Molly eating her food. It was a good silence though. It didn't bother us at all. After we finished dinner and I cleaned up the dishes, Harry and I headed to our bedroom and got ready for bed. We were going to put the furniture in the nursery tomorrow.

Harry had gotten into bed first and then I laid beside him. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Niall," he whispered.

"I love you, Harry," I whispered back.

We both yawned then; no doubt that we'd both fall asleep soon. All I could think about before I fell asleep was how lucky Harry and I were to have met someone as nice as Summer to be able to give us these babies since we weren't capable. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank her enough.



I don't think it's been that long of a wait for an update, right?

Anyway, HELLO!

Here's the chapt!

What did you think of it?

I really hate to say this, but this is the second to last chapter of this book...BUT DONT WORRY.

You wanna know why?

Because the surprise that we mentioned in an earlier chapter is

*drum roll*


Layla and I already have a title for it and I've already made the cover for it. The title of the third book will be revealed in the last chapter much like how this chapter's title was revealed at the end of "Working For Styles."

We hope that you all are as excited as Layla and I for the third book!


Layla and I have started a new Narry fanfic outside of this series. It's called "Life In The Fast Lane". Currently only the prologue is up but it would still be pretty cool if you could check it out. It's on this account so you won't have to go very far.

I gotta say I'm pretty proud of myself for making the covers for WFS, MTS, the third book and now Life In The Fast Lane.

So if you ever need someone to make you a cover for a fanfic or something, I'm your girl!

But anyway, back to this story.

Have any questions? Feel free to ask them and we will answer them for you.

Please vote and comment. Your feedback means sooooo much to us and we just love seeing how you all react to what happens.

We absolutely love reading your comments. In fact, since this is Layla's account (and I have my own) I always come back to the chapters while on my account and read your comments. It makes my day.

We love you!


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