Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France

{26} Oahu Hawaii

4.9K 223 71
By byebyemsamericanpie


Oahu, Hawaii; the last place that Niall and I would be vacationing for our honeymoon. It was sad to know that this was our last stop, but we weren't gonna dwell on that. We were in America! And what made it even better was that they had recently made gay marriage legal in all 50 states. Even though Niall and I were already married, it still made us proud... even if we weren't American.

Like the three previous places, we were gonna spend three days here in Oahu. There were literally numerous things to do here that I didn't know what I wanted to do first. We could go snorkeling, scuba diving, dolphin watching and whale watching. There was also surfing and windsurfing. The list was almost endless.

Niall and I had rented a little house with a beach front. Niall was a little iffy on it because of Molly. Believe me I was too, but thankfully the house had air conditioning so Molly would be nice and cool in it while we were out and about.

We were sitting outside on the chairs that overlooked the ocean while sipping on some lemonade that I had made earlier.

"So have we decided on what we should do today?" Niall asked.

"Find a sex shop and get you a new costume?" I smirked.

Niall slapped my arm but he smirked too.

"I'll think about it, Haz. I'm not making and promises."

I pouted. He looked so good in (but mostly out of) that French maid outfit. Just thinking about it could have made my friend get excited. I mean, he didn't get rid of it. He still had it. Maybe I'll make him wear a grass skirt and a coconut bra this time.

"Harry!" Niall whined.

I looked at him and saw him pouting at me.


"You've been staring at me and biting your lip all the while I'm trying to ask you what we should do today."

"Something to do with water..."

Niall rolled his eyes then laughed.

"Well, duh. We are surrounded by water, but can you be specific?"

I smiled big and only said one word.



We were gonna swim with dolphins! I was so excited. Niall seemed pretty excited... at least I think so. I mean he was smiling and holding my hand. We bought an underwater camera so we could take pictures while in the water of course.

Along with swimming with the dolphins, we were gonna go whale watching, scuba diving, snorkeling and a bunch of other water stuff. I doubt we'd be able to do all of them in one day, so it's great that we will be here for three days. That should be enough time to get in all that plus maybe some sex here and there, right? Right. Of course I'm right.

I literally could not wait to get into the water. Niall actually had to hold be back from falling into the water; I was that excited.

"Oh, cmon, Ni!" I whined. "Lemme in the water!"

Niall just shook his head at me.

"We need to be patient, baby. I swear, by the way you're acting, you could be a dolphin."

My eyes widened.

"Maybe I am!"

I giggled and Niall just lightly shoved my arm.

"Would you still love me if I was a dolphin, Niall?"

I felt Niall slip his hand into mine and laced his fingers with mine. We swung arms a bit before he answered.

"Of course I would still love you, Harry. But what about the sex?"

I saw him smirk. What a dirty birdy. Then again, I'm a dirty birdy too. We're two dirty birds who can't keep their wings to themselves.

"What about it, Ni?"

"How would we have sex if you were a dolphin?"

"Well that's easy! You would uh... you would uh..."

I was so sure of myself that I knew this answer, but I didn't. I tried to think about it, but the next thing I knew I was in the water. When I came back to the surface, I looked at a very guilty looking Niall.

"You're a dork."

He held out his hand to help me out of the water, but instead of letting him help me, I pulled him on top of me; getting him wet as well.



I was laughing hard and that's when he splashed me. I of course splashed back and we would of had a splash fight if it weren't for the people running the swimming with dolphins telling us that it was our turn to be with the beautiful animals. I was beyond excited. I was going to try and get as many pictures as I could, but I'm pretty sure I'd be too amazed by the dolphins that I wouldn't even think to take a picture.

I was right by the way. I was too engulfed with taking in the beauty of the dolphins that Niall was the one that ended up taking pictures. Niall and I got pictures petting and feeding the dolphins too. Then something I didn't expect to happen, happened. Niall and I were sitting near the dolphins when all of a sudden, one of them sort of jumped out of the water and was on top of me. I've seen it before, so I laughed. I tried to tell Niall to get a picture, but I was too busy laughing.

Eventually someone got the dolphin off me and Niall was no where in sight.

"Niall?" I began to look for him, but I still couldn't find him. "Niall, where are you?"

I asked around if anyone had seen him. Most of the people I asked said no, but there was one old couple that told me that they saw him heading towards where they had whale watching (although I'm pretty sure you do that from a boat). I guess we're doing that next.


It took me a bit to find him, but when I did, I quickly made my way over to him and covered his eyes.

"Guess who?" I said in a sing-songy voice.

"Uh... the Queen of England?" We both laughed and he turned around. "Awh man. It's just my husband."

"Of course it's your husband. Plus I doubt the Queen would come here. But who knows? I'm not the queen."

Niall slipped his hand into mine and gave it a squeeze. I loved it when he held my hand.

"Yeah, but you're my king."

That made me blush.

"Does that make you my prince then?"

Niall stayed quiet but I saw the blush on his cheeks. I pulled him against my chest and asked him again, softer this time. When he again stayed silent, I placed my hand under his chin, tilted his head up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He placed his hand (that wasn't occupied by mine) on my neck as we continued to kiss. It was slow, sweet but most of all passionate. Niall slid his hand to the back of my neck and gently pulled at my hair. It actually felt good.

When I pulled away slightly, I smiled against his lips.

"My prince..." I whispered.


Day two in Oahu.

So, we didn't exactly get to do whale watching, which was fine by Niall and I because we were too busy kissing anyway. As of right now? I was watching Niall sleep. Usually I would wake him up early since I wanted to make most of the day while on our honeymoon, but maybe we could just go snorkeling at the beach that's by the house a little bit. It was a private beach, so we'd be the only ones there.

I could hear Molly meowing at the door, so I slid out of bed and opened the door. She looked up at me and let out a tiny meow.

"What? At least I'm not naked..." I softly laughed before picking her up.

I wanted to be naked, believe me. But from all that swimming with the dolphins, Niall and I were pretty exhausted. That meant no sex and that bummed me out. So no, I wasn't naked, but I was just in my boxers.

I walked back to the bed and carefully got back on it. Molly wiggled out of my grip and began to walk around on the bed. I smiled as I watched her walk all over Niall's chest. I think she was trying to wake him up because she began to jump on him.

"Molly, no..." I whispered as I took her off him.

She meowed at me again and I shook my head at her.

"Don't talk back to your father."

I looked over at Niall when I heard him mumbling for me to shut up and stop talking to the cat.

"Well if you were awake, Mr. Styles, I wouldn't be talking to Molly, now would I?"

Niall's eyes slowly opened and he smiled.

"Well I'm awake now."

Good. Now I can kiss him. I set Molly on the floor then rolled onto Niall. He groaned, of course, but stopped when I kissed him. His hands were in my hair as my hands roamed his body. As much as I wanted morning sex, we had plans to go snorkeling. So sadly, the kiss didn't last long and Niall didn't like that.

"Hey!" he pouted when I got off him, "Come back."

"We can't get carried away... yet."

I smirked and Niall's eyes widen.

"You're so bad, Harry."

I chuckled then got into the yellow swim trunks that Niall had bought me. He claimed that it made my ass look great. Well his ass looked great in that French maid outfit, but I wasn't about to make him wear that snorkeling.

"Get up, Ni. Let's eat a banana and get into the water."

Niall propped himself by his elbows and looked at me.

"What is with you and your obsession for bananas? Can you please tell me? I would love to know."

I just chuckled, shook my head at him and told him to get ready again. Today was going to be fun.



I wasn't exactly sure if what Harry was doing was even snorkeling. It just looked like he was floating face first in the water. To anyone else, I'm sure they'd think that he wasn't snorkeling either. But every once in awhile Harry would stand up and excitedly tell me about the things he had just seen under the water even though I was directly beside him.

I love this man so much. He's a dork, but he's all mine. He would point out the colorful fish to me and tell me to take pictures since he was too "occupied" with finding them. I didn't mind, but I did want to spend time with him, so I pulled him out of the water and back onto the beach where we had a blanket on the sand.

"Heyyyy! I wasn't done!" Harry pouted as I pulled him down onto the blanket.

"Yeah well I wanted Niall and Harry time..."

I straddled him and kissed him. He grabbed my waist tightly as I began to grind myself against him. Harry moaned and gave my body a squeeze.

"Wh-what are you doing, Ni?" he asked.

"I want to please my daddy..."

I began to pepper kisses all over his chest; making sure nothing was untouched by my lips. Harry was sighing softly and when my kisses got lower, I knew he was enjoying it a lot. Little whimpers left his mouth and a moan slipped out as well.

"Niall... please. Do something t-to me..."

Instead of palming him--which I assume is what Harry wanted me to do--I got up and began to walk towards the house.

"Wh-where are you going?"

I turned around to see Harry about to stand up.

"No. Stay there, daddy. Your baby boy will be right back."

I heard him whine, but he obeyed. I ran up to the house and headed inside. Yesterday, while Harry was busy looking at souvenirs to bring back home with us, I bought myself another outfit. I felt like maybe this one would be more funny than it would be sexy, but Harry was already turned on as it is, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I mean, we are in Hawaii after all, so why not buy a grass skirt and... yep, you guessed it, a coconut bra. I wouldn't be wearing it for that long anyway.

When I heard Molly meow, I looked around then down to see her walking in between my legs. She meowed at me again and tapped her paw against my foot.

"What is it, princess?" I asked as I picked her up.

Oh great. Now I'm talking to the cat. Dammit. Harry really is rubbing off on me. The next thing you know I'll be wearing his clothes. Not that wearing his clothes would be a bad thing. I'm sure they're really comfortable.

Molly meowed at me again as I walked into the bedroom and set her on the bed. I tilted my head at her. What did she want?

"What, Molly? I've got to hurry up and get back to Harry. He doesn't like waiting."

She walked around on the bed for a bit, so that gave me time to change into the grass skirt and coconut bra. I checked myself over in the mirror then looked at Molly. She probably thought I looked silly. I scratched under her jaw then headed back outside and to Harry. Thankfully he was still in the same spot I left him. When he looked up at me, his mouth dropped open.

"Hi, daddy," I smirked.

"So that's what you were doing," he bit his lip, "Daddy likes."

I straddled his lap, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. I could feel his hard on and I smirked against his lips.

"Cmon, daddy. Tell baby boy what you want him to do..."

Since what I was wearing wasn't technically lingerie, Harry was in control. He called the shots. He moaned as I slowly grinded against him. I was being a tease and I knew it drove him crazy.

"You... you are gonna r-ride me, baby boy..." he panted out.

I brought my lips to his ear and nibbled on it a bit. He moaned of course and bucked his hips up.

"Sex? On the beach? We're gonna have sex on the beach?" I asked seductively.

Harry nodded quickly.

"Mmh so dirty."

I was so damn thankful that this was a private beach, even if it wasn't, I wouldn't stop Harry from fucking me. Harry rid me of my coconut bra easily and also my boxers that I had under the grass skirt. He wasted no time getting me hard. I had gripped his shoulders the faster he wanked me. Moans slipped out of my mouth as he rubbed his thumb against my tip.

I whined at the loss of contact when he had pushed down his swim trunks, but it wasn't long until his hands were back on me and guiding me down onto him. We both moaned at the feeling and I dug my nails into his skin. I slowly worked my hips against his as his hold on me got even tighter.

"Fuck, Niall..." he moaned as he threw his head back.

This gave me the opportunity to kiss at Harry's neck. The kisses were sloppy but I don't think Harry really cared. He just wanted my touch and I wanted his.

I moved my hips faster and Harry was just in pure bliss. He wasn't even able to make comprehensible sentences and neither could I for that matter. We both were just moaning and I let out a cry of his name when he thrusted up into me.

"Ah, sh-shit," I grunted just as Harry wrapped his hand around my shaft and gave me the extra pressure I craved.

I nipped at his neck as he moved his hand faster. His grunts got even louder and his thrusts were harder.

"You're so f-fucking hot, baby boy," he moaned in my ear.

I slid myself off him a bit only to come right back down hard. We were both panting hard and I tried to regain my hold on him but I was getting weak; I was getting close to my high.

"You better not cum, sweetheart," he whispered in my ear.

I whimpered at his words. Fuck him. He knows what he does to me and I sure as hell know what I do to him. I clenched hard around him, making Harry moan out my name. Then the signs of him reaching his high came. It was going to be my goal to get him to cum first so he could suck me off. I fucking loved that mouth of his. It was just so perfect. So warm. So damn wet. God, I could cum right now just thinking of it.

"Don't cum," he whispered again.

It was getting hard to hold it back. My body felt on fire. I was so damn close and Harry's wandering and shaking hand told me he was about to lose it.

"Cmon, daddy... cum for your baby boy. Cum for your prince."

He whined at my words then spewed out numerous curse words as he came hard. I moaned at the feeling as he filled me up but then whimpered when I no longer felt him inside me. Harry laid me down on the blanket and wasted absolutely no time bringing his mouth onto me. He swirled his tongue around me and sucked hard. With his hand, he fondled my balls; making me cry out his name. I slid my hands into his hair and shoved him down farther. He hummed against me and that was it. I lost it. I yelled out his name as my orgasm hit me hard; probably too hard.

All I could do was lay there, panting hard as I watched Harry swallow my load. He smirked at me then laid beside me. Fuck that damn smirk. I could just kiss it off him. Maybe I should. I turned onto my side and stared at the messy brunette haired lad. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly parted. Slowly, I reached my hand towards his face, turned it to mine and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He softly kissed back and when he pulled away, I saw him smiling.

"You know what we should do now?" he asked in a whisper.


"We should have sex on the beach."

I chuckled. Round two? Already? Not that I would mind.

"We just did, Haz."

"No no no. I meant the drink."

He opened his eyes just as I shook my head no. I knew right away it probably wouldn't end well if I let him. I already knew that there was vodka in it and I just wanted this honeymoon to be as memorable as possible. And if Harry's drunk?

"No, Harry. I'm sorry."

"Please? It'll only be one."

He was frowing. It wasn't gonna work this time.

"You're really pushing it, Harry. I said no and that's final."

His frown went away and he smiled.

"I'm glad I have you to keep me in line."

He kissed my nose.

"Your aim is terrible, Harry," I laughed.

He laughed as well then kissed me properly.


"So much better."


Day three in Oahu.

It was our last day here in Hawaii. That also meant that it was our last day in the United States. I'm not saying that I don't want to go back home to Holmes Chapel; cause I do. I miss our cute little house and our cute little garden; we had Anne and Gemma look after it. Plus as much as I'm sure Molly loved seeing the world, I'm sure she misses her little bed that Harry and I bought for her.

We had our things packed and ready to go for when we would have to take the plane home late tonight. But before we could leave, we were gonna get surfing and a real Hawaiian dinner out of the way. Well, we had to learn how to surf first. It shouldn't be that hard... right?


Wrong. I was dead wrong. How can standing on a board be so damn difficult? The pros made it so fucking easy. Was I pissed? Yeah a little bit. Harry on the other hand? He'd laugh when he'd fall down. He'd get right back on the board only to fall right back down again. I didn't understand how he could be so calm.

After about the fifth time of me falling off the board, I gave up. I just gave up. I sat on the board in the water and huffed loudly. Harry caught this and came over to me with his board.

"What's wrong Mr. Grumpy Pants?" he joked.

"I'm not grumpy. I'm just mad that I can't do this, Harry."

"Well practice makes perfect. How do you think I became a great boxer?"

"Because I kicked your ass so much that you finally learned to block me?"

He laughed; even squeaked a little. It was so fucking adorable I wanted him to do it again.

"No. I don't think that's it..."

"You know, if I never took that job... we wouldn't be here."

Harry stuck his fingers in the water and moved them around.

"And if you had quit on me when I was late or drunk... we wouldn't be here..."

I sighed. I didn't want to dwell on that anymore. It was the past. All that mattered was now. I had Harry and he had me. That's all we could ever ask for.

"Let's not think about that, okay?"

Harry nodded then looked up at me. His green eyes were just so beautiful. And with the sunlight reflecting off the water and into them, it made them sparkle. It was almost like those movies when the main character is talking about how the guy they fancy has dreamy eyes. Harry surely had dreamy eyes. There was no doubt about that. I love them so much.


I blinked a few times to see Harry smiling at me.

"Uh yeah?"

"I love you."

He blushed and even tried to hide it. So I turned his board so he was beside mine. I grabbed his hands and put them at his side.

"I love you too." I was going to kiss him but I had something else in mind. "Hey, Harry. Knock knock."

He got he biggest smile on his face. He had to have known or even remembered where this was going.

"Uh, who's there, Niall?"


His smile got bigger.

"Olive who?"

"Olive you, Harry."

We laughed for a bit and then he pushed me into the water; I'm sure he was laughing harder now. When I resurfaced, I looked straight at him; a big smile still there.

"Payback, baby."

"I'm pretty sure your payback for me pushing you into the water off the boat was pulling me into the water with you."

I got back onto my board as he let out a little chuckle.

"Yeah, but this was more fun."

I just loved it when Harry was happy. It made me happy. His happiness was my happiness. I'm so glad I married him.


After a few more hours of trying to surf, Harry and I had worked up quite an appetite. We wanted authentic Hawaiian food. You know, food you really can't get anywhere else. We decided on Helena's Hawaiian Food. All the reviews were great so why not go there?

We didn't have to wait long to be seated; that was a good sign. When we sat down, we looked at the menu and right away, I could already see Harry having troubles trying to pronounce the names of the food in his head. He was mouthing the words; probably trying to sound it out.

A waitress came by and had asked us what we wanted to drink. The list wasn't that big, but there was one option--fruit punch--that I knew Harry was gonna make some dumb joke out of.

"I see you have fruit punch on here," Harry began. The woman nodded. "But do you have Hawaiian fruit punch?"

See? What did I tell you? I married such a dork. Ugh, I love him so much.

"That's cute," she laughed.

I actually didn't expect her to laugh. In fact I didn't think she was gonna react at all.

"I think it's just normal fruit punch, but I'm sure you can call it Hawaiian fruit punch, sweetie," she continued.

Harry smiled but ended up getting Sprite along with me. She wrote that down then left us to look over our menus.

"She's nice," Harry said as he looked up from his menu.

"That's what they're supposed to do. If they give horrible service, people won't come back. Now pick want you want."

I let my eyes scan the menu again before I decided on the Kalua Pig And Pipikaula Short Ribs with two scoops of rice. I placed the menu down and stared at Harry who was probably trying to figure out how to pronounce Pipikaula.

"P-pipi..." he began.

"Pipikaula, Harry."

He looked up at me and softly huffed.

"How do you know how to pronounce it?"

"I'm a fast learner, I suppose."

Harry slightly smiled.

"Except when it comes to surfing."

"Oh shut it, mop head."

I threw a napkin at him; it didn't reach him. He laughed at me and I had half a mind to throw my silverware at him. But I didn't. I didn't want to hurt Harry. He was only being funny.

"I think I'm gonna get the Kalua Pig And Lomi Salmon with two scoops of rice," Harry told me as he closed his menu.

He looked happy that he could pronounce Kalua right. As long as he was happy, nothing else mattered. Our waitress came back with our drinks and we gave her our orders. While we waited, Harry and I reminisced about Rome, Girona and Paris. We were going home soon and it was a little bit sad.

"I think I loved the surprise of the Love Lock Bridge in Paris the most," Harry admitted.

I smiled. That was one of my favorites too. I reached my hand across the table for Harrys and held onto it.

"I love you so fucking much, Harry."

"Hey, don't swear." he chuckled, "We're in a public place. We must be professionals."

I just laughed.

"You're such a weirdo."

Harry just looked down at my hand in his and smiled. His smile could cure cancer and bring world peace. It was just so beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful.

Our food came and we continued to talk about the previous places as we ate. Overall, I'm pretty sure that our honeymoon was a great time. I had fun and I know for sure that Harry had fun. Molly too even though she was in hotels most of the time. We got to learn new things, try new things and be places we've never been before. And the best part of it all was that Harry and I were together through it all.

This is what marriage is supposed to be. No matter what life throws at you, you can get through it as long as you have each other. Well love, I don't plan on leaving Harry ever again. So that curly headed dork is stuck with me and I'm stuck with him.

And honestly? I couldn't be more happier.




I've been here since the beginning and what a crazy ride it's been. I know there's been a lot of sheit happening in the fandom, but it doesn't matter. I'm here for the boys. I'm here for those dorks. I'm here for those weirdos. UGH I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND MY LIFE WOULD BE SO DULL WITHOUT THEM.


But hi hello. Here's the last honeymoon chapter AND NO this doesn't mean that this is the last chapter. If you paid attention to the previous authors note, it said that we're gonna try to stretch this out a little longer so yeah.

What did you think of the chapter?

Looking up the Hawaiian food made me hungry 😂😂

Have any predictions? Feel free to leave them.

Have any questions? Feel free to leave those as well and we will answer them for you!

Please vote and comment. Your feedback means so much to us and seeing your reactions make us smile!

And uh (self promoting again sorry 😫) please also check out my Narry fanfics "The Love We Found" and "1950" on my account BrunoMars_lovr_1D



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