Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

By StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


256 13 4
By StarlightShaymin

"We're here!" Amos announced excitedly. "Guys, I welcome you to the Ponggo village!" He said; gesturing to the large metal doors on the mountain side. 

The metal doors were in poor condition, multiple scratch marks could be seen covering the metal surface, with a few dents engraved in. 

"Your village is a door?" Elsword asks; rubbing his eyes. "So where's the food at?"

Eve slapped Elsword loudly in response," do not act so rude, peasant!" She scolds. "How would you like it if someone accused your home of being a simple door?"

"But what if his village is a door?" This earned Elsword another painful slap to the face. 

Amos laughed loudly at their remarks," my village isn't a door, silly!" He said through giggles. "My village is beyond the doors!" 

Chung leans closer to me," this is what happens when we have to walk non stop for a couple of hours." He whispers. 

I bit back a giggle," I can't imagine what it'll be like if we had to stay up all night." I reply in a hushed voice. 

Amos hopped off of Yang's back," I hope you guys don't mind living under ground!" He said; approaching the set of doors. 

We watch as Amos pushed against the set of doors, unfortunately his efforts proved to be useless. The set of doors remained firmly shut despite his efforts. Seeing Amos struggle to get the doors open was quite amusing, but we were all too desperate to get some rest to enjoy the little guy's struggle. 

"Move," Raven said; cracking his knuckles. 

Amos sheepishly steps aside. Raven placed both his hands on the door, taking a deep breath in he began to push against the doors. Both the metal doors swung open in response. Inside we could see a dimly lit stair way. I could faintly make out the sound of drills echoing from the inside.  

"You want to lead the way, kid?" Raven asks. 

Nodding Amos hurries to the village entrance," watch your step, it's a bit dark in here." He warns before making his way in. 

The team filed in behind him, I made my way in last to help guide Yang in. Closing the metal doors behind me I begin to guide my Phoru down the stone steps, Yang grunted with discomfort at the narrow entrance way.

"C'mon," I gestured to the dim light up ahead. "We're almost there."

Yang hesitated for a bit before continuing down, I gave it a reassuring pat along the way. As we proceeded further into the stairway I could hear a faint voice booming ahead, something tells me that we've run into more trouble. 

"Unacceptable, Nasods are not welcomed in our village!" The voice exclaims angrily. "I will not accept these guests!" 

"Let's hurry." I tell Yang. 

We hurry down the last few steps, Yang slows down its pace the moment we reached the very last step. I could now make out the buildings within the village and the little furry creatures gathering around my team. The Ponggos began to scream as Yang and I made our entrance, I scratched Yang behind the ear in hopes of giving it some comfort. 

"What's happening now?" The voice grunts. 

Yang stepped back as a small Ponggo approached us, its eyes widening the instant it got a good look at my furry friend. 

"You brought a demon as well? Are you crazy?" He screams, the villagers backed away from us in fear.

"Yang is good!" Amos came running after the angry Ponggo. "Chief, please don't be afraid!" 

The chief gave Amos a disapproving look," Amos, you know better than to bring Nasods and demons into the village."

"They saved me." He clarified, this caused several gasps in the crowd. "Everyone here saved me!" 

"Saved you?" The chief sneered. "Why would a demon and two Nasods save you?" 

"Because they're the good guys!" Amos tightened his fists. "Chief, if it weren't for them I would've been dead!" 

The chief ignores his statement, turning his attention back to us he says," what do you people want with us?" He asks, with his eyes narrowed. 

I could hear Aisha quietly ushering Elsword to say something---at a time like this you'd think he'd act more professionally. 

Elsword clears his voice," we are simply here to take back an important item." His answer made the chief raise his brow. "We also happen to be a Red Knight party, this means we can also help your village with any problems you may be dealing with."

"Red Knight party, eh?" The chief quoted. "I've heard of you folks, you Red Knights have quite a reputation for helping folks like us." 

My nerves relaxed at his response, maybe now he'll finally come to trust us. 

"It's a shame how down hill you people have gone." He adds on---shaking his head. 

"Excuse me?" I blurt out, instantly regretting my decision as the chief locked eyes with me. 

"What would you like to say, young lady?" He lowers his voice, his eyes challenging me to continue. 

Taking a sharp breath in I went on," I don't understand what you mean. How have our people gone down hill?"

The chief began to pace slowly," Red Knights are known to be heroes, they are supposed to fight against danger"---he gestures to our team--"now look at you, bringing in demons and Nasods, you people are disgusting." 

"Don't call my team disgusting." Aisha piped in. "You know nothing about our team. We're all capable to fighting against danger." 

"You are capable of bringing in danger. I don't mind the demon as much, but I cannot allow those two Nasods stay here." He barked, and pointed at Eve and Raven. "I ask that the two Nasods leave my village. They are not welcomed here."

I could feel anger pumping through my veins, this chief knows nothing about our team and yet he's treating our team members like trash. If I could I would teach him a painful lesson, he has no right to talk badly about my friends. 

"No!" Amos screamed, the Ponggos around jumped in surprise at his out burst. "They walked all the way over here with me. We can't just kick them out." 

"And I cannot allow Nasods to be welcomed here in this village." The chief said, he raised his chin. "If you really wish to keep these people here then they must stay at your house, I do not wish to purposely waste my time with these people." 

Amos ran to Yang's side, hugging the Phoru tightly around the leg he responds," fine, they'll be staying at my house." 

The chief shook his head at the response," this new generation is hopeless." He mutters. 

Turning his back to us he gestures the villagers to return to their daily routines. Whispers erupt in the crowd as the villagers dispatch, I could see fear reflecting off their eyes. I understand they are afraid of Nasods but it's still rude of them to treat our team like this---we haven't done anything to them.

 "However," the chief adds on." If those two Nasods cause any trouble you and your sister will take the blame for their destruction." 

"Fine," Amos replied. Without another exchange of words the chief turns away and began his way home. 

"Well that was...dramatic." Aisha said, in a hushed voice. "Who knew we'd get so much hate?"

"D-don't mind the villagers!" Amos piped in---smiling. "Once they see how cool you guys are they'll be more than happy to have you here!" 

"That's if they see us do something cool." Elsword said matter-of factly. "For now let's just head back to your place, there's a lot we need to talk about."

"I'll lead the way!" Amos chimed. 


The Ponggo village has got to be the most interesting place I have ever step foot in, not only are all the villagers little Ponggos, but these small creatures are able to make such a magnificent village underground. 

You'd think such small creatures would make their homes small to fit their size, but instead they have created houses resembling those on the surface. Along the way to Amos' house I noticed the village is divided up into different levels, the tallest levels are where all the stores are while the lower ones are where the houses are. All around I could hear drills digging into the ground, miners walked throughout the village carrying large bags of ores. 

These Ponggos may be little but they sure are hard workers. I bet they'd function fine in the human society. 

"And we're here!" Amos gestures proudly to the two story house. "This is where you guys will be staying!" He turns his attention to me. "We have a ton of space inside so your Phoru can come in too!"

"That sounds great!" I reply, while patting Yang on the head.

"You guys must be exhausted. We'll get dinner started right away!" Amos exclaimed as he unlocks the door. 

The sound of food made all our stomachs growl with joy, I'm not sure what these guys eat but anything sounds delicious right now. I followed my team mates inside, eager to finally have a place to rest. 

"Finally a couch to sit on!" Elsword cheers, he flopped onto the large red couch in what appears to be a living room. 

I watched in defeat as my team mates took up the entire couch, leaving me with only the ground to sit on," geez, thanks guys." I rolled my eyes as I sat myself down. 

"It's your fault for being slow." Aisha said with a wink. "At least you can lean on Yang!" She points to the phoru curling up behind me. 

"It's not the same," I mutter, while resting myself against Yang.

"Quit complaining, at least you don't have to sit beside sweaty Raven." Chung grunts, this causes Raven to give him all sorts of nasty looks. 

"Let's not break into fight now," Aisha quickly interjects. "We can beat each other up after we get through the night." 

"You guys are lucky." Amos piped in, with a large box held in his hands. "We have a bunch of pizza left over from yesterday. I hope you guys don't mind eating cold." 

"You guys have pizza down here?" Elsword asked, with a toothy grin. "I thought you guys ate bugs or something." 

I know I said anything would've sounded good at this point, but I've got to draw the line on bugs. I can barely stand being around a bug nevertheless eat one. 

"We do eat bugs, but we also have a bunch of other foods." He explained; opening up the pizza box. "The only thing we don't eat is meat, so some of the food may taste different for you guys."

"As long as it doesn't have bugs the pizza will be fine." I said; rubbing my growling stomach. "Let's get eating already." 

The team devoured the entire pizza box within minutes, we didn't realize all the slices were gone until Amos pointed it out to us. Although my stomach wasn't completely full yet I was still satisfied with dinner, at least I won't have to go to bed starving. 

I laid on the floor lazily after our quick meal, my eye lids urged me desperately to get some shut eye. Today has been a very long and tiring day and I think we all deserve some sleep tonight. I could already see Raven falling asleep---Aisha also seems to be having trouble keeping her eyes open.

"Now that we aren't starving ourselves to death." Elsword stated in a more serious tone. "Tell us about the relationship between Nasods and you Ponggos."

"Do you really have to ask now?" Aisha whined; leaning against Elsword. "We're all so tired." 

"W-we also need to know what's troubling the village"---he pushed her off him---"Now can you guys please stay awake for just a bit longer?" 

Groaning in annoyance we sit ourselves back up, Elsword briefly thanked us before continuing," has there ever been a time when the Nasods came in your village to attack? If so do you know the reason for the invasion?" 

Amos folded his tiny hands together," yes, they have attacked us but it wasn't in the village." He began. "My sister told me us Ponggos used to love leaving the village, I was told that we used the land above us to plant food, play sports, and even go exploring." 

"You don't do that anymore?" I blurt out. 

Amos shook his head," the only time we can go up to the surface is when we need to fix the doors or when we sneak out---like I do."

It must be sad to not be able to leave your village, to not be able to go outside to explore the land, and enjoy all that nature can offer you. I can't imagine living a life being isolated underground, I'd probably go mad. 

"Anyways, the Nasods and Ponggos never really interacted. We didn't bother them and they didn't bother us, that is until the day of the attack." Amos' shoulders tensed." From what sis' told me the Nasods attacked the Ponggos that were on the surface, saying we needed to be eliminated for more space."

"More space?" Eve repeated, and began to play with her fingers. "In the past, were there more Ponggos than Nasods?"

Amos shrugged," there were a bit more before the attack, but we never outnumbered the Nasods or anything." He clarified. "Sis' didn't go into detail on the attack, but she did say many Ponggos tried fighting back. We lost many good friends during the fight and soon the chief ordered us to close off our access to the outside world, that's when the isolation began."

"Do the Nasods try attacking you guys now?" Elsword asked. 

Amos nods," sometimes they'd try to break our doors down, but so far none has successfully entered the village. The chief fears that they will be able to enter one day and wipe out the remaining Ponggos." 

That would explain the poor condition of those doors. 

"A-are you afraid of that happening?" Aisha's question made Amos grow quiet. 

"Yes," Amos wraps his arms around himself. "I don't want to die, I want to live a happy life with my sister." 

I hesitated for a moment before asking," where are your parents in all of this?" 

"Sis' said they fought in the battle with the Nasods." He answered; bowing his head.

 From that simple response we all knew what has become of them. "Sis' went to help them but she was able to make it back." He added. 

"I-I'm so sorry for your kind," Raven muttered, he rested his head on his hands. "To think a kid like you has to live like this, that's just terrible."

"You okay, man?" Chung casually rests his arm on Raven's shoulder. "You don't look so good." 

"Yeah, I just feel a bit...sick." He said, with his hands running through his hair. "Maybe it's just the fatigue talking, I'm just not feeling that great right now." 

"You should rest up, Raven." Aisha suggests. "We've had a crazy day."

"I hope it wasn't because of the pizza." Amos sheepishly played with his fingers. "It did stay out over night."

Raven perked his head up, smiling he said," it's not the pizza, kid. I'm probably just tired, don't worry too much about it." 

"If you say so," Amos responded with a frown. "I still have my bets on the pizza." 

"Back onto the Nasod topic," Eve interjected. "H-have you noticed anything different with the Nasods recently?"

Amos thought for a moment before responding," they have been a bit more active. When I snuck out I noticed a group of Nasods preparing something, they said they had to get all the preparations done for the King's revival." 

Eve's eyes narrowed at the response," I see." Her drones nudged her cheeks gently, as if trying to comfort her. "Are they also causing more trouble for the village?"

"Yeah," Amos rocked back and forth on the ground. "They've been attempting to get in the village more, just last night we had them making a ruckus at the doors again." 

"So the King has caused more activity in the Nasods," Eve pondered out loud. "As the Queen it is my duty to keep these Nasods in line." She rises from her seat, her two drones hovering closely beside her. "I promise I will use all my power to calm these Nasods down, as their Queen I must keep them from causing any more trouble." 

"Wow!" Amos' eyes sparked with amazement. "You're so cool!" 

I have to admit, seeing Eve so fired up to keep her Nasods on the right track is something amazing to see. She constantly reminds us of her royal status, but I don't think I've seen her take on responsibilities of a Queen up until now. 

"Amos!" A voice sounds loudly from the entrance. Our heads turned curiously at the sound of the new voice. "I'm home!" The owner of the voice can be heard dropping what sounds to be like a tool box. 

"Welcome home, Agatha." Amos calls back to her. "We have guests here." 

"Guests?" A taller Ponggo with tan fur walks into the living room; her mining clothes smeared with dirt. 

"These guys saved me today---"

"Saved?" She quotes; shaking her head. "Did you go sneaking out the village again?"

Amos scratched his head sheepishly. His gesture reminds me of the days where Aren would catch me stealing his toys. I would always cower away and pray that he would just forget it. 

"Um maybe?" Amos gave her an uneasy smile. 

His sister shakes her head in disappointment," how many times do I have to tell you to stay in the village? You know it's dangerous up there." She scolds him like an upset mother. "The next time I find out you're sneaking out I'll be taking your books away for a month."

"A month?" Amos eyes widened with horror. "That's not fair, all I want to do is explore. Why do you have to take my books away?" 

I have never heard of a punishing a kid by taking his books away, Amos must be the few kids who actually enjoy reading. 

"It's what I have to do to keep you safe." She said, ignoring her brother's attempt to make puppy dog eyes. 

Agatha scanned the room, carefully examining us like animals at a zoo. Her eyes came to an abrupt stop at Raven, she quickly doubled back in response. 

"You," she said weakly. "I remember you." 

Raven's face started to turn pale the instant he locked eyes with Agatha. He quickly bowed his head, while Agatha narrowed her eyes at him. 

"You," Raven's voice came out hoarse, he ran his hands through his hair. "I-it can't be." 

Agatha pulled her brother closely to her, wrapping her arms protectively around him," I remember you." She repeats herself. "I can still remember that monstrous face of yours." 

Raven doesn't respond, instead he buries his face in his hands as if he is trying to hide himself from her and everyone else in this room. 

Agatha cursed at him," I can never forget you no matter how hard I try!" She spat, tears threatening to fall from her reddened eyes. 

What she said next shocked all of us, it left us speechless, shaking, and confused. I could feel the pizza I ate earlier threatening to make a second appearance as she spoke the next words. 

"I can never forget the face of the one who killed my parents." 

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